Trip booked and need advice from DL veterans


Mar 1, 2014
Our trip is booked and I am looking for advice from some DL veterans! I have only been to DL once for a short two day trip. It was May 2011 before Carsland opened at DCA. I know that has changed the complexion of DCA dramatically. I have been to WDW numerous times but it seems like a trip to DL takes a different approach than a trip to WDW.

My husband, mother, and son (2 months shy of 3 years old at time of trip) will arrive the afternoon of June 1. We are staying at Paradise Pier. We leave on June 6. We have non park hopper tickets for 4 days. We plan to use the tickets on June 2 through 4.

Need advice on the following topics.

Grad Day is on June 3. Should we go to DL or DCA on that day? I know the Grad Day doesn't officially begin until after DCA closes but I have read that some schools get there earlier and go to one of the parks.

We will have early entry privileges since we are staying at Paradise Pier. It seems that if we can make it to the park early to take advantage of the extra time it may be worth it. If we can't get there early enough (I never know what can happen with my son in the morning! Just thinking of all possibilities!) should we just head to the other park instead since most hotel resort guests have presumably already headed to the early entry park and the crowd will be larger? Some people have suggested to skip the early entry park because it is always more crowded. Not sure what the best approach is.

We plan to do the WOC Dinner package. I am thinking Trattoria based on other posts I have read. Is this a good place for a toddler? Having been to WDW many times before I know most of the DL and DCA restaurants will be geared for families, but some tend to be more kid friendly than others. Any thoughts?

I am new to DIS. Not sure how this all works but any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!


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