VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Hi Groupies :wave:

I came on the boards to say that yesterday we sold our last DVC contract. Reading the past couple of posts sounds like the Mouse may be out pricing their biggest fans. Sad really. We (Mr Muush) were reminiscing last night about all the great vacations we had at VWL. I'm not sure if we will ever even see Boulder Creek or whatever they call it. I guess we are just too set in our ways! But we have all of those great memories and especially the times when we had meets down there. Remember the time we had an honored guest; Ranger Stan? That was so much fun.

Happy trails to all at the Lodge and everywhere!
Hey, Muush! It's all anecdotal evidence, but it does appear as though Disney has finally begun to alienate larger chunks of people, and perhaps that's their plan as they move forward with a new paradigm. Always good to see you on here, though!
Hi Groupies :wave:

I came on the boards to say that yesterday we sold our last DVC contract. Reading the past couple of posts sounds like the Mouse may be out pricing their biggest fans. Sad really. We (Mr Muush) were reminiscing last night about all the great vacations we had at VWL. I'm not sure if we will ever even see Boulder Creek or whatever they call it. I guess we are just too set in our ways! But we have all of those great memories and especially the times when we had meets down there. Remember the time we had an honored guest; Ranger Stan? That was so much fun.

Happy trails to all at the Lodge and everywhere!
Hi Muushka!

Love seeing you around -- miss your posts.
I'm sorry to hear that DVC is now behind you, but I understand fully. Please continue to stop in!

I've even been caught comparing my DVC membership to alternate plans (not always Disney *ducking the lightning bolt from the Mouse*). I have come to the conclusion that for now my membership still gives me more back than I invest and without it we would not have as many trips of the type I want to look forward to. But I can't say it will be that way forever. At the rate things are changing in Disney it might come sooner than later that my ownership just isn't living up to what I want/need it to.
Hey Muushka!!
Just because you dont own doesn't mean you dont belong here, you know that, right??:goodvibes
That has always been the policy. So please do visit often. We can reminisce about the good ol days, about Stan, about the meets we had in the World.

I too am sad, not surprised about the recent changes within WDW. I think Disney has gotten a bit greedy, though its a business, but Walts vision seems to be changing. If Iger has much to do with it, it seems a good idea that he will be leaving soon. Hopefully someone who has been a Disney fan, is passionate about it first and foremost will take over at the helm, soon.

Like Twinkle says, I feel DVC has given me many trips otherwise I would not have made, and am thankful for that. And I will continue to travel there. I may not be in the parks as much in the future, not sure. But with a SIL that is new to the parks, a grandson who is just discovering Mickey, I see a few years ahead of park plans, etc.
Barb...so sorry to have missed you here! As others have said, you are always welcome here whether you own DVC or not! I hope all is well with you and Chuck.

As for being priced out of Disney, we do look at that from time to time. We are blessed to be able to afford Disney as one of our luxuries in life, though as Jimmy indicated we don't spend as much time in the parks as we used to.

What keeps us hanging on to our DVC is the hope that someday we may have grandchildren to take there. To see little ones eyes light up at the magic are the moments I hope to cherish in the future.
Hopefully someone who has been a Disney fan, is passionate about it first and foremost will take over at the helm, soon.

Honestly I don't think the Disney board would have that anymore and they do the hiring. In part that may be why the last one or two people who were earmarked and being groomed for the roll were cut out. They want another Iger. :(
Thank you everyone for the kind words. And yes, I am a firm believer that once a Groupie, always a Groupie :wave:. I will visit when you pop into my mind.

And for our Groupies who have advanced to enjoying their Grand Groupies at WDW, well that is a whole 'nother story! We took our nieces a few years back and it was fun experiencing it with them. Come to think of it, that was the last time we were there, 2016.

Ah, the memories at VWL. Priceless and we are grateful to have them. But we have enjoyed cruising so much that we realize that sometimes change is good.

For anyone who uses the DVC AP with voucher, do you know if the card pass that you cash in for an official one has a name associated with it? I knew we shouldn't have hung onto those vouchers!
Thank you everyone for the kind words. And yes, I am a firm believer that once a Groupie, always a Groupie :wave:. I will visit when you pop into my mind.

And for our Groupies who have advanced to enjoying their Grand Groupies at WDW, well that is a whole 'nother story! We took our nieces a few years back and it was fun experiencing it with them. Come to think of it, that was the last time we were there, 2016.

Ah, the memories at VWL. Priceless and we are grateful to have them. But we have enjoyed cruising so much that we realize that sometimes change is good.

For anyone who uses the DVC AP with voucher, do you know if the card pass that you cash in for an official one has a name associated with it? I knew we shouldn't have hung onto those vouchers!

Hi Muushka! :wave:

The AP vouchers do not have a name associated. They can be transferred up until they are activated. :thumbsup2 If you happened to assign them to yourselves in MDE then they can be reassigned but have to be someone linked to you thru MDE.
So, were there any new price increases announced overnight? Maybe they finally installed locks on the bathroom doors? They could just charge to your MB I'm sure. And does anyone remember back when that wasn't uncommon to have those in airports years ago? :eek:
Hi Groupies :wave:

I came on the boards to say that yesterday we sold our last DVC contract. Reading the past couple of posts sounds like the Mouse may be out pricing their biggest fans. Sad really. We (Mr Muush) were reminiscing last night about all the great vacations we had at VWL. I'm not sure if we will ever even see Boulder Creek or whatever they call it. I guess we are just too set in our ways! But we have all of those great memories and especially the times when we had meets down there. Remember the time we had an honored guest; Ranger Stan? That was so much fun.

Happy trails to all at the Lodge and everywhere!

I am glad you got to do what you wanted, but you’ll be missed if you’re not available for a meet in the future. Best wishes!
So, were there any new price increases announced overnight? Maybe they finally installed locks on the bathroom doors? They could just charge to your MB I'm sure. And does anyone remember back when that wasn't uncommon to have those in airports years ago? :eek:
I do remember them for a brief time. Ugh.
Finally had a few minutes to get caught up. It has been crazy around here as usual, so this mia spell lasted a little longer than I wanted.
Texas has had some really crazy weather in the last few weeks. Dallas has been hit with tornadoes while we have had just some rain. . . until yesterday. My hometown of Greenville got hit with 85 mph straight line winds and sustained quite a bit of damage to the historic part of our downtown plus some select parts of the rest of the city. A church I used to go to got a lot of damage while our Whataburger lost part of its roof. It will take a while to clean up and recover. The rest of our county lost a lot of trees and there was a lot of hail. At my house the hail was nickel size marbles. Hopefully no problems with my roof!
Clay has been doing pretty good. He has had all the tubes removed and tomorrow has his last therapy session. He is really proud of that. We will have one more test in July and meet with his Urologist and then hopefully only see that doctor once a year.
Sleepy, sorry I was offline and not able to tell you have a speedy recovery. Glad you are doing well.
Muushka, sorry I missed you. Hope to talk to you in the future.
Kati is working down in south Texas at the Lions Camp again and having a pretty good time so far. Miss her dearly, but we have been doing some extra planning for our cruise this fall which will be the last one we have planned. We have six placeholders, but so far none of the itineraries have jumped out at us.
We hope to go back to WDW sometime in 2020, but no solid plans yet. Hope to make a decision before the end of this year. I will worry about prices later!

Hope all groupies are having a great summer.
Finally had a few minutes to get caught up. It has been crazy around here as usual, so this mia spell lasted a little longer than I wanted.
Texas has had some really crazy weather in the last few weeks. Dallas has been hit with tornadoes while we have had just some rain. . . until yesterday. My hometown of Greenville got hit with 85 mph straight line winds and sustained quite a bit of damage to the historic part of our downtown plus some select parts of the rest of the city. A church I used to go to got a lot of damage while our Whataburger lost part of its roof. It will take a while to clean up and recover. The rest of our county lost a lot of trees and there was a lot of hail. At my house the hail was nickel size marbles. Hopefully no problems with my roof!
Clay has been doing pretty good. He has had all the tubes removed and tomorrow has his last therapy session. He is really proud of that. We will have one more test in July and meet with his Urologist and then hopefully only see that doctor once a year.
Sleepy, sorry I was offline and not able to tell you have a speedy recovery. Glad you are doing well.
Muushka, sorry I missed you. Hope to talk to you in the future.
Kati is working down in south Texas at the Lions Camp again and having a pretty good time so far. Miss her dearly, but we have been doing some extra planning for our cruise this fall which will be the last one we have planned. We have six placeholders, but so far none of the itineraries have jumped out at us.
We hope to go back to WDW sometime in 2020, but no solid plans yet. Hope to make a decision before the end of this year. I will worry about prices later!

Hope all groupies are having a great summer.
Welcome back, Kathy! Sorry to hear of all the rough weather out your way. And summer is just getting started. Wishing you all the best.

Update on back: nothing much to report. I'm healing, walking up to 2.5-3 miles a day, mobility is about where it was pre-operation, and I'm hoping to advance more in the coming several weeks to months. In resort news, heading soon to HHI. Haven't stayed there in several years, though we've visited 3-4 times the past 6 years.
Finally had a few minutes to get caught up. It has been crazy around here as usual, so this mia spell lasted a little longer than I wanted.
Texas has had some really crazy weather in the last few weeks. Dallas has been hit with tornadoes while we have had just some rain. . . until yesterday. My hometown of Greenville got hit with 85 mph straight line winds and sustained quite a bit of damage to the historic part of our downtown plus some select parts of the rest of the city. A church I used to go to got a lot of damage while our Whataburger lost part of its roof. It will take a while to clean up and recover. The rest of our county lost a lot of trees and there was a lot of hail. At my house the hail was nickel size marbles. Hopefully no problems with my roof!
Clay has been doing pretty good. He has had all the tubes removed and tomorrow has his last therapy session. He is really proud of that. We will have one more test in July and meet with his Urologist and then hopefully only see that doctor once a year.
Sleepy, sorry I was offline and not able to tell you have a speedy recovery. Glad you are doing well.
Muushka, sorry I missed you. Hope to talk to you in the future.
Kati is working down in south Texas at the Lions Camp again and having a pretty good time so far. Miss her dearly, but we have been doing some extra planning for our cruise this fall which will be the last one we have planned. We have six placeholders, but so far none of the itineraries have jumped out at us.
We hope to go back to WDW sometime in 2020, but no solid plans yet. Hope to make a decision before the end of this year. I will worry about prices later!

Hope all groupies are having a great summer.

Glad you are OK. I was watching those storms (Ian and I are trained spotters) and was so worried about Greenville. That storm had a horribly nasty hook on it which is a sign of a tornado. So glad it was only straight line winds - even with as damaging as they can be and were. I saw some photos of Greenville. Your town was hit hard. Hopefully we are done with this severe weather stuff. What a strange severe weather season this has been for us.
Well, the weekend is almost gone, Groupies. Sigh. Meanwhile, no posts for nearly 48 hours, so that means everyone must be having a busy and (hopefully) lovely time. We've gone walking both days after grabbing coffee and put in about 7 miles total. Not bad for someone who was limited to the couch just a couple of weeks ago.

In Disney news, well, there is no real news. I have noticed with a bit of resignation that other resorts--moderates--have upped their culinary game while WL, home that I still want to love dearly, is languishing. I sure hope that someone somewhere connected to Disney will remember that WL is supposed to be a deluxe resort. On that note, enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Muush, I echo many of the sentiments already expressed....I totally understand where you are coming from. Hope you will continue to check in! :)
Morning Groupies!

We enjoyed a lovely weekend on the Cape visiting my sil and bil and checking out the wedding and rehearsal dinner venues! The countdown is winding down!!!
Celebrated our 44th this past weekend. Just about wrapping up the first floor renovations. DiznyDi is excited about the changes to the kitchen and living room. We should have furniture back in our living room within a few days - finally a place to sit other than a kitchen chair. It all started the second week of December. It has been a long time since I could count on finding anything for "Porch Time" in the same spot more than twice. :drinking1
Congrats Di and Dad - house re-do is not for the faint of heart! And Congrats on 44 yrs!!!!

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