To whom it may concern....

Have I ever mentioned how much like family you all are to me?

Okay, you are better than family. You are all true friends.
You are all closer to me than that people that live in my neighborhood. I talk to you everyday and only talk to them when we are out and about.

I am definately closer to all of you than many of the people around me.


I definitely needed that.

It has been a little tough this week. DS5 had to start working with a psychotherapist this week. Not that I have a problem with that but it's just tough on my own. Please don't think I am whining. I know there are lots of people out there that would love to have any child. I love my child just don't like parts of the situation.

Anyway, this board is my escape and I appreciate each and every one of you.

In a thread where someone asked the top ten reasons you love the DIS.

I put well when we move I don't have to say goodbye to my friends, I just have to pack them up and take them with me.

My favorite line is I love my computer, my friends live in it. :grouphug:

I definitely needed that.

It has been a little tough this week. DS5 had to start working with a psychotherapist this week. Not that I have a problem with that but it's just tough on my own. Please don't think I am whining. I know there are lots of people out there that would love to have any child. I love my child just don't like parts of the situation.

Anyway, this board is my escape and I appreciate each and every one of you.


Awe Susie, :hug: Trust me I understand about toughing it out alone. DH is gone 95% of the time. The kids basically have a single mom and a weekend dad. I just still do his laundry and pay his bills. ;) :rolleyes:
But this is what we are here for, to help each other and be there when it's good, bad, or ugly. I have truly found where I belong and you have too.

You know what's weird, growing up I was never friends with girls, ever! I hated the cattiness and all the girl drama. But here I don't get that, we like each other for who we are, not what we wear, where we live, what kind of car we drive, etc.....I can't wait to meet ya'll at WDW next year!!!!!
Come hell or high water we are getting there!!!!

and all my DIS friends!:grouphug:

You know what's weird, growing up I was never friends with girls, ever! I hated the cattiness and all the girl drama. But here I don't get that, we like each other for who we are, not what we wear, where we live, what kind of car we drive, etc.....

So true! Me too, though I'm sure being a tomboy and thrill seeker as a kid had something to do with it too. No time for the drama.
You know what's weird, growing up I was never friends with girls, ever! I hated the cattiness and all the girl drama.

I was the same way growing up. The sad thing is, I still see some adult women doing that. It's hard watching DD12 come to the age where a lot of that starts.

As a SAHM, I often feel isolated and lonely, so I appreciate having you guys here.:grouphug: DH doesn't quite understand (smiles and shakes his head), but then he gets to talk to other adults while he's working.

:hug: Susie, I'll pray for you and your son as you go through this.
Thanks for posting this...I really did need the reminder after the week my family has had. My older DD18 is going through a very tough time. On Tuesday she lost one of her best friends in a drunk driving accident. He was only 19 and so full of life! Unfortuantely he made a poor choice and got into the car with some one who was drinking(he too was drinking which I'm sure is why he made the choice he did) The driver of the car is okay. It's a really
tough situation because the driver is DD's coworker, they are not friends but she still has to see him and is having a hard time with all the emotions that brings. She is going off to college in Septemeber and I pray that she takes in all the lessons this tragic situation brought and makes good decisions. On a brighter note they were able to harvest all of his organs except for his lungs and his family was told that because of that Eric has the potential to touch atleast 50 lives and truly make a difference in them! This is bringing his family and friends much comfort. :hug:
When my DH and I moved to AZ leaving behind all family and friends, it was tough. It's one of those moves that leaves you feeling empty. We knew no one here. Still don't except those we work with and trust me I am not hanging out with them. That first week here was really rough and I've had alot of those days since..when I unpacked my computer..all my best friends tumbled out.

I can't even begin to put into words what all of you mean to me. The kindness, the generosity that just fills these boards. It warms my heart knowing that I know where I CAN find friendship.
Although I am just getting to know all of you I feel more at home here than anywhere else on the boards. Scrapbooking has been my escape and my salvation the past few months. Life has handed me lemons and I am trying to make lemonade. Making swap items has given me so much joy and a purpose outside the demands of real life. I'm glad I found all of you!

aprilvaca04 that's such a heartbreaking thing to happen. My nephew was involved in a serious car accident almost two years ago and he is paralyzed, but thankfully he is alive. It really affected my DD and she is a bit scared to start driving next year. I'm glad to hear this young man was an organ donor. :grouphug:
Even though I have not been as involved in swaps lately (for many reasons, mainly time) I still enjoy coming here to "talk" with everyone, catch up on what's going on in your lives, hear about trips, etc.

To my friends!:thumbsup2
I want to say thanks for making me feel so welcome. I don't post much but read alot. When I wanted to start swapping you all made me feel very welcome. Scrapbooking is my way of relaxing, and now I can share it with other, some who even live close to me.

So once again a great big THANKS and lots of :grouphug: for those going thru tough times.:grouphug:

I love these boards - this is my escape from real life, and your support has helped me be creative in ways I would never have dreamed (coming 31 out of 32 for art 3 years running, I'm still amazed you don't just bin my swaps :blush: )

You all understand why someone would come on here every day even if there's no hope of Disney for years;)

You all understand there's no need to meet to be friends :hug:

You all know sometimes the best people to talk to are those who have no idea what your problem is:thumbsup2

I want to say thanks for making me feel so welcome. I don't post much but read alot. When I wanted to start swapping you all made me feel very welcome. Scrapbooking is my way of relaxing, and now I can share it with other, some who even live close to me.

So once again a great big THANKS and lots of :grouphug: for those going thru tough times.:grouphug:


I feel exactly the same way, even though I'm across the country from most of you, the DIS makes us all feel like neighbors.
We have moved around the country a LOT the last 14 years (33 times, yes that's correct) due to DH career, making friends has been hard at times, but I feel that I've made some dear ones here even though we've never met.

:grouphug: to everyone!

I too have the same feelings many of you have already posted. I'm so glad that I have join y'all- I have many friends here and feel that I can come without being judged!
Thank you!

S :)


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