Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Good Monday Morning! :wave:

#1 - My girls - The most beautiful blessings I ever laid my eyes on.

#2 - Topiaries at F&G Festival - They are just incredible

#3 - Garden Centers in the Spring - so many beautiful flowers everywhere. I can walk around and buy nothing - I love looking at flowers.
Mountains - When I was going through the worst of my cancer care, the Rockies were the image I kept in my mind to try and keep me focused and help me push through. I knew if I got through it, I'd be seeing the mountains that summer. Although...We really shouldn't have traveled with her team that year. DD15 wound up in a boot from a small fracture in her leg a few weeks out and wouldn't be playing, but we went anyway. I cried a little when I saw the mountains that summer.

A pretty hit - As I sit here nursing a wound over my eye (was too close to the C screen while throwing batting practice for DD15 yesterday), I'm reminded of one of my favorite softball moms and us yelling "It's a BEAUT!!!" when someone gets a pretty hit/bunt. It's all very Clark Griswold, but it even gave me a little chuckle yesterday as we were trying to clean me up. I may have been bloodied up, but the hit was a beaut!

My girls - It's really been hitting me a lot lately as I work on all of the different kinds of senior pics for DD17. All that's left for me to take are cap and gown pics and actual pics at graduation. I was hit with the same kind of emotions earlier this spring when DD15 had her first photoshoot with the school team and we did all of the "where it started/where we are now" collages.
New beginnings - we attended one of DD1 best friends from high school's weddings this weekend. I love seeing the love on everyone's faces. Such a beautiful event!

Music - I love thinking about how much talent it takes from so many people to give us music to listen to on the radio - from the people who write it, sing it, record it, play it for us, etc. So grateful for their beautiful talent!

Oceans - so peaceful at times and mighty at times
Comedians Jerry Seinfeld Jeff Foxworthy just name a couple
TV shows especially the older ones I Love Lucy big favorite of mine
Funny movies I can watch them over and over

Kids sleeping specially when their babies !!
I know the subject has changed, but you reminded me of 3 movies that I can watch again and again and always laugh:
Galaxy Quest
Young Frankenstein
My Cousin Vinny
3 beautiful things I am grateful for:

1. Poetry; there was a poem I read on FB this week that brought me to tears. Beautiful words can reach the soul and heart.

2. Music, of course, especially classical. Forever grateful that I was able to play Chopin on the piano, not just listen to others play his music. (Of course, I loved hearing others play all the little fast notes at a tempo I could never reach!)

3. Nature, especially trees and waterfalls. I am mostly a stay at home person, but when I do spend time in nature, I love it. One of the reasons WL is my favorite resort is because of its setting and I could spend hours just wandering around AK without going on a single ride.
Honorable mention to the Polynesian in the 90’s. Loved that large fountain in the lobby and the lush landscaping.
Laughing with young children
. It's one of the best, freeing and uplifting things in the world!!!
Laughing out loud at movies/tv. For me, that's not usually the parts where they're trying (too hard) to make me laugh; but the slightly lighter or more spontaneous stuff.
The FRIENDS blooper reels. Lisa Kudrow was especially good at laughing uncontrollably!

In an attempt to narrow this one down, I've gone with a Disney theme...


And, When You Wish Upon a Star 🎵🎵
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Dad jokes- I love a good dad joke. The cheesier, the better!
That was going to be my number 4!! :thumbsup2
Me - I think I am funny. I will come up with off the wall funnies with the family. They will groan a bit but I say still get a chuckle. Then again, maybe I am not so funny :confused3
I love it when people are tickled by their own jokes! :thumbsup2
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Mountains - When I was going through the worst of my cancer care, the Rockies were the image I kept in my mind to try and keep me focused and help me push through. I knew if I got through it, I'd be seeing the mountains that summer. Although...We really shouldn't have traveled with her team that year. DD15 wound up in a boot from a small fracture in her leg a few weeks out and wouldn't be playing, but we went anyway. I cried a little when I saw the mountains that summer.

A pretty hit - As I sit here nursing a wound over my eye (was too close to the C screen while throwing batting practice for DD15 yesterday), I'm reminded of one of my favorite softball moms and us yelling "It's a BEAUT!!!" when someone gets a pretty hit/bunt. It's all very Clark Griswold, but it even gave me a little chuckle yesterday as we were trying to clean me up. I may have been bloodied up, but the hit was a beaut!

My girls - It's really been hitting me a lot lately as I work on all of the different kinds of senior pics for DD17. All that's left for me to take are cap and gown pics and actual pics at graduation. I was hit with the same kind of emotions earlier this spring when DD15 had her first photoshoot with the school team and we did all of the "where it started/where we are now" collages.
Awesome post! Cheers to you!
Good Morning!

#1 - When someone holds the door for me - there was a thread that caused a stir about men holding a door for a woman. I think it’s very kind and I always say thank you.

#2 - When I’m at the gym and someone says good morning or hi - it’s always the same cast of characters at the gym (I’m part of that cast of characters - LOL). We don’t know each others names, but we always say hi. It’s nice when I’m doing my cardio and someone will come up to me long enough to say good morning - it such a kind & friendly way to start the day.

#3 - My neighbor always keeping an eye on our house - It’s comforting to know he does this, especially when we’re on vacation. The most kind time was during the great polar vortex of 2019 - it was like 35-40 below zero. We were in Florida and our house alarm went off at 1:00am. He got out of bed, went to the house to turn it off and the garage door was frozen to the ground. He then had to do whatever he did to get it to open and then went in the house to make sure no one was inside and to turn off the alarm. You can’t get a lot more kind than that.
My awesome neighbor who is always doing things for me even when I don’t ask and is so spicy when I try to give him a thank you gift ❤️

My salty boss - he can be mean as the devil and extremely generous- he’s always been willing to help when help is needed no questions asked - he dies this for a lot of people and no one but me knows this

My dear friend on the DIS - she is like a sister to me and always there for me! Uplifting caring and thoughtful and understanding ! Not judgmental ❤️❤️😊😊 I try to do the same !!!
God's kindness, mercy, and Presence with me always, in all. His additional blessing of this time with my dad.

Our next door neighbor who has been a very good friend and faithful encourager especially these days.

Kindness daily of dear each of you:grouphug:
We have some awesome neighbors who help DH with the shoveling and mowing. Of course, I have realized this is because we have become the "old folks" in the neighborhood, hahaha, but I sure do appreciate the help!

When DH had knee surgery and it got badly infected (he almost lost his leg) and was in a nursing home for 6 weeks for 24/7 IV antibiotics... I was so freakin' stressed all the time. However, people were incredibly kind when they heard the story. People went to visit him regularly, offered to feed our cats so I could stay overnight in the nursing home with him, shoveled my driveway when we had a storm that dumped 4 feet of snow on us, added special treats to my grocery purchases for him (Trader Joe's, awesome, kind people). Generous acts of true kindness to help alleviate my stress, to show some support for both of us... and I'm endlessly grateful, even 7 years later.

Sometimes, my TAs take over for me. I manage the organic chem labs and it's my responsibility to oversee the TAs and the labs, and I'm supposed to be there if there is a lab in session, even if I am not teaching. There are times when they know I'm struggling (especially since having a knee replacement last summer), when they can see how tired I am, and try to help out. They'll do some of my grading, teach my lecture, cover my lab when I'm teaching, or just say "we've got this, go home." It's not up to them to do this, it's not their responsibility, but I really appreciate it when they voluntarily increase their workload because they worry about me, can see I'm weary, or just plain like to "have my back!"


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