VGF, Dole Whips, Milky Way Sundaes, peas on the floor and an extra night.


Mother of Dragons :)
Jun 22, 2013
We've returned to the frozen tundra of Cleveland, and so the best solace is to recount our trip in great detail! You can find my pre-trip report at if you are in the mood to follow from the very beginning!

We'll start with the buildup...

With all this planning I engaged in, you'd think Friday night before the trip would sail by with no stress. Ha. Ha. Ha.

More soon.
Just read your pre-trip report. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!
I think I've mostly recovered-- my bag still hasn't been unpacked but otherwise we are good!

I put together a photobucket slideshow of our room and views from villa 1603 at the Grand, it was heavenly. And in a rare burst of industry I compiled and ordered a photobook (thanks to a Shutterfly President's Day weekend sale). at Grand Floridian Standard 1 BR 1603

I suppose I'll start where I left off--at the pre-beginning. I got home from work on the Friday before we were to leave and I checked my handy 'Master Packer' list to see where I was. About 50% of the items needed were of the last minute variety. However, some, like the sport baby carriers, were no where to be found. We finally located one, and I whipped out a 'moby wrap' a friend had given me but I had never used. At this point, the girls were in bed but my husband and I were basically not speaking, since I had accused him of accusing me of losing everything (which all the evidence suggested that I do). I prayed the backup wrap thing would hold a toddler and watched an indecipherable YouTube video showing me how to do a double hip wrap or some such nonsense. (Spoiler: it worked, but looked very silly. I probably did NOT do it correctly but no one fell out)

Then we needed to make sure we had copies of the girl's birth certificates. For that we needed the key to the safe. THAT fell squarely on my husband's shoulders because I have no idea how to operate the small machine that holds all of our vital and property records. Yes, this is horrendously irresponsible of me as a parent and an attorney. Luckily, he could not blame me for this so I allowed him to sweat that out. He found it and I scanned the copies, putting them in a special 'all the stuff we can't lose [again]' zip case.

I was determined to remember to bring the baby monitor this time (I forgot it last time) so I packed one half of it. Anyone want to guess whether I remembered the other half?

Not sure where my brain went the last few days before vacation.

We finally collapsed in bed at midnight with the alarm set for 5 am, and I was so stressed about everything I was actually wishing we'd planned no vacation at all. That gives you an idea about my mental state.

Up ahead, flying south.

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