Uber "scam"

Another reason to consider avoiding Uber is the lack of ethics and willful violation of data breach notification laws:

Uber Hid 57-Million User Data Breach for Over a Year

Short snippet from article (in case people don't want to click links):
Not only did the ridesharing service lose control of 57 million people's private information [in October 2016], it also hid that massive breach for more than a year, a cover-up that potentially defied data breach disclosure laws. Uber may have even actively deceived Federal Trade Commission investigators who were already looking into the company for distinct, earlier data breach [in May 2014].

As bad as that data debacle sounds, Uber's response may end up doing the most damage to the company's relationship with users, and perhaps even exposed it to criminal charges against executives, according to those who have followed the company's ongoing FTC woes. According to Bloomberg, which originally broke the news of the breach, Uber paid a $100,000 ransom to its hackers to keep the breach quiet and delete the data they'd stolen.​

Everyone has a different line for what is considered ethical behavior by a business. Hiding a massive data breach, paying off the hackers, and knowingly violating notification laws is so far past that line I can't even see the line. The line is a dot to me.
Uber is certainly not the only company that has paid off hackers, lol. Many of the major online companies we do business with every day have done the same thing.

But again, that was the old Travis Kalanick regime, which has been replaced. Kalanick did a LOT of unethical things -- some much worse than this -- and that's why he's no longer the CEO.

In fact, if you read the whole article rather than selected "snippets," you'll learn that the new leadership reported this situation as soon as they took over. The ethical environment at Uber is vastly different today than it was two years ago when that breach occurred.
As others have mentioned, Uber is under new management.

What I wanted to mention is -- Uber is trying hard to promote that they are under new management. So I would think that this would be a good time for OP to point out the problem. If Uber is not helpful, it goes against the new image they are trying to create.
Nice catch and yes I'm not disputing the info given especially about FL specific requirements.

There was nothing to "catch". His first post in the thread explicitly said that he was an Uber/Lyft driver. Wasn't hiding anything.

First of all, this veteran Uber/Lyft driver is sorry this happened to you. This kind of fraudulent behavior has no place in Uber, Lyft, or any other business, and the sooner Uber deactivates this driver, the better for everyone.

I don' mean to tangent off, but there's a reason why taxis are transportation are regulated, and all of this scamming -- along with the not frequent but still occurring assaults -- are it.

I think the reason that Lyft and Uber have been so successful is because the regulations were designed to only help the taxi drivers. They did very little to help the customers. I will never use a taxi again in Las Vegas after getting long hauled. Many of the taxi drivers there are crooks. Just look at the daily posts on the Las Vegas Trip Advisor boards complaining about long hauling.
Disney has had data breeches and has employed cast members that have abused customers. Maybe I should boycot Disney and start going to Universal instead... :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1
and people wonder why I totall tell people to stay away from Uber and Lyft - between bogus charges and the potential other things that can happen........I would rather pay for peace of mind in a rental car and know that my husband is driving!
Catch? It's not a catch. The poster frequently provides useful information on this board from the perspective of a driver.
Get over yourselves the quote had a highlight that gave away the poster was a driver..he may have posted earlier but it's something I didn't catching reading that specific post.

You guys like Uber that's fine but geeze I didn't realize Uber had all these fanatics that think it can't do anywrong just like Disney does.
There was nothing to "catch". His first post in the thread explicitly said that he was an Uber/Lyft driver. Wasn't hiding anything.

Catch? It's not a catch. The poster frequently provides useful information on this board from the perspective of a driver.

Exactly! Ive known for some time that JimMIA is a rideshare driver. He's extremely helpful on both the 'Everything abu,ot Über/Lyft' thread, as well as on specific questions.e

i just highlighted his "we" because it was the first thing i saw to support my statement :)
Exactly! Ive known for some time that JimMIA is a rideshare driver. He's extremely helpful on both the 'Everything abu,ot Über/Lyft' thread, as well as on specific questions.e

i just highlighted his "we" because it was the first thing i saw to support my statement :)
Yeah I hadn't read those posts and your highlight was something I didn't catch so I said nice catch.

Like I said you like Uber that's cool I'm sure you'll be fine..I'll continue to drive myself around.
and people wonder why I totall tell people to stay away from Uber and Lyft - between bogus charges and the potential other things that can happen........I would rather pay for peace of mind in a rental car and know that my husband is driving!
I don't drive
i don't have a spouse or other travel companion
i don't know how your husband drives
The only (local) cab company i trust went out of business
i had a decent experience with my one Über ride, and excellent trips on all my Lyft rides

Different strokes for different folks (,and so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby... ;))
IMHO I have never had an issue with a taxicab. Maybe it's because I solely use them professionally, I don't make crazy demands (like take ALL the shortcuts but wait 20 mins while I shop and can you help me carry this?!), and I tip them ~25% (because the math is easier for me LOL).

In our city, I have observed that there really are only 3 ways that customers have problems with our taxi-cab companies:

1) people use them to bar-crawl/hop/whatever you call that and therefore are drunk entitled rude animals

2) people use them after the bars close and therefore are gushing leaky drunk entitled rude animals

3) people drunkenly pass out in the back seat after the bar closes... and in-car video coverage doesn't film anything if your "less than helpful" taxi driver drags your sleeping body into your own apartment :(

treat the taxis with respect as their livelihood is driving around all day... idiot drivers surrounding them, new truckers rolling all over the highways, long hours pretty much living in your car, only seeing your SO via your cell phone (Skype/Facetime/text), plus all the other aggravations of having Paperwork and a Manager and Co-Workers and Meetings like any other job. and the customers! AUGH I would not want to do it for a living! At Disney I could see it being an okay job because Everyone Is On Vacation!!!! but not in my home city!
As others have mentioned, Uber is under new management.

What I wanted to mention is -- Uber is trying hard to promote that they are under new management. So I would think that this would be a good time for OP to point out the problem. If Uber is not helpful, it goes against the new image they are trying to create.
New leadership doesn't mean all is forgotten to people. New leadership does nothing when for most people the main issues were Uber's (and Lyft's) business model and how they opted to interact with cities they wanted to be in among other things and unless they change all of that it just means another fall guy at the helm.

I'm not entirely certain using "hey your image may be impacted" will hold much weight. By now Uber is well used to how they are perceived and even wanting to get a better image it's going to take a heck of a lot more than someone complaining about a charge an Uber driver levied on them that was not correct. I don't disagree with the big picture of writing in to give experience as I'm generally (not always though) for letting a company know I just don't think the OP's issue is something that will tarnish their image any more than it already is to some people; it just seems relatively small in comparison to the larger fish to fry in the relatively new world of ridesharing.
In our city, I have observed that there really are only 3 ways that customers have problems with our taxi-cab companies:
The 2 problem rides I have had have been in taxis, not rideshare vehicles and none of the 3 applied.

The second one I actually contacted friends about while I was riding so someone would know what was going on.
That’s all I had to read to make up my Mind to use Minnie Van on our upcoming trip. I don’t care if it cost more... it’s just a shame for the honest drivers of Uber.
Am certain you do realize this, but for any others reading along, you will have to download the Lyft app, and create a Lyft account, to use Minnie Vans. There is no other way to access the ride. It's simply a level of service within the Lyft app
Yes, you are not using a Lyft driver but you are using the Lyft platform.
Just so everyone knows
Last edited:
Am certain you do realize this, as do any others reading along, but you will have to download the Lyft app, and create a Lyft account, to use Minnie Vans. There is no other way to access the ride. It's simply a level of service within the Lyft app
Yes, you are not using a Lyft driver but you are using the Lyft platform.
Just so everyone knows
I downloaded Lyft & out info in
Thank you
More than 120 Uber and Lyft drivers have been accused of the rape, sexual assault or kidnapping of their passengers over the past four years, according to reports.

An investigation by CNN has found a total of 103 Uber drivers and 18 Lyft drivers have been accused of sexual and violent offences following analysis of police reports, federal court records and county court databases across the U.S.

Of the 103 Uber drivers mentioned in the investigation, at least 31 drivers have been convicted for crimes including rape, forcible touching and false imprisonment, with dozens more criminal and civil cases still pending.

Last month, Uber driver Frederick Q. Amfo fled the country after being charged with the rape of a woman whom he picked up in Quincy Center, Massachusetts.

"What’s been reported is unacceptable. The driver has been removed from the app and we are looking into this,” an Uber spokesperson said in a statement to Newsweek at the time.

In this photo illustration, a woman uses the Uber app on an Samsung smartphone on September 2, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. A report has found more than 100 Uber drivers have been accused of crimes such as rape and sexual assault in the past four years. ADAM BERRY/GETTY IMAGES

CNN spoke to other women who were allegedly attacked by an Uber driver. In one case, a woman from Miami passed out in an Uber driver's car following a night out with friends and woke up the next day in her apartment with her pants and underwear on the floor. The driver allegedly carried her into her apartment before sexually assaulting her.
"You are pretty much hitchhiking with strangers," she told CNN. "How many people is it going to take to get assaulted before something is done?"

Uber has taken several steps to ensure the safety of the millions of passengers who use the app every day in the wake of continuing criticism.

In April, to coincide with Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the company teamed up with campaign group No More as part of Uber’s “commitment to drive change, along with other leading organizations, to help prevent sexual and domestic violence.”

Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi also wrote a blog post entitled Getting Serious About Safety in which he announced a string of improvements to “double down on safety” for those using the app.

The updates include passengers being able to install five “trusted contacts” who will be able to track their journeys, a new emergency button which will connect riders directly with 911 and strengthening background checks for their drivers.

“Helping keep people safe is a huge responsibility, and one we do not take lightly,” Khosrowshahi wrote.

According to CNN, Uber had been made aware of the investigation several months ago but did not provide an on-the-record comment. The company also allegedly canceled an on-camera interview with an Uber executive in April.

The company did respond to the report following its publication. "These stories are horrific and our hearts go out to the victims," an Uber spokeswoman told CNET.

"We worked with CNN to understand their findings and determined that Uber did 2.4 billion trips in the US in that same period. But even one incident on our platform is too many which is why safety is Uber's top priority for 2018 and beyond."

A Lyft spokesperson said the safety of their community is a "top priority," adding it has "worked hard to design policies and features that protect our community."

This article is enough for me to never use uber again.

Interesting it is ~10:1 Uber to Lyft. Not surprising considering Uber's culture.
Uber is certainly not the only company that has paid off hackers, lol. Many of the major online companies we do business with every day have done the same thing.

The fact that other companies do unethical or illegal things is not a defense, in my book.

Disney has had data breeches and has employed cast members that have abused customers. Maybe I should boycot Disney and start going to Universal instead... :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1

Data breeches that they hid for a year and about which they lied to investigators? If I found out that Disney did all of that, I'd certainly stop giving them my money.

New leadership doesn't mean all is forgotten to people. New leadership does nothing when for most people the main issues were Uber's (and Lyft's) business model and how they opted to interact with cities they wanted to be in among other things and unless they change all of that it just means another fall guy at the helm.

You pretty much sum up my feelings here. And, you do it better than I could have, so thank you.

My major issue with these companies is that they gained a unfair advantage over their competitors (taxi companies) by breaking the law. If your business model is based on fraud, you shouldn't be in business.

With that said do you work for a ride share company? LOL

Technically, I think the correct way to describe it would be working with Uber and/or Lyft. In order to get around labor laws, ride share companies fraudulently (in my view) categorize their drivers are independent contractors.


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