Ugh. Cold mornings mean summer is over.


Feb 1, 2001
Hit a low of 40 this morning and it is forecast to be a degree or two cooler tomorrow morning.

I don't like the cold mornings and already miss summer.

It doesn't help that I just returned from Las Vegas which was still in the mid 90's.

I tend to run in the morning and it is just not as enjoyable when it is in the 40's or colder. I do enjoy the nice cool night time temps for sleeping but would rather keep paying for the air conditioner to make it cool.

Anyone else annoyed by the cold or is it something you enjoy?

I’m not a cold weather girl at all :sad2:
I go through a mourning process every Fall starting when we cover the pool :sad:

ETA…..I’m in NW Indiana and I’ve been using the furnace for the last few days - Booo 👎🏻
I sweat too easily during the summer, so I enjoy the "cold." Of course, being in the South, "cold" is relative. I don't know how I would do up North. My opinion may be different up there!
We have our first real front coming through right now. We hit 99 Monday and I think 95 or 96 yesterday, so I'm eagerly awaiting the anticipated 46 degrees tomorrow morning. We'll be back to the upper 80s (potentially low 90s) in less than a week, so I'll take whatever cool signs of fall we get. Our area hasn't seen anything this cool since April.
I sweat too easily during the summer, so I enjoy the "cold." Of course, being in the South, "cold" is relative. I don't know how I would do up North. My opinion may be different up there!

I grew up in the northeast and have lived south (FL and gulf coast TX) for the last 30+ years. We've found that the cold down here is different due to the humidity. My northern friends love to laugh about it, claiming I've gone soft, but those that have come to visit have found that 40s here has the same sort of discomfort you might feel up north in the teens and 20s.
Yeah... got a dose of reality when I left for work and had ice on my windshield yesterday. Been in the mid/upper 30's the last few mornings.
I just get so sad as the sun sets earlier and earlier. Our weather has been unusually warm (80's) and nights around 50. I hate winter so glad we moved out of Illinois where winter never, ever ends.
I watched a special once where a man who was struck by lightning could no longer feel the cold. He was outside shoveling snow in a T shirt. I've been trying to be struck by lightning ever since.
I don't mind a chilly morning as long as it gets into at least the 60s during the day in the fall. Beats the winter, at least.
I just get so sad as the sun sets earlier and earlier. Our weather has been unusually warm (80's) and nights around 50. I hate winter so glad we moved out of Illinois where winter never, ever ends.
Yeah, plus the night time driving.
Seasonal depression and arthritis so I HATE cold weather with a passion was in low 30s this morning 😳😡 I won’t be warm again until June no matter how much clothing I wear !! I dream of the day I can move to a warmer climate 🤔🤔🤔 hopefully someday before I freeze to death 🤣🤣🤣
I love cool mornings. My dog does too. Poor girl can't handle the heat. Cool mornings mean longer walks and I love the fall colors.
We were catapulted into very chilly mornings this week. Last week the transition to fall was ever so slight and magical with a mild morning chill.

Last Friday I went to Phoenix to visit friends and was hit with the wall of heat at 8pm when I waited for my Uber. 100+ degree days in October was not normal when I lived there, October was a gorgeous month for the desert back then. 🫤

So when I came home and welcomed to upper 30's low 40's on Monday that was a shock! I want our last week morning weather of 50's that rises to mid upper 70's for the high. That's perfection for me! Looks like my wish will be granted next week. :D
Very chilly this morning in Delaware, I had to wear a jacket for the first time this season when leaving for work!

We camped at Knoebel's over the weekend and it was pretty cold at night. I had to bundle up!


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