V's BDay SURPRISE with 99 Characters and Costumes Galore Update May 19th Happy BDAY V

Ooh- can't wait to see where you eat dinner! Love the Mickey and Minnie pictures- sorry the wait was so long!
Erin, I know how busy your weeks can be, I just wanted to let you know I AM reading and just wanted to say HI and looking forward to more! V was simply adorable as usual, I LOVE that skirt!
Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!


Day 1
Part 5: A sweet treat!

Where were we.... oh that’s right we were rushing down Main Street late for our reservation. However then I saw the photo pass photographers and that gorgeous castle and well you know what we had to do! STOP and take some pics! They are not the best pictures but they are magic!


And then we were off!! We zipped through Tomorrowland..... Any idea where we are going??? We stopped here!
(borrowed from google)

V couldn’t believe it when I told her we were going to a party that had only desserts!!!!

It took a while to get checked in. And I mean a LONG time at least 10 minutes. They really should come up with a faster system.

Thanks to DISBOARDS and the dessert party watch thread, I had managed to book our spots the day bookings opened and we were rewarded with the best seat in the house! We were dead centre in front of the castle in the front row! It didn’t matter for the fireworks portion since we stood at the railing anyways as did everyone else, but it was nice to have the option to stay at our seats!
After putting our stuff down, we grabbed a picture in front of the castle and then headed for the desserts.

The Desserts (Picture borrowed from Google)

I helped V get her plate and she promptly dropped her chocolate mousse TWICE by trying to get stuff herself and not listening. Sigh.... Remember Erin you ARE in Disney! I went then to get stuff for myself and quickly realized I had NO idea what I could eat... Darn I thought the desserts would at least be labelled and they were not. I approached a CM for help and she didn’t know so she went to talk to her manager. I waited a few minutes but they were so busy and she never came back so I just went ahead and picked a few things I KNEW I could eat. (I am deathly allergic to all nuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts.... You get the idea). I was disappointed that I didn’t get to try some different things, but what could I do. Next time I definitely would make sure that I identified my allergy ahead of time so I could get some clarification and I’ve decided next time to do this for all meals as it was a recurring theme.
We ate and watched the gorgeous castle


V had a total blast eating desserts.

She was able to see a tiny bit of the Electrical Parade and then the real magic began with The Magic The Memories & You. I can’t help but I tear up during that show. I do every time, even watching it on the computer.

Next it was time for the main event and V sported her very cool pink headphones. These headphones were a lifesaver. I took V to her first fireworks show when she was 3. It was painful to say the least, she cried through it. The next summer at age 4 she huddled in the stroller with her hands covering her ears while watching Wishes. This time she had her earphones and she LOVED it! It was so nice to watch the show and not have to keep looking at a pained expression on her face. I highly recommend them for anyone with young kids!


I LOVE Wishes, it is without a doubt my favourite fireworks show. I was so sad to see it come to an end.
(Some pics from Wishes, they aren’t mine, I didn’t have my good camera.) It is simply breath taking.





V was a total trooper as we were leaving. I knew I HAD to get her out as soon as possible so we could get back to the hotel and get to bed. I grabbed V’s hand and we booted it out of there. She was fabulous she never complained, never slowed down and never let go of my hand. Crowd levels were a 10 that night and I was NOT up for getting stuck in them. It went smoother and easier than I anticipated. We alternated and dodged people and strollers moving from the street to the sidewalk and back, whichever path was clearer and we got out easily and we were on the first bus back to Port Orleans Riverside. I tucked V into bed and it was the end of a wonderful day.

Well for her maybe. I had at least another hour of work ahead of me; organizing outfits and costumes for tomorrow, unpacking suitcases and decorating the room. Finally it was time to crash and that I did.

And just to end off with this You Tube Video......
I loved the update - I am sorry I missed it...

I love V's skirt and her bag - she looked incredibly adorable and "Disney like" for her first day.

Sorry the boat ride took so long... And you had to wait so long at FQ... We only rode the boat once to DTD and back - it was a nice ride, I thought, but you had a lot further to go than we did.

Glad you finially got to meet The Mouse... I hope you made it to your ADR on time.

And sorry about Elizabeth - hopefully you can do some damage control on her over the next few days.


Thanks D, Elizabeths hair was mostly returned to normal. It took about an hour and a lot of frustration but it did recurl fine with just water!!!!

I am just the most impatient person lol

Ooh- can't wait to see where you eat dinner! Love the Mickey and Minnie pictures- sorry the wait was so long!
As you read we didn't eat dinner but dessert!

Erin, I know how busy your weeks can be, I just wanted to let you know I AM reading and just wanted to say HI and looking forward to more! V was simply adorable as usual, I LOVE that skirt!

Judy you have so much on your plate! Thank you for reading. I've slowly been catching up on yours it seems like I am always in catch up mode!
Oh and REAL LIFE UPDATE! !!!!!!

V and I are going to see Taylor Swift in June!!!!!!
YUM! Sorry you didn't know what you could eat :( I'm disappointed that someone didn't help you!

And YAY for Taylor!!!
I am in search of the small photo album for Disney World 2011. It holds 200 4x6 photos and says 2011 on it and it's lime green. I've tried ebay and classifieds and no luck. I'm also in search of a 2011 christmas ornament from Disney, whatever as long as it says 2011 on it again no luck. anyone have any suggestions of where else to look?
I missed your list update Erin... Sorry about that. Loved all the pictures - that Dessert Party looks like a fabulous place to see the fireworks from. Everyone that has ever done this has had great things to say about it. I may have to addt his to our might do list.

Loved your fireworks pictures, as well.

I would continue to watch Ebay. Otherwise, do a Google IMAGE search and see if any pop up anywhere else, that may be your easiest way to find one.

D thanks for the suggestion on the image search I never thought of it, sadly nothing yet!

I am poppin in to say Hi! Busy Busy Busy Bee over here!

Work is utterly insane.

I ordered a brother pe770 a few weeks ago and am so excited however heres the laugh. I haven't touched it yet! I haven't had time. My mom's mission is to test and play with it. By the time I get home from work around 7 after a full day teaching at school with a good class or a bad class, then V from around 4-6/6:30 (or 8 on wed!) I'm exhausted and sewing is the last thing on my mind. But I've been busy and my mom has been helping and doing get some projects done.
V leaves with her parents in 1 week for a Disney 4 night cruise. I am working on a Cruise dress for her, a princess skirt and matching shirt and I've made a patchwork skirt and just need to make the matching shirt. It should all get accomplished in time! (I hope)

One of these days I will get around to posting pics of the outfits!

I WILL Do a TR update next week after V is gone!
I ordered a brother pe770 a few weeks ago and am so excited however heres the laugh. I haven't touched it yet! I haven't had time. My mom's mission is to test and play with it. By the time I get home from work around 7 after a full day teaching at school with a good class or a bad class, then V from around 4-6/6:30 (or 8 on wed!) I'm exhausted and sewing is the last thing on my mind. But I've been busy and my mom has been helping and doing get some projects done.
V leaves with her parents in 1 week for a Disney 4 night cruise. I am working on a Cruise dress for her, a princess skirt and matching shirt and I've made a patchwork skirt and just need to make the matching shirt. It should all get accomplished in time! (I hope)

One of these days I will get around to posting pics of the outfits!

I WILL Do a TR update next week after V is gone!

I feel personally responsible for you buying the embroidery machine when you did, so I have to live vicariously through you! :rotfl2: I can't WAIT to see the pictures! popcorn::popcorn::

I wanted to say:

I can't wait to see everything you made for V for her cruise!

Just stopping by to wish you a...


Catching up luving the Tea Party pics and luv V's pose in front of the Castle.

Hello! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

So V's cruise stuff was finished at the last possible second, I had to deliver it the next morning. My mom and I worked on it. I did all the appliquees and cutting and put the bodice together. my mom did the ruffles and attaching the skirt to the bodice. It took the majority of two days to non stop to make. Insane amount of time. My embroidery machine was not easy peasy to figure out.

I made two skirts, a simple princess twirl skirt and a christmas themed Patchwork twirl skirt. I made these shirts to match.


The dress was a Simply Sweet, but we added panels of different fabric which made the dress REALLY full! it nearly doubled the width of it. We also altered doing 3 layers of ruffles which done by hand took a REALLY long time.
The end Result was fabulous, I'm pretty proud of it.










ERIN!!!!!! :worship::worship: Those are AMAZING! All of them!! Thank you for sharing.

Just waiting on the children to wake up and sharing more holiday wishes.

Day 2 Friday July 6th 2012
Part 1: A Grumpy Breakfast

About 7 weeks before leaving for our trip I ordered 2 dresses for V. One was for our day at Animal Kingdom and the second for our dinner at Chef Mickey. I knew I was cutting it a little close but as long as it shipped out within a week as was guaranteed I would be fine. After about 3 weeks I contacted the seller since I hadnt gotten an email that it had shipped. I was horrified to hear that she had run out of the material she needed and shed placed an order and was waiting for it. I explained when my trip was and asked her to please keep me updated. 2 weeks later... I still hadnt heard from her so I emailed again to ask the status and to remind her to email me when it was done as I would pay extra for faster shipping. Her response was that she had finished the dress and had shipped it the day before. Well CRAP!!!!! We had 2 weeks until we left and coupled with holidays I was so worried it wouldnt get there in time. Thus began my war with the mail. We were getting down to crunch time and still nothing. My mom and I were working our hardest to get Vs costumes done and each day I checked the mail with earnest but nothing. Nothing on Thursday and Friday was the last day for mail delivery; we were leaving Saturday afternoon. Friday morning I was on the computer ironing out more trip plans when I heard, Erin you have a package I will not lie, there were actual tears! I was so happy that they had come at the last possible moment. It even overshadowed the fact that I was slightly unimpressed with the fact that the one dress had an extremely short tie and you couldn't do anything more than a knot and there were still threads needing to be cut. I began to wonder about the delay of all this.
Unfortunately the bows I had ordered did not arrive in time. Too bad. But it was my fault for leaving it too long but oh well the dresses were there and that was what mattered the most.
Erin =1, undeliverable Mail = 1 (we were tied)

**** Back to Disney****

My alarm went off early on day 2; Far too early if you ask me! I dont think I got to bed the night before until well after 1 am and we had to be up early for our breakfast reservation! I got up and got ready pretty quickly making sure to lather on the sunscreen because I would sure need it. I try to get everything ready before waking up V because then I can just focus on getting her dressed and out the door. We had an 8am breakfast to get to so I was probably up by 6:15, showered and ready by 6:45 to get V up. Im surprised V didnt wake up to my alarm, its not exactly quiet!
V was a little slow to wake up that morning. Shed had a late night the night before and even though we had rushed straight back and right to bed, she was still tired and grumpy. Not that I blamed her! She was used to going to bed at 8 and shed gone to bed at 11 and was up around 6:45. She did okay though. She loved her Animal Kingdom Dress and I was so disappointed to discover it was too big! Despite giving her measurements to the person who made it, it was still quite big on her and I had to keep retying it all day.
After getting V slathered in sunscreen, dressed and everything packed including lots of extra bottled water we were off. We made it to the bus for 7:15. I dont remember having to wait too long and then we got on and we were off!!! Any guesses as to where we were going?
Hows this for a clue!


We had reservations with Donald!!!!! We had an 8 am reservation at Tusker House and it was bordering 7:55 so we were a little behind schedule. After taking a quick picture at the front we headed up to the turnstiles to be let in. We headed straight for the CM I knew was letting those in who had breakfast ressies as Id seen another family go there. We were about 2 feet in front of him when he saw another group trying to go through a different turnstile and called them over to chat well it wasnt just a little group, and then they stopped and waited for the rest of their huge group to catch up. Then couldnt find their names on the reservation sheet because they were too early for their reservation and then werent allowed into the park and had to sit and wait!

Why on earth does Animal Kingdom have to be the only park that slows things down by checking reservation names? Sigh, we werent waiting too long but long enough to be grumpy that we were cut in line and delayed (yes it was too early and I was too tired!).

Once we got in I pushed V in the stroller to Tusker House. Holy moly it was a longer walk than I was expecting. I was sweating by the time we got there. We joined the line to check in at the booth and I was relieved when we were told to go right in awesome! Despite being late we were good to go. Then I saw the line to wait in to get your picture taken with Donald. Aye Carumba! It was long. It was 8:25 by the time we got our pictures taken with Donald. 25 min late for our 8 am seat time! V was beyond hungry and grumpy.



Once we got seated I took V to get some food ASAP as the characters were nearing our table.

We got back just in time to see

& Daisy

While V was visiting with Daisy the parade started and she took V along. I dont know what was up with V this day but I think it was just taking her longer to warm up to characters since she freaked and left the parade as you can see in this short video clip. You can't really see it but the look on her face said "I want to cry get away from me lol"

& Goofy!

I am a horrible diser and did not get pics of our food. Like most kids her age, V has turned into a picky eater so I wasnt able to get her to eat a whole lot and she was tired. It was at this point I was realizing that doing the dessert party was a BAD idea!!!! It really didnt work into our schedule to do it another day, but in the future I would never do it nor any late night on the first day again. I wasnt a huge fan of the food at Tusker House. I think it was just a little bit too out there for me and again I didnt know what I could eat and couldnt it and at that point I wasnt going to spend the time to find out. I loved the jambo juice! I managed to get V to eat a little egg and some fruit.

After we finished eating we got the bill and headed to our first ride. Can you guess where?

Vs Animal Kingdom Dress Photoshoot pics!


Previous Character Count: 4
This Chapter: 4
Total Count: 8
Grrr just looking at the bow on that AK dress annoys me. It was the worst looking bow i've seen. It hardly even looks like one!
I feel personally responsible for you buying the embroidery machine when you did, so I have to live vicariously through you! :rotfl2: I can't WAIT to see the pictures! popcorn::popcorn::

I wanted to say:

H ah ah Judy Yes it is all YOUR fault!
I can't wait to see everything you made for V for her cruise!

Just stopping by to wish you a...

Thank you D!!! I posted the pics of the cruise and dress a few pics up.
They had a blast but i don't think her parents will be taking her on a cruise again. Her mom didn't really like it. Party poopers!

Catching up luving the Tea Party pics and luv V's pose in front of the Castle.

Aww thanks glad to see you the tea party was so cute!

ERIN!!!!!! :worship::worship: Those are AMAZING! All of them!! Thank you for sharing.

Just waiting on the children to wake up and sharing more holiday wishes.


Oh Thank you so much Judy!!!! and thank you for the christmas and New Year Wishes. I had wanted to reply sooner but despite it being the holidays, i had no time! been busy busy busy. My dad reformatted my computer. It took him 2 days!!!

I am so happy with how the dress turned out. I just wish I could have been there!​


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