Two Adults at MNSSHP - What To Wear?


<font color=green>we finally had a minute to breat
Dec 30, 2011
DH and I are going to our first MNSSHP this coming September :woohoo: We have been discussing costumes, but can't get any further than "pirate and wench" for a couples costume. pirate:

For those of you who have done MNSSHP as two adults sans children, did you dress up ... and if so, as what? Did you go for the whole matchy-matchy thing or each one for his-or-her self?

Thanks in advance for ideas, suggestions, etc. :goodvibes
:) my Mother (68) went as a zebra and Dad (73) went as a Werewolf. DH and I didn't dress up but we loved the fact that they did and they had fun.
We went in 2009 in togas....made for an easy, cool costume!
I have a few ideas I want to try over the next couple of years. I have always wanted to do Hyancyth Hippo and Ben Ali Gator from Fantasia (we usually make our costumes from scratch). I also think Tinkerbell and Captain Hook would be cute. It's not Disney, but I want to be Al and Peg Bundy sometime.

Here's our costumes last year:

This year, we're (so far) planning on going as Wall-E and Eve ah
You two look great! :thumbsup2 Love the idea of Al and Peg Bundy, too.

We've been wracking our brains ever since we decided to do this trip, knowing MNSSHP would be going on. We're so uncreative - I think that is part of the problem. I can't sew, and most of the pre-made costumes are a bit trashy for my taste (they don't cover enough of my parts for the Disney set LOL).

Maybe I need to just start thinking out of the box. :idea:
My hubby went with the original cast member costume from the Mickey Mouse Club ...I was a pirate. I saw one other girl dressed as a MM Club member...I got a pic of the two of the, together..funny thing is that her name is Stacy was very cute
two years ago my boyfriend went as the man in the yellow hat and i went as curious george. we still have the costumes and i figure they are "kid friendly." i think we may be using those when we go this Oct. Still not sure though. I'd like a disney-ish costume but not sure if BF will go for it.
About 7 years ago my DH and I went as Woody and Jessie from Toy Story. We loved these costumes. Everyone wanted to take pictures with us and we had so much fun. Two years ago we decided to go again and my DSS (stepson) - age 20 -was coming along. We were planning on wearing our costumes from a few years ago and he wanted to come as Buzz. I had purchased my DH and my costume from Disney Shopping years ago and I found the Buzz costume at one of the local Halloween Shops that always spring up around that time of year. We had so much fun. Here are a few of y favorite pictures from that trip.




Definately go and dress up - you will have so much fun. I loved going as Disney characters - you really get alot of attention from CM and guests alike.

My friends and I went as "official spookateer's." I made the shirts with glow in the dark paint and our favorite color on the back with our names. We put our hair up in pig tails and had Halloween headbands that we picked up at Michaels. We wanted to go cool because we knew it was going to be warmer than in PA for Halloween. As the night went on we added glow bracelets and necklaces. We had a blast and a couple of CM's commented aobut our "offical spookateer".

I used a pattern to make the jack-o-lantern on the front.

Here is the shirt in the beginning:

Here is my friends and I from our photopass picture at the beginning of the night:
We went as a adult couple with no kids back in September 2010... I'll post pics.
But I got myself a short red dress at a costume store and a black T-Shirt witha Halloween motif for my hubby... We carried them in our back pack and enjoyed the day at the parks and at night we went to a early dinner at Cristal Palace and after that we simply changed - I put the dress over my cotton shorts and arrange the horns and tail and I twinked myself a little bit with make up and we were ready to go to MNSSHP! :rotfl: We enjoyed it a whole lot!Fisrt time we went Tricking or Treating as we don't celebrate Halloween in Brazil!
Big Thunder Mountain at night is wonderfull, I got there 3 times in a row!
Now I want try convince him to visit WDW at the time of the year when MVMMCP is already going on...



We've considered going as the wearers of Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet. It's highly probable that nobody would get it, but it would still be fun for us.

My twin sister and I have talked about going as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I must say, it is so fun that your DH is wanting to dress up, too! I love Halloween and have even dressed up going trick or treating in our neighborhood (with DS, not by myself!). My DH is a sourpuss and would only dress up for MNNSHP if it was "regular clothes." He went as Mario and I made myself a Wii Remote costume. DS was Luigi. I hope you will share with us what you decide!
DH and I are planning on going to MNSSHP this year! :hmghost:

We have some pretty good pirates costume from our own Halloween party last year - they'd be cool enough I think if I didn't wear my Cap'n Jack coat.

I also have my Winifred Sanderson costume that I would love to wear, but I'm not so sure about the wig, probably too hot! Plus not sure what DH would be - Willy? - he won't want to do the make up - Binks? - too much fur. Mmmmm.....maybe the silly devil costume that Gary Marshall wore... "You should not talk to Master in such a manner!" :rotfl:
Love the costumes and T-shirts!

I think the Hocus Pocus costumes would be great!

Someone mentioned MVMCP, I saw an elderly couple (for me to say that, well my guess is THEY were in their 80's) he had on his Christmas sweater and a Mickey top hat. She had on her Christmas sweater and I think a Christmas tree hat (one like I saw at Wal-Mart that moved and played music). They were absolutely adorable. Oh and it was just the two of them, no kids or grandkids. They were definitely in the spirit of the party.

Wear a costume have fun with it. How about Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas? That would be easy to put together for someone who doesn't sew and wants to be covered up.
Lots of good ideas on the trip reports too.
We had a group that went to a Halloween party. Some dressed as pirate wenches and some just wore Halloween shirts. I dressed as Esmeralda my favorite Disney character. It was lots of fun but abnormally cool. My costume was too short for the cooler weather. But would definitely do it again! We saw lots of great costumes
i went as my favorite princess belle. i wanted to get a blue skirt to go with my cinderella tank but when i found a yellow skirt the lightbulb went off. it was a cotton tiered skirt with lots of ruching. i got yellow tank and some ribbon & tulle. i put the tulle around the neckline and gathered it in places with the ribbon. the two ends i put in the front center and twisted into a rose. for the 15 min of work it came out awesome. i had one of those little girl hair tiaras and wore my brown curly hair half up half down. i also had these silver sequin sneakers. i was a bigger hit than i thought i would be. i even had jasmine come up to say hello to me in the parade and a few others wave at me since i was "their friend".

my mother went in a red tank, white shorts, and black sequined minnie ears. when we got to the park at dusk it was still fairly hot so i was glad i had a cool costume.

dressing up is totally worth it, makes it that much more fun.
Love those shirts. Great idea to use glow in the dark paint.


The shirts looked great on PotC and HM!!! They showed up amazingly for the dark rides. I will probably wear the shirt again next Halloween since I won't be back for Halloween this year.


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