There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

Happy Halloween my friend!!!
Can't wait to see's coming soon!

I am really hoping for those new mugs! But I'm not holding my breath. In past experience, they start rolling them out at the value resorts, then go up from I think it will be a while for all of them to have the new ones :/ They are so cute!
Saw your reply to my comment about the luggage tags...we are driving too but we got them with our magic bands. Might be worth a peek under the box the bands are stuck in. :)
I've been MIA a bit, trying to catch up a little this morning.

We're soooooooooo close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Aw Magic Bands. That's the worst about living in Canada -- I don't get them until I check in. Same with the luggage tags which I think is ridiculous because aren't they to put on my luggage??
I'm excited for new resort mugs too! They should switch them out more often.

Happy Halloween!

I agree! I didn't like the last ones at all. Donald looked like he had devil horns... Plus i really like the resorts all over and the gang driving!!!

I want new mugs! :eek:

2 WEEKS!!!!!!! :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo:

Happy Halloweeeeeeeen! :hmghost:

I do LOVE the new style! I have so many of these things!!! Can't enough of them!

I'm freaking out a tiny bit on the inside about getting everything done and I have a month!

I made a list and that makes me feel better. lol

It hit me hard this weekend I don't know if i've been sleeping or what how did it sneak up on me like this??
I am freaking out a LOT right now..

Happy Halloween my friend!!!
Can't wait to see's coming soon!

I am really hoping for those new mugs! But I'm not holding my breath. In past experience, they start rolling them out at the value resorts, then go up from I think it will be a while for all of them to have the new ones :/ They are so cute!

I adore the new style. I hope your resort has them.
See you very soon!

Saw your reply to my comment about the luggage tags...we are driving too but we got them with our magic bands. Might be worth a peek under the box the bands are stuck in. :)

So i took your advice and looked! BOOM there they were!!!! I am NOT a fan of the art.. Mickey looks like this:

NOT this:

I don't like it.

I've been MIA a bit, trying to catch up a little this morning.

We're soooooooooo close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Aw Magic Bands. That's the worst about living in Canada -- I don't get them until I check in. Same with the luggage tags which I think is ridiculous because aren't they to put on my luggage??

seriously how the heck did that happen???
Alright folks. I am upset with each and every one of you...

How did you NOT tell me this trip is NEXT WEEK? I will get into the weekend in a second but first we were sitting in the living room waiting to go to their football game and i tell them HEY we leave in 12 days!
Which Matt points out THAT's Next week! ---- whoa. What? I do the math quickly in my head... son of a Nutcracker! he's right!!! we are leaving NEXT WEEK!!! OMG OMG OMG. Time to flip out.
I seriously need to get my backside IN GEAR and get stuff DONE.
grocery shopping
oh yeah.. the dreaded PACKING. OK let's be serious here a second. You all read the PTR for the kids surprise trip right? so you know I will be packing the night before.... I SWEAR i am going to start this week!!! I HAVE TO! it's cold out they don't need their shorts and tee's right? Thankfully i never really unpacked from out one night trip.
I must get eh Duffy trip done here so i can get on with the LAST thoughts on this PTR before the TR starts! OMG i cannot believe it!

I also want to get in my Dis MEETS! so i want to make sure i have this in my plans too!!! :hug:

This is the break down before we hit the road:
Today job #1 AND job #2 until close print out all Necessary volleyball stuff Kids have to cover their books go through their pins pack what they want to trade.

Tuesday: Job #1 then our first VOLLEYBALL practice!!! YAY! Hope i have all volleyball print outs done

Wednesday Job #1 Call in to Job #2 If not. Start packing

Thursday: Call in job #2 if not i have a hair app

Friday: Job #1 and Dog training!

Saturday: LAUNDRY AND PACK! get all stuff together last minute shopping get the house together for the house/dog sitter!

Sunday Work Job #2 from 7am-2pm Decorate the MB's

Monday Job #1 then practice

Tuesday: last day of Job #1 Freak out. go over packing again maybe get the grocery shopping done??

Wednesday SLEEP IN. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN grocery shop (if i didn't get it done Tuesday) for house sitter and trip Work Job #2 PRAY they don't need me until close then- Traditional watching of our Disney family movies ya know our NIGHT BEFORE DISNEY!

Somewhere in the above i need to finish the music for our drive and the movies. I have the binders done i just need to put them in a book.

Thursday FREAK OUT TOTALLY! clean the car start PACKING UP THE CAR! Wait for the kids to get home so we can LEAVE!!!


and Drive


and drive some more.

Friday: Pull into our friends driveway in FLORIDA!!!!

The rest you will have to wait for a TR.
Hahaha we kind of did the same. I realized I only have one full week of work left and I'm working next weekend! We started to scramble!

Keeping my fingers crossed that you can get everything done without a hitch!
Day Two of the Farewell to Duffy..

I need to finish this up to get on with the November trip finalization of plans! <-- yeah right!
I did forget to mention when we walked in we did get PIXI DUSTED!!!
The welcoming CM handed us this:

YAY! Just a few hours in Disney and Pixi dust happens!!! I just ADORE Disney! Especially when we couldn't use any FP! We knew exactly what we wanted to use this on!

So i left you all when we were in line for Tower of Terror! Found out this is a favorite of Meg (2) as well!!! AWESOME!
While we were in line i had to keep them all entertained. Otherwise sitting in line for 30-45 minutes is BORING!
So we were all chatting like we were about to head into a party that Meg was hosting. I was just hoping they didn't lose our luggage. Apparently the DJ was there and setting up and we were hoping the buffet was to our liking, we did pay for the preferred room of 1313 and was in high hopes our room was ready.

Once the red carpet people were allowed in we had noticed the Custodial employees must have been on strike!

( i quit with these damn pictures not posting correctly)

Regardless of the lobby we were ready to go and check into our room and make sure the luggage was there.
The First CM we encountered in our line played along with us. I asked again if our luggage had arrived. He assured us where we are going we didn't need it.
Meg asked if the DJ had arrived.
He assured us the Music was to be hauntingly good.
Peanut asked if our room of 1313 was ready. He assured us it was.
Just told us to take the elevator. I wanted to make sure it was in working order it is in OSHA standard?
Oh yes it was.

In line in the boiler room we kept up our banter had a great time!
It was out time on the elevator ride! I swear to you we did at LEAST 4 drops possibly 5!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!! we laughed and laughed!
Geez.. I kinda forgot to go and check Photopass!!! I have to get our stuff! we did shop in the store afterwards i know we bought some pins keychains and possibly a tee??? I don' t remember anymore.

After our FUN trip on the elevator Kathy text me to say She and Larry were at starring rolls!!!
YAY! We were hungry and i NEEDED a cupcake!
Off we went. To my SHOCK Kathy and Larry have never had Starring rolls! WHAT? Let me introduce you...

Ok i didn't take a picture of the sandwiches we all shared since those things are ENORMOUS! and of course we all shared YUMMY desserts!

I told them of our FP and Larry wanted to ride with us so off we went to:

LOVE FP since we went right in!!!

Several Guests were ruining the fun They were telling all the lines that goes on in there.. OK i get you have been on this ride 9348762054867 times.. but there are some people who haven't Let them have the experience!

we were on our limo and OFF we went.

Holy cow this ride HURTS! My head was killing me afterwards. The girls wanted to get some gifts for home so we shopped a little bit.. Bought more crap we didn't need.

We stopped at my favorite smoking spot and chatted about what the Meg's wanted to do.
Star Tours!
OK!! YAY US! Kathy and Larry wanted to do the Great Movie ride. Sounds good we will meet back up afterwards!

we set off in the direction of Star tours and was stopped dead in our tracks. Jedi training was going on.. Which meant the ride was about 45-50 minute wait. Girls said nope!
OK then want do you want to do?!?!

The great Movie ride!

Off we went back into the Crowds into the line for TGMR which again was 40 minutes.
What is with all these LINES!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not used to this...

we saw Kathy and Larry so i text them saying we were a bit behind them.
Strolling through the queue enjoying some girl time and seeing everything around us we finally got into the theater part which was totally full..
Again something i am NOT used to. BUT was something we really never got to do was watch the MOVIES!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!! Once we did our bobbing and weaving through the roped lines in the theater Kathy and Larry were waiting for us- We all got to ride Together!!! YAY!
I was shocked as they were really squeezing people in!
I didn't take any pictures the girls were enjoying it all too much to take out the cameras! We did get the Gangster one again which is fine. Drove threw Chicago and Dillinger scene. Whatever.
Sang with the little people jumped at aliens and sang in the rain!

the girls wanted a snack of course we stopped again... This time i NEEDED one too

Terrible picture of me:

That's happy...

well it was sad to say but we needed to get a move on in order to make our flight home and to take back that ridicules jeep we had.

we slowly walked to eh front while going into shop after shop to find the dang Bullseye pillow pet. NOTHING! whatever we will pick it up in November! so we grabbed a Pluto one for Zack! a few other things here and there.. Ya know what i bought for myself??
Not a dang thing! Trust me i wanted EVERYTHING i saw. Yet figured i would save the money and get stuff when we go back!

Kathy and Larry made sure we knew where we parked before setting off... Yes we have several pictures of it! LOL!

Jumped on the tram and POOF we were back at the jeep. Int he first parking spot! YAY US!
Headed on back to Kathy's house.
This is when i realized:
1 i had no idea where i was going
2 needed directions to the crappy Sixt place
3 HOLY CRAP IT'S 3:45! we needed to car back at 4!
Not gunna happen.
I printed out maps boarding passes ran throughout the house packing everything in site threw it in the jeep and started to drive. I had to plus my phone in again since it died yet again.
40 minutes (people in Florida seriously drive SLOW) and about $12.00 in tolls we finally made it back to the Sizt place with the ignorant customer service reps.
Jumped into the Van to head off to the airport.
Again had the nicest driver! The service jerks inside need to take a page out of the drivers book in how to talk to people!!! The driver told us exactly where we need to go and we flew out!

This time we had NO problems at all checking our luggage, straight through security and on this sad thing.

found our terminal and noticed we had about an hour and half. how did that happen?
Time change. Florida is an hour ahead of me. I was getting chilly and figured to put my sweatshirt on... Yeah forgot that any Meg's flip flops at Kathy's!!! grumble... have to wait until NEXT week to get them back! LOL

Well let's go fins something to drink- Coffee and frappachinos water and 90.00.. OK i might have exaggerated a wee bit there

We found a place where i can charge my cruddy phone and entertained ourselves!!! I love being able to talk to the girls. They are amazing, and so mature! Love them!!!
after laughing with them A LOT The announcement came and it was time to board. We chatted with the people in front of us who not only were ont eh same flight as us on the way there but also just did a fast trip to Disney too and now were on their way home!!! Great! I am not thay crazy for taking this 24 hour trip!

This time we all had seats together!

i put on a movie from my laptop for the girls to watch as i closed my eyes again.

The flight home was BUMPY again!!! ugh. hate that. and we landed without any problems adn EARLY!!! YAY!!!!

UNTIL we tried to get to our terminal dead stop. the dang plane before us was having issues. so we couldn't get off! I was clawing the walls.. GET ME OUT OF HERE! the girls? way more patient then i was!!! we sat there for about 30 minutes.. once we were able to pull in and the door opened i may have trampled several people. Children, the elderly didn't matter...

Then sat and waited for the luggage. and waited Text Tom tell him we are just waiting for the luggage. He has been going round and round forever waiting on us..

THANK GOODNESS My luggage was FIRST off the plan! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO grabbed that and off we ran to find the doors. it was LATE! I had work and the kids had school! still needed dinner and a SHOWER! in the elevator and off before anyone can blink an eye we look around and we are in a parking lot. Yeah...
Across the street from PICK UP! OMG How did that happen!!!
Call Tom. he is driving right in front of us Yet cannot stop as we are on the WRONG SIDE for pick up.

Oh for pete's sake! now i have to get these girls SAFELY across Ohare lanes... Not a good choice.

The Useless TMA's are all on their phones or talking with each other (talk about a waste of money)
We play frogger..

and we won! SAFE! Tom rolls around for the umteenth time.. Once in the car I text MEg's mom saying we are FINALLY on the way home. Zack LOVED his Pluto pillow pet Matt had to wait until we got home to get his stuff.

35 minutes later we were pulling up in front front of my HOME! YAY!
Matt tore into my Luggage to find his stitch baby stuffie pins and whatever nonsense we bought! LOL Tom got a tee shirt! I do remember that!
Meg's mom Kristy came by we all gave hugs and said goodbye the girls needed showers and so did this Mom.
We did NOT make a big deal out of it. AS it did feel off being there without the men of our family we didn't want them to feel bad about it.
Hahaha we kind of did the same. I realized I only have one full week of work left and I'm working next weekend! We started to scramble!

Keeping my fingers crossed that you can get everything done without a hitch!

I seriously need to stop Dis and get cracking on the other stuff i have to do.. But well. ya know.
I have 6 days left of the City job 3 days of the job #2 1 day of Dog training!
Too much going on! I need to win the lottery AND clone myself!!!

So close!!! I still feel in denial that we are leaving on Friday!!!

you and me both., How did this come up so quickly?!?!

lol. You better get to packing this week busy lady! :sail:

No JOKE! i think you should come over and help...
Yay for TOT! Glad you found a way to pass the time in line, it sounded like fun.

Mmmmmm, Starring Roles cupcake. And Mickey bars! :mickeybar

I'm totally with you on RnRC. :rockband: Just cannot ride it anymore cause it hurts too much. I guess just a crappy part of getting old.

Bummer for the crowds and lines at HS. I'm a little afraid that's going to be the norm until the new stuff is built and open. Just not enough to do in that park right now.

Only a very short time and you will be back enjoying your happy place! :banana: I'm not sure if that is exciting for your right now or just stressful. :rotfl:
Wow I can't believe that you leave next week! So exciting!!!

We only leave a few days after you... this makes it feel even closer!
Sounds like your girls trip was well worth it. I'm sure the next week will fly by. Hopefully you can get packed and organized early. I know we always find last minute things we forget. I'd love to see pictures of the kids' binders for ideas. We're driving too next time we go and would love some car ideas. Your picture of Cruella was hysterical.:rotfl2:
I'll be right over to help with the packing. pirate:
DH and I made 2 kidless weekend trips to Disney this year. But we didn't tell the kids to spare their feelings. It's so hard to not bring them up! So awesome that your boys handled it like champs. :lovestruc
Your girls trip sounds really nice. I'm a last minute packer. Although, it's not always by choice. time just gets away from me.
The great Movie ride!

Off we went back into the Crowds into the line for TGMR which again was 40 minutes.
What is with all these LINES!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not used to this...

we saw Kathy and Larry so i text them saying we were a bit behind them.
Strolling through the queue enjoying some girl time and seeing everything around us we finally got into the theater part which was totally full..
Again something i am NOT used to. BUT was something we really never got to do was watch the MOVIES!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!

The new movie really is awesome. Next time we are just going to stand off in a corner to watch the whole thing. ;)

Your quick 24 hour trip looked like fun. It's nice you have a trip NEXT WEEK so you can do Disney again. :)
It sounds like your girls-only trip was wonderful! I'm a little jealous that you are close enough to do trips like that! You work so hard though, you deserve it! I love the girls' idea for making queuing more interesting! Though when we went on ToT the queue moved so fast I didn't get to take all the photographs I wanted...We definitely lucked out, we were waiting about 30mins but most of that was outside. They must've been rushing us through so they could start loading your disco in!

I can't believe how soon you get to go back! I'm so sad that we don't get to see the Osborne lights, possibly ever. We should have been there last week and this week, so we would have gotten to see them, but it put the price up by £1000 as the kids were off school here last week (£1000 just for that one week!! No wonder people pull kids out of school to take trips in term time, it's so unfair) so we moved our dates. Hopefully they will do something similar or move them somewhere else in the future and I won't have missed out entirely! Until then I am holidaying vicariously though you for this trip! I really can't wait to see your photographs!
The Duffy trip sounds like it was a very awesome quick trip! You fit a lot into a short period of time.

As for being ready for next week... well, I'm not too busy besides the normal day job so I should be ok. Woke up yesterday sick, but at least I can get that out of the way BEFORE we go! (Or so I hope!)

Lists are my friends. I'm responsible for cutting down a good portion of the rainforest with the paper I've been using up with lists, lists and more lists.
I love the way you all entertained yourselves in line. I need to use that one during my next trip. But then again I am usually the one talking to complete strangers around me. LOL!

I can't believe your trip is already here almost!!!
Yay for TOT! Glad you found a way to pass the time in line, it sounded like fun.

Oh yes we must have as much fun as possible!!!

Mmmmmm, Starring Roles cupcake. And Mickey bars!

Can anything beat it? well maybe a Mickey waffle...

I'm totally with you on RnRC. :rockband: Just cannot ride it anymore cause it hurts too much. I guess just a crappy part of getting old.

OMG! i was in PAIN! Yet i will do it again. because i am a fool and it's Disney.

Bummer for the crowds and lines at HS. I'm a little afraid that's going to be the norm until the new stuff is built and open. Just not enough to do in that park right now.

These crowds are a bit intense.. I am scared for next week...
See everyone says that.. But what really closed? Not much! it's still the same park. just going through a face lift. It's still our favorite. i pray people stay away from HS! LOL

Only a very short time and you will be back enjoying your happy place! :banana: I'm not sure if that is exciting for your right now or just stressful.

Stressful. need to get MM and Christmas party tickets!!!

Wow I can't believe that you leave next week! So exciting!!!

We only leave a few days after you... this makes it feel even closer!

tell me about it. I cannot believe it's here already! i am NOT looking forward to the drive. I JUST WANT TO GET THERE!
I have zero.

Sounds like your girls trip was well worth it. I'm sure the next week will fly by. Hopefully you can get packed and organized early. I know we always find last minute things we forget. I'd love to see pictures of the kids' binders for ideas. We're driving too next time we go and would love some car ideas. Your picture of Cruella was hysterical.

It really was worth it. i would do it again in a heartbeat! I wish i had millions. I would take a quick trip with each kid! then the husband too i guess! HA HA HA
Umm i think i have upload a file? They are HUGE files. let's see what i can do!
Car ideas! I spent months trying to figure out good stuff. I will write it out on another post!!

That Cruella is totally me driving!

I'll be right over to help with the packing. pirate:
DH and I made 2 kidless weekend trips to Disney this year. But we didn't tell the kids to spare their feelings. It's so hard to not bring them up! So awesome that your boys handled it like champs.

I'm waiting.. your still not here!
I cannot believe the boys allowed this. I really need to make it up to them somehow?!?! I really have some great boys! I highly doubt Meg would have said yes.

Your girls trip sounds really nice. I'm a last minute packer. Although, it's not always by choice. time just gets away from me.

I have been horrible with packing the last two trips! I am normally NOT like this!!! I am on top of everything! the last two years have just flown by. I blinked!

The new movie really is awesome. Next time we are just going to stand off in a corner to watch the whole thing. ;)

Your quick 24 hour trip looked like fun. It's nice you have a trip NEXT WEEK so you can do Disney again. :)

The beginning really is. The end movie i think need MORE Robin Williams. they took a lot of him out.

It sounds like your girls-only trip was wonderful! I'm a little jealous that you are close enough to do trips like that! You work so hard though, you deserve it! I love the girls' idea for making queuing more interesting! Though when we went on ToT the queue moved so fast I didn't get to take all the photographs I wanted...We definitely lucked out, we were waiting about 30mins but most of that was outside. They must've been rushing us through so they could start loading your disco in!

It was wonderful i wish we can do more of them!
we aren't THAT close.. Yet looking at it from your perspective we are a lot closer! LOL
I do work hard just to give to my kids! everything i do is for them. Otherwise i would be a lazy bum with money in my bank account...
anything to make it more fun i am all over it!
Our normal trips we fly through the line. Last Sept and this past Sept we waited FOREVER!!! i wasn't too upset we were able to see everything! the theme is AMAZING!

I can't believe how soon you get to go back! I'm so sad that we don't get to see the Osborne lights, possibly ever. We should have been there last week and this week, so we would have gotten to see them, but it put the price up by £1000 as the kids were off school here last week (£1000 just for that one week!! No wonder people pull kids out of school to take trips in term time, it's so unfair) so we moved our dates. Hopefully they will do something similar or move them somewhere else in the future and I won't have missed out entirely! Until then I am holidaying vicariously though you for this trip! I really can't wait to see your photographs!

I cannot believe we are going back next week.. i am still in total shock!!
Your too sweet! I am going to try to go as much as we can during school - the crowds are just to perfect! Next year i have to watch our dates. Between school and sports it's going to become hard.
GLAD To have you aboard!!!


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