Dad - self explanatory
Daughters - self explanatory
Dogs - wasn't much of a fan at 5am when she had a 100+ sneeze sneezing fit
Disney - self explanatory
Dreidels - Hanukkah starts on Christmas evening this year. Can't remember it being this late.
Disney Dooneys - No longer into collecting, but love what I have and the friends I've made from them.
Driving - Driving is freedom! Driving leads to exploration!
Decorations - Especially right now, they bring so much joy!
Dinner - While a like a nice breakfast/brunch or lunch, there's always something special about a nice dinner.
Disco - What can I say? I love it. I also adore that Capital One commercial with John Travolta as disco Santa.
Deviled Eggs - Still trying to decide if we want them as a Christmas Day snack. They ruin our appetite!
Deliveries - I feel like we're getting packages every day that will soon be wrapped and under a tree.
Daquiris - The thought of them fills my mind with cruise memories and strolling New Orleans.
Dentists - It's good to have a good one...especially one with great hygienists.
I'm sure I could come up with more, but I'll stop.