This is my training journal. I'm bad at titles. (Comments welcome!)

September 4 - September 10: 7 Weeks until Marine Corps Marathon

Total mileage: 50.2mi
Total time: 7h 55 min

It is hot. Remember how last week I said I'd bring my VDOT back to what it was before I started this training cycle? I did that. I picked a dumb week to do that.

Monday: 4.5 Miles Easy; T+D 78+72=150
  • Splits: 9:41, 9:27, 9:24, 9:20, 9:24
Tuesday: Lactate Threshold: 2 Mi WU + 4x 1 Mi LT (7:56) w/ 1:00 jog + 1 Mi CD; T+D 80+69=149
  • WU 9:42, 9:40; CD 9:52
  • 4x 1 Mi LT (7:56)
    • Mile 1: 7:53
    • Mile 2: 7:54
    • Mile 3: 7:42
    • Mile 4: 7:45
This was supposed to be a 2-mile CD, but I just had to get out of the heat. Otherwise... those miles are pretty good! The 3rd mile was fast, especially for that TD. I was really happy with how well this one went.

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 7.5 Miles Easy; T+D 80+75=155
  • Splits: 10:04, 9:41, 9:35, 9:35, 10:33, 9:20, 9:28, 9:14
As bad as it gets here. A completely miserable morning.

Friday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 73+67=140
  • Splits: 10:25, 9:32, 9:28, 9:21, 9:23, 9:27
Saturday: 19 Miles Easy

This is the big one! 3+ hours of running. Not since my full marathon in Philly have I run this much at once.
  • Starting T+D: 72+69=141
  • Ending T+D: 77+71=148
  • Pre-run: Maurten 320 drink mix
  • In-run at each 30 min: SiS snot gel, Maurten gel, 3 scoops concentrated Tailwind, SiS Beta gel, EGel
    • Target carbs: 270g
    • Actual carbs: 278g
Anyway, I'm not typing out every mile, but I averaged a 9:38/mi pace, and my slowest mile was the first mile - just like it's supposed to be! As mentioned in her journal, I ran briefly with @WillRunForPizza, which was a pleasant diversion from whatever madness was happening in DC that morning. Plus, it was disgustingly humid again.

This run took me 3:02:56 in total. I was thinking around mile 16ish that I had never run 19 miles continuously. In my full last year, I had to stop around mile 18 and start walking. This run was an accomplishment for me in more ways than one! I didn't feel all that bad by the end - which is good, because I'm repeating this 19-miler again in 4 weeks.

Sunday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 72+69=141
  • Splits: 9:43, 9:39, 9:37, 9:31, 9:19, 9:17
Swapping Saturday and Sunday for logistics this week.

All in all, a wildly successful week. I was nervous about running 3+ hours, but I breathed, took my time, and I felt great by the end of it.

Next week: 55 miles, with a monster midweek run: 1 Mi Easy + 6 Mi M Tempo + 1 Mi LT + 7 Mi M Tempo + 1 Mi Easy. I can't quite see the plan fully out yet, but I am relatively certain this is the peak workout. 2h 20min midweek run... that's a lot!
Good for you on this week, because it was totally and completely miserable here!
September 11 - September 17: 6 Weeks until Marine Corps Marathon

Total mileage: 55.0mi
Total time: 8h 28 min

Boy gee howdy I sure am tired, this marathon thing seemed like a better idea a couple of months ago. Work has been nuts, so my strength training suffered last week - just one day. But I've already matched that this week. Hoping to get back on track.

Monday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 84+62=146 (run club)
  • Splits: 9:25, 10:00, 9:42, 9:52, 9:45, 9:27
Tuesday: 1 Mi Easy + 6 Mi M Tempo (8:40) + 1 Mi LT (7:56) + 1.6 M Tempo (8:40) + 3.4 Mi Easy; T+D 86+68=154
Should have been: 1 Mi Easy + 6 Mi M Tempo (8:40) + 1 Mi LT (7:56) + 7 M Tempo (8:40) + 1 Mi Easy

It's probably bad when you're already counting down the workout after only one mile, right? Bleh. Two straight nights of crap sleep plus two soul-sucking in-office days plus WAY TOO HOT temperatures meant this one was doomed from the start.

All of the first 6 M Tempo miles were around 8:40 as expected; the LT mile was a total slog at 8:15 and at that point I was toast. I went as long as I could at M Tempo but it wasn't worth continuing to push my body to the point of doing damage, so I slowed down to an easy pace and called it after 13 total miles. I re-allocated the remaining 3 miles across the rest of the workouts for the week so I would still hit the 55 miles total for the week, though.

I was super frustrated after this one was over. I knew better than to try it, but with an insanely busy week Tuesday afternoon/evening was the only chance I had for a 2h 30min midweek run and I paid the price.

Wednesday: Rest

I at least lifted my spirits with a GREAT meal at Oyster Oyster with friends and a someone-special. Tough reservation to get but a delicious vegetarian seasonal tasting menu - looking forward to trying the fall menu too at some point!

Thursday: 8.5 Miles Easy; T+D 67+55=122
  • Splits: 9:57, 9:44, 9:33, 9:33, 9:20, 9:14, 9:28, 9:25, 9:18
Friday: 7.5 Miles Easy; T+D 60+47=107
  • Splits: 9:51, 9:48, 9:39, 9:29, 9:39, 9:24, 9:19, 9:27
Saturday: 7 Miles Easy; T+D 70+51=121
  • Splits: 9:10, 8:50, 9:08, 9:23, 9:29, 9:16, 9:41
Sunday: 2 Mi Easy + 11 Mi M Tempo (8:40); T+D: 68+56=124

A much better run as compared to Tuesday. Even kind of easy? I know 8:40 is my calculated M Tempo based on spring races and it's not actually realistic for MCM, but I figure training at that pace can't hurt. Right?
  • Pre-run: Maurten 320 drink mix
  • In-run at 30 min, Gu, EGel, EGel
  • 2 Miles Easy
    • Mile 1: 10:14
    • Mile 2: 10:24
  • 11 Miles M Tempo (8:40)
    • Mile 1: 9:25
    • Mile 2: 8:38
    • Mile 3: 8:17
    • Mile 4: 8:11
    • Mile 5: 8:54
    • Mile 6: 8:15
    • Mile 7: 9:08
    • Mile 8: 8:53
    • Mile 9: 8:25
    • Mile 10: 8:10
    • Mile 11: 8:16
I ended my run near the finish line for the DC Half Marathon, which I ran last year, so I could cheer on some friends. Just missed yelling at @WillRunForPizza as she blasted the turnaround and was already out of my embarrassing-screaming range. It was a beautiful day for a run!

This week: It's a cutback week? Last one until the taper? A breezy 49.6 miles, with a repeat of the fairly easy 400m R + 3x 200m R workout from a few weeks ago for the quality session, and 16 easy miles on Sunday.

This weather! chef's kiss
September 18 - September 24: 5 Weeks until Marine Corps Marathon

Total mileage: 49.6mi
Total time: 7h 53 min

Friends, I am tired. I'm in the peak phase of training, I'm eating everything in sight, and my body doesn't like me very much right now. On the bright side, 3 days of strength training this week!

Monday: 5.5 Miles Easy; T+D 63+61=12
  • Splits: 10:28, 10:16, 10:04, 9:36, 9:32, 9:22
Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Speed Workout: 2 Mi WU + 3x [400m R (1:43/rep) w/ 400m jog + 3x (200m R (0:51/rep) w/ 200m jog)] + 2 Mi CD
  • T+D: 62+54=116
  • WU: 10:29, 10:02; CD 10:11, 9:48
    • 400m R (6:54, or 1:43 rep) + 3x 200m R (6:54, or 0:51/rep)
      • 1:45
        • 0:49
        • 0:53
        • 0:49
      • 1:43
        • 0:53
        • 0:52
        • 0:51
      • 1:41
        • 0:49
        • 0:50
        • 0:50
I can tell it's a cutback week because this is a very easy tempo workout. I can also tell my fitness is improving because I fully jogged pretty much every interval.

Thursday: 8 Miles Easy; T+D 63+56=119
  • Splits: 9:49, 9:36, 9:21, 9:31, 9:25, 9:26, 9:28, 9:23
Friday: 7 Miles Easy; T+D 62+54=116
  • Splits: 9:35, 9:33, 9:26, 9:35, 9:28, 9:27, 9:24
Saturday: 7 Miles Easy; T+D 59+57=116 and RAINING SIDEWAYS
  • Splits: 9:35, 9:29, 9:28, 9:14, 9:22, 9:02, 9:26

Sunday: 11.5 Miles Easy + 2 Miles LT (7:56) + 1 Mile Easy
  • T+D: 65+63=128 and very humid
  • Pre-run: Maurten 320 drink mix
  • In-run at each 30 min interval: Gu, SiS Beta, EGel, Maurten
  • 11.5 Miles Easy
    • Mile 1: 9:50
    • Mile 2: 9:39
    • Mile 3: 9:51
    • Mile 4: 9:55
    • Mile 5: 9:37
    • Mile 6: 9:52
    • Mile 7: 9:42
    • Mile 8: 9:43
    • Mile 9: 9:35
    • Mile 10: 9:52
    • Mile 11: 9:39
    • Mile 0.5: 9:56
  • 2 Miles LT (7:56)
    • Mile 1: 7:55
    • Mile 2: 7:55
  • 1 Mile Easy
    • Mile 1: 9:55
Interesting workout - it's meant to simulate the fatigue at the end of a race. Almost like a fast finish run, which I always enjoyed, but a little shorter and a faster 2 miles before an easy mile cool down.

I felt the fatigue this morning from the very first step. The misty rain and humidity didn't help, but my body is feeling the weeks of miles that have been piled on and this run was a slog. I was very careful to keep the effort low on the 11.5 miles so I could nail the LT miles, and I did that so I'm happy here.

NEXT WEEK: It's peak mileage week! Ugh. 57.5 miles, featuring an LT/I/R progression workout on Wednesday that is going to SUCK plus 16 easy miles for a long run on Sunday (that will be fine, probably).

Just 3 more weeks of heavy mileage. The taper is in sight. Interestingly, now that I can see ahead, this is going to be a 2-week taper: 3 weeks out from the race is still 55.5 miles with a very difficult 8 E + 3 LT + 2 E midweek progression workout, but the Sunday run is a fairly easy 11 Mi M Tempo. Getting there.
September 25 - October 1: 4 Weeks until Marine Corps Marathon

Total mileage: 57.3 mi
Total time: 9h 05 min

That's a lotta' runnin'. My highest volume both in terms of mileage and time.

Monday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 65+62=127 (run club)
  • Splits: 9:49, 10:36, 11:18, 12:08, 10:35, 9:46
Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Progression: 2.5 Mi WU + 3x 1 Mi LT (7:56) w/1:00 jog + 3x 800m I (7:18) w/3:00 jog + 6x 200m R (6:54) w/200m jog + 2 Mi CD
  • T+D: 60+53=113
  • WU 10:33, 10:05, 10:12; CD 9:40, 9:25
  • 3x 1 Mi LT (7:56)
    • Mile 1: 7:57
    • Mile 2: 7:47
    • Mile 3: 7:51
  • 3x 800m I (7:18, or 3:38/rep)
    • Rep 1: 3:46
    • Rep 2: 3:42
    • Rep 3: 3:38
  • 6x 200m R (6:54, or 0:51/rep)
    • Rep 1: 0:49
    • Rep 2: 0:49
    • Rep 3: 0:49
    • Rep 4: 0:49
    • Rep 5: 0:49
    • Rep 6: 0:48
Look at those beautiful R reps. I'd say I did that on purpose, but I didn't. This was all fine. Not surprised the I reps were a little slow - those are rough. I finished the third and final rep right on target though, so I'm not losing sleep over this one. And I am done with I for this training cycle. Good riddance.

Also I think I took nutrition for this. I forgot to write it down. Whoops.

Thursday: 9 Miles Easy; T+D 57+51=108
  • Splits: 9:40, 9:30, 9:34, 9:39, 9:25, 9:12, 9:39, 9:08, 9:08
Friday: 8 Miles Easy; T+D 62+59=111
  • Splits: 9:46, 9:28, 9:41, 9:30, 9:25, 9:10, 9:50, 9:07
Saturday: 7 Miles Easy; T+D 67+59=126
  • Splits: 9:52, 9:11, 9:51, 9:42, 9:46, 9:35, 10:59
Sunday: 16 Miles Easy; T+D I forgot to write it down but it is hot again

Apparently Garmin is still having sync issues, but anyway according to my watch directly I ran this in 2:34:11 for a 9:38/mile pace. Still training the nutrition as well, with a pre-run Maurten 320 drink mix, followed by 30 min intervals with Maurten gel, Egel, 3 scoops concentrated Tailwind, and an SiS Beta gel. 256g total carbs over the run, which is a tad higher than I was shooting for but I'll take it.

NEXT WEEK: It's going to be a fairly easy week of running with a slight cut-back, but topped by the last 19-miler on Sunday. I might have to shift that to Saturday, but we'll see how the week progresses. The tempo run is a relatively easy 6x 1km LT... hang on, I'm only just now processing I have to do six kilometer LTs. Neat. And the weather is getting kinda hot again this week.

The final week of training has loaded in full, and outside of easy running all week the Wednesday tempo run is 3x 1 Mi LT with 2 min jog between each mile. I totally forgot about that from reading Daniels Running Formula. That struck me as a tough workout 5 days out from race day, but he's got it in every plan in the book regardless of mileage. I'm trusting the plan.
October 2 - October 8: 3 (!) Weeks until Marine Corps Marathon

Total mileage: 51.6 mi
Total time: 8h 4 min

Boy, my mental health was really putting me through the paces throughout this week. It's times like this I'm grateful I'm able to run.

I am also still tired and still eating everything in sight. I am in peak marathon eating shape (round).

Monday: 5 Miles Easy; T+D 66+59=125
  • Splits: 9:49, 9:37, 9:27, 9:20, 9:15
Tuesday: Endurance: 2 Mi WU + 6x 1km LT (7:56) w/ 1:00 jog + 2 Mi CD
  • T+D: 65+62=127 and humid
  • WU: 10:07, 9:40; CD 9:14, 9:23
  • 6x 1 km LT (7:56, or 4:56/rep)
    • Rep 1: 4:58
    • Rep 2: 4:54
    • Rep 3: 4:50
    • Rep 4: 4:58
    • Rep 5: 4:51
    • Rep 6: 4:50
It was a weirdly warm and humid start to the week, so this felt harder than it needed to be. I was happy to be on-target with everything. Had to shift this from Wednesday because Wednesday was an in-office day.

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 7.5 Miles Easy; T+D 62+59=121
  • Splits: 10:12, 9:39, 9:27, 9:08, 9:59, 9:05, 9:18, 9:11
Friday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 69+66=135, humid
  • Splits: 9:47, 9:32, 9:30, 9:33, 9:21, 9:26
Saturday: 19 Miles Easy

Another swap from Sunday because things were going on.
  • Starting T+D: 66+61=127, rainy
  • Ending T+D: 64+59=123, damp
  • Pre-run: Maurten 320 drink mix
  • In-run at each 30 min: Maurten gel, Maurten gel, 3 scoops concentrated Tailwind, Egel, SiS Beta gel
  • 19 Miles Easy (9:31-10:28)
    • Mile 1: 9:53
    • Mile 2: 9:55
    • Mile 3: 10:31
    • Mile 4: 10:39
    • Mile 5: 9:34
    • Mile 6: 9:25
    • Mile 7: 9:15
    • Mile 8: 9:19
    • Mile 9: 8:58
    • Mile 10: 9:08
    • Mile 11: 9:19
    • Mile 12: 9:11
    • Mile 13: 9:28
    • Mile 14: 9:25
    • Mile 15: 9:38
    • Mile 16: 9:19
    • Mile 17: 9:15
    • Mile 18: 9:37
    • Mile 19: 9:00
  • Overall pace: 9:31/mi
  • Time elapsed: 3:00:58
There was some light rain and it was rather humid at the start of this, and the rain picked up a bit as I progressed. I'm always fine with that, because there's never any guarantee conditions will be ideal on race day, and I'm a big believer in training in all types of weather as long as it's safe. This took me all around DC with several elevation changes. I had some mild nausea after downing the 3 scoops of concentrated Tailwind at the 90-minute mark, which has never happened before - will need to keep practicing with that before the race to see if it's going to be a problem.

This did not feel bad at all. I could have kept going, and I almost did just to see what miles 20-22 would feel like, but I know better.

One thing I've been doing this training cycle is practicing visualization - that is, seeing myself cross the finish line having met my goal. At mile 18.5 on this run, when I was almost finished, I burst into tears. Why? Two reasons - one, the aforementioned anxious brain monkeys from the week were working themselves out, and two, I had a very sudden and profound realization:

I am ready.

Sunday: 6 Miles Easy; T+D 57+40=97
  • Splits: 9:36, 9:23, 9:13, 9:07, 9:08, 9:04
What a difference a day makes. Behind the rain was a cold front with by far our most pleasant weather of the year. It was full Sun so I still ended up rather sweaty, but if we can be just a little cooler than this for race day, that would be ideal.

NEXT WEEK: It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that I have 55.5 miles 3 weeks out from the race, but here we are. The midweek tempo run is a tough 8 E + 3 LT + 2 E, but the Sunday long run eases up with 2 E + 11 M.

And then it's taper time.
👏 I saw your 19 mile run on Strava. I am so impressed, you seem to be crushing it week after week.

And again 👏 for next week. That's two half marathons in a week, just two weeks out from your marathon. Congrats
Life is funny sometimes. And by funny I mean really, really stupid.

Last night I was 3 miles in to the 8E+3T+2E tempo, feeling great, when I tripped on a raised piece of concrete on the sidewalk and crashed on my arm. I shattered my Garmin and fractured my elbow. Follow-up with the ortho on Monday, but until then the urgent care doctor put me in a sling and said no running until I receive the ortho's instructions.

To think, I took so many precautions and did so much work this training cycle to avoid another lower-body injury. Mission accomplished, I guess?
Oh no!!! Sending you the biggest virtual hugs right now :hug: I can only imagine how you're feeling after putting in all those efforts
I am so sorry to hear this. Sending good vibes your way that you can still make this race happen! Maybe a little retail therapy (new Garmin) to take the edge off the pain?
This is horrible news! The good news is that all that with you put in won’t just disappear over night. Hopefully you get the clear to run 🤞
Oh no!! I am so sorry to hear this 😞

Wishing you a speedy recovery and good news from the ortho!!

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