Updated 12-24-20 (see post 21) No 2BRs or Studios at BWV at 11 months in any view category for Nov 2021

Update: The entire month of November in a 2BR Garden and pool view is now available, except for the nights of November 3, 4 & 5, so I was able to get what I wanted.

I first went in at exactly the 11th month starting on December 7th and no 2 BR's were available. I tried again on December 8th, 9th & 10th, and still no 2BR's were available in any category, which was why I started this thread.

In this case I was able to get the nights I wanted. However, it seems obvious to me that members were walking reservations, which is frustrating for someone like myself who incorrectly thought I was "playing by the rules" to book something I actually planned on using at the 11 month mark. However, since the "rules" do not prohibit walking, I guess in the future I will have to join the other members who walk reservations.
Update: The entire month of November in a 2BR Garden and pool view is now available, except for the nights of November 3, 4 & 5, so I was able to get what I wanted.

I first went in at exactly the 11th month starting on December 7th and no 2 BR's were available. I tried again on December 8th, 9th & 10th, and still no 2BR's were available in any category, which was why I started this thread.

In this case I was able to get the nights I wanted. However, it seems obvious to me that members were walking reservations, which is frustrating for someone like myself who incorrectly thought I was "playing by the rules" to book something I actually planned on using at the 11 month mark. However, since the "rules" do not prohibit walking, I guess in the future I will have to join the other members who walk reservations.

People are walking far more than necessary and in the most of the time it's seen as they walk past. If your time is unlikely to have an issue, such as this one where you got the room, why join in?
Glad you got what you wanted! I guess it’s December that folks want.
New DVC Member here! What does walking a reservation mean?

It means to book a trip starting at an earlier date than you want and move it forward until the date you actually want.

For hard to get rooms, it can be an advantage because people start it during a time that is less busy.

I want to go next December and needed a tower and SV studio at RIV. Waiting until January 4th, my actual 11 month date, I went online on December 4th instead and booked one of them November 4th to the 9Th because it was there at 8 am. . I did the same thing the next day with the other room.

Now, I move them forward every 3 days by modifying and changing things. My current trips are November 23rd to 28th. I’ll keep doing it until I get the dates I want.
It means to book a trip starting at an earlier date than you want and move it forward until the date you actually want.

For hard to get rooms, it can be an advantage because people start it during a time that is less busy.

I want to go next December and needed a tower and SV studio at RIV. Waiting until January 4th, my actual 11 month date, I went online on December 4th instead and booked one of them November 4th to the 9Th because it was there at 8 am. . I did the same thing the next day with the other room.

Now, I move them forward every 3 days by modifying and changing things. My current trips are November 23rd to 28th. I’ll keep doing it until I get the dates I want.

I guess I chose the wrong UY for the sake of walking if I ever want/need to do it. I mainly travel in Dec so starting to walk any earlier than the 11mth mark wouldn’t work.
I guess I chose the wrong UY for the sake of walking if I ever want/need to do it. I mainly travel in Dec so starting to walk any earlier than the 11mth mark wouldn’t work.

I have a Dec UY as well for my BLT points so no walking for that room either.

To be honest, this year, I wouldn’t have walked both those so early other than I was stalking for my March and May trips and decided check.
New DVC Member here! What does walking a reservation mean?
Sandi explained it well, as usual. I just wanted to point out that most reservations do NOT need to be walked. There are very few villa categories that are so limited in number that competition is fierce at 11 months - AKV value any size, BWV Standard and Boardwalk view studios and 2 BR, RIV Tower Studios, CCV studios.

And I hope that very few owners buy so few points that they have to walk in order to use their membership - although the guides seem to like using those AKV value studios to sell small points packages to new buyers....
Tryin for the last 3 days to book a week in a 2BR at BWV for next November. There is no availability in any of the 3 view categories for the first night, so I can not book anything.
Obviously members are walking reservations. On Dec 9th 2020, no availability for November 9th 2021, but then on Dec 10th 2020 Nov 9th 2021 is available, but not Nov 10th.
Very frustrating, I understand NYE, but in 20 years of owning BWV I have never seen the first half of Nov unavailable at 11 months. Since our dates are flexible, I hope members are walking for Thanksgiving and I will be able to book early Nov as the walkers release those dates.

Any other thoughts on why this is happening?

It started happening to me last year. So I had to follow behind the walkers to get what I wanted, last year and then again this year.

Editing to say, I wasn't walking. I started with the date I wanted and then had to wait anywhere from 1-6 days to get each of my actual dates. It tied up my time at 8am for almost 2 weeks. Wait listing did me no good. Eventually it might have worked but who wants to 'hope' a waitlist comes through at the 11 month opening?
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It started happening to me last year. So I had to follow behind the walkers to get what I wanted, last year and then again this year.

Editing to say, I wasn't walking. I started with the date I wanted and then had to wait anywhere from 1-6 days to get each of my actual dates. It tied up my time at 8am for almost 2 weeks. Wait listing did me no good. Eventually it might have worked but who wants to 'hope' a waitlist comes through at the 11 month opening?
Even if you were walking, that’s. your.choice. You do what’s best for you like everyone else does what’s best for them.
Many before have suggested reservation changes to prevent walking, such as barring any changes to your arrival date in the first month after making a reservation. I, like many others, oppose such onerous changes because they would do more harm than good, including to those who actually need to do such a reservation change for a valid reason. Moreover, walking itself does not actually favor those who have more points, as anyone with enough points to reserve at least two weekends nights during the period of doing a walk could start a walk to a desired start date at the same time as someone who can reserve 7 nights at a time. Nevertheless, it appears that a continuously growing problem with walking is that far too many may now be doing it even when it is unnecessary, creating problems like the one noted in this thread for BWV pool/garden view studios and 2BRs when the reality is that the pool/garden view rooms would likely not have any 11-month availability problem absent excessive walking.

If a solution is actually needed, it should not be the absolute ban to changing reservations proposed by many. Instead what might be considered is a partial solution that would likely significantly decrease walking while still allowing some change to an arrival date in the time near when you initially make a reservation. For example:

1. Create a policy to specifically bar walking, which would be defined as the act of making any reservation at 11-months out with the intent to move the arrival date forward via a modification of the reservation to be done after the day you make the reservation.

2. If, within a 12-day period after making the initial reservation, you change the reservation two or more times to move the arrival date forward, it will be presumed that you are improperly walking a reservation and the reservation will not be allowed or will be cancelled absent the member's ability to establish to the satisfaction of DVC that the changes do not violate the rule stated in item 1. (The 12-day period is chosen because a walker who can reserve 7-nights at 11-months out would usually make two changes to arrival date within 12 days after making the initial reservation if trying to successfully do a repeated walk.)

The rule in point one would likely make many who currently walk avoid walking. The possible penalty in item 2 would not eliminate all walking but likely substantially reduce it (including by eliminating long walks, e.g., starting a walk in Sep to get Nov time would be impossible), while still allowing those who have a real need to make a modification that changes the arrival date to do so once within those 12 days. Those with enough points to reserve 7 nights, if they decide to walk by changing a reservation start date, will have some advantage over another intentional walker who has fewer points, i.e. the one with points enough for 7-nights could possibly start walking a little earlier than others, but the main objective is to significantly reduce the amount of walking which should also rectify any 11-month issue that currently exists for rooms like the BWV pool/garden studios which would likely have no 11-month issue absent an excessive number of walkers.

Of course, DVC would need to do things with the reservation system it is not currently doing to enforce the policy.
I don't think DVC sees a problem with the current system.
One way or another, the rooms will get booked. These complicated anti-walking rules would just result in a huge increase in calls to member services.

I'll occasionally walk if there is a very specific room I need, like an OKW GV-HH. There are only 2. Otherwise, I'll just book my home resort at 11m, then see what options I have at 7m. I like the current system
I don't think DVC sees a problem with the current system.
One way or another, the rooms will get booked. These complicated anti-walking rules would just result in a huge increase in calls to member services.

I'll occasionally walk if there is a very specific room I need, like an OKW GV-HH. There are only 2. Otherwise, I'll just book my home resort at 11m, then see what options I have at 7m. I like the current system
Just like anything else the less that engage, the better for the ones who utilize it. It will come to a point when everyone will start walking and that advantage will come to an end. Then the ones who benefited from it the most will blame the others for ruining it.
It will come to a point when everyone will start walking and that advantage will come to an end.

I thought once they went to the easy point and click system for changes, walking would become out of control. And maybe it explains why some people walk so far out?
2. If, within a 12-day period after making the initial reservation, you change the reservation two or more times to move the arrival date forward, it will be presumed that you are improperly walking a reservation and the reservation will not be allowed or will be cancelled absent the member's ability to establish to the satisfaction of DVC that the changes do not violate the rule stated in item 1. (The 12-day period is chosen because a walker who can reserve 7-nights at 11-months out would usually make two changes to arrival date within 12 days after making the initial reservation if trying to successfully do a repeated walk.)

Would this not just mean that whoever has the most points wins? They could simply keep adding more dates without moving the start date and then make one or two big drops of start dates later on.
Would this not just mean that whoever has the most points wins? They could simply keep adding more dates without moving the start date and then make one or two big drops of start dates later on.
Maybe time to add a few change date fees???
I really don't understand why people want to invite Disney/DVC to add fees. They're pretty good at doing that enough on their own.

Which, if they do, which they can, makes it a different product.

Again, they can just go back to booking from
Check out vs check in which prevents walking but also makes it more difficult to get a room as you have to day by day book. And, it will increase dues for CMS to know have to merge all those day by day reservations that get booked.

Let’s put it this way, fixing walking will create other issues for the vast majority of people who don’t and have no idea about it.

IMO,changes need to be for the good of all and I have yet to see any solution for the few rooms it applies to in which someone loses the room is better.

The issue is really being more of an inconvenience that someone has to keep checking as walkers go by. But, even if stopped, it’s not going to impact hard to get room as many never show back up.

ETA. You don’t have to day by day book with check out but if you don’t, you may find holes. As people will..and did during the time it was in place and only calls to MS.

I would even bet that was why they changed it to check in plus 7 to prevent day by day booking.
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Would this not just mean that whoever has the most points wins? They could simply keep adding more dates without moving the start date and then make one or two big drops of start dates later on.

As I noted those with many points can possibly have an advantage. I did not offer the proposal as the total solution to walking but instead something that should substantially reduce the amount of it, which should result in preventing an 11-month issue for rooms that actually should not have one and prevent long-term walking. There is likely nothing that could cure the 11-month problem for rooms like AKV value and club level, but what I am starting to see now is that walking is becoming more widespread and thus even having an impact on rooms for which there should be no walking because ti is unnecessary.

I am generally in the group that can accept walking. My concern is that you have many complaining to DVC that it should stop it by doing something far worse than I suggest, e.g., many who think all modifications should be banned for a month after making an 11-month reservation. Many have even suggested charging a fee to change a reservation, which fortunately is not something DVC can likely do -- it cannot charge fees relating to the use of the reservation system except those it expressly reserves the right to charge in the POS documents, and the only one that meets that requirement is the charging of fees for trading out to non-DVC resorts.

The problem is that the more walking becomes universally used, and the more complaining that will be done as a result by those demanding the barring of modifications, the greater the chance that DVC will decide to take action to stop it. What I am suggesting is that members who want to keep their reservation rights need to consider raising reasonable alternatives to complete bars and may want to assure DVC starts hearing about those alternatives before it decides to adopt something like banning modificatioons for a month after making a reservation.
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As I noted those with many points can possibly have an advantage. I did not offer the proposal as the total solution to walking but instead something that should substantially reduce the amount of it, which should result in preventing an 11-month issue for rooms that actually should not have one and prevent long-term walking. There is likely nothing that could cure the 11-month problem for rooms like AKV value and club level, but what I am starting to see now is that walking is becoming more widespread and thus even having an impact on rooms for which there should be no walking because ti is unnecessary.

I am generally in the group that can accept walking. My concern is that you have many complaining to DVC that it should stop it by doing something far worse than I suggest, e.g., many who think all modifications should be banned for a month after making an 11-month reservation. Many have even suggested charging a fee to change a reservation, which fortunately is not something DVC can likely do -- it cannot charge fees relating to the use of the reservation system except those it expressly reserves the right to charge in the POS documents, and the only one that meets that requirement is the charging of fees for trading out to non-DVC resorts.

The problem is that the more walking becomes universally used, and the more complaining that will be done as a result by those demanding the barring of modifications, the greater the chance that DVC will decide to take action to stop it. What I am suggesting is that members who want to keep their reservation rights need to consider raising reasonable alternatives to complete bars and may want to assure DVC starts hearing about those alternatives before it decides to adopt something like banning modificatioons for a month after making a reservation.
I do agree with you in your overall take on walking but the solution doesn't stop long term walks....it just gives an unfair advantage to people with more points. Instead of holding 7 nights at a time I'd just hold 13 or 14 nights and then once I get to the 13th day I could drop the first 12 and start adding again (rinse and repeat). The further out you push that original limit the more it benefits people with more points because they can hold things longer before having to move the start date.

Let's just start referring to walking as a feature instead of a loophole and maybe people will change their view of it (I know it won't lol).

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