Three Things...Gratitude Thread

I can always count on this group to step up to a challenge!!

My 3 for yesterday:

Definitely Quilts! - I have a family member who makes them, and they are so beautiful and cozy :hug:.

Also seconding X-rays. - It's so good to be able to see what's going on with an injury. 🩻

And Zoos - my favorite has an area where you can feed deer! The first time we went there, I told DH I felt just like Snow White! 👸🦌
Sheer blessing of watching God's precious young kids and puppies too at play.

Disneyland. Being there always brings me a smile. Dad and I God willing look forward to going over my birthday next year if not also sooner.

I recently watched a Steve Hartman clip of an elderly woman who loved dancing the Hokey Pokey! It brought her such joy. It sure brought me a smile and extra thanks to God when she was given a surprise Hokey Pokey party. Sometimes the lightest things can bloom the biggest smiles :)
Good Tuesday Morning!

I have to confess….my DD20 and I are very silly people and enjoy doing things for a good laugh. We contain our silliness at times, so people don’t look at us like we are complete idiots, but at home we let it out - LOL!

#1 - My DD20 (even at 20yr old) making carpet angels in my freshly vacuumed carpet. I love having the triangles in my carpet after vacuuming, and she loves to lay on the floor making carpet angels to destroy my triangles - cracks me up every single time :rotfl:

#2 - Making a song out of everything - I literally can make a song out of anything and it drives my DH crazy. He says all the time - do we have to sing about everything, and I say - Yes! Yes I do! 🤣 Truth be told - he wouldn’t have me any other way - LOL!

#3 - My DD20 and I have a very silly banter that we share, and we laugh & laugh. In fact, when she was younger I’d tell her to watch where we’re at, because people would think she’s totally disrespectful to me, and that I’m totally mean to her. So we had to turn it on and off in public, because people would not understand that this is how we are, and that we love the laughs together, and at many times it’s aimed at each other 🤣
Quoting movies 🎥 enjoy finding someone who can do it with you

Just asking silly when you should be serious to lighten things up !

Watching people - always entertaining!!! I enjoy catching snatches of their conversation - imaging what the other parts are with the person I’m with - it’s very entertaining- or someone on the phone in the store - you want to say - put it on speaker I need to hear the other side to make sure I get the full picture 🤣🤣🤣
Dad Jokes - I love a good corny dad joke. I can be downright embarrassing belly laughing through these kinds of jokes during The Jungle Cruise.

Being able to laugh at the past - While not every serious issue becomes a laughing matter years later, we had a good 45 minute chat and laugh fest last night about one of the girls' more serious misbehaving issues from about 10 years ago.

Spontaneous sing-a-longs - It could happen on a road trip or on the way home from a dinner out. You just never know what might come on that someone starts singing...and then we all start singing.
3 silly or fun things you're grateful for

1. Going to comedy shows - that's one of the things I like about Carnival cruises. They have lots of comedians with multiple shows a day!

2. Inside jokes - not to exclude others, but it's fun to just be able to give a look and others know what you're talking about

3. Sometimes we'll do some "minute to win it" type games and we always end up laughing more than accomplishing anything!
Silly or fun things...

DD30 and DH share a very similar sense of humor. They are big on puns and Dad jokes. While they make me roll my eyes sometimes, they also make me laugh out loud- especially when they are on the same wave-length and start "tag-teaming" it. I also love to hear them each laugh long and loudly when they amuse themselves more than anyone else!

Disney World- Silly and fun. I am almost 68 and WDW is still my favorite place to visit (and yes, I've been all over the USA and on several trips to Europe). I just love to play, be silly, and have fun, and not worry what anyone else is thinking about me!

We have friends here in town with whom we have dinner a couple of times a month. It's always drinks/apps, dinner, and then dessert and game night. We play things like Farkle, 5 Crowns, Rummikub, and Ticket to Ride. It's always a fun time (even when we play T2R... NOT my favorite, I'm not good with strategy games) and we have a wonderful evening together!
Dance Like a Chicken Day!

Silly/fun things: -

I recently saw an old episode of Modern Family - Claire and Mitch reenacting their old ice skating routine in the car park was totally daft and I loved it!

Homemade language. Silly family names for things, silly made-up 'curse' words and silly songs (including alternative lyrics).

Water Slides and trampolines.

And, of course, The Chicken Dance. 🎶
When you spend a lot of time with a 4-5 year-old, there are so many opportunities to be silly! So grateful to have these in my life. Right now there is a little too much poop talk for me, but I know that this too shall pass. And if you can’t laugh at poop-head, poop-window, poop-car, etc. you are taking life too seriously!

I walk to my favorite tunes inside my house for many reasons, but one of the most important is because I can dance-walk. Total grooving and moving to the different beats and being uninhibited. So much fun! I am not a great dancer, but I love to do it!

My DD and I are word people-we quote movies and shows, make up silly puns and just play with words. My favorite thing to point out is when people use unintentional puns. It’s as if their brain makes these connections but they don’t realize it. I can’t think of an example right now, but if I do, i will post again! Hey, just noticed one in my first paragraph-this too shall pass! (Sorry)
(Mon, 5/13) - 3 things you're grateful for beginning with Q, U, V, X, or Z
1. Quiet time
2. X-rays - Can't imagine the medical field without them!
3. Zoos - I LOVE the local zoo. Great zoo, and it's free!

(Tues, 5/14) - 3 silly or fun things you're grateful for
1. The kid I work with at my church group. He makes me laugh and say, "K, what are you doing?!?" at least once a week, I think. ;)
2. Jelle's Marble Runs This guy has created Olympic type events for marbles, complete with teams, audience, refs, cheers, commentary... Pretty much anything you might see in a human sporting even is included in some way, shape, or form. It's amazing! Specifically look for the "Marble League" ones. The Pinkies are my team. :D
3. Kids/picture books
Dad and all my family (except Grandma and I) are and were so blessed to have had two healthy brown eyes. Grandma and I likewise with hazel--mine at times are more green as hers were :)

This very brown recliner chair I am sitting in right now sure has been a blessing extra from God as I recover from my feet issues.

My favorite hot chocolate and pancakes.

Coffee - iced coffee / hot coffee / coffee ice cream❤️ / coffee cake / Coffee M&Ms

The color brown - I love decorating with it - I don’t have it in my wardrobe a lot as it’s a hard one to find in the right shade but do love painting with it or getting items that color !! It’s one of my favorite colors !!

Brown Eyes just happen to have a set myself - I know they are quite common but you can dress them up with just about any color brown goes with everything 👍


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