Today is the first day of the rest of my fit life!!


DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 2005
Hi everyone one and I have decided to keep a journal and what a better place than here with all you disney geeks like me!!

I would like to lose alot of weight myself and would be happy being a size 12 or 14, able to shop in the misses section. I just signed up for working out at Simply Fit- a curves sort of workout place but more intense. I lost 47 pounds last year but gave up exercising after I had injured my shoulder. I don't feel good about myself at all and am quite disgusted.
I have been eating less at work, choosing low calorie snacks like Special K Bars or fruit. Plus I eat Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, or whatever low calorie lunches are on sale for the week. I am drinking lots of water plus diet lipton green tea mixed berry. Green Tea is suppose to help you on a diet because of the metabolism boosting anti-oxidants built right in. Before joining the workout center I began walking during lunchtime and have even taken to catching the bus to work where it gives me an opportunity to walk even more. Conditioning yourself to walking is a key before any disney trip because I walk at least 5 miles a day while on vacation. Good Luck and I would love to hear any hints of encouragement and suggestions.


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