Updated 7/28 - SWGE Preview trip planning! - Coooo-rrect! Mom/Daughter Do WDW—A Feb 2019 TR

A Beastly Dinner
Monday February 11th (part 2)

We raced off Splash Mountain, anxious to see if we'd be in time to see the Festival of Fantasy parade, specifically Malificent! I forgot about the crowds that line up for the parade, but! Our luck continued! We managed to squeeze onto the bridge in front of Splash Mountain and had one float before Malificent appeared. I thought she was at the end of the parade, so I was even more excited and relieved that we made it in time. Also, that float is fantastic! I didn't get a picture of the fire-breathing, but even without fire, it's an impressive float. So glad she's back, and that we got to see her.

Mom and I stayed for the rest of the parade. Disney really does a great job with those floats; Mom agreed.

We continued our whirlwind tour of all the rides, heading through Adventureland to Aladdin's Magic Carpets. I'd gotten a fastpass for the Jungle Cruise, but we had a little bit of time and Aladdin didn't really have a wait, so why not.

We tried to get the camel to spit on us (since we were a bit hot) but no dice. Still fun!

Afterwards it was time for Jungle Cruise! We had a really good, enthusiastic skipper, which was great fun. I really do love this ride, bad jokes and all. It was also kind of fun to see real ducks camped out on the animatronic alligators--you didn't know Disney keeps the ducks on payroll to add verisimilitude to the rides, did you? :)

After Jungle Cruise, we had about an hour before our 5 pm ADR at Be Our Guest. I wanted to do some shopping/browsing at the Emporium, but on our way from the Jungle Cruise to Main Street USA, we decided to stop and walk through the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse. I remember Mom showing me the movie when I was a kid, so it was fun to go through it with her. Neither of the other people I've walked through it with have seen the movie, so that made it extra fun.

Nothing in the Emporium caught our eye, really, so I played a portal or two of Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom just for kicks and to show Mom. I was assigned to the portals on Main Street, so that made it convenient. I didn't win, but oh well. I'll just have to go back and keep playing. :)

We then wandered up to Be Our Guest restaurant, and who did we find? A photopass photographer!


I really do love this castle. And Mom's reaction to Lumiere.

We checked in and got called inside almost immediately. Benefits of eating early I guess--they haven't yet had time to get behind schedule!
We were seated in the Ballroom, in a table right next to the main walkway between all three rooms. Not too bad, though I think next time I'll request the library, if only for the quieter atmosphere! I do love the Ballroom but it is nothing if not noisy and a bit chaotic.

First off was the bread service. When Be Our Guest switched to the prix fixe menu they still used the same bread from the a la carte menu, but said that new bread would be coming. Apparently, it's here! It was delicious. We ate it all. :)

Mom got the salad and I got the charcuterie plate. The salad was fresh and light and really good. My charcuterie plate was not plated very neatly, but was still delicious. They also had a little card that explained what everything was on the plate, which I appreciated. They didn't have that last time. Normally I just eat it all without having any idea what it is, but I knew this time!

For the entree, we both got the steak, and it was delicious. Cooked perfectly, super tender...yum. Mom got on me a bit for not eating all my vegetables...I guess some things never change!

So, the benefit of being right on that main walkway is that the Beast walks right by you on his way to and from his study to meet people, and he actually stopped and gave Mom a hug! I've never seen him interact with guests as he walks through, so that was really neat. Mom got into it too, which was nice. I told her he stopped for her birthday, but I don't think there was any way he could have known. More pixie dust I guess!

Then dessert!

That macaron is my favorite--with the fresh raspberries...yum. Mom didn't like the grey stuff; she thought it was too sweet.

Which made it all the more ironic when the waiter came by with a lovely birthday surprise for Mom. A card signed by Belle and the Beast and a plate of grey stuff!

He even lit a candle for her to blow out!

Despite her not liking the grey stuff, she loved the thought and the attention. Don't worry, it didn't go to waste--I ate it! :)

Dinner finished, we got to meet the Beast with very little wait. He wasn't really into interacting--just a picture and done. Sometimes when I meet the Beast he's much more effusive and interactive, but tonight not so much. Made me really glad Mom had a great interactin with the Beast earlier as he walked by!

And of course, we had to get a picture with the mural on our way out.

And my favorite gargoyle!

It was about 6:30 then, so I pulled up the app and saw that there was an available fastpass for Little Mermaid, so we headed that way. We ran into another photographer!

Isn't the castle so pretty all lit up? I love the lighting of the castles at dusk.

I thought using a fastpass at Little Mermaid wouldn't really be necessary--I've never seen it ever have a line. But it did tonight! Dunno why. It wasn't a long line, but we did end up waiting about 5 minutes or so. See?

But I put the time in line to good use and got us a Space Mountain fastpass! Boom. :) Luckily this time the fastpass line was significantly shorter.

Not sure what's going on with our faces in the pictures....but we were definitely having fun! Again, Mom complained about it being too dark for her to see what was coming next--I couldn't convince her that it was a feature, not a bug. :D

Our plan was to hit Buzz Lightyear after Space, 'cause there were tons of fastpasses available, but lots of other people had the same idea--the fastpass line was using the extended queue. It was like a solid 20 minute wait--in the fastpass line! So we bailed and decided to head to the hub to watch the fireworks, since they were supposed to start in about half hour.

We got to the hub right as Once Upon a Time was starting--happy coincidence! We ended up finding a good spot on the bridge into the hub from Fantasyland, perched on the railing around some grass/planters stuff. It was a great spot! Slightly off-center, but not too bad at all.

We decided after Once Upon a Time to just wait there for the fireworks. I was really happy we got such a good spot; I wanted Mom to have a good spot for the fireworks and even thought about booking the dessert party, but this worked out great.


Waiting for the fireworks!


Mom killing time while waiting...I took this while perched up high on the fence.

Then, fireworks time! I enjoyed watching it but again was having fun with the new camera on my phone:

The guy with his daughter on his shoulders was a bit irritating, but hey, still not too bad. And Happily Ever After...gets me right in the feels. I love (so much!) that they use Hercules and Mulan and Hunchback and Tarzan.

The park was closed at that point, so we waited about 10 or 15 minutes for the initial rush of the crowds to clear out. Then we headed through the bypass out of the park. Disney is remarkably efficient--there are just SO MANY PEOPLE and yet it was all smooth and efficient and easy and within 20 minutes or so we were on a bus. Crazy impressive.

We were headed to our home for the next 3 nights: All Star Music! I thought I'd done online check in but we never got a room ready text, so we had to check in at the front desk, where we found out we got "upgraded"! I put it in quotes because we'd booked a standard room, but got upgraded to a family suite. But a family suite only includes one real bed, and the other beds are pullouts. It did have two bathrooms, but I clearly wasn't thinking or I would have asked to go back to a standard room with two beds. Oh well. Still neat to experience a different type of room. Though I think these rooms really need to be renovated...




The room was fine: it was nice having the little kitchenette and the two bathrooms, and even having the two rooms. But that pull out bed...while it wasn't uncomfortable, it was SO SQUEAKY. SO LOUD. Like, every time I rolled over and moved it squeaked loudly. And the mattress was very thin, so in some spots I could feel the bars underneath the mattress. Despite that though, I slept better here than in the other resorts, though that may just have been cumulative tiredness! :) We thought about switching, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle. I would have preferred a standard room, but this was a fun experience.

Anyways, that was our Magic Kingdom day! Mom's first time, full of magic and pixie dust. We had a lovely day. :)

Fun with Metrics:
Steps walked: 22966 or 9.8 miles
Ride Count: 16 (Soarin, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, SDMT x2, Winnie the Pooh, Space Mountain x2, Peter Pan, Splash x2, Big Thunder, Aladdin, Jungle Cruise, Swiss Family Robinson, Little Mermaid)
I love Happily Ever After too and you got a really great spot! Pull out beds are the worst, that's like an upgrade and downgrade all in one :teeth:

Great picture!

That macaron is my favorite--with the fresh raspberries...yum. Mom didn't like the grey stuff; she thought it was too sweet.

Which made it all the more ironic when the waiter came by with a lovely birthday surprise for Mom. A card signed by Belle and the Beast and a plate of grey stuff!

Funny, my kids didn't like the grey stuff, either. They're just about the only kids on earth who dislike icing, though Hubby and I were happy to eat their extra :-)

Disney is remarkably efficient--there are just SO MANY PEOPLE and yet it was all smooth and efficient and easy and within 20 minutes or so we were on a bus.

It really is incredibly how they manage to move that mass of humanity at the end of the night.
Wow, what a day! I would say you are the queen of fast passes :worship: and you've inspired me to actually try the refresh method next time I'm there.
Wow! You had an awesome FP day at the Magic Kingdom! I feel like I always have the most fun fp refreshing there just because there are so many good options to get fps for! And you feel like a magician when you pull fps like SDMT out of thin air!!

Thats actually so cool that you were seated along the pathway and the Beast interacted with you! He did that at our dinner too and I thought it was so fun that he was being such a hostess and greeting people sitting there! lol so fun!
What awesome fast pass luck for the day, wow! We have been lucky some days and keep getting ones and other times there is nothing!

Nice to see a good review of BoG, most are negative. I love that castle and we eat lunch there all of our trips, love it!

Squeaky bed a bummer but good nights sleep a plus!
I love Happily Ever After too and you got a really great spot! Pull out beds are the worst, that's like an upgrade and downgrade all in one :teeth:
Happily Ever After = :love:pixiedust::love: We really did have amazing luck--walking right into that spot was just the perfect end to the day.

Right? I hate to complain about an "upgrade" but I think you've perfectly captured it.

Great picture!

Funny, my kids didn't like the grey stuff, either. They're just about the only kids on earth who dislike icing, though Hubby and I were happy to eat their extra :-)

It really is incredibly how they manage to move that mass of humanity at the end of the night.
Really? That is unusual! I'm more like you and your husband--I'll take my cake with extra icing, hold the cake please :) But hey, more for you guys :)

Wow, what a day! I would say you are the queen of fast passes :worship: and you've inspired me to actually try the refresh method next time I'm there.
Do it! I have no experience with larger groups, but for two people, the refresh method really works. Hopefully you have amazing luck too! :)

Wow! You had an awesome FP day at the Magic Kingdom! I feel like I always have the most fun fp refreshing there just because there are so many good options to get fps for! And you feel like a magician when you pull fps like SDMT out of thin air!!

Thats actually so cool that you were seated along the pathway and the Beast interacted with you! He did that at our dinner too and I thought it was so fun that he was being such a hostess and greeting people sitting there! lol so fun!
I completely agree--MK is the most fun with all the options, but i will say it feels like more of a payoff at say AK or HS if you manage to grab one of their few tier 1s :)

That's awesome! I had no idea that was a thing, but it was super fun for us. I guess some Belle has done a good job with her Beast, educating him on how to be a good host! :D

I am so loving your trip report. You are making such special memories with your mom.
Thank you! :)

I love every picture of you and your mom. You both look so happy.
Thank you! :) I felt like I had to compensate for her reluctance to take photos by being super happy #worthit

What awesome fast pass luck for the day, wow! We have been lucky some days and keep getting ones and other times there is nothing!

Nice to see a good review of BoG, most are negative. I love that castle and we eat lunch there all of our trips, love it!

Squeaky bed a bummer but good nights sleep a plus!
Right? Some days aren't great but today everything just lined up beautifully.

Yea, I can understand the negative reviews, but really aside from the noise I've never had a bad time there. How can you not love that castle? It's Disney theming at it's best--I really feel like I walked into the movie!

Yay sleep!! Maybe it's like that saying about a tree falling in a forest...if a bed squeaks but the sleeper still manages to sleep, does it really squeak? :)

Not sure what's going on with our faces in the pictures....but we were definitely having fun! Again, Mom complained about it being too dark for her to see what was coming next--I couldn't convince her that it was a feature, not a bug. :D
Ha! I love that she thinks that there is something wrong with the ride.

And also, why didnt' they put you guys in the same car?

When were you guys there exactly? I think we might need to go when you were there next year. Seriously seemed ALOT less crowded than when we there. Of course, next year might be a lost cause no matter what.
Ha! I love that she thinks that there is something wrong with the ride.

And also, why didnt' they put you guys in the same car?

When were you guys there exactly? I think we might need to go when you were there next year. Seriously seemed ALOT less crowded than when we there. Of course, next year might be a lost cause no matter what.
We had lots of conversations about that aspect of Space Mountain! Cracked me up. Not sure why they split us up...that’s weird now that I think about it!

We were there Feb 9th-14th. The crowds weren’t bad at all! It’s going to be interesting to see how Galaxys Edge affects everything, for sure!
Animal Kingdom Pixie Dust
Tuesday, February 12th (part 1)

After a surprisingly full night of sleep (despite the best efforts of the creaky bed :D), we woke up around 8 or so and got ready. I had stopped at the food court the night before and gotten a Sleeping Beauty cupcake, so that was of course my breakfast. I'd gotten Mom some of the edible cookie dough but that got eaten last night, so we shared the cupcake. I'm a huge fan of Sleeping Beauty and I'm consistently bummed about the lack of cool stuff (merch, food, anything) for her, so had to get the cupcake when I saw it. It was surprisingly delicious! But then I'm a sucker for frosting so I wouldn't trust me as a connoisseur or anything. Just if you like frosting. :)

The forecast called for rain in the afternoon, and after our soggy Epcot morning we were not really feeling another rainy theme park, so we decided to do AK in the morning and then Disney Springs in the afternoon. Full disclosure: this is what I'd planned 60 days in advance, it just happened to work out really well with the weather forecast. :)

We got to the bus stop a little before 8:45 and there was a bus waiting! Score! We arrived at Ak just a minute or two before 9 am. We had really good bus luck at All Star Music, which was a nice surprise: I was expecting horrible bus service but it really wasn't bad.

At AK the photographer was just getting set up for the photo op outside the gate, and had no one in line, so we waited a minute or two while he finished calibrating the camera, and then got our picture taken!

Into the park, we had to stop again for the Tree of Life picture. It's like, the law.

Obligatory picture done, we headed for Dinoland and our (unnecessary but oh well) fastpasses for Primeval Whirl! There was literally no line at all and several cars were run empty, but the CM loading decided to put us in a car with two other women. Now, Mom and I are not exactly thin...it was a very uncomfortable ride, all squished together! I don't know why she did that. Oh well!

After that slightly uncomfortable start, we headed over to Pandora for our next fastpass: Flight of Passage! I'd managed to get us a Flight of Passage fastpass in the week before (when I found out Mom was coming) and so was super excited for Mom to try it, especially since she'd really loved Soarin'. Had to take some pictures in the line, 'cause Pandora is gorgeous!

Verdict? As per usual, Mom really liked it. Neither of us loved that we had to wear glasses for the 3D effect, but aside from that, the ride itself was great. Though honestly, who doesn't love Flight of Passage?

After Flight of Passage, we decided to try Navi River Journey. I honestly have no memory of what the wait was but it couldn't have been too long or we wouldn't have done it! :rotfl2: I really like Navi River Journey, but especially if you're able to ride it after Flight of Passage, it makes it a nice calming fun ride. And the Shaman--love that animatronic!

Next up: Everest! We headed out of Pandora and over to Asia, but we ran into a photographer

There was no line! But the picture didn't turn out great. Oh well. I keep trying! My rule with pictures is law of averages--if I take enough pictures, at least a couple will turn out well, right? That's just math.

As we passed the Tree of Life, GUESS WHO WE SAW

Kevin! Apparently this was the first day Kevin was out, and I had no idea this was coming, so it was really fun to just turn the corner and be like "oh my gosh that's Kevin!" She just wanders around, and so if you're able to grab a picture with her you can, but there's no set line or anything like that. I really like that she wanders, actually--it's super fun to see her wandering around, with her head just poking out above the crowds.

Anyways, right--we were heading to Everest.

I'd tell you how Mom liked it, but instead I'll just say that we immediately grabbed another fastpass to use at Everest and that should tell you how she liked it. :) On our second time through, her name showed up on the posters in the line, but the picture I got was too blurry, so you don't get to see it. I know, I can tell you're all desperately disappointed. You'll get over it. :)


So yea, a total of 3 times in a row on Everest. As you may have guessed, Mom totally hated it. Obviously. :) She actually made friends in line with two little kids who were excited, but scared, so Mom was totally selling them on the ride and how awesome it was and it was just a little bit scary but also really fun. They told her after the ride that it was AWESOME. Mom is an Everest evangelist apparently. :)

As I was refreshing the app in line for Everest, I found a Safari fastpass for fairly soon in the future, so I snagged that. By the time we got off Everest and walked over to Safari, it was time for our fastpass!

It was a fun ride--we saw the baby giraffe! I didn't get a picture though. In fact the only picture that really turned out any kind of decent was this one of the elephants. Hopefully you all weren't jonesing for some Safari pictures, 'cause if so, this is not the trip report for you. I know, full of disappointments today! We can be disappointed together 'cause I'm disappointed I'm not actually in DisneyWorld today. #sadtrombone

Ok what was I talking about? Oh right, elephants.

Elephants are so cute! :)

After the Safari, we were kind of wandering around while I was refreshing the app.

After about 10 or 15 minutes of refreshing, Mom's birthday pixie dust came into play again: Flight of Passage popped up! Someone must have canceled it right then 'cause it was for immediate use. Huzzah! I made sure Mom knew how exciting and amazing that was, but her only question was "do we have to go through the videos again? can we skip that?" Apparently the pre-show is too long for her. It's too long for me too. :) I told her to ask the CM about skipping it, see what they say. She was too chicken to try it. :)

In Pandora we saw photographers out so we decided to take a bunch of pictures. I say "we", let's be honest, it was me.

Then Flight of Passage! When we got off, Mom was all "it sprays water at you! and the scents were so strong this time!" Apparently her bike the first time was broken and she didn't get any water sprayed at her and the scents were all super weak. She really liked it the second time with all the effects working. Made me really grateful for the pixie dust that got us the second ride so Mom could experience it in all it's glory.

At that point, it was time for us to head out of the park for our lunch reservation at Sanaa, at AKL. I got distracted by a photographer out front--he had a Valentine's Day sign!

Picture taken (with us squinting into the sun...I really felt the need for sunglasses!), we walked to the bus stop. The bus took FOREVER to come. We saw three buses come and go for one of the other resorts (which had no line, of course) but nothing for Animal Kingdom Lodge, which seemed really weird to me. The bus ended up being completely full and left people there in line, so some bus operator/distribution center was sleeping on the job. We ended up being 13 minutes late to our reservation. And no, I wasn't panicking about that at all, but was totally fine.

It actually was totally fine--the CMs at Sanaa were like "whatevs". I thought about making a request for a window seat, but we were a little bit (lotta bit) hungry, so I didn't. I'd rather get seated as soon as possible. And we did get seated almost immediately, which was nice. Where was our table?

By the window!! Pixie dust strikes again. And no construction walls this time (like there were last time when Trevor and I ate here), so we could actually see the animals.

This bird hung out in front of the windows right by us the entire meal. It was awesome. He was super funny to watch. We spent a significant amount of time debating whether or not he could see us through the window or was just fascinated by his own reflection.

Anyways, food! I got a virgin mojito for my drink:

Mom tried it:


She was....not a fan. The food however was a definite winner. Mom got the Tandoori Shrimp, which she said was delicious.

I got the bread service, 'cause...of course. So yummy. I have no other commentary. It's just fantastic. Mom and I liked the mango chutney best this time--the waiter brought us seconds. Cause we ate it all.

As we were finishing up, we saw some more animals on the savanna: giraffes and those big horned deer things, but I couldn't get a good picture. It was neat to see them though. And then the waiter came back with the drum circle and sang Happy Birthday to Mom! She'd heard them singing to other people and so kind of knew what was coming, but she was a good sport anyways. I totally filmed it. :D

So overall, a pretty awesome Animal Kingdom morning! Flight of Passage twice, Navi, 3 times on Everest, seeing Kevin, a window seat at Sanaa? I think I may need to bring Mom with me every time I go to Disney--she's good luck!

After lunch we were headed out to do some shopping at the Outlets. Would we get rained on? Tune in again next time....
So can I bring your Mom with me to Disney??? She totally is a pixie dust magnet!! You two are having the best trip ever, I love it. :)
Wow thats an awesome morning in AK! And the window seat at Sanaa? Perfection!

Your Mom is totally going to be spoiled if she ever makes it back! haha
What a great ak morning. I love the back to back everest!
It's the one good thing about the Pandora lines--makes it easier to get Everest fastpasses! :)

So can I bring your Mom with me to Disney??? She totally is a pixie dust magnet!! You two are having the best trip ever, I love it. :)
Right? I should start loaning her out!! Hopefully it wasn't just a fluke--watch, next trip it will all go wrong, to karmically make up for the pixie dust this time!:rotfl2:

Wow thats an awesome morning in AK! And the window seat at Sanaa? Perfection!

Your Mom is totally going to be spoiled if she ever makes it back! haha
It was so good! And yep, we had that conversation--she got totally spoiled!

You really were able to get a lot done that morning. Cute pics too.
Thank you! :)

Everest evangelist. :rotfl2:Seriously made me laugh!

It sounds like an amazing morning!
:rotfl2:Glad someone else finds it amusing--usually I think I'm hilariously funny and everyone else is just kind of like "um...." :rotfl2:


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