V's gettin' back to the Bad Girl bod! Gonna lose weight in 2008!

I made it through the weekend!! I had to salivate over some Disney Dining menu's...let's see I am trying to get skinny so I can gorge at the World nice....:)
I brought a salad for lunch and cheese and sugar free jello for snacks! Tonight's the big game!! and I can't wait! Not sure about dinner, I have a roast and some chicken thawing.....:) I can't wait to go work out and weigh in, I know it hasn't been a week yet , but I want to see if the weekend helped. I still have had nothing but water...I bought some light lemonade but is has aspertame which Atkins prefers Splenda as sweeter, so I'll hold off on that.
Congrats on making it through the weekend! :thumbsup2 (I knew you could do it!)

I'm sure you will see some good results on the scale, since you've eaten so well and worked out so much!

(we need a little weight lifter smilie ;))
Oh my!!

I am so glad I have to walk out to my car on lunch to get my gymbag....I had an almost flat time. So, I went to the gym - and get this...did my 30 min on bike only...but I did that for two reasons....not excuses...one, I needed to get my car down to Firestone and two I wanted to read more of my hit trashy Bad Girl romance novel......ok, no really, the Da Vinci Code. I figure I better read it before the movie hits!

So I do my ritual...change, restroom, weigh in and OMH - 151!!! I am down 6lbs. I am sure most of it was/is due to TOM, but I am going to keep doing what I am doing since it seems to be working. So 16 pounds to get back to ww lifetime goal! Why is it that 16 sounds somuch better than 20 yet it's only 4 lbs difference?

Yipppee!! I am so excited about my weight I take my car in and sign my life away....they are going to patch the tire (if that's what it is fingers crossed), oil change and new wiper blades. Mine are in desperate need of repair. And I added a 5 min walk in there too - in my 3 inch Bad Girl heels!! (Firestone is up the street, so I dropped the car off and walked back to work).....

The Sarasota Film Festival is going on dowstairs...there are some celebs here....big crowds but I am not sure who and I couldn't see over/through everyone. I do know this weekend they are hosting an outdoor showing of Madagascar which I think we will go to...right on the bayfront, should be awesome!

On to lunch - did my workout and now I am eating my salad, lettuce, cukes and sprinkle cheese (shredded cheese) with oil and vinegar, and some sliced meat...yummmmm....(not really - I really want a big fat juicy, rolls down your forearm hambuger with some nice crispy fries.....
lillygator said:
So I do my ritual...change, restroom, weigh in and OMH - 151!!! I am down 6lbs. I am sure most of it was/is due to TOM, but I am going to keep doing what I am doing since it seems to be working. So 16 pounds to get back to ww lifetime goal! Why is it that 16 sounds somuch better than 20 yet it's only 4 lbs difference?

Vanessa - that is AWESOME!!!
:woohoo: :cool1: :Pinkbounc :banana: :yay: :bounce: :woohoo:

Congrats on the loss. That is sooo great. I truly believe that is from all of your hard work & dedication to Atkins.

You'll have your big ol' burger sooner than you think!!
Yesterday was so hectic! It's month end close at work and I am swamped - I didn't make it to the gym and I was pretty disappointed. By the time I looked up (after meetings and everything else) it was 2pm!
So today I have my remnders on to tell me to get out of here and work out! I've stayed on track eating wise though and am anxious to see what the "official" week one results are!
You are doing great! When your work calms down you will be able to get back into your exercise routine.

Keep it up! :cheer2:
got in my cardio, some crunches and weights today. Skipped breakfast (I know, bad!) and my first week of Atkin's induction was a 6 pound loss....so still at 151 and hopefully next Wednesday I will have a bit more off as well!

16 pounds to go!
Congrats on making it through the first week! 6lbs is a lot of weight to lose in 7 days! :cheer2:
You're doing great!! Congrats on the official 6 pound loss! :cool1:

Next week you'll be saying....."HELLO 140's!!!" :wave:
I sure hope so!

I went to the gym today and did 30 min cardio and 15 min weights, had my bunless burger and that's about it! I plan to get in some exercise this weekend as well...maybe walk the beach or something. Anything is better than sitting on my behind!
hmmm....Saturday.....I've only had hearts of palm and that's it. I know I should eat something more, but I need to go grocery shopping and I am not really hungry. Not sure what to cook for dinner. Maybe steak and broccoli and salad. When Haley gets up from nap we'll hit Publix and then go for a nice walk....:) gotta get some exercise this weekend!
Weekends are always hard to squeeze in workouts, but you can do it! :cheer2:
Hi V....welcome back!!! You have a great plan...I know you can do it!!!

Hope you had a good weekend!!!

Happy Monday!
Made it through to today...no weight change so 6 pound loss for two weeks of Atkins I'll take but I am going to switch over to WW for the 16 pounds remaining. I think I was hoping for a quick fix!
I went to the gym today and did 20 min on the bike and 100 crunches. We are planning on walking the beach tonight so I'll get a little more in. Haven't yet eaten today - just water, but starting tomorrow I am going to have Special K for breakfast - this always helped fill me up and get my metabolism going in the am!

34 days until Disney - my goal is to lose another 5 pounds in that time and work out as much as possible! :)
lillygator said:
34 days until Disney - my goal is to lose another 5 pounds in that time and work out as much as possible! :)

You can do it!! :cheer2:

Keep up the GREAT work! You'll keep seeing results! :thumbsup2
Vanessa you're doing so great!

I'm just catching up on journals, and I'm impressed!!

I just read you live in Siesta Key.....how far down is that? DD wants desperately to live in the keys and is planning to go so the Dolphin Research Center camp next summer, so maybe I'll get to see some beach time!!

Hope you're having a good week!
Hey vanessa! I just decided to start reading some journals and may do one of my own, but wanted to tell you that you are doing great!! Six pounds is a good bit in two weeks, although I know how you were secretly praying you'd get another 6 down in week two! Good luck and keep it up!
Hi all and thanks for dropping by.....last night was good...I stayed within my 20 points so I am happy about that...now today I am craving junk - I think it's mental! I haven't eaten all day but I think I may go and get Subway - that's not terribly high in points so I'd be ok with it. And then not sure about dinner...DD has swim lessons so maybe something easy and a nice long walk after dinner! :)
Great job Vanessa, I am just lurking at this point trying to decide if I want to start a journal.

I love the Florida Keys how wonderful that you are able to live there. I'm jealous.

You can do it. :cheer2:
Actually Siesta is off Sarasota, not way down in the Keys...I love the Keys too!

This weekend I am going to do lots of walking but plan on being bad!! Cuz we're going to Disney tomorrow and staying overnight! I am psyched!! :) Mickey bars - here I come!


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