Trip Report from this past week and I just fell out of love with Disney

Thanks for that. Originally it was to be dh and I but he has bad allergies and could never survive that long in a mask. So I asked dd 15 to come and she’s all in. I really want to go with her - I canceled a holiday mother daughter trip of ours to NYC December 2019 and I am feeling soooo guilty! She is my best mask wearer (claims she likes her eyes but not the rest of her face so the mask is her secret!). Now to figure out a good touring plan.
The masks were no big deal. Sure, it was nice taking it off at the end of the day, but wearing one really didn't diminish the experience at all.

Wouldn't the mask help the allergies? Seems like it would filter out the pollen to some extent.
Nah. It’s his trouble breathing and the stuffiness tgat makes it hard. Can’t blow your nose in a crowd or line while wearing a mask!!!
Just read through this entire thread, and I hear you, OP. When we couldn't get on the People Mover the last few times we were at WDW due to the crazy long line and wait time, I knew things were getting out of control. I was a die hard WDW fan. Bought DVC back in 2001 at what was then VWL, 300 points, then bought another 250 at BCV in 2002. We would go at least twice a year, and most years three times, some with the family, some without, as our children were all young adults at that point, so didn't always come with us. I loved my DVC and my WDW trips. I wouldn't even consider visiting Universal. I've still never been there, but am considering it more and more as time goes on. I understand Disney is a business, and has to make money, and now more than ever, with all that they've lost post Corona, they're going to have to figure out how to make up the billions they've lost, all at our expense.

We took a trip this past July, a rebooking of our cancelled May trip. Our original group was to be 8, but only 2 of us ended up going. It was strange, but amazing, how empty the parks were. It reminded me of old, when there were no FPs to deal with, or making dining plans 180 days out. I loved it. What I didn't love was the early park closings, more than half the kiosks, restaurants and shops being closed, yet still paying full price for a ticket. Now we're going back in October, and initially we were going for 7 nights, so had a 7 day park pass. I was hoping we'd be able to upgrade to an AP in July, but that wasn't happening. Okay, we're shelling out another $550 per 7 day ticket. We ended up adding a night at the beginning of our trip to use up points we needed to use, so I wanted to add another day to our park pass. Nope, not allowed to have more than a 7 day pass. Have to start over with a 1 day pass, for a LOT more money than it would have been to add the extra day as we were able to do previously. So we're just going to enjoy the first day at the resort. We have another trip coming up in January. If I can't upgrade this park pass to an AP in October, we're just going to do a resort stay, especially since they've cut park hours so drastically. I'd hate to sell my DVC, but if this trend continues, more cost for less service, then we may do it. I really don't understand their thinking. The thing I liked about WDW and the resorts is that they were so far above the rest in terms of magic, hospitality, etc. Now they're not.

I was a former cast member back in 2006-2007. If we had stood around and chit-chatted with other cast members like I see these cast members doing now, or being sullen, disinterested, and just not magical, we would have been written up on the spot. I don't want to hear that they only get paid so and so, so what do we expect. Sorry. I only got paid that, too, and I knew going in what I was going to get paid, and what was expected of me. Things definitely are not the same, the quality is less, but the cost is way way more.
Wow - I realize this is a very old thread from a few months ago. I read through and many posters' comments resonated. Our last WDW stay was Christmas week 2018. We have been fortunate to travel to WDW for Christmas almost every yr so we are used to the crowds and "tolerate" it for the holiday ambience & activities for all ages. That being said, Christmas 2018 was eye-opening for us. Sure, the parks were crowded shoulder-to-shoulder & it required lots of planning, as always. We were able to experience all the rides, inc the headliners in Pandora and Toy Story Land by getting to the parks early before rope drop and lining up. Same old strategies that you all are familiar with.

That being said, we had a very scary moment exiting Rivers of Light at AK one night in between Christmas and NYE. Tbh, the show was NOT even worth fighting the crowds, but none of us had seen the show before. We somehow got stuck exiting the ampitheatre after the first seating as the second seating was filing in and were basically crushed leaving. There were no CMs handling crowds, the walkways were too small for the amt of people, and it was dark/hard to see. It was terrifying. I imagine it was similar to the Haji pilgrimage. We weren't just shoulder to shoulder, people were CLIMBING on top of each other. My mom (who is 65 yo) was trampled. People were yelling. People were shoving. People were ramming strollers into ankles/calves. I can't even imagine small children not in strollers; I'm assuming they were picked up because they would have been badly hurt (or worse). I let guest services know as we got to the entrance of the park that the crowd control was non-existent and scary..... and they were like "oh yeah, we know." I've NEVER ever felt scared before at WDW - and this experience wasn't even on a ride. CMs seemed to be very aware of the situation, but had no interest in fixing it/preventing it from happening.... That's when I knew, it's all about the $$$. I mean, it was always about the $$$ right? But putting humans in scary situations for the $$$$? That seemed kind of new to me; heartless, really. Oh - I read one poster mentioning that there have always been long waits for rides and I agree. I remember waiting 2 hrs for Splash Mtn in 1996. that being said, waiting 2 hrs in line is VERY different than being trampled exiting a show.

We have taken a break from Disney. We joined DVC in 2004, having vacationed in WDW many times before that. Yes, we miss the "good old days." Sure, the rides, the merchandise, the restaurants, the resorts are all much better now, so there are positives! We want to check out Star Wars Land, but after Rivers of Light, we'll wait till it's no longer "new" and def only during a time of yr when trampling isn't the norm. I always thought DVC members were supposed to be ambassadors for Disney... but instead I think we no longer have the wool pulled over our eyes. It's sad, right? We went to Aulani in February 2020 and it was a great experience. Packed of course. But hey... what's Disney - any where in the world - without crowds? Disney + Crowds are synonymous now, right?
Sorry you had such a disappointing trip and ugggh, being sick sucks. I agree that it's not what it used to be but let me play devil's advocate for a minute. We travel to a lot of places, all over the world and I can say I've found very few places that are what they used to be. For example, one of my favorite places to visit is Jekyll Island here in Georgia. I always stay at the Club, which is it's own little isolated world. It's not cheap, one of the reasons I actually started going to WDW more often was I could actually go there for less than I could go to the Club for the same amount of time. Anyway, when I first started going to the Club you got what you paid for, excellent service, attention to every detail. If you took the tram tour to visit the houses you went into every single house that had been opened. Now, you go into two or three, thankfully not always the same two or three but you would have to go at different times on multiple trips to get to see and go into the same ones you used to get to do in one trip. While the service is still fairly good, it's not what it used to be and I've easily paid more for a sandwich and chips then I do for a QS at Disney. Moving on to my second favorite place to visit, Amelia Island in Florida. I use to stay in what was called The Plantation, again a sort of isolated little town of it's own. They have their own beach, chairs and umbrellas were provided for free. Service was excellent. They were bought out (I think they are Omni now) and have built condos on the beach. So you want a chair and umbrella, certainly, that will be x per day and you can't make reservations, you have to get up early in the morning and go down to the beach and get one. That beach is twice a crowded now because of the condos and forget getting a spot at the pool. You could just go to one of the restaurants without reservations, not any more and last time I priced it out, you guessed it, it was cheaper to go to WDW for the same time period and the same amount of days.

So has the service gotten a little less than it was at WDW, certainly. Are the parks more crowded then they used to be, certainly. Is it more expensive certainly. But, that can be said for just about everywhere so you really just have to pick your level of frustration.

First of all, so sorry for the trip experience posted here.

I do agree with you that service in general most places (even pre-pandemic) has changed. I’m not sure if it is because people have become much more demanding over the years or no one is really trained in giving excellent service anymore (or just doesn’t have that mindset). Probably a little of both. I am managing my expectations these days, too. Overall, still love Disney vacations, but it has definitely changed in recent years
This is the biggest first world problem ever. The crowd levels have always been bad. Not good for little kids? My 3 year old had an absolutely terrific time. Yes, the first time I went on ROFR it broke down, but so what? The next time it worked and it was terrific. Customer service was wonderful every time we’ve gone.

No one is forcing you to go.
So, the crowds can be frustrating, but it's easily the most popular theme park in the world - we are owners for a reason - so I'd say that's par for the course. Last year, each park at WDW was in the top ten most visited themeparks in the world by itself with MK, AK, EPCOT, and HS being 1, 6, 7, and 9 respectively. To put it in perspective, Magic Kingdom had more than 10 million more visitors last year than did Universal Studios FL - or about double. Of the top 15 parks in the world TEN, including 1-4, are Disney properties; they seem to be doing something right. The good news is the growth rates are low compared to much of the rest of the industry.

I have been to HS twice since RoTR opened and haven't gotten a boarding group. The last time I was in the app right at the correct time and for whatever reason it didn't work. That's frustrating, but instead of complaining about not getting what I want I simply moved on. Next time if I go down swinging (strike three) I may bring it up.

The new booking system they developed for COVID may stick around, as that is the only way aside from price to ration visitors, but that isn't without it's drawbacks either. I'm not sure what else they could do. A business is only going to turn away customers if the increased population is a clear threat to their brand, which in this case you can make that argument.

They have been doing a lot of work at the parks and doing some expansion, which is really the only 'solution'. I'm excited about some of their upcoming projects, and their new Star Wars hotel/experience shows that they're thinking outside the box.
Thanks for all your opinions and responses. I haven't been on these boards in many months. I'm somewhat out of the loop on the recent happenings there. We thought about selling our points - for about 2 seconds. We've been members for 20 years and I think I'm up to about 50 visits?? We're not as young as we used to be, although we can still keep up with our growing family. Since we have 2 grandchildren under 5, and another on the way, of course we're keeping the membership. However, DH and I don't really have a lot of interest in the parks anymore and COVID didn't help that any....but, we will eventually go back into a park here and there when our family is ready to travel again, and with our grandkids. Other than that, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I think I'm already at the point where flying down for long weekends, running around the parks, even around the resorts, just isn't on the top of my list like it used to be. I didn't expect to get to this point so fast, I'm still in my 50's!

But, maybe in a year or two our children and grandchildren will draw us back again and maybe we'll find the magic in their awe of it. By the time we're ready to discuss this, we should be able to put together enough points for a cabin or a three bedroom villa for all of us for a week. Until then, we're still sticking close to home and waiting for COVID levels to taper off and a vaccine to be available. We lived through the height of it in NY and have no desire to venture too far from home yet. When we do use our membership again, I imagine for DH and I it will be mostly to relax and enjoy our resorts, and to give our kids vacations whenever they want to go. If life as we knew it ever gets back to what it was (or close), DH and I will use our points to trade out to Aruba and Vegas for starters as well.

It certainly isn't a timeshare wasted. We've used it and loved it to the fullest, outside of February 2020's trip turning out to be more of a disaster than a pleasure - not just because of crowds and lines alone, we all got so sick at the end of the trip (not Covid) and came home wiped out, still sick and completely exhausted - just not a good experience overall. As I said, though, 50 trips under my belt, most of them were amazing, but my obsession has definitely died out.

Be well, stay healthy,
We go to DW very often. We were there last October, and then in February, July, and just now. We loved our July trip, when the parks were very empty and the ride lines were very short. I was NOT impressed with the crowds and lines this time. What a contrast.

First of all, I have to agree, STAY AWAY FROM EPCOT ON WEEKENDS. The lines for the food kiosks are just to long. The crowds are just too high. The ride lines are too long. In some cases, we needed to wait almost 2 hours for some rides.

Hollywood Studios is quite busy, and if you really want Boarding Passes for Rise of the Resistance, you really do need to plan to be out at the bus stop by 1 1/2 hours early, or, honestly, you won't be in the park on time. The lines for the buses to Hollywood Studios in the mornings are insane, and then you get there and have to wait through insanely long lines for security, and gate entry. There was one morning where we went out to take the bus, and were at the bus stop one hour and 15 minutes early, and could see we weren't going to make it. So we took an UBER and, with security lines and everything we just barely made it into the parks on time. A second group in our party was 10 minutes behind us. They still arrived at the bus stop over 1 hour before opening. They also called an Uber, which came fast, but not fast enough. They just missed getting into the park in time for Rise of the Resistance.

Crowds are big enough, and enough restaurants are closed, that Dining reservations were unavailable at almost all of the decent restaurants almost all of the time, unless you snag them well in advance before you go on your trip. Even Bier Garten which normally almost always has room, was 100% full, right until closing on most days, and 'Hollywood and Vine' and '50s Prime Time Cafe' never even showed up on the app as having times, ever.

With the parks being full enough that crowds are now something of a problem, at times, with and with RIDE WAIT TIMES NOW BEING EVERY BIT AS LONG AS 'NORMAL' IN THE PAST, I can no longer recommend that people go because 'Covid has made the parks nice, and empty and easy.' Honestly, there are now no advantages to going, compared to going at normal times. However, if this is the time you can go, then go. It is still good. We have another trip planned for late January to stay at Boardwalk. I suspect the crowds and wait times will still be higher when we get there.
We go to DW very often. We were there last October, and then in February, July, and just now. We loved our July trip, when the parks were very empty and the ride lines were very short. I was NOT impressed with the crowds and lines this time. What a contrast.

First of all, I have to agree, STAY AWAY FROM EPCOT ON WEEKENDS. The lines for the food kiosks are just to long. The crowds are just too high. The ride lines are too long. In some cases, we needed to wait almost 2 hours for some rides.

Hollywood Studios is quite busy, and if you really want Boarding Passes for Rise of the Resistance, you really do need to plan to be out at the bus stop by 1 1/2 hours early, or, honestly, you won't be in the park on time. The lines for the buses to Hollywood Studios in the mornings are insane, and then you get there and have to wait through insanely long lines for security, and gate entry. There was one morning where we went out to take the bus, and were at the bus stop one hour and 15 minutes early, and could see we weren't going to make it. So we took an UBER and, with security lines and everything we just barely made it into the parks on time. A second group in our party was 10 minutes behind us. They still arrived at the bus stop over 1 hour before opening. They also called an Uber, which came fast, but not fast enough. They just missed getting into the park in time for Rise of the Resistance.

Crowds are big enough, and enough restaurants are closed, that Dining reservations were unavailable at almost all of the decent restaurants almost all of the time, unless you snag them well in advance before you go on your trip. Even Bier Garten which normally almost always has room, was 100% full, right until closing on most days, and 'Hollywood and Vine' and '50s Prime Time Cafe' never even showed up on the app as having times, ever.

With the parks being full enough that crowds are now something of a problem, at times, with and with RIDE WAIT TIMES NOW BEING EVERY BIT AS LONG AS 'NORMAL' IN THE PAST, I can no longer recommend that people go because 'Covid has made the parks nice, and empty and easy.' Honestly, there are now no advantages to going, compared to going at normal times. However, if this is the time you can go, then go. It is still good. We have another trip planned for late January to stay at Boardwalk. I suspect the crowds and wait times will still be higher when we get there.

Wow! Thanks for the update on the parks and park restaurants! I am surprised to hear about crowds. I did expect long wait times due to security and covid checks but didn't expect long waits for rides. We actually just discussed waiting until late 2021 or Spring 2022 to go back. I think we should....thanks again.

Wow! Thanks for the update on the parks and park restaurants! I am surprised to hear about crowds. I did expect long wait times due to security and covid checks but didn't expect long waits for rides. We actually just discussed waiting until late 2021 or Spring 2022 to go back. I think we should....thanks again.

I'm not saying you should wait. Disney World is still great. But it should depend on when it is most convenient for you and what you hope to get out of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the 'COVID ADVANTAGE' in crowds and rides has now pretty much disappeared, while a number of DISADVANTAGES continue. That doesn't mean it isn't still worth going.

Good luck whatever you decide.
I'm not saying you should wait. Disney World is still great. But it should depend on when it is most convenient for you and what you hope to get out of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the 'COVID ADVANTAGE' in crowds and rides has now pretty much disappeared, while a number of DISADVANTAGES continue. That doesn't mean it isn't still worth going.
We just got back this past week and I found the crowds to be much higher than I’d planned/hoped for as well. However, we didn’t find long lines prior to opening like you did and were always impressed by how quickly the security lines go now with the new scanners in place. I love them!!

One crazy thing about the ride lines though is that they were always overestimated, and since we hardly ever stood still it made us feel that our waits passed by pretty quickly (and that was with 4 teenage boys!). We really enjoyed the cavalcades too and found it much easier to deal with than the large parades (crowd-wise). Plus I know there were less people in the park than “normal” and I’m hoping it stays that way for a long time 😍

As far as HS goes, our best day BY FAR was when we arrived 30-45 min before opening (1/2 the group walking from BCV & 1/2 the group Skylining from RIV), rode a few rides, grabbed a ROTR BG, rode some more rides, quit just after lunch for a long swim, and went back to HS when everyone else was leaving early for supper. The park really clears out that last hour or two and you’re able to ride so much!!! It was definitely the best way for our group to enjoy it 🤩
We just got back this past week and I found the crowds to be much higher than I’d planned/hoped for as well. However, we didn’t find long lines prior to opening like you did and were always impressed by how quickly the security lines go now with the new scanners in place. I love them!!

One crazy thing about the ride lines though is that they were always overestimated, and since we hardly ever stood still it made us feel that our waits passed by pretty quickly (and that was with 4 teenage boys!). We really enjoyed the cavalcades too and found it much easier to deal with than the large parades (crowd-wise). Plus I know there were less people in the park than “normal” and I’m hoping it stays that way for a long time 😍

As far as HS goes, our best day BY FAR was when we arrived 30-45 min before opening (1/2 the group walking from BCV & 1/2 the group Skylining from RIV), rode a few rides, grabbed a ROTR BG, rode some more rides, quit just after lunch for a long swim, and went back to HS when everyone else was leaving early for supper. The park really clears out that last hour or two and you’re able to ride so much!!! It was definitely the best way for our group to enjoy it 🤩
I'm glad to hear you had so much fun. This year, we went last February, and then again in July, and again in October, and we have Boardwalk scheduled for January. I enjoyed it every single time, but crowds are still changing.

It is definitely true that the wait times listed on the apps and at the front of the rides is usually significantly overestimated. I think that might have to do with the fact that the USUAL estiamtes are based on how far out the line reaches (how long they measure the line to be), but with people spaced out now, the lines are long, but with many fewer people in them, so this makes their estimates to be 'off.' Even so, I miss what it was like for our trip in July, just after they reopened, when you literally could walk onto almost anything.
We used to go twice a year from 2000-2015, then once a year until 2019 and this is the first year in 20 that we will not make it to WDW (although I am contemplating a Dec visit). We are from Texas.

I will say, the trend over the years has been slightly less and less enjoyable from one year to the next. Even though we now can afford more things, relatively speaking, WDW still seems like it has become more expensive - and the enjoyment factor has gone down bit by bit over the years. And its not because we have changed (other than age) - it is longer waits, more transportation logistics, bigger crowds, higher costs, fewer perks, etc. Although we still enjoy going, it certainly is not like it used to be.
We just got back this past week and I found the crowds to be much higher than I’d planned/hoped for as well. However, we didn’t find long lines prior to opening like you did and were always impressed by how quickly the security lines go now with the new scanners in place. I love them!!

One crazy thing about the ride lines though is that they were always overestimated, and since we hardly ever stood still it made us feel that our waits passed by pretty quickly (and that was with 4 teenage boys!). We really enjoyed the cavalcades too and found it much easier to deal with than the large parades (crowd-wise). Plus I know there were less people in the park than “normal” and I’m hoping it stays that way for a long time 😍

As far as HS goes, our best day BY FAR was when we arrived 30-45 min before opening (1/2 the group walking from BCV & 1/2 the group Skylining from RIV), rode a few rides, grabbed a ROTR BG, rode some more rides, quit just after lunch for a long swim, and went back to HS when everyone else was leaving early for supper. The park really clears out that last hour or two and you’re able to ride so much!!! It was definitely the best way for our group to enjoy it 🤩
I was considering going for the "COVID advantage" but it doesn't sound like that is an advantage anymore. I might have to reconsider because I don't think that the kids would enjoy being in line for an hour for a ride specially if it's hot. :-(
I was considering going for the "COVID advantage" but it doesn't sound like that is an advantage anymore. I might have to reconsider because I don't think that the kids would enjoy being in line for an hour for a ride specially if it's hot. :-(
I think a lot of people are reconsidering bc of the crowds/lines. In fact, after my last visit I received a survey from Disney- with several questions aimed straight at the crowds. It’s going to be interesting to see when they bring back FP+ or change more queues to a digital line (like ROTR).
Boy, although I’m a huge Disney fan reading these posts does not make me feel good about my recent DVC purchase. 😟


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