Unique Baby Girls names??

babiesX2 said:
I'm not trying to spoil everyone's fun with this, but the O'range and LeMon Jello twins story is an urban legend. Check out http://www.snopes.com/racial/language/names.htm .

Sorry, but I was their nurse, and they thought it was pretty cool. Did not want to give out their real name because I am sure anyone reading this from the area I live in would know them...

I read snopes and that story was not on there either.

I could give you their name and address, you could do a people search and call to verify...but that would be unprofessional of me.
My dd is named Rosalia...pronounced Rose-a-LEE-a. It's of Latin origin. We stumbled across it while looking for a Rose name and both LOVED it. You'd mever find it in the ready-made "personalized" items, but it's not one of those names that's rewally OUT there.

Oh, and tell her congrats for me!
My dd's name is far too common now (Hannah) but wasn't when we thought up the name 10 years ago!

I like these names:

Marin (my cousin's name)
Maeve (pronounced like "made" but with a "v")
Elle (or Ella)

And for the craziest names ever, I have two. One set of boy/girl twins I knew were Queen and Supreme! The boy was supreme.

BUT...this is the best...the baby's name (boy) was Nosmo King. Nosmo King...aka No Smoking!

Can you believe it? It's the honest truth!! :lmao:
I love the name Corrine! (pronounced Core-een)

You could use Corrine or Cori for short. In fact, I had Corrine on my list of names for dd. We decided against it because Corrine sounds almost like "Korean," and dd was adopted from Korea. It didn't sit right.

Another name we liked was Kaylin. We voted that because everyone said, "Oh! Kaitlyn!" when we told them what we were naming dd. It grew tiresome for us to say KAYlin all of the time, and to have to spell it because everyone kept throwing that "T" in there. We decided that we didn't want to saddle dd with a name that was proving to be difficult before she was even here.

I also love the name Madeline, though that name seems to becoming mainstream.

I also like the name Isabelle.
I have never met anyone with my name.. it is Melynn, pronounced M'lynn or Malynn. Not Melon, as most who read it would. I was was born on my Fathers Birthday, who's name was Melvin! Man, am I glad I wasn't a boy! good luck with naming!
Our 3 girls are Mallory, Kendall and Avery. There are a couple of kids with each of those names in my girls school (500 kids K-5th), but none in any of their grades. One thing I have come across is that some people think they are boys....when seeing the name....not them.

Other names we liked were:


Good Luck!
I have just a couple of more, I love this thread:
Rosalind ( Ros a lynn)
Rolynne( Roy Lynne)
Ronell (Ron Nell)
Anice (Ah niece) Really a name of a friend of mine :rotfl:
At the time my DD, now 8yrs old, we thought her name was different and unique. Now we are hearing more and more people with her name. It is Destiny. I don't really hear alot of people with my name, Dominique. DH and I really like different names, I guess I should say words, not names!LOL We said that if we were to have another girl her name would either be Trinity or Serenity. DS has a very normal name, Robert, after my DH, but my son is Robert Lewis III, which is unique I guess!
I just had a baby girl three months ago and I was determined as with my son three years ago to come up with something different, yet not too crazy. We named our son Teagen and call him Teags or Teag, but I think you could use the name for a girl as well. My daughter is named Taylen and everyone who hears it says they have never heard it before. It was just something I came up with. I like to take popular names and just try adding different constanants to the front of them . I also liked Rielyn or Talia. Good luck, it is quite the chore these days to come up with interesting names.
I didn't read through all the threads, but these are some girl names I like.

Alaina (partial to that one, as that's DD#1)
liamandcaili said:
Here are some that are really popular here now, so if she's looking for unique, don't choose these (although I do really like some): Alexa/Alexi/Alexandra, Bailey, Brianna, Caitlin, Emma, Emily, Hannah, Jillian, Katie, Kayla, Kaya, Lily, Madison, Mikayla, Molly, Olivia, Sara.

Here are some we considered for DD: Alaina, Allie, Bethany, Bridget, Ella, Gwenyth, Lindsay, Sophie.

We chose Caileen.

Our DD's name is Bethany Jenna. I loved Bethany from the 1st time I heard it - about 20 years before my daughter's birth! LOL The old-fashioned Bethany paired with the currently poplar Jenna was the right balance for me.
I've got three boys, but our potential girl names last time around were Susanna, Delia, and Rosalie. Pregnancy before that we were thinking of Maisy. And my first boy would have been Quinn if he'd been a girl. I'm going to need a lot of girl dogs to use up my graveyard of girl names!
Oh there are so many things you can do with girls names...you can make them up and it seems to be fine (whereas "unique" boys names seems harder to come by and less masculine sometimes).

My daughter is Lorelei and we call her Rory (yes, from the Gilmore Girls)
my name is Brandia, nick name Brandy (a little dated nowadays, but it fit the 70s I suppose)
It seems that traditional/old fashioned names are in right now, so if you want to be unique...don't go there.
I always loved these names: Kayleigha (Kay lee a), Katarina, Kaitlin, Amalia,Kailyn,Katja, Anja (the js sound like ys). I know a girl named Malaysia (although I think the spelling is different). I know only 2 girls named Malayna (with various spellings). But I know countless Graces, Olivias, Emilys (all names I LOVE but would not name my child because it is so popular)

Any foreign name or word can sound so pretty and be rather unique here...as you can see I have a thing for German sounding names, in fact if we have a boy he will be named Karsten (and forever be confused with Carson).

My mom's naming rule was that we had a proper given name (more formal sounding and with at least 2 syllables) and then a cute nickname. So Richard is Ricky, Anthony is Tony...that way when we grew up we wouldn't have little kids names to go by...now that we are adults Ricky has dropped the "y" and usual goes by Rick or Richard.

One last thought...I have always thought (at least for myself) that if I ended up with a very normal last name (Johnson, Schmidt, Smith) then a unique first name is in order. It is just practical to not be confused with the other John Smiths of the world. If your last name is not very common, then a normal first name is alright. In the end I married a guy with a not so common surname...so now I feel free to go any way I want with my kids names. :)
I'm one of those people who prefer that girls names sound like girls names and boys names sound like boys names. There's a kid on DS' soccer team (co-ed) that we still don't know if it's a boy or a girl and can't tell based on name. I've run into that more than once (Jordan, Robin, Taylor, Alex)

My girls are Isabelle Rhiannon and Amélie Juliette.

Other names I liked are:


DH is French so the kids all got French names. Isabelle is easy enough in english, Amélie people do ok with, many have seen the movie. One had the nerve to tell me it was a strange name but the French were strange so it made sense. :furious: We call her Ami a lot anyway.
Names of my DDs and their friends:

DD1: Ashlynn (gets called Ashley a lot)
DD2: Maiya (getting more popular (Mya, Maya), but spelling keeps it unique)
McKinley and McKaylen (identical twin girls)
Merci (pronouced like mercy)
Miriam (this name suits the girl perfectly)
Theodora, Theodoxa and Theorosa (3 stair-stepped sisters, each 1 year apart)

Both of my girls have "normal" middle names (Jayne and Victoria) which I think helps off-set their "unique" first name.
My dds are: Presley Grace and Kylie Brooke. We get compliments on Presley's name very often.

Have fun!
Someone once told there was an outdoorsman who had twin boys and they named them: Hunter and Fischer! Probably another urban legend as well.

My thoughts on girl names:

Lillian (Lilly for short)
Addison (yes..from Grey's Anatomy)
Regan (Love this..was going to name my 2nd DD this, but DD#1 is Meghan...I could here it now..Meghan and Regan)

Some of my favourite girls names:


And one of my Girl Guides:
I read through all the posts and didn't see my dd's name mentioned! :) Elliana (Ellie-on-ah). I added the extra "L" because I knew I would shorten it to Elli and didn't want it to look like Eli (boys name). I think Elli is an adorable little girls name and Elliana will be great when she is an adult if she outgrows Elli. We have run into a few Ellie's over the years, but never any Elliana's. I know there are other Ellianas, my parents had a waitress in Las Vegas with the name and Christian Slater's youngest DD's name is Elliana (don't know how he spells it though). So there are others, but not many and we get lots of compliments on her name, it's different, but not out there! :goodvibes


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