Two RD's and the Boardwalk Villa's!!


DIS Veteran
Dec 15, 2014
First trip report -- starting with the pre-trip count down!! 69 days to go!!

Who's traveling: Myself and my co-worker (The "RD" stands for Registered Dietitian) will be traveling (gulp!) during Easter week for a kidney conference at S & D. I know -- it sounds so interesting.

This will be my first DVC trip as an owner and my first stay at BWV. We will be arriving on Tuesday 4/18 and leaving 4/22. So far this is our itinerary.

4/18 - Arrive at MCO at 9ish - hop on Magical Express and head to BWV -- we will check in and drop our bags at front desk assuming that our room won't be ready until the afternoon. I already made a request through member services for a room closest to S & D -- we will see how that pans out.

We will head over to Epcot for the day with dinner reservations at Spice Road. With it being flower and garden time I can't wait to see what the park looks like. I plan on riding FEA -- yes, even us older girls love frozen. I am just previewing it in preparation of my family trip in April of 2018. We plan on a bit of time touring the countries and then heading over for sorin and the land.

More to come!!
Following along; my daughter and I are staying at BWV for the first time in September. :yay:
Only 3 more days until we are there!

Here is our iterary right now.

Tuesday - Leaving BDL (hartford CT) at 6:15am, which means getting my butt up and at the car place for 4:15. We aren't checking any bags so this should help alleviate any long lines at the airport.

Arriving at MCO around 9:15, If all is good we will be at BWV for 10:30. I love getting on the ME and watching the video to get into the magical mindset. We will check in at BWV, but not expecting our room to be ready, so we will leave our bag at the front desk. I tried the touring plans room request fax service so we shall see how that works. I honestly think the request we put in is probably the opposite of most - far end closest to the S&D and no view of the creepy clown pool!!! We are there for a conference so we will have to walk over to S&D to check in to the conference before heading to the park.

After that we are on our way to Epcot, but first stop will be activating my AP. I'v never done this before so hopefully it will be quick and easy.

I recently signed up for touring plans and used it to formulate a plan for our park days. We are planning on hitting future world for the early afternoon and working our way over to the WS to then sample and drink our way around the world, I'm not a big drinker, but some of them sound too good to pass up!!

Touring plans has the park at an 8 that day. FP's for Soarin, the land and Spaceship earth. I know that a FP for the Land isn't really necessary, but my traveling partner is not a thrill rider (I'm honestly worried about her on Soarin) so that eliminated MS and TT. I originally picked Frozen, but then thought that i should experience it with my DD for the first time next year.

Wednesday - Conference from 6am -2pm. I am coercing my fellow RD into skipping a few lectures to head over to MK for the evening. She has never been!! This will only be my 2nd time and will be a different experience kid free. So it should be fun and exciting.

The park is listed to be at a 6 -- so hopefully managable crowds. We have FP for jungle cruise, splash and IASW. Again i had to forego SDMT, but that is ok there is always next year. We are just planning on a QS meal -- just not sure where yet. I had booked BOG, but then figured with limited park time we really shouldn't waste 1.5 hours in a restaurant. So I probably helped someone out by cancelling our 5pm dinner. We are hoping to also hit Pirates, HM, people mover, carousel of progress and what ever else we can pack in.

Thursday - this will be a conference day. 6am to 4pm or until my head is ready to explode from info overload.

I am running the Dark Side 5K so i have to make my way over to the health Expo around 9:30a to pick up my bib and to check out what they have for sale. I'm going to hopefully have some space in my carry on to buy some space mountain sneakers for hubby. I won't be rushing back to the conference, but will probably get back there for lunch time

That afternoon I have 2 reservations made -- one for tratoria al forna and the other for the wave at CR-- I am waiting to figure out if we want just a relaxing resort evening or if we want to venture and do some monorail resort hopping and then wishes from top of TOWL. This is the same plan we have for Friday evening so by tuesday night i will firm up the plans.

Friday - up very very early to catch a bus by 4:30am to head to the start of the Dark Side 5K. Thank goodness it is just a fun run, because i have not gone out running in a few weeks. Hopefully i can take at least one run this weekend. I only signed up for the 5K and not the 10K that i was originally considering. The cold snowy winter, plus home renovations and no more treadmill really made it tough to run, I have consistently done exercise videos like Insanity to help stay in shape.

I think i'll be done the race and back to the resort by 7-7:30. My fellow RD may or maynot have gotten out of bed by then, so it will be a leisurely morning showering and making our way over to the conference for lectures until 4pm. We will try and take care of getting our boarding passes this evening so we don't have to worry about it Saturday.

We have the same dinner reservations as we do for Thursday, but i am leaning towards doing the Wave and wishes -- i think that is a proper way to end our trip.

Saturday - AK opens at 8am - so our plan is to drop our bags at the front desk and head over to the park for opening. FP for safari, Kali and i had to book one thrill ride for myself - Everest!! Our touring plans also include - a bugs life, discovery island, gorillas, flights of wonder (which i didn't get to see on our last trip), Maybe yak and yeti for a QS meal. We will probably have to leave around 1:30 to head back to the resort to catch the ME bus. And then our magical trip will be over

I'll try an update as much as i can during the trip and if not I'll certaily be back on with the details, what worked, what didn't and of course what we ate!! Hubby want pictures of everything i eat and reports on it all -- he is a bit of a foody.
I'm a little slow with updating here and really didn't have any time to do any sort of live report.

Basically no sleep and up and out of the house by 4:15am -- just to get into the mood I listened to our new beauty and the beast CD on the short drive to the airport.

Our flight down there left on time and actually landed a few minutes early! For some reason we were having trouble finding the ME area because we somehow ended up on the wrong side, but after wondering around MCO for a 1/2 hour we found it. We waited a little bit and then headed on our way to BWV arriving around 10:30. Naturally our room was not ready so we just checked out bags and were told to wait for the room ready text.

We ventured off to check in for our conference -- easy peasy walk over to the S&D from BWV (a walk we would take many mornings). We headed off to Epcot - I bought my first AP and had to activate -- kind of an exciting moment knowing that i will be back next April, and of course all the AP discounts!

We arrived at epcot around 11:30 - our first FP for soarin was for 12:45, so we had a little time to wander around the UK and Canada. Our first tasty treat was a crabless cake - it was very good. And i'd have to say we really didn't sample anything that wasn't good at the food carts.

We made a little stop at the DVC lounge -- it was around noon time and i could see how the area could get a bit warm on the hot sunny days. We sat for a couple minutes and looked around. We did see a snack cart lady, but didn't really want to eat chips when there were so many tasty delights waiting for us. It is a neat area and i could see taking a little break up there just for a drink. Hopefully it will still be open next year.

We ventured off into the land and road the new soarin -- I liked it but i think i enjoyed the original version and its smells much better - I think i was actually a little disappointed. Still a very cool ride. We had some time before our Land FP (yes i got a FP for the land because my friend is not fond of any thrill rides) so we walked over to the seas viewed the tanks and then headed back over to the Land. It was a 20 min wait and our FP window didn't open up for another 20 minutes -- we opted to just wait in line and i jumped on MDE to change our FP for another thrill ride -the seas with nemo. The Land has to be one of my favorite rides -- so relaxing and so interesting to see how they garden. We headed for our 3:45 Spaceship earth FP, but wouldn't you know it -- it was down. I wasn't sure how the FP was handled so i ended up googling and then ended up seeing an email instructing that we had a FP we could use for later if the ride opened. So being a little hungry we headed off towards Mexico - Ill add some details of what we ate and pictures if i can load them. After feasting a little i saw Spaceship earth was open so we headed over to use our FP.

The topiary displays are simply amazing!

We really had no plans to hit any other rides so we were now on to the countries -- but first a stop to get a warm blueberry buckle. It was very good, but i was more into the real food. One of my favorites was the spicy chicken lettuce wrap in China - simple but great flavor and not too spicy.

More to come ............................

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