Tracey's wedding weight loss attempt (comments welcome & needed!!)


<font color=royalblue>Laughs off her mini dramas<b
Feb 22, 2002
Well i'm back!! I've finally plucked up the courage to return & start over!
Way back in 2004 i managed to lose 28lbs on a low carb diet for my trip to WDW but after almost 4 weeks out there i put most of it back on!!
Well i'm finally motivated to try again being as we are going back to WDW in October & i'm getting married out there. :teeth:
I started the low carb diet about 6 weeks ago, found it more difficult this time round though, i struggled to lose 7lb in that time, then about 3 weeks ago i plucked up the courage to go back to the gym & in that 3 weeks i have lost another 5lb!! So theres no getting away from the fact that i need to exercise to lose weight :guilty:

Tonight we are going out for dinner as my sister in law is 40 today
(i have that to look forward to in July :sad2: ) I dread eating out, so please wish me luck & hopefully i will post something positive tomorrow.
Oh & its weigh in day tomorrow - i am going to weigh myself Tuesday & Friday mornings (gym days ;) )
Congrats on your impending marriage and your weightloss. Good luck at dinner with your DSIL and welcome to WISH!
Hi Tracey!

Welcome Back to WISH!!! :Pinkbounc Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! :goodvibes I bet you are so excited!!! :teeth:

I hope your dinner with your SIL goes well tomorrow... Please let us know how it goes. :goodvibes

Have a great day tomorrow! :sunny:
Well i weighed myself yesterday & have put on 4lb !!!!
So feeling a bit disheartened, went to the gym last night, it is that time of the month so i suppose that could have something to do with it but 4lb seems a lot!!!
I had a small baked potato with salad at SIL meal, healthy but not low carb!! All though i am allowing myself 1 potato a week & strawberries so not too bad.
Yesterday i had atkins breakfast bar, chicken salad for lunch & tuna/prawn omlette for dinner.
At work at the moment had salad for lunch, but 2 birthdays today - lots of goodies in the staff room!! Had about 4 doritos!
We are out for dinner tomorrow evening as we break up for half term (we always eat out on the last Thursday before each term finishes) This is not an easy week!!!!
Hi there and welcome back....

Congrats on your upcoming marriage!! How exciting is that...getting married in WDW!!!!

You did well at dinner...I know you can stay away from the can do it!!!

Keep up the good work.

Have a great day :)
Finally found time to report back!!!
Well the 4lb came off again, must have been down to that time of the month!!!
Been reasonably good with eating, i did have a red pepper lasagne at the weekend when we ate out, but didnt enjoy it - mostly due to the fact i couldnt find any red pepper in it!! Just lasagne & tomato sauce, so i ate those carbs for nothing!! I think it did me a favour though cos next time i'm tempted i will remember how i didnt enjoy it & how guilty i felt afterwards :)
Went to gym yesterday & worked out for 2 hours - 30 mins treadmill, 30 mins cross trainer, 30 mins bike & about 30 mins weights concentrated on arms.
I can feel it today!!!
Had a go at baking at the weekend too!! I made cheese bread with soya flour yummy & low carb brownies from a bake packet i bought from the internet off a low carb food site, they are yummy too!! I actually ordered about $100 worth of low carb foods, spagetti, tortillas (brill, used as pizza bases too), chocolate,sweets, crispbread. Had some sugar free toffee popcorn when we went to see Da Vinci Code yesterday tasted lovely.
It is almost impossible to buy low carb products here in the UK or even sugar free for that matter! so the internet is the only way.
Got some other bake mixes that i havnt tried yet - muffin mix & pancake mix :)
I have struggled with the US measurements half a CUP!! How much is a cup???? i think i've just about worked it out right :thumbsup2
Sorry if i've waffled on, will report back Friday after weigh in :sunny:
Hi Tracey~

Best WISHes for weigh-in on Friday. :goodvibes You did a great job at the gym: 2 hours is a long time! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great week! :sunny:
Welcome Back, Tracy! And congrats on the upcoming wedding!

A cup is basically 16 ounces. I"ve found a couple of good online conversion sites through google in the past that will convert just about any measurement. You might google cup to ?? and see.

Have a great rest of the week!
Congrats on taking the 4 lbs back off! :banana:

Your mixes sound great. Good luck with the conversions. After studying conversions in school, DD's are sure the US needs to convert to metric - it is so much easier, mommy!

Thanks for stopping by my journal and have a great rest of the week!
Hi there,

Congrats on the 4 pound loss!! That is great!

You are doing a great job! Keep it up!!!

Have a great Tuesday :)
Hi all, just a quicky as i'm at work!!!
We had a week off school last week, i wasnt really good but not really bad either!!! Anyway weighed myself Tuesday - not lost any but not gained either so i'm happy with that.
I have gone down a dress size!! :) so thats good news
Weather really hot at moment, i went to the gym Tuesday but it was hard work, but i thought its better to go & do a liittle than none at all right??
Hi Tracey~

Congratulations on being down one dress size! That's a great feeling isn't it? :goodvibes Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
No gain is always good and definitely every little bit of exercise helps. Sometimes I have to remind myself that just because I can't do a full workout doesn't mean I should do NO workout.

Congrats on going down a dress size. That is awesome! (insert happy clippie here except the boards right now!)
How's it going Tracy??? Hope you're having a good weekend and have a good week this week!
Sorry i've not posted here or on anyones thread for a while, dont seem to have time for anything at the moment!!!
Had to go to hospital last week (womens problems) had a bad time there, the doc there didnt seem to know what he was doing & was very rough, ended up having a procedure done called cryocautery, but he seemed to think it wouldnt work!! They dont seem to know what it is & appear to want to wash there hands of me as they have ruled out its nothing life threatening, which i am glad about - although he did say that sometimes smears can miss something but when i asked if i should have another one he said no!!!
Trouble is this has been going on 2 years now & is effecting my quality of life & my relationship with my fiance, we are getting married in November & i really wanted it sorted before then. Got to wait 4 weeks now, i will go back to my doctor if i'm no better, he is very good.
Thanks for letting me let off some steam, i am at work now & have to dash but i will try & catch up on everyones posts this evening, hope you are all doing well.
Wieght still the same, which i'm happy with as i havnt been really good (or really bad though either!) Football world cup fever over here in the UK!! Lots of barbeques & wine!!!
Hello there,

First sorry to hear of the women troubles that you are having. Although as you stated at least it's not life threatening. Hopefully they will be able to fix this before the wedding and everything will work out for you. :grouphug:

Keep up the good work!!! Have a great day!

Happy Monday :)
Finally went to gym tonight, not been for 2 weeks!!!
Just realised its 8.15pm & i've not eaten since 12.15pm!!!
Breakfast - Atkins choc chip breakfast bar, 1 cup of decaf earl grey
Lunch - mexican chicken salad, strawberries
Dinner - water!!!!

DD (age 11) was crying tonight she says she is being picked on at school & wants to change schools. She is being called 'freak', saying she has dandruff (she hasnt!!), picking on her hair etc. It appears to be one girl but Leanne is upset cos she says her friends arnt sticking up for her & she was upset because this girl invited some children to a barbique last night & didnt ask Leanne. If she moves school it will happen there too, children can so cruel, Leanne is the youngest in her year & looks younger than her class friends, she is going on a 4 day trip with school in 2 weeks i will worry about her! Any advice on how to handle this???
Girls this age can be absolutely vicious. Just be there for your DD and always let her know she is wonderful and special. Does she have one or two special friends? Talk to her teacher and see if they can be assigned to the same small group on the trip. Also see if the ringleader can be assigned to a different group. Maybe when school's out, the ringleader will find someone else to pick on. My second DD is also the youngest in her class. It is a hard role to be in.
DD got upset this morning, i had a talk to her friend kerry about the girl who is upsetting Leanne, it appears this girl is friends with kerry & doesnt like leanne cos she is also kerrys friend!!
Got a phone call from school today saying DD wants to come home she said she wasnt feeling well, i explained the situation & asked to speak to the head of house, he callled back after speaking to leanne & said that he would speak to the girl.
Just got home & picked DD up, she said they have sorted it out now & she seems ok!!!
I have had a lousy day worrying about her & she comes home as if nothing happened!!!
Kids eh?? Glad she seems ok now though.
I had some chocolate cake in the staff room cos i was so stressed, but it was only a tiny piece!
breakfast - atkins choc chip bar, cup of decaf earl grey
lunch - mexican chicken salad, strawberries, water
dinner - not decided yet
(managed to eat 2 crispbreads & some sugar free chocolate last night!!)
Hi Tracey,

I'm glad to hear that your DD and her friend have gotten the situation straightened out. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great week! :sunny:


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