Wednesday, February 26th.
I woke up early this morning as unusual. I had planned a few things for the day. It was kinda of a special day. It was my birthday. I wanted to spend the day having some fun. Hubby and I would celebrate when I got back home. So
I went over for my morning coffee at Starbucks in Aventura. It was cool again this morning. I really liked the walk over to Aventura from Sapphire Falls. It is a nice little stroll and refreshing in the cool morning air.
I walked back to Sapphire and took a shower and got ready for the day. I wanted to go over to Disney Springs for awhile.
After I was done getting ready it was about 9 am. I decided to head over to Disney Springs it opened at 10 am. I was hoping the Lime parking garage would be open. I don’t like parking in the Orange garage which is located in the back area of Disney Springs.
I took the back way to Disney Springs and Thankfully the Lime garage was open.
Ok, here is a mild rant. During Covid Precautions times they put of a gate system on the second floor of the parking garage before you went to the elevators or escalator to reach the entrance to Disney Springs.
You had to transect this gated system which added more time and steps required to get through it to allow for people and baggage screening. I get it, but we no longer need that. Baggage screening is good, but forcing people to walk all that distance to reach the screening area is not needed anymore.
I was wondering how that would work when someone returned to the parking garage after walking all day at Disney Springs and then had to walk all the way around those gates to reach their vehicle. More to come on that thought.
I was there about 10 minutes before the stores opened. Then I started my look around at Vera Bradley when they opened.
They do have some really nice merchandise. There was some Disney merchandise in the back park of store that was 30% off.