Tron Lightcycle Run coming to MK

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Re-route the tracks around spots they may want to use in the future. Just thinking out loud.

once you mentioned it it made me think about it and it makes sense - though depending on what they do it might ultimately make more sense to do what the did at DLR and shorten the bend/shorten the river and build the new land on the other side of the tracks

Is this a railroad track thread now? Maybe.

There is a lot of room back there, but you have to contend with waterways and drainage. Not sure how easy/hard it is to build retention ponds or any other kind of diversion. The tracks, as you can, contend with the waterway that is back there. However there is some room inside the tracks to expand.

Just for a sense of scale, here's SWGE from HS tossed into the area back there. Personally I think something like this would fit nicely. Kind of ties frontier land and HM together well. You can now have another path around Tom Sawyer Island (obviously I'm not a fan of the Riverboat).

The railroad track would have to go straight up and essentially follow the road and bank back down.
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I would think if they need to add outlying lands, they should just create a tunnel under the current track and berm like at Disneyland. That makes the most sense to me.
Any land they add back there will most likely have to deal with diverting that water way in some fashion. But it depends on the shape and scope of the land.

You could probably do some really cool design by making tom sawyers island part of a lake rather than a river. Then build behind it. Probably could snag some really fun visuals.

Maybe in 2030.
I love the look of the banks and turns! From the POV's I've watched, it feels a little short, but it should be a blast! Hopefully they start putting up the show building soon! I'm also eager to see how they modify the walkway past the arcade!
In general, construction seems to have turned a corner in WDW. Either the construction schedules are more realistic, or the crews just seem to be hitting all their marks compared to past projects. All the current projects seem be on time or very minimal delays.
I seem to remember a time where we'd always be doubting something would open when projected....and now several projects people are wondering if it might be ahead of schedule or might open early.
In general, construction seems to have turned a corner in WDW. Either the construction schedules are more realistic, or the crews just seem to be hitting all their marks compared to past projects. All the current projects seem be on time or very minimal delays.
I seem to remember a time where we'd always be doubting something would open when projected....and now several projects people are wondering if it might be ahead of schedule or might open early.

Maybe they learned from Test Track to overestimate when making public announcements of completion dates.
It’s funny because I have been talking about them bringing Tron to the Magic Kingdom for a while and now my wish is coming true!!!! I am so stoked to ride it when it opens :cool1::mickeyjum
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