Family - My parents moved the whole family to FL in the early 90s. I'll admit that I hated it. It became more tolerable (to enjoyable) with their subsequent in-state moves. Still, whenever I'm in Florida, I know I have some family within range...well, at least closer than they were when I'm at home.
WDW - It's tough to think of FL and not think of WDW. A full visit isn't always in the cards, but we do try to pop in for a meal or a walk through Disney Springs if we're driving through. Ya know... a little bit of magic along the way.
Manatees - When we lived in northern FL, my dad kept his boat at a marina in Homosassa Springs, which meant we'd try to spot manatees along the Crystal River. When they lived in the St. Pete Beach area, they had one of those clear kayaks and we used to see them in the water with us all the time. While it scared the daylights out of me, I had one swim up to me and graze my calf when I was in Singer Island. I was sitting on a low floating dock with my legs in the water. And yes, I used to have a 'Save the Manatee' plate on my vehicle.
He is much more relaxed than I will ever be. It can drive me up a wall when I think something is really critical or important, but in many cases, he helps ground me and bring me back to reality from the catastrophe playing out in my head.
He likes to cook. We don't usually have the time to do a traditional nightly family meal, but when we do, it's not only me that does the cooking. He gets creative and has things he wants to try out. He's also more likely to play with fire than me, so he's the one that plays with the grill and smokers if he wants to do something different with brisket, a new chicken marinade, or different woods to try and reduce some of the gamey flavor in some cuts of pork.
He shares my love of travel and is on board with how I crave getting out and exploring. I get stir crazy if I'm in one place for too long.
National Geographic -
Fashion Maga Marshalls and TJ Maxx if they don't sell in the fine department stores. There's also the matter of knowing treasure when you see it while thrifting.