Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Donuts especially longjohns not filled do not like them filled I don’t eat them very often but my coworker brings him in about once every 2 to 3 months and he also make sure to get me two longjohns and put them on my desk for me❤️

Dogs 🐕- life long love for dogs 🐶 I have had a dog well not the same dog but I have had dogs for the last 40 years and they keep saying after one passes then I’m not gonna get another dog the longest I’ve gone without a dog it’s about three weeks I should say three miserable weeks and notoriously I get another dog and I don’t get small dogs the smallest size dog I have had is about 80 pounds I get big dogs and I’m not a big person so I really don’t know why I keep getting big dogs🤣🤣🤣 my current dog is about 80 pounds I should say 80 crazy pounds🤣🤣🤣 I told my friend last night I said when this dog passes if I even say I’m gonna get another dog you need to come over and smack me

Decorations - not just holiday decorations but household decorations I love having things to decorate my house with I often get them in themes so that I can do different themes throughout the year when we don’t have a holiday I love going to thrift stores and looking at clearance sales and stores and picking up items so that I can decorate with them I so enjoy doing this I always have!!
Dad - self explanatory
Daughters - self explanatory
Dogs - wasn't much of a fan at 5am when she had a 100+ sneeze sneezing fit
Disney - self explanatory
Dreidels - Hanukkah starts on Christmas evening this year. Can't remember it being this late.
Disney Dooneys - No longer into collecting, but love what I have and the friends I've made from them.
Driving - Driving is freedom! Driving leads to exploration!
Decorations - Especially right now, they bring so much joy!
Dinner - While a like a nice breakfast/brunch or lunch, there's always something special about a nice dinner.
Disco - What can I say? I love it. I also adore that Capital One commercial with John Travolta as disco Santa.
Deviled Eggs - Still trying to decide if we want them as a Christmas Day snack. They ruin our appetite!
Deliveries - I feel like we're getting packages every day that will soon be wrapped and under a tree.
Daquiris - The thought of them fills my mind with cruise memories and strolling New Orleans.
Dentists - It's good to have a good one...especially one with great hygienists.

I'm sure I could come up with more, but I'll stop. :teeth:
TGIF! :yay:

Yesterday’s topic……

#1 - Dogs - I’m grateful for all four dogs we’ve had. They’ve all been special in their own way. I am grateful for our little puppy now - is crazy sometimes, hyper but also very loving. He’s giving our empty nest home some excitement.

#2 - Decorations - I love our Christmas decoration so much and I’m very grateful to have all the new ones that I’ve gotten, plus all the old vintage ones our parents and our grandparents had. Both my mom and my husband‘s mom have Christmas decorations that they still have which I will inherit it one day. Some of these items I absolutely adore and will be proud to display them one day.

#3 - Dentist - As much as I don’t enjoy going, I am very grateful for my dentist. He’s very thorough and does a great job. I will be seeing him before the end of the year.
Happy Friday friends! I thought of all of dear you while watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. A character reminded others that kindness can change everything including a life. Thank you all always for the kind faith you spread in friendship.

A :) can be so small but like other forms of kindness be both life changing and saving.

A few🪙's add up reminding me every penny counts.

A stamp on a💌is so small (and yes, too expensive) but allows love to travel the world!
Today's Topic (Fri, 12/20) - 3 small or usually unnoticed things you're grateful for

Maybe a little early but I always grateful for the first shoots of my garden that pop up in spring, they give me such joy and hope

My cat's little nose as she brushes against my arm every morning to reminds me it's time to wake up and play.

My backyard chipmunk pal who comes around all summer long.
My DD used to leave little post it notes with drawings on term all over the place for me to find ❤️ I still have a bunch of them I smile every time I see one

Hitting all the lights green when you’re going somewhere it doesn’t happen often but it’s always nice when it does

The cute little antics nitro pets do it’s just some silly little thing that they’ll do and it’s just hilarious It could be the way they lay when they’re sleeping Or some silly look on their face
Easter Eggs - So many shows and movies have them, but they usually blend in so well that you have to watch it a few times or read a spoiler article to find all of these hidden gems that likely went unnoticed. Aside from it feeling like a treasure hunt, I like it because it's usually paying homage to someone or something important.

Finer details - Whether it's my china patterns or my porcelain ornaments, there are a lot of little details that often go unnoticed until you're right on top of them. Surely, they help make patterns pop from a distance, but you really appreciate the craftsmanship when you're in close range.

The little sounds and smells - You don't realize all of the little things that fill your home until certain people are away. With DD18 home from college for the holiday break, I'm getting used to having all of those little things back in the house. To be honest, we got used to her being gone and it was sort of startling at first, but now it's a source of comfort.
Hugs dear WDWEPCOT, I'm up too :( I am rewatching a father-daughter cute Hallmark movie called Christmas Keepsake. I also enjoyed for a second time Heaven Down Here that does remind me of a similar movie Miracle on Highway 34. I think all of you would enjoy. Reminder to me by my faith belief that indeed connects us to one another when we most need to meet. Extra hug to all.

Today's Topic - 3 things you're grateful for about winter ❄️☃️

(There are a lot of holidays today, though, so if you have an Anne or Samantha in your life, or you live in Maine, feel free to give them a shout-out in answers too!)
Good Saturday Morning!

This is a tough one, since I’m not a winter fan - LOL!

#1 - More Time At Home - I don’t like going out in the cold, so therefore I get more at home time, which is great.

#2 - Winter Clothes - I may not like winter, but I do like my winter clothes - cozy sweat shirts and warm sweaters.

#3 - Puzzle Time - I always enjoy starting a new puzzle as soon as the Christmas decorations get put away.
Good early morning all

Christmas and what it means to me by my faith belief.

Dad and I enjoy putting together 100 piece jigsaw puzzles. We don't have space to leave a bigger puzzle out or necessarily the patience to stick with it. We also prefer bigger pieces🧩

Extra cards to both especially send but also receive.
Well I was born in Maine and almost all my relatives live in Maine and I’ve been there a few times - once in the winter 🥶 ( never again ) and Mr Stephen King is from there and I’ve seen his house ❤️❤️❤️ it’s a beautiful state with an awesome National Park - Arcadi - Cadillac mountain was fun and my relatives lobster 🦞 for a living ❤️❤️. That was great fun !!! I’m very grateful for the few times I got to go and meet my relatives and enjoy the lovely state of Maine love that accent !!!

Things I like about winter - sorry absolutely nothing I cannot think of one single solitary thing I hate the cold I hate it getting dark at 4 o’clock I hate the snow and I absolutely despise the ice so would that be inside I’m grateful for icemelt I keep about 50 pounds of it on hand at all times

I noticed it was national flashlight 🔦 day - I am very grateful for my super powerful flashlight that I use every night to take my dog outside so I can see those deer so I can have turf wars with them🦌 I’m very grateful for my flashlight so I can know what’s in my yard when I do take my dog outside because it’s very dark out there and I don’t wanna run into anything or be stepping on anything if you know what I mean💩
Well, it’s supposed to be in the 70s on Christmas and it’s looking like thunderstorms most of the day on Christmas Eve, so not very wintery here.

I am grateful that most of the places I’ve visited and lived that experience real winter lack the humidity we get here. That’s not to say it can’t be bitterly cold and snowy but just like a dry heat is more tolerable, the same can be said for areas with “dry cold.”

I prefer winter clothes like sweaters, coats, leggings, and boots to summer clothes. So I’m grateful for any opportunity where the weather is cold enough that I can wear these things without roasting. I really love boots!

Winter signals a lot of work holidays. We don’t get as many as some industries but I think there are a handful across the winter months as well as two half days.

Side note-heading up to CT next month (by way of Chicago) and I’m praying for zero winter weather. It’s a nightmare when winter coincides travel.
What About Maine?? Is it Maine Day? Things you love about Maine? Things you DON'T love about Maine?? Help me out here!

Things I'm grateful for about winter- a toughie, but I'll give it a go:

1. It gets really really really cold, so that kills off all the multi-legged creatures that I don't enjoy. Tends to keep the population of no-legged creatures down, also.

2. Daylight savings time ends. I don't mind that it gets dark early. I get to come home, snuggle down with a blanket and my book, and just be cozy.

3. Winter food! Casseroles, stews, soups; all the things that are too heavy to consider eating in the summer, or take too much cooking/baking when you don't want to heat up the house. (benefit of making these in the winter is extra heat...)

4. What do I like best about winter? IT ENDS.

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