"This is NOT the once in a lifetime trip I was hoping for!" - (Baby Simba - 12/18)

All caught up and signing on for the end! It's been a great report so far!!
I said it on Facebook but not here, so Congratulations again!! Can't wait to "meet" the new addition to your family.

I thought I was way behind on your TR because I haven't been on the DIS too much lately but luckily you only posted one update.

Mom and I loved Cape May when we went in November. So much so that we are taking my Brother, Sister In Law, Aunt and Uncle there in February! One of my SIL's favorite foods is Crab Legs so I think she will be in heaven.

I too was disappointed that the Oreo Bon Bon's were good and didn't like the raspberry on those little chocolate cakes. The one thing I did really like was the little Boston Creme cakes. I will be having a few of those in February!
Whew!!! I was so behind, haven't read anything since April. So many new reports and all kinds of new information. Just spent the afternoon getting all caught up again. :)

First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy. I LOVE the picture of Claudia in the big sister onesie. I can't believe how big she is getting. That is great that they will be so close together in age. My sister and I are 2 years and 1 month apart and we get along great. My kids are 2 years and 4 months apart. They fight like cats and dogs right now but I am sure it will get better eventually. :goodvibes

I love the pictures of you going skydiving. I will be going in the next few years. I have wanted to go since I was a teenager. I was in the military and some of my best buds were airborne rangers. I was so jealous of them being able to jump out of planes as their jobs. Of course military parachutes do not lower you to the ground gently, the object is to get you and your equipment on the ground as fast as possible so I know my friends finished jumps with bloody noses and other random injuries, plus I would not want to have to do the 12 mile march back to base either. :lmao:

Love all the pictures and looking forward to your next update. :cheer2:
What made me say that Claudia is a Disney fan is the love in her eyes for Mickey ;)

My b-day is late feb. The 20th
Hi Mel!!!!! :wave2:

I am FINALLY all caught up on your TR (and a couple others) I am so so behind on my disboarding!! Looks like you have been busy, busy as well! I am loving the report! Can't wait to hear more! And even though I congratulated you on facebook, I'm saying it again here...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love the photos of peanut in her big sister onesie! Very happy for your family! :goodvibes
Remember me? I'm sorry I've disappeared for so long. As you can probably guess, I've been busy with taking care of Claudia, working full time, managing sickness, and just being generally tired. Also my hormones have been playing with my brain and I've felt down a lot, so trying to catch up on the Dis has just been too overwhelming for me. I can't promise that I'll be back soon, but at least my doctor has prescribed me something that should eventually help with the way I've been feeling.

What hasn't helped either is that my cat Ti-Myst had been getting quite sick. I brought him to the vet last Tuesday and had to leave empty handed because there were too many things wrong. It was such a hard decision to put him to sleep, and I miss him so much.


On better news, tonight is my 20 weeks ultrasound! If baby #2 cooperates we should know if Peanut will have a little sister or little brother. I would love to hear your guesses!

Here's the latest picture of my growing bump (3 days ago).


Good to see you, Mel; I hope you are feeling better soon. :hug:

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. :(

I'm going with a little boy this time.
It's so nice to see your cute little pregnant self on the Disboards! I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well and that you had to make the decision about putting your kitty to sleep. It's a tough thing to go through.

I'm going to guess that Claudia is going to be a big sister! Oh wait, that's a given. :rotfl: Hum? I'm going to say that you're going to have another little girl. princess:
Sorry to hear about your cat. Hopefully, everyone starts feeling better soon. Good luck with the u/s. Fingers crossed you get whatever sex you are wanting.
Sorry about your kitty. :(

I think Peanut 2.0 will be a boy. ;)

Hope you feel better soon!

Jill in CO
I am guessing girl. Sickness is usually a sign of a girl....but not always of course.

So sorry about your cat.
Hi Mel. So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. And sorry to hear about your kitty. It is always sad to have to part with our animals. They are our first kids after all.

Nice to hear from you again, though. We have missed you and loved seeing little updates on Claudia and how she is growing.
So sorry about your kitty. :sad1: I know how animals can be a big part of your life.

Since I already saw what you are having on Facebook, I won't spoil it here for everyone else! But I will say that would have been my guess. Congratulations!!


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