Using multiple devices at once for booking


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May 29, 2017
Does anyone know if you can be logged in on more than once device for booking purposes? I need to split a reservation and Im hoping I can get the nights back myself after canceling. So Im thinking of hitting cancel on one device and have the dates and resort chosen on the other device and hitting check availability almost at the same time in hope that a waitlist or other member does not pick it up.

Any advice if I should do one night at a time or both nights at once?
I have done this and do one night at a time. It has worked some of the times but not all of them.

I always make sure there are back up rooms available at another resort before doing it.

Honestly, I have done it in the same window, but I think two should work as well
Well I went for it. Modified and removed 2 nights. I used 2 different windows rather than 2 devices. The room was available when I hit check availability I clicked to book it and the site errored out, refreshed and it was gone. :(
I'm sorry to hear that. I was going to say that that's exactly what I've done and it's worked.
Well I went for it. Modified and removed 2 nights. I used 2 different windows rather than 2 devices. The room was available when I hit check availability I clicked to book it and the site errored out, refreshed and it was gone. :(

And just to let you know…the reason it errored is because the system or someone else grabbed it.

Did you keep trying? I have also noticed that if something errors like that, a room can come back within 20 minutes.

If not, then it definitely is gone.
And just to let you know…the reason it errored is because the system or someone else grabbed it.

Did you keep trying? I have also noticed that if something errors like that, a room can come back within 20 minutes.

If not, then it definitely is gone.
Yeah I tried for about an hour
Kinda crazy that I was coming here to ask the same question and your post was here! It sounds like bad luck because AFAIK the waitlist system is not real time. You either dropped the room at the exact moment the waitlist was scanning for rooms or someone really was searching at the exact same time. Sorry you missed it! I was wondering if this was possible to be able to use home resort priority a at 11 months then swap out the points with SAP contract but yeah it seems like it's a real gamble.
Kinda crazy that I was coming here to ask the same question and your post was here! It sounds like bad luck because AFAIK the waitlist system is not real time. You either dropped the room at the exact moment the waitlist was scanning for rooms or someone really was searching at the exact same time. Sorry you missed it! I was wondering if this was possible to be able to use home resort priority a at 11 months then swap out the points with SAP contract but yeah it seems like it's a real gamble.
Yeah it's not a gamble I would take again.

It was around 3 am est I tried.
Kinda crazy that I was coming here to ask the same question and your post was here! It sounds like bad luck because AFAIK the waitlist system is not real time. You either dropped the room at the exact moment the waitlist was scanning for rooms or someone really was searching at the exact same time. Sorry you missed it! I was wondering if this was possible to be able to use home resort priority a at 11 months then swap out the points with SAP contract but yeah it seems like it's a real gamble.

We really don’t know how often the waitlist works and I am finding more than before rooms don’t come back, unless they are individual nights.

So, it’s always a gamble and why when I have tried it. I now do one night at a time, but always have my back up booked!!
I'm finding that stalking works better than the waitlist? I was able to book two nights at poly today and cancel my waitlist..
We really don’t know how often the waitlist works and I am finding more than before rooms don’t come back, unless they are individual nights.

So, it’s always a gamble and why when I have tried it. I now do one night at a time, but always have my back up booked!!
I do remember dropping blocks of 3 to 4 rooms in the last few years that have shown up immediately but I get what you're saying it would work better going one day at a time and even then no guarantee. Of course that would be such a great hack to swap in SAP points while also using 11 month priority from better resort contracts but very risky. Especially if the dates are school vacations or other hard to get/must go then type reservations.

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