Very addicting

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raammartin said:
Have y'all seen this cleaner commercial?

"Oh, Sharon, this stuff won't help you get rid of your mold in the bathroom."

"Will it help you forget our address?"

LOL :rotfl2:

That is my favorite commercial these days! I laugh out loud EVERY time! My DH just stares at me. I don't think he gets it..... :rotfl2:
by the way, OP....thank for this link. Now I'll never get anything done! :thumbsup2 :teeth:
hello from the uk!!!

Goodbye, from the US!!!
See your goodbye from the US and raise you two hello's from the UK.
I see all your goodbyes and raise again your hellos and add in my love fbm bmc
i say hello and goodbye from the USA
I say 'ey up!'
Hi from the UK (wave)
from Benidormqueen mse º0º. xxx


Hello Benidormqueen! :wave: I found your bottle!
OK, now you have me addicted, too. Received one this evening about horror movies. Sent a few out w/the initials SW or SMW. It's been awhile since I've received another bottle.
yeah, been hitting it since this afternoon pretty much. Has anyone ever gotten their original message back with replies?
plgrn said:
yeah, been hitting it since this afternoon pretty much. Has anyone ever gotten their original message back with replies?

I never have gotten my original message back, but I have gotten one back I replied on. It was just a "where are you" one.
Ok whose favorite color is "parking lot yellow ~DIS~" LOL That's my first one from a Diser!
So, what do we write on our messages to let people know we're from Disboards!? I just sent a bottle w/ ~DIS~ after my initials and the date. Is this correct!? Please advise.

BTW -- is it just me or are bottles coming in slowly!?!?
I just discovered oceangram today, and my 2nd message was from DIS kimmie5. Too cool!
Have you ever received your own bottle back?

Not yet, but I hope to.
me neither, It would be fun to read what people wrote.
Yep, several times. What does that say about me?
Yep another DISer
ºoº Southern4sure ºoº

Nop not yet but i would love to see what people have written on it.... watch this space....
No, but I have seen it happen. I would absolutely love to know what wise Oceangrammers have replied to my messages.
This is actually the first bottle I have received! I will be writing one next.
Nope, not yet.

What is a DISer?
sometimes I discard bottles... but thought it would be a shame to do it with this one x
I haven't gotten my own back either. Nor have I gotten any that my YaYa's have sent. I hope I do soon!
Currently (8/23/06) there have been 1.3 million bottles delivered. That means the odds of getting your own are pretty slim, even if you've sent thousands of them.
I have had a couple back that i have added to.. never got an original back though ..I guess people must just discard them for the heck of it..

(vl Dibb) though I am an occasional Dis'er too oh and a Disab'er too

Looks like a slow night for the bottles and the boards. I finally got anothe DIS one though.
Everytime the fog horn blows, my dog looks at the computer with a confused look on her face.
I received my one bottle back that I sent earlier this evening! I replied to it -- haha!!!! I thought it was pretty unlikely that I'd get my own bottle back so quickly. Go figure.
I have been sending out tons of Dis bottles with letters from characters, song lyrics, made up stories using the characters... real quality stuff (lol) and nothing has been found. So now I've decided to stalk Elvis Bloggs by oceangram. Mostly because I love saying the name Elvis Bloggs. Hope he doesn't mind, it's really all in fun. ;)
Good Morning :surfweb: I have a bottle that is sitting on the sand with the cork wiggling like crazy but won't pop open?? It's been about five minutes.

Good luck with your bottles today!!!
nicdanh said:
Good Morning :surfweb: I have a bottle that is sitting on the sand with the cork wiggling like crazy but won't pop open?? It's been about five minutes.

Good luck with your bottles today!!!

Thats all I've had for a couple of days now. They just sit there and wiggle, but never do open. So frustrating. Personally, I think my dh did something to the computer to keep me from hitting the bottles! :teeth: :teeth:
Okay I am on my 3rd bottle and they still won't open!!! :badpc:

And I just realized your can put the sound on....DAH!
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