LOL! I love your reasoning!;) I am not a fan of Brown and Orange either, but I Won't tell them that!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by KaterBell
HA! We just watched this episode on Tivo from last night.

What kills me the most is people get on this show and are like, "I would love ANYTHING... except purple polka dots and brown lights.." and then they get their room redone...and Surprise! It's purple polka dots and brown lights. If I went on that show, I'd be like, "i hate leather couches and sheer window treatments!" Then I"d get what I wanted! :) These people have to watch this show to actually learn how to get their dream room!!

I always wonder if the people on this show ever watch it before signing up. The neighbors who decorate your room NEVER have any real say in how it is done. So why do they make their neighbors make promises they might not be able to keep.
I don't think the woman who hated brown would like anything because when Paige asked her about the orange, she said"I hate orange".

I agree with DonnaS, I don't understand people who go on the show and then are mad at the neighbors for the design. The design is decided before the designers even arrive. Almost everything is bought already, so there isn't a lot that can be done.
I just saw the rerun too.
I didn't like it either. (Too dark and like someome wrote, too 70-ish.)
But there is paint.
She was pretty upset about her table even.
It's just one of those things were ther is no guarantee what will be done and if you will like it or not.

Anyone see the "While You Were Out" episode where the designer was tired of everyone's whining/complaining and walked out! :eek: Teresa had to go search him and he returned finally. But I wondered if they would ever use that designer again.
Sounds like I missed a good episode! Do you think they pick the more outspoken, opinionated homeowners to get the outlandish rooms, knowing they'll react and make for interesting TV? The mellower people always pretend they like it, which I can imagine the producers would find boring.
I think that woman was annoying. She didn't do ANYTHING the entire episode but boss her husband around. She wouldn't have liked her room no matter what.

I think she was seriously upset when she shoved her neighbor. The neighbors have NO say in the design. People who go on this show should be able to take it on the chin if they don't like something. Although neither room was my cup of tea, I wouldn't have gotten physical about it. Life is too short to worry about the color of your living room (especially when paint is so cheap).

Of course, the ratings for this episode probably went thru the roof. TS probably LOVES controversy!
I think it was TS too where a designer had someone spend a lot of time ironing bolts of brown felt.
Later as they were gluing the felt to the diningroom walls, the friend mentioned the home owners had THREE cats! :eek:
I bet THAT went over big later. ;)

OOO OOO I have been TAGGED!!! ;)
:D Luv2Roam,
I remember that While You Were Out! It was supposed to be club in the attic or something and everything was going wrong! That was pretty funny.

As far as the brown room, I personally didn't think it was that bad (but that could be because my living room is almost the same color without the orange though!). BUT, if the woman says, "I hate brown" then the designers shouldn't do brown! Laurie doesn't ever seem to listen to anyone, she does what she wants. I just bet that the people on last night's episode are probably even more ticked after seeing the episode air and how the friends were joking around.
I just saw a repeat of this episode.

That woman got on my last nerve! I can only imagine how she was as a child! She's the one who's stomping and crying and saying MINE MINE!!

Her reaction was extremely immature, even though she said "I'm trying to be a Big Girl about this." Ya think her parents taught her that line???

I've always said if I had a TS makeover it would be in a room that I don't see all the time so if I don't like it, OH WELL.... :teeth: NOT a living room or a master bedroom, no way!

The website says you have NO SAY in the process, so her distaste of BROWN was just too bad.

I personally, hate most colors, so I'd be in BIG trouble! :p
She said she "hated brown" and "loved colors." If she loved colors so much why was her entire house ALL white with absolutely NO color except for black, particularly black leather. Her house was hideous beforehand. At least the "taupe" gave the room a little design. All she has to do is pick up a paint brush, but I thought it was a definite improvement to what she had. Of course, although I liked Edward's room, I personally hated the deep purple and would have painted that a different color the next day.
Has anyone else noticed that on TS, if the homeowner says they really would hate a certain type room, that's what they end of getting?? Doug seems to be the one most guilty of this. I've seen about 15 episodes where the designer did exactly what the homeowner alluded to not wanting. I'm not crazy about brown either, but it could have been repainted. Wasn't worth all that carrying on. I actually could have lived with that room. It sorta grew on me.
I just saw the rerun today and I didn't think the brown room was that bad. I didn't like the orange, but other than that it wasn't too bad. It also could easily be changed. That woman was way too dramatic! I always wonder how much the designers know when they are planning the room. Laurie made some kind of comment, I can't remember what exactly, that made it sound like she didn't know they didn't like brown until she got there.


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