Trip cut short

This week was our first DVC trip and I tested positive for Covid so we are heading home. I’ve avoided it all this time and I’m so sad to have to leave Disney! I know cases are up and with the crowds, I can’t say I’m surprised. However, we did get 5 great nights and 4 park days and I’ll get to still use the points and the other 2 park passes eventually. It’s just such a bummer! I had Moonlight Magic for tomorrow too. :(

I know this thread is a few years old now. But I also got Covid for the first (and so far only) time in the summer of 2022.....from a Disney trip. It was Disneyland though. We cut our trip a day short when my husband tested positive. We had driven so it was easy to just get on the road and go home while mostly avoiding other people on the 3-day drive.

I hope you've been able to make it back to Disney since then!

honest question. Why did you test during the trip? were you very sick? or habit?

I mean, anyone feeling sick should NOT go into the parks. And if you are smart and take a covid and/or flu test and it shows positive then you definitely know to not be around other people.

It's the responsible and considerate thing to do.
We learned the hard way that you should always mask up when you're going to fly. Last time DH flew home, he came down with what he thought was a cold a few days after he was home-until he tested positive for COVID. Then he remembered-crowded airports, crowded lounges, crowded airplanes. Going to Hilton Head Disney Resort for Thanksgiving. We'll mask up the day we fly-don't want to get COVID a few days after we get here. Someone on these boards suggested it, and they were so right!
We drove to CA the year we caught covid so we definitely got it in the parks.

But yeah...we always mask on the airplane and in the airport. Plus we mask inside buildings in the parks or in really dense crowds. And we eat outside as much as possible. We went to Disneyland again in 2023 and 2024. Plus WDW in 2024 and 2025. While I did catch a cold on our last WDW trip....haven't gotten Covid on any of those trips. (Just the one in 2022.)

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