**UPDATE** Has this happened to any other resale buyers? Fidelity made it right!

Boy I hope for your sake that’s what they come back with but I am skeptical that you are going to see that money.
I am a bit more optimistic. The various parties have a host of legal duties and they really seemed to have dropped the ball here. If they don’t care about their reputation they may wait until OP hires counsel, but unless it was a huge contract, $25/pt is not worth the initial consult with lawyers, to say nothing of the cost of litigating and reputational damage.
So I got a call from Jeana Clarkin who is the contract manager at Fidelity. First off it was very nice to get a phone call and actually speak to someone from Fidelity...which honestly would've done wonders from the beginning. Something about trying to communicate via email when you feel like you've been swindled is not the best feeling. She was very apologetic and really communicated to me how bad she felt that this situation even happened. She mentioned that Disney was not going to revert the points but worked with me in how to be made whole. They gave me options and I got what was a monetary equivalent to what I was due in my contract. They worked very quickly and it was to my satisfaction.

Now I did ask her how this all went down and it sounded like there was some fault on everyone's end and was a perfect storm of communication errors between multiple parties. Jeana sounds like she takes her job very seriously and told me she had come from another DVC resale company. She mentioned that my case would be the reason she's implementing more stringent checks from now on with her brokers. It didn't sound like she was just feeding me stories I wanted to hear. I mentioned that it would be great to make sure Fidelity doesn't take making mistakes lightly as there are many people who want to feel comfortable purchasing from them since their prices really are some of the best out there. She agreed and we spoke for a while and I did feel very good about the resolution. She understood my frustrations and did apologize on behalf of the company. Again it's all you can ask for. I was made whole...or at least what I was ok with accepting to be considered whole...and I told her I would absolutely do business with them again...just maybe this time with some proof that they are doing what she said they would be doing to make sure points are verified! Thank you for listening to my vents as this did cause me and my wife a little more anxiety than it was worth...but hopefully when I'm sitting by Stormalong Bay sipping a drink I can think about this mess and laugh a bit!
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So I got a call from Jeana Clarkin who is the contract manager at Fidelity. First off it was very nice to get a phone call and actually speak to someone from Fidelity...which honestly would've done wonders from the beginning. Something about trying to communicate via email when you feel like you've been swindled is not the best feeling. She was very apologetic and really communicated to me how bad she felt that this situation even happened. She mentioned that Disney was not going to revert the points and that they were having a hard time with the seller getting them to pay the penalty. She said Fidelity and DVC Title were going to work together to cut me a check...which they did overnight...and deal with the sellers themselves. Honestly that's the exact response you would want in a situation like this. So monetarily I was satisfied with the outcome.

Now I did ask her how this all went down and it sounded like there was some fault on everyone's end and was a perfect storm of communication errors between multiple parties. Jeana sounds like she takes her job very seriously and told me she had come from another DVC resale company. She mentioned that my case would be the reason she's implementing more stringent checks from now on with her brokers. It didn't sound like she was just feeding me stories I wanted to hear. I mentioned that it would be great to make sure Fidelity doesn't take making mistakes lightly as there are many people who want to feel comfortable purchasing from them since their prices really are some of the best out there. She agreed and we spoke for a while and I did feel very good about the resolution. She understood my frustrations and did apologize on behalf of the company. Again it's all you can ask for. I was made whole...or at least what I was ok with accepting to be considered whole...and I told her I would absolutely do business with them again...just maybe this time with some proof that they are doing what she said they would be doing to make sure points are verified! Thank you for listening to my vents as this did cause me and my wife a little more anxiety than it was worth...but hopefully when I'm sitting by Stormalong Bay sipping a drink I can think about this mess and laugh a bit!
I'm glad you ended up having a fair resolution after all of this. Hopefully Fidelity will actually take these situations to heart and actually verify the points and use year of a contract. Also hopefully they'll have better communication from here on out.
I'm glad you ended up having a fair resolution after all of this. Hopefully Fidelity will actually take these situations to heart and actually verify the points and use year of a contract. Also hopefully they'll have better communication from here on out.
Yup that's what I wanted to impress upon Jeana and she told me that that's her goal as the new manager at Fidelity. That's all you can ask for. Mistakes happen. Seller's can make boneheaded moves with their contracts. Agents can make mistakes. Just make sure there is fast communication and the ability to fix errors in a timely manner.
So I got a call from Jeana Clarkin who is the contract manager at Fidelity. First off it was very nice to get a phone call and actually speak to someone from Fidelity...which honestly would've done wonders from the beginning. Something about trying to communicate via email when you feel like you've been swindled is not the best feeling. She was very apologetic and really communicated to me how bad she felt that this situation even happened. She mentioned that Disney was not going to revert the points and that they were having a hard time with the seller getting them to pay the penalty. She said Fidelity and DVC Title were going to work together to cut me a check...which they did overnight...and deal with the sellers themselves. Honestly that's the exact response you would want in a situation like this. So monetarily I was satisfied with the outcome.

Now I did ask her how this all went down and it sounded like there was some fault on everyone's end and was a perfect storm of communication errors between multiple parties. Jeana sounds like she takes her job very seriously and told me she had come from another DVC resale company. She mentioned that my case would be the reason she's implementing more stringent checks from now on with her brokers. It didn't sound like she was just feeding me stories I wanted to hear. I mentioned that it would be great to make sure Fidelity doesn't take making mistakes lightly as there are many people who want to feel comfortable purchasing from them since their prices really are some of the best out there. She agreed and we spoke for a while and I did feel very good about the resolution. She understood my frustrations and did apologize on behalf of the company. Again it's all you can ask for. I was made whole...or at least what I was ok with accepting to be considered whole...and I told her I would absolutely do business with them again...just maybe this time with some proof that they are doing what she said they would be doing to make sure points are verified! Thank you for listening to my vents as this did cause me and my wife a little more anxiety than it was worth...but hopefully when I'm sitting by Stormalong Bay sipping a drink I can think about this mess and laugh a bit!
Glad to hear that you got at least the compensation you were entitled to for the missing points and Fidelity is taking action quickly (eventually). I still have so many questions, but life is too short to spend dwelling on the DVC resale quirks I have no control over.
I’m so happy for you that they were able to make it right for you and you all were able to reach a resolution YOU were happy with!
Good to hear they made it right. I figured they would. They are a reputable company. I’m sure the delay was them doing their due diligence to find out what happened.
I still have so many questions, but life is too short to spend dwelling on the DVC resale quirks I have no control over.
The sellers put up their points for sale...then used their points to book a cruise. Then when my offer came in they decided to cancel the cruise to sell the contract...alas...huge mistake. After that it gets a little murky. Something about when the points were verified a second time the image was unclear (blurry unclear? confusing unclear?) and that's when things went haywire. Or something like that! I'm just glad it worked out in the end. I'm also glad I decided to really verify for myself that my points were correct when this all first happened. I could easily have dismissed it as correct because the 123 point number is so unique and I could've easily have just looked passed the part where it was in the wrong use year!

Now that I have more free time I will be spending it catching up on the 10 different Trust/Poly2/Cabins threads!
The sellers put up their points for sale...then used their points to book a cruise. Then when my offer came in they decided to cancel the cruise to sell the contract...alas...huge mistake. After that it gets a little murky. Something about when the points were verified a second time the image was unclear (blurry unclear? confusing unclear?) and that's when things went haywire. Or something like that! I'm just glad it worked out in the end. I'm also glad I decided to really verify for myself that my points were correct when this all first happened. I could easily have dismissed it as correct because the 123 point number is so unique and I could've easily have just looked passed the part where it was in the wrong use year!

Now that I have more free time I will be spending it catching up on the 10 different Trust/Poly2/Cabins threads!
I feel like they're still not telling you the truth. When you book a cruise, those points become "reservation points" and are no longer in the DVC system. You can't cancel and get those points back; they can only be used for cruises and hotel reservations at that point, not DVC reservations.
I feel like they're still not telling you the truth. When you book a cruise, those points become "reservation points" and are no longer in the DVC system. You can't cancel and get those points back; they can only be used for cruises and hotel reservations at that point, not DVC reservations.
That was the problem.
Wow, it actually surprises me that Disney did not revert the points back for you as an exception. Disappointing, Disney. It seems that Disney never misses an opportunity nowadays to underwhelm.
Wow, it actually surprises me that Disney did not revert the points back for you as an exception. Disappointing, Disney. It seems that Disney never misses an opportunity nowadays to underwhelm.
I’m not

Not Disney’s circus, not the Disney’s Monkey..

If Disney made an expecting, here they would always be required to make exception….

Personal, I think Disney actually upholding their policy here is correct
If Disney bailed out errors made by resale brokers that could cause them problems on more resale contracts than this one.
I’m not

Not Disney’s circus, not the Disney’s Monkey..

If Disney made an expecting, here they would always be required to make exception….

Personal, I think Disney actually upholding their policy here is correct
Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just wonder if maybe it wasn’t also Disney’s fault. And the entire system is not well done. Disney used to be more benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just wonder if maybe it wasn’t also Disney’s fault. And the entire system is not well done. Disney used to be more benefit of the doubt.
It would be nice and more reassuring for the resale process as a whole if Disney could freeze contracts in some way to prevent points usage/transfers from occurring when they waive ROFR until say the closing date or when the new ownership is recorded. But they really have no incentive to do so and I'm sure that could bring a whole host of other logistical issues on the back end that we're not aware of.
Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just wonder if maybe it wasn’t also Disney’s fault. And the entire system is not well done. Disney used to be more benefit of the doubt.
Its a pretty big leap, to indicate that some seller’s disingenuous acts are Disney fault.

The system works fine, people today expect everything instantly and don’t want to pay for the service.

Again, Disney is not a party to this transaction!

Now, I sure if Disney started charge a 1000 dollar transfer fee, but transfer contract real time people would be upset about that too.

The bottom line here,

The seller was disingenuous,
The broker was less than completely transparent,
The title company conveyed funds before the buyer was give what the contract stated,

Where did Disney go wrong ?
It would be nice and more reassuring for the resale process as a whole if Disney could freeze contracts in some way to prevent points usage/transfers from occurring when they waive ROFR until say the closing date or when the new ownership is recorded. But they really have no incentive to do so and I'm sure that could bring a whole host of other logistical issues on the back end that we're not aware of.
We have discussed this already
Disney has No, Zero authority to do so.

They are not a party to the sale,

The broker and title insurance company bare this responsibility, and disclaim it, and make you hold them harmless.
Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just wonder if maybe it wasn’t also Disney’s fault. And the entire system is not well done. Disney used to be more benefit of the doubt.

The thing is reservation points can’t be converted back because a room is pulled for those equivalent points and sold for cash to pay for the exchange.

Sonce resale can’t access the DVc collection, those points can’t be sold with the contract. I get why MA wouldn’t give them.

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