This Bridge is Old, Like You! - A July 2017 and April 2018 TR *Completed + New TR Link Posted

Thanks for sharing the story of this day. As hard as it must be to remember and know that this is an experience you can never have again, it's amazing that you were able to do this and have these memories of the kids and their grandfather. I'm sure that when Evie grows up, knowing that PaPaw helped her enjoy COuntry Bear Jamboree will make it extra special for her.
Also, I love that picture of PaPaw putting his hand on Landon's head. It's such a simple picture, but also incredibly meaningful.
All caught up again, Alicia. :) I have to agree, the new HEA is very castle-focused rather than fireworks focused and it's a shame. Makes for some testy guests- I experienced that myself first time I saw it. I don't feel a HUGE need to see it again soon. If I do, I will find a place next to a rail with some space between me and others.

But! Glad you got some solo time and could see it without the extra work of kids.

I read your update with the last time you got to be in Disney with Papaw and it was certainly poignant. In a good way in some respects. Quality time with loved ones can never be underestimated! :hug:
I had a lot to catch up on!

I really enjoyed all of the updates, but I'll just comment on a few things.

How sweet of you to gift that family with a Soarin pass! I bet you made their day. Those are the kind of Disney interactions I feel the parks are lacking right about now.

I totally didn't think about the kids on shoulders being a bigger issue with HEA with all of the projections. I'll definitely keep that in mind for whenever we do make it back to Disney World so that we make sure we are further up. But really awesome that you got a little bit of solo time in MK.

I'm so so sorry for your family's loss. But WOW so amazing that you have that special day of memories for your kids with their PaPaw in Magic Kingdom! Something to treasure, for sure.
I swear I don't know what's up with the Dis. I'm not getting notifications when you update. Like others have said, I was teary eyed when I read the last update. I can't even imagine what it was like for you to write it. What sweet memories that you and your kids have to treasure. Country Bears is a classic and now you have a great memory of it for all the years to come.

I think a lot of weird issues have popped up since they switched over to the new server. Not getting notifications must get old, real quick!

Just wanted to say to those of you that have little ones who’ve recently lost grandparents that both my boys lost a much loved grandpa when they were very young. My father in law passed when my older son was 3 and my dad passed when my youngest son was 4. They are now 20yrs & 11yrs and still talk about them often. It was tough explaining the concept of death in the early days ( my youngest would get quite cross and state that it was time for Granda to come back to earth, NOW) they were used to seeing them daily but talking about good times helped and I put a photo of them and their Granda in a frame in each of their bedrooms and somehow that settled them both and seemed to give them the opening they needed to chat and reminisce about happy times. We still laugh now about some of the antics they got up to together. Thinking of you and your little guys and wishing you well :hug:

Thank you so much for sharing that! That brought me a lot of comfort, knowing your boys still remember and enjoy talking about their grandpas. I really want to put a picture of the kids' Papaw in their rooms now!!!

Not going to lie, your picture of Landon and Papaw made me tear up a tiny bit after reading your lovely tribute to him. I am so sorry for you loss, may his memory be a blessing!

Thank you. I didn't even realize I had that photo until I was going through my album, prepping to write this update. It was like a hidden gem.

Thanks for sharing the story of this day. As hard as it must be to remember and know that this is an experience you can never have again, it's amazing that you were able to do this and have these memories of the kids and their grandfather. I'm sure that when Evie grows up, knowing that PaPaw helped her enjoy COuntry Bear Jamboree will make it extra special for her.
Also, I love that picture of PaPaw putting his hand on Landon's head. It's such a simple picture, but also incredibly meaningful.

Thanks for the kind words, you summed up how fortunate I feel to have had that day at the parks really well. I never in a million years dreamed that day would turn out to be so special or how a random camera picture could mean so much to me.

All caught up again, Alicia. :) I have to agree, the new HEA is very castle-focused rather than fireworks focused and it's a shame. Makes for some testy guests- I experienced that myself first time I saw it. I don't feel a HUGE need to see it again soon. If I do, I will find a place next to a rail with some space between me and others.

But! Glad you got some solo time and could see it without the extra work of kids.

I read your update with the last time you got to be in Disney with Papaw and it was certainly poignant. In a good way in some respects. Quality time with loved ones can never be underestimated! :hug:

I think it's such a shame that HEA isn't accessible to more locations. Definitely a step down, in my opinion.

I think I'm going to go into Disney trips with a little more appreciation, now. You never know when or if you'll ever be able to go again with the people you're with and it's important to make those trips count.

I had a lot to catch up on!

I really enjoyed all of the updates, but I'll just comment on a few things.

How sweet of you to gift that family with a Soarin pass! I bet you made their day. Those are the kind of Disney interactions I feel the parks are lacking right about now.

I totally didn't think about the kids on shoulders being a bigger issue with HEA with all of the projections. I'll definitely keep that in mind for whenever we do make it back to Disney World so that we make sure we are further up. But really awesome that you got a little bit of solo time in MK.

I'm so so sorry for your family's loss. But WOW so amazing that you have that special day of memories for your kids with their PaPaw in Magic Kingdom! Something to treasure, for sure.

I definitely agree. If more guests started spreading the magic rather than their grumpiness, the parks would be a different place entirely.

I hate that you have to be in "the right spot" in order to see the fireworks. I miss the days of watching Wishes from anywhere I wanted!

That day in the Magic Kingdom with the kids' Papaw will always be a special memory for us.
Let's lighten things up a bit around here, what do you say? I'm going to wrap this bad boy up with a final, happier update. And just in time, too, because we are about to be well on our way to sunny Florida. Bring on the warm sandy beaches, the overly chlorinated pools, the stressed out bride, and the Dole Whips with rum!!

July 26th, 2017:

All good things must come to an end, and on this day of our trip the “thing” in question was our time at Disney. My mom – ever the early bird – woke up, packed her car, and was ready to leave at 6:30. Being in the room without her was really weird. I kept expecting her to open the door with her MagicBand-ed wrist and usher us down to the buses.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen and the kids and I remained in the room for a few hours. They kept busy by watching tv while I packed all our stuff into suitcases and waited impatiently for my in-laws to pick me up.

The plan was for them to arrive at 10….at 11 I got the kids and bags and car seats into the lobby because we couldn’t be in the room any longer. At 11:15, Leslie texted me that they were parking the car and coming to get us.

*Sigh* I was not a happy camper. But water under the bridge now, I suppose.

Eddie stayed back with the kids in the lobby while Leslie got my bags and I went to install the seats into her car.

Nothing like putting a car seat into a tiny car in a parking garage in Florida…in July to get the sweat going. I was a hot mess when it was all said and done.

I used to think going to Disney with kids that weren’t in diapers anymore was going to be the greatest vacationing milestone.

Nu uh. Since moving far away and not being able to take my car to Disney, that goal has changed to looking forward to not traveling with five point harnessed car seats.

Man oh man, how happy I’ll be when I don’t have to deal with airports and gate checks and transferring seats from one car to another…To be able to open a car door and just have them GET IN.

What is that even like?!

Anyways, everything was packed into my sister in-law’s car – people included – and we were on our way to a special location for lunch. Both siblings had annual passes to Universal and therefore they were able to get free parking in the garages, so they were using that perk to show me something new.

Landon was given the royal treatment and didn’t have to walk:

While I thought back wistfully to April 2016 when I got to enter the two Universal parks and explore the WWoHP:

f1 by Alicia Wolchick, on Flickr

I’ll be back for you, Frozen Butterbeer! One day!

The special place in question was located across the water in City Walk and boasted countless delectable goodies for us to feast our eyes upon:



We made our way around the lake(?) to Toothsome’s Chocolate Emporium and upon entering were greeted by Penelope Toothsome. If you weren’t aware, Toothsome is done in a steampunk theme with characters and a storyline that you’re allowed to read on the menu:


Just like all the Harry Potter areas, Toothsome nails it with theming. Everything from the iron railings to the cogs and machinery to the gold curtains screamed steampunk, and when the host led us to our table I felt very Gatsby-like, sitting in our black leather booth with the lights turned down low.

f2 by Alicia Wolchick, on Flickr

It was a fun atmosphere to spend an hour or so in, and we had Jaques (kind of like a handy sidekick to Penelope) stop by our table several times to visit.

The kids got the chicken strips for lunch while I chose a broccoli cheddar quiche with a side salad:


It was good but nothing to write home about. Then again, the stars of the show were the milkshakes offered. My table as a whole decided to split two shakes since they were so rich and that was a very wise decision! Even with three adults and two kids, we could only drink one and a half of them.

Much deliberation went into choosing the drinks (if you haven’t seen the dessert menu for Toothsome, it’s pretty incredible) but ultimately we decided on:


The Marshmellow Crisp: vanilla ice cream, rice crispies, marshmallow fluff, fresh whipped cream, and a Rice Crispie treat.

And Brownie: Dutch chocolate ice cream, brownie, and milk chocolate swirl.

I’m not a big marshmallow fan, pretty much only eat them when they are burnt to a crisp over a fire and smooshed between chocolate and graham crackers, but I ended up liking that milkshake a lot better than the chocolate one. The chocolate was too rich; one sip and you felt like you’d fallen into a vat of liquid Hershey chocolate.

I think I only had one or two sips of that one before I couldn’t take any more.

We ended up having to ask for to-go cups and took them with us because it took that long to drink the shakes. Which says a lot about their thickness and richness when we were barely putting a dent into them.

After paying for our food, we walked over to the connecting shop and looked at the merchandise for sale and the knickknacks lining the walls.


Then we made our way back to the parking garage where Evie discovered her favorite activity:

Take the girl to Orlando and all she wants to do is walk on the moving walkways….Figures.

(You can imagine her delight when she discovered them at the Charlotte and Detroit Airports.)

My in-laws had some free rounds of mini-golf redeemable at a course near the Orlando Eye, so they begged me to let them take us there.

Because what could be more fun than standing outside in the Florida humidity with the sun at its peak with ice cream sloshing around in our stomachs???

Clearly, I was not on board with this plan, but Landon heard them talking about it and really wanted to do it.

So off we went….



It was hotter than hot. When I got to Hole 9, I was completely done and so were the kids. But hey, they got to play their first ever game of mini golf and each drank an entire 16oz bottle of water. (I couldn’t believe that.)

Our games completed, my group drove to the beach and dropped us off at Alex’s parent’s house where we spent a couple days playing at the beach, swimming in the pool, and walking around looking for peacocks in the neighborhood.

Before I knew it, we were being driven back to my parent’s house and then I was boarding a plane with two kids to fly back to Germany. The trip back home had a few hiccups, such as a flight change, and the airline not wanting to move the kids to seats next to me, but we made it in one piece and 24 hours later were back in our home.

It was a wonderful and amazing vacation, and I’m so happy I got to experience everything I did. And now I fly out tomorrow with Alex in tow to go back to Florida. In a mere few days, we will be shopping at Disney Springs, eating around Epcot, and checking into the Polynesian Resort. I can’t wait for it all!

Thanks for reading and following along, everyone, as I recounted my amazing summer adventures. I hope you’ll stick around, because when I get back to Germany I will include all the happenings of this upcoming Disney trip.
I enjoy reading all of your reports. I'm jealous that you are headed to Florida tomorrow. I don't envy you flying internationally with two kids, but at least Alex is with you this time. Enjoy it all!
At 11:15, Leslie texted me that they were parking the car and coming to get us.

*Sigh* I was not a happy camper. But water under the bridge now, I suppose.

Oh dear.

Nothing like putting a car seat into a tiny car in a parking garage in Florida…in July to get the sweat going. I was a hot mess when it was all said and done.

I'm sweating with you. Yuk!

o be able to open a car door and just have them GET IN.

What is that even like?!

You have a long way to go. With every kid I had they kept extending the time they had to be in a car seat. Going to the booster seat was nice.

The Marshmellow Crisp: vanilla ice cream, rice crispies, marshmallow fluff, fresh whipped cream, and a Rice Crispie treat.

And Brownie: Dutch chocolate ice cream, brownie, and milk chocolate swirl.

They look good but sweetness overload.

Take the girl to Orlando and all she wants to do is walk on the moving walkways….Figures.

That is so cute. Hopefully when she old like me she won't mind the treadmill.

Because what could be more fun than standing outside in the Florida humidity with the sun at its peak with ice cream sloshing around in our stomachs???

I can't even think about dong this in the sun. We have always done miniature golf courses in the late evening or night. It was nice that they wanted to entertain you and the kids.

It was a wonderful and amazing vacation, and I’m so happy I got to experience everything I did. And now I fly out tomorrow with Alex in tow to go back to Florida. In a mere few days, we will be shopping at Disney Springs, eating around Epcot, and checking into the Polynesian Resort. I can’t wait for it all!

I enjoyed your report so much. You really know how to time it right. Finish a report as you head back out again. Enjoy the wedding and your Disney time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Toothsome. It definitely seems like the milkshakes are the star of the place ... but milkshakes are awesome, so I'm okay with that :).

I've done mini-golf in brutal heat (I grew up mini golfing a lot). It's not fun. But at least now the kids have had the mini-golf experience!

Have an awesome trip!
Oh, sweetie. Thank you for sharing those memories with us. Still in tears. What special memories.

Moving on, what a fun afternoon- but oh so hot- not fun! Glad you had this wonderful trip with your kiddos. Can't wait to hear about the next one! <3 Have so much fun- and so bummed that I just miss you!
Thanks for the trip report, it was great! And enjoy your trip, hope you have an amazing time!
Really enjoyed your TR - the good, the bad and the ugly :rotfl2:What a special moment with your father-in-law. It's perfect that you and your kids had not experienced it before. You'll never see or hear about Country Bear without thinking about that day. Wow - another trip coming up! I'll be watching for your TR!
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us all. I loved hearing about your travels. Enjoy your next adventure and definitely get some photos in those frames. The kids and you will love them :)
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Glad you enjoyed the rest of your time in Florida! Thank you for sharing!

Have so much fun on this upcoming trip!! :cool1:
We must be gluttons because we polished off that brownie milkshake when we were there in September!! lol And I'm looking forward to trying the new chocolate chip cookie one when we go back later this year. YUM!! The milkshakes are definitely the star of the show.

I'm glad you had a fun last day, and safe travels home. Enjoy your next trip!!!
Having been introduced to WDW by my grandmother and great grandparents, I have to say that your update had me bawling. Country Bear Jamboree was my Great Grandfather's ABSOLUTE favorite thing at WDW (he, seriously, had a picture of Big Al hanging in his den - I kid you not) - so, that one moment that you shared touched me in a way that no other TR ever has (and probably ever will). As hard as it was to share, I'm so glad that you did! And, I am certainly glad that you got that day!!
Wonderful trip report as always, Alicia. Thanks for taking the time to write and share with us. I know how much work they are and it's always encouraging to hear the comments and the banter. Safe trip back to Germany, and I'll look forward to your plans for your upcoming trip(s). Please PM me when you start! I am terrible at finding them. Meanwhile, hope I'll see you on my thread too.
What a rollercoaster of a trip you had! But mostly so wonderful. Thanks so much for taking us there :) I hope you have the most fabulous trip, and I'm looking forward to reading all about it!
Guys, guys, guys!!

I am popping in here randomly because I have some important news!!

Do any of you guys remember me talking about Happy Hippos?
I have no doubt Alex and I will always make a pit stop in the Germany pavilion whenever we’re on a Disney vacation. If only they sold Happy Hippos in one of the stores…I don’t know how I’m going to survive without that candy once I move back. If you’ve never had one, you have really missed out!

Well, guess what I found in the Germany Pavilion a few days ago?
IMG_6311 (1) by Alicia Wolchick, on Flickr


Hooray, Disney pulls through again. Now once I move back I'll be able to get my candy fix whenever I go to Epcot. I mean, it'll cost me 9 dollars for 5 of them, but supply and demand, right? (I typically pay 8 dollars for 28 of them.)

I just had to share this new information with you all. Have to go back and start wedding prep for my sister in-law now. Then, in two days it'll be Polynesian time. Hope you all are doing great and I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's reports once I'm home.


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