Venture outside your comfort zone: the rewards are worth it! KSellers88’s Journal (Comments Welcome)

I love that race picture - you may be bundled up and cold, but you're smiling and that's all that matters!

Congrats on the age group win - definitely not bad less than a week post-marathon :)
Congrats on the age group award!!


Thank you so much!

Wooot wooot on that 1st place!!!


Great job speedy!!


Congrats on the AG!!! Great to read that the IT band wasn't an issue, too!

:cool1: Yes! Thanks! So glad it has been alright lately!

Congratulations on the award!!!!

Thank you!

I love that race picture - you may be bundled up and cold, but you're smiling and that's all that matters!

Congrats on the age group win - definitely not bad less than a week post-marathon :)

Trust me, that smile is not necessarily real. LOL. I hate the cold! Thank you!
Congrats on the award! I get so excited when I finish near the top of my ag, even if there are only like 7 of us total.

I'm also following a db plan for an April 28 half. It'll be fun to train virtually alongside you!

LOL, same here! Oh awesome, we can be virtual training partners! I think he has a lot that day and the weekend before, hopefully we will all crush our goals and remain injury free!
January Half Marathon Recap: Callaway Gardens Half

This past Saturday I completed half marathon number one of my 12 month half marathon journey! I chose the Callaway Gardens Half Marathon because it was within driving distance and didn’t require a hotel stay the night before. I got up Saturday around 6:00, got dressed, ate my Clif bar, drank my water, took my vitamins and was out the door by 6:30. I arrived at Callaway around 7:20 and started the packet pickup process.

It was overcast with a light drizzle, but in the 50s. Unfortunately there was a steady wind, so I decided to keep my jacket on since I only had a tank top underneath and was wearing shorts. I decided to stick with the 4 hour pacer (the marathon is two loops of the half course, so it was also the 2 hour pacer) since I was supposed to run this at my long run pace of 9:10 per mile.

There were a few issues with this strategy. The first issue was that I completely forgot why I said “Never Again!” when I ran this race last year. The entire run is up and down, then WAY down, then WAY up, then back down and then up again! It is relatively flat where I live and this 519 feet of elevation gain is not something I was prepared for.
callaway elevation.jpg
The second issue is that the pacers were WAY off and really confused me. I started with the 2 hour pacer, but quickly realized he was running way ahead of a 9:10 pace within the first half mile. I decided to slow down and follow my own watch for pacing. Around mile two, the 2:15 pacer passed me, which made absolutely no sense because I was running around a 9:15 pace at that time. She passed me and just kept on going way faster than a 9:44 pace that she should have been running and left me looking around like :confused3.
callaway half.jpg
Minus all the pacing confusion and the hills, I still managed to finish in 2:04:57 with an average pace of 9:32. I also somehow managed to win second place in my age group and got a pretty mug. The medal is super cute, but I definitely don’t plan to do this race again next year (someone please remind me of this!!).
callaway half 2.jpg
One month down, eleven to go! Princess Half up next!
January Half Marathon Recap: Callaway Gardens Half

This past Saturday I completed half marathon number one of my 12 month half marathon journey! I chose the Callaway Gardens Half Marathon because it was within driving distance and didn’t require a hotel stay the night before. I got up Saturday around 6:00, got dressed, ate my Clif bar, drank my water, took my vitamins and was out the door by 6:30. I arrived at Callaway around 7:20 and started the packet pickup process.

It was overcast with a light drizzle, but in the 50s. Unfortunately there was a steady wind, so I decided to keep my jacket on since I only had a tank top underneath and was wearing shorts. I decided to stick with the 4 hour pacer (the marathon is two loops of the half course, so it was also the 2 hour pacer) since I was supposed to run this at my long run pace of 9:10 per mile.

There were a few issues with this strategy. The first issue was that I completely forgot why I said “Never Again!” when I ran this race last year. The entire run is up and down, then WAY down, then WAY up, then back down and then up again! It is relatively flat where I live and this 519 feet of elevation gain is not something I was prepared for.
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The second issue is that the pacers were WAY off and really confused me. I started with the 2 hour pacer, but quickly realized he was running way ahead of a 9:10 pace within the first half mile. I decided to slow down and follow my own watch for pacing. Around mile two, the 2:15 pacer passed me, which made absolutely no sense because I was running around a 9:15 pace at that time. She passed me and just kept on going way faster than a 9:44 pace that she should have been running and left me looking around like :confused3.
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Minus all the pacing confusion and the hills, I still managed to finish in 2:04:57 with an average pace of 9:32. I also somehow managed to win second place in my age group and got a pretty mug. The medal is super cute, but I definitely don’t plan to do this race again next year (someone please remind me of this!!).
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One month down, eleven to go! Princess Half up next!

Training Recap: The week of treadmill runs

This first week of training has gone well, I've completed all my runs and stuck to the paces. Unfortunately, daylight savings time (aka my nemesis) has forced me onto the treadmill more than I prefer! I'm so excited for this training plan and the opportunity to PR the half distance, so I'll resort to the treadmill until the sun finally stays out past 6 PM!

So what happened?
1/22:4 treadmill miles at a 10:04 pace.
1/23:4 treadmill miles at a 9:20 pace.
1/25:4 treadmill miles at a 9:32 pace.
1/26:4 treadmill miles at a 9:58 pace.

1/27: I RAN OUTSIDE! The Callaway Gardens Half was this day and I've already written my detailed recap. Although I didn't hit my goal pace of a 9:10 average, I am happy with the results on a not so wonderful course.
1/28:4 treadmill miles at a 10:05 pace.
1/29:5 treadmill miles at a 10:25 pace.
1/30: 5 treadmill miles at a 9:34 pace.

After typing this up, I am even more frustrated with work getting in the way of running outside and eagerly awaiting the time change! The weather has been great here, but we do not have street lights on our road or any road nearby so I do not feel comfortable running in the dark alone. On a positive note, I got 121 miles for the month of January!
january miles.jpg
On a non-running related note, I've recently started going to Body Pump and doing a workout program called 80 Day Obsession. I can't wait to see how adding additional strength training (and sticking to it!) will affect my performance!

Upcoming Schedule:
Th- 5 miles @ EA (10:12)
F- 6 miles @ EB (9:31)
Sa- Superbowl 5k + 2 miles @ Long Run (9:10)
Su- 5 miles @ EA
M- 6 miles @ EA
T- 1 mile WU + 12x400m @ Speed (7:26) w/.25 RI + 2 mile CD --First speedwork in around two months...EEK!!!!
Hooray for 121 miles! Wouldn’t it be great to have a running buddy?!! One can only wish! Yay for body pump-80 day obsession! I started cross training 3 weeks ago and already notice a difference in core strength, posture and leg strength! I think we have the same sneakers too! Lol
Great job with all the treadmill training! It really takes a lot of commitment to keep up the training when you can't get outside.
Hooray for 121 miles! Wouldn’t it be great to have a running buddy?!! One can only wish! Yay for body pump-80 day obsession! I started cross training 3 weeks ago and already notice a difference in core strength, posture and leg strength! I think we have the same sneakers too! Lol

Yes, I'm trying to talk my husband into getting a Golden Retriever, then at least I would have a little bit of "protection"! LOL. I had to look at the picture to figure out what shoes I had on since I am a shoe hoarder, these are Mizuno Wave Paradox I believe! I like them a lot for shorter runs!

Great job with all the treadmill training! It really takes a lot of commitment to keep up the training when you can't get outside.

Yes! I hate the hamster wheel and cannot wait to get outside again!
Minus all the pacing confusion and the hills, I still managed to finish in 2:04:57 with an average pace of 9:32. I also somehow managed to win second place in my age group and got a pretty mug.
Congrats on a great race (despite some weird pacers and hills) and the AG placement!! Way to go girl!!

daylight savings time (aka my nemesis)
YES. Could someone please change this? We don't need it. And I do not like this dark when I leave/dark when I come home stuff!

The weather has been great here
I'm happy for you, but don't rub it in. ;) Not the case here

I got 121 miles for the month of January
Whoa!! Awesome!
I wonder that all of the time!! I have a coworker that thinks any presidential candidate could win running solely on the platform of getting rid of DST. I think he might be right!

I'd vote for them! LOL...wasn't it introduced for farming? I mean we need farms to be successful to survive, but don't they use machines now more than manual labor to pick all the crops?
That half medal is nice ... but maybe not worth the elevation. Also, that pacer situation is super weird. But that's a great time, and congrats on the age group 2nd place!

DST is pretty terrible. When I was in school, I had to run on the hamster wheel, because the sun came up like 15 minutes before I had to leave and it was already pitch black by the time I walked out of school. It's the worst.

Congrats on the 121 miles in January - that's awesome!
Super cute medal! Maybe the all the runners with the pacers dropped off so they picked up their speed?

There’s a bill in FL right now to opt out of DST. Not sure if it will pass, but it would be nice! I don’t think Arizona observes DST nor does the rest of the world LOL!


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