Tim won tickets to the Vikings game tonight

Originally posted by Kama89
YAWN....stretch....what'dya want?! :mad: Come on, I'm crippled over here. It takes like a minute just to open a #$@% thread! :mad: Beccy, you're stuck at home alone with the MIL? Put her on, we'll rake her over the coals for awhile. :teeth:

Okay, now who the heck is claiming to be Dis angels? You can't possibly be referring to you and Beccy, Elaine!! Everyone knows you two better than that.

someone finally agrees with me..:bounce:

DW said Mandy was a crab all day, and if I don't get to go golfing every 2 weeks I'M the crab..:o
Originally posted by shep
you 2 are as innocent as my kids...
once again..:rolleyes:
Hey Mandy and Cassie seemed very sweet to me when I met them! :p

Kim... where the heck have you been???? Oh and yes m'dear... one of the DIS angels is me and the other is Beccy. You have a problem with that?!?!?!?!
Maybe Mandy wanted to go golfing?

Shirley, Laverne should be two scared to have a problem with that.
Nope..Mandy had a swimming lesson today..

I think I'M a DIS angel..:o
Originally posted by shep
Nope..Mandy had a swimming lesson today..

I think I'M a DIS angel..:o
Um... don't think so... but nice try shep :teeth:
Yes that was a good try Shep. Believe would qualify no question about that.
Beccy, I thought you wanted Tim to win those tics?

As for angels ~ I don't see any on this thread! :p :jester:
I get the Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 60 seconds...so cable modem wouldn't help..:p
DW said Mandy was a crab all day, and if I don't get to go golfing every 2 weeks I'M the crab..

Ok, this is a perfect example of why I hate dial up!! I was just about to say the same thing Beccy said about Mandy golfing, but she beat me to it because this thing is SO SLOW!!! :mad: URGH! By the time I get my post typed out it's obsolete.

I'm a crab because I haven't been able to Dis all week and can't until Monday when my new modem gets here! :mad:

You have a problem with that?!?!?!?!
Well, now... no I suppose if you really want to try and make everyone believe that cute little fairytale, you go right ahead. They've seen you two in action though... some might have bought it a few months ago, but not anymore. ;)

Laverne ain't scared of nuttin'!! :teeth:
Originally posted by KimRaye
Beccy, I thought you wanted Tim to win those tics?

As for angels ~ I don't see any on this thread! :p :jester:

I did but then I got left with his Mom.

There are 2 Angels on this thread. Do you need reading glasses?;)
my d/u is fine thanks...except for the picture threads....zzzzzzzzzz
Well shep, I'm just that good with timing my posts... second hands on watches help ;)

KimRaye, I have to agree with Beccy. There are two angels here!!! :teeth:

Laverne, if you "ain't scared of nuttin'" where the heck have you been recently??? I think you are hiding behind this supposed "dial up" connection :p
Originally posted by helenabear

KimRaye, I have to agree with Beccy. There are two angels here!!! :teeth:

Laverne, if you "ain't scared of nuttin'" where the heck have you been recently??? I think you are hiding behind this supposed "dial up" connection :p

Two angels..Yep..Me & Kim..;)

13,000 posts on a d/u ain't bad..:o
oh that is bad Laverne and just think you came here because I begged and/or ranted. thanks maybe i won't pick on you tonight. But then again where will I get my laughs?;)


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