I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up. I've gone through all the posts and man did I miss out on a lot of gc offers! Again, thank you all so much for posting and helping out. The main posts have been updated, please take a look see as some offers are expiring today and tomorrow.
I believe we have a newbie on our thread,
@JoshF as evident with this question...

to our corner of the world buddy! I see your question was answered by
@Hubalorian , thank you for that! I will say
@JoshF this thread works really well for those who plan a year or two ahead when buying DGC. And I only say that due to the limits placed on gift card purchases at various sites. Even Target has a limit online and another in-store via Customer Service. Every now & then we get lucky and are able to purchase large quantities via separate transactions, back to back but those deals aren't as widely available. We never know when it will happen.
I think many of us try to get the biggest bang for our buck using various credit card offers, 4x Fuel or points, cashback websites and stacking coupons. The icing is when the gift cards are on sale, right?
Saving 10% - 15% is common, the larger 20% on up takes work.
As mentioned a few times, everything is posted on Post #1 but I honestly wouldn't ignore Post #2. Sometimes buying one gc then turning around to buy a DGC yields a much larger saving opportunity.
Click on the links to learn more.
Anyway, again welcome and I hope you find our community as wonderful as I do.