Bought our first contract in 1996. 250 points at BWV. Now we have 800 points among BWV, VDH, AKV, and BLT. It can get really addictive!
Things we learned.
1) Like a lot of posts, 1BR and above are the way to go. Before adding on look at the points chart. BLT, for instance is pretty cheap point wise.
2) Dues! Dues can be killer. Look at the dues. They can really make or break your yearly budget.
3) VDH has TOT. This can really be expensive. I wish I had known more about it when we added points at VDH. Our guide really glossed over that.
4) Know the differences between perks at the 2 coasts. Mostly the same, however WDW has a discounted AP, DLR does not, so we just buy from Get Away Today.
5) As others have said. Get used to planning a year out. A must do if you want to stay in your Home resort. We have had trips we planned at 6 months, but had to stay at OKW. That is not bad as OKW is a fantastic resort. It was just not BWV.
6) Set reminders for your banking deadlines. Before adding on, we would bank a year and borrow a year to make enough points for a prolonged stay.
7). If you add on watch the UY. Stay with the same if you can. It really makes things easier.
8) Did I mention Dues and TOT? Bears repeating.
9) Get used to the
DVC website. You can look at availability for weeks across multiple resorts. It is a great resource for planning.
10) Don't be afraid to call MS. In my experience they are great!
Hope this helps!