Tractor Museum in Leesburg


Oct 23, 2006
My cousin found this Tractor Museum over in Leesburg, he and his uncle really want to check it out. Has anyone been there? I figure we could combine it with a boat ride on the Dora Canal.
I've never heard of this museum, so go and give us a trip report when you return!

Wow, I didn't know there were that many tractors in the world! He had two full metal buildings of them, more outside, and a couple of workshops. We went on a Saturday morning, I think we got there about 9:30? we were the only ones there. We got a personal tour (golf cart transportation and all) by someone who knew far more about tractors than anyone I would have thought would want to. Unfortunately ALL of the tractors are International Harvester, so most of them look pretty similar to the ones next to them. They did a have a few huge ones, and even a collection of lawn tractors. Plus some old refrigerators, cream separators, and trucks. At the end, in one of the garages, we actually met the owner/collector. Incredibly friendly guy, turns out he hails from NH so he and my cousin had lots in common to talk about and I basically had to drag him away. If you are into that sort of thing then it would definitely be a place to go. I wouldn't really think of it as a kids type of destination, though.


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