Un-Tangled-Getting My Life Back....PTR!! TR Started! 5/30

Hi, the excitement must be building up for you. I love that feeling.
I'm almost down to the last 10 days!! <my ticker is off by a day :rolleyes:> :banana:

Today I did a little shopping to finish up some last minute things I needed for the trip.
The best part of the shopping was finding some cute little things to put in a goodie bag for the little one that I'll have a chance to meet. princess:

I'm finalizing up some park planning, piling up things on the dresser to pack for later<-it's starting to look like junk haulers convention up there> :laughing:, and making my lists for packing. As you know I'm a list maker and so I've got a few of them going right now. I like to make the list and leave it out to go to as I think of things to add to it. :coffee:

Mackie and I have a crazy week to get through before we leave and I'm hoping it doesn't drive us wacky in the meant time.
Mackenzie's dance team's BIG spring recital is happening the very day before we leave, so this makes for a few added things to our list.

Such as....Mackie needs a flower bucket made for her recital. Each of the girls make their own bucket for parents/family members/and fellow dancers to put notes and flowers in. :goodvibes It's a really cute idea, but adds another thing to my list of things I have to keep track of over the next couple of weeks. :scared: I still have her autograph book to make too. :upsidedow
This week is standardized testing week, and she still has yet to get all her homework assignments from her teachers to complete before we leave for the trip.
That's one great thing about going to WDW in May, most of the teachers want that month to be free of tests to grade so they usually have them doing projects and things that are really easy to grade and to catch up on. :goodvibes

So far, one of her teachers has been great about her going and tell me they think she's a great student and have no worries about her falling behind in any way. :) Makes a Momma feel blessed to hear this! :thumbsup2 Trust me, if I thought there was any chance she would fall behind we wouldn't be going.

This week is putting outfits together for Mackie (need to make sure she's not trying to bring anything not mom approved :rolleyes: :laughing:) and making sure there aren't any little odds and ends that need to be tended to.

Since she'll have a crazy practice week next week I'll have to do most of her packing, so that's why we're finalizing her wardrobe this week. A Momma's work is never done, is it? :goodvibes

Okay! Could that dang mocking bird be any freaking louder outside my house?!?
Every morning at 1:30 he sits in our tree and goes through his repertoire of songs and drives me batty! We can't keep our windows open at night when it's cooler if we want to sleep. Reminds me of the movie Failure to Launch! :rotfl:

Okay, so back to what I was babbling about. :teeth:
Sent Pat (poolrat) our ADR list and inten. so she could keep up with us if she wants. She's had some stressful schedules over the last few months, so as much as I want to see her I'd rather she have a relaxing few days while she's there and join us when she's able.

Tomorrow (actually today) I have a hair appt. for cut and color, hoping the cut turns out as cute as it was last time. :thumbsup2 Hopefully I'll have enough time to calm the color down before the trip. :laughing:
And I think all Mackie and I have left is to get our pedicures done two days before we leave. She's soooo looking forward to getting that done, bless her heart. I think it's the one thing she looks most forward to before the trip, cause Lord knows she's not one for planning. AT ALL!! :sad2: :rotfl:

Thank goodness for our first day in the parks for being a fairly low crowd day, she thinks she wants to wing it and go where ever the wind blows us. Bless her little heart, she has no idea how much planning goes into this trip, I think I'll have her plan the next one so she knows. :laughing:

Okay, I'm just getting plain silly at this point, I better get myself to bed or I won't be any good to anyone tomrrow. It's too late for a spell check, hope you understand.

You are in that final crunch time, my friend! Can be exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time! How close you are to your trip. I can't wait, I'm excited for you.

And as a side note, that basket for the recital sounds adorable!
How exciting that your trip is so close! I always liked to put outfits together for my boys when they were younger. That was part of the fun of the trip!

I hope the next 10 days fly and you are completely prepared and don't have any last minute stressful moments getting ready (that we all tend to get because we are so obsessive).

Haha - we had a bird like that in HHI, only he didn't start until about 6am :rotfl2:
Yay! I'm so excited for you!

I always find in that last couple of weeks I feel like I have so much to do and feel a little overwhelmed, but it always comes together nicely in the end :goodvibes
OMGoodness!!!10 DAYS!!!!! You really are in crunch time! Sounds like you will be a busy lady! When you have time, could you text me on my cell? I had to reboot my phone and lost a lot of contact info. Thanks. Jim had an interview in Houston today, so we went over yesterday. Not sure what the outcome was, but it's in God's hands now. Well, I guess it always was :rotfl2:
The trip is so soon! Sending lots of pixie dust that everything gets done just the way you like before you go!
You are in that final crunch time, my friend! Can be exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time! How close you are to your trip. I can't wait, I'm excited for you.

And as a side note, that basket for the recital sounds adorable!

You summed it up nicely, exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. Especially since there is dance team drama happening right now. :rolleyes: I DON'T DO DRAMA, like AT ALL! I hate it!! Please pray for me to get through these nexts few days with my sanity intact. :scared:

How exciting that your trip is so close! I always liked to put outfits together for my boys when they were younger. That was part of the fun of the trip!

Yeaah, I'm not sure if there will be any more trips where I get a chance to do outfit planning for one of my kids. :laughing: I'm honestly surprised Mackenzie's allowing me to do it this time. To be honest, the control freak that I can be, I actually went over my son's outfits for our 2010 trip. :rotfl: I didn't pick them out for him, but I did want to see what he had (and wanted to make sure he was packing what he needed) and helped him make some decisions as he was deciding on what to bring. We actually have a lot of fun shopping for his clothes together, it doesn't happen often but fun when we can. He worked at Pac Sun, so he's pretty good at picking clothes for himself and others.

I hope the next 10 days fly and you are completely prepared and don't have any last minute stressful moments getting ready (that we all tend to get because we are so obsessive).

Haha - we had a bird like that in HHI, only he didn't start until about 6am :rotfl2:

I sure hope they do too. :scared: Oh boy! Well, at least y'all were able to get some sleep before he started in. :laughing: I hope your trip was a lot of fun, can't wait to hear about it.

Yay! I'm so excited for you!

I always find in that last couple of weeks I feel like I have so much to do and feel a little overwhelmed, but it always comes together nicely in the end :goodvibes

Thank you, Lana. You are so right, it's always a bit stressful, but it always comes together. I just need to stop and hand it all back over to the BIG GUY and stop trying to do it all on my own. Works (every time) much better for me when I do. :) :love:

Thank you, Lana. You are so right, it's always a bit stressful, but it always comes together. I just need to stop and hand it all back over to the BIG GUY and stop trying to do it all on my own. Works (every time) much better for me when I do. :) :love:

I am always MIA but I just had to say...this is SO TRUE! Thanks for the reminder! :goodvibes
Ugh. I don't like to do drama either. I'll keep you in my prayers. :goodvibes
OMGoodness!!!10 DAYS!!!!! You really are in crunch time! Sounds like you will be a busy lady! When you have time, could you text me on my cell? I had to reboot my phone and lost a lot of contact info. Thanks. Jim had an interview in Houston today, so we went over yesterday. Not sure what the outcome was, but it's in God's hands now. Well, I guess it always was :rotfl2:

I know!! :woohoo: I have been a busy lady, I'll be sure to text you. Hope I don't forget in this weeks craziness. :scared:

So soon and so busy between now and then! The good news is it will make the time fly.

I sure hope you are right, Cynthia. I'd really like to see this weeks drama (outside of going to Disney) be done and over with.

The trip is so soon! Sending lots of pixie dust that everything gets done just the way you like before you go!

You and me both, Alysa. :goodvibes With God it always comes together and usually much better than the way I wanted it.....when I remember to ask Him to handle everything. :rolleyes:

Hope you don't mind me self-promoting here but I started a TR. (Since someone guilted me into it! :rotfl2:)


Jill in CO

Of course I don't mind! :) It makes me happy to know you felt comfortable enough to post it here!! :thumbsup2 I'll have to get over there to read!! :coffee:

I am always MIA but I just had to say...this is SO TRUE! Thanks for the reminder! :goodvibes

You're a busy woman, it's understandable! :upsidedow And yes, it's soo true. Brook and I remind one another often how smoothly our days go if we give it over to Him and ask Him to guide our steps. The day goes soooo much better, it's amazing what can get done! It's almost super human like!! :laughing:

Ugh. I don't like to do drama either. I'll keep you in my prayers. :goodvibes

I can't thank you enough, honestly. Today went better, but the drama isn't over yet. I just need to keep in mind not to allow myself to get involved emotionally.

Closer and closer it comes. So excited for you...you SO deserve this trip.

I know, Ms. Kat!! :goodvibes Awww, thank you. I've worked really hard, and hoping to make another goal before the trip now that I'm able to workout a bit more than I had been. Physical therapy is almost over, thank goodness!

Your trip is getting soooo close!!!!!!!!!

I know!! :cheer2: I can hardly stand it!! :goodvibes


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