The year of living Disney - Autumn and deluxe dining TR**NEW TR LINK UP 1/16**

Let's see, where did we leave off? Oh yes, we were starving!

This is both a good thing and bad thing. You can definitely find something to eat at Disney.... and you can definitely pay through the nose for it.

We were lucky to catch a bus just as one was pulling up and got the whole bus ride to ourselves!

Ah! So you got the bus VIP package. Smart move.

Our driver was really nice and friendly and talked to us the whole way there

Nice! I've never had that. You had the VVIP package!

we decided to go into Raglan Road and see what the deelio was there.

I've heard good things about Raglan Road. I'd like to try it some day.

Some day.

it was a really fun atmosphere but a little bit on the loud side which kinda made it hard to talk.


This is how our food came out and at first I was thinking "that's it?? But I'm starving!" But in the end it turned out to be perfect for me, my husband could have had 2 though :laughing:


Looks good, but... yeah. Doesn't look like a lot.
But I'd probably be the same as you
and after eating it, I'd probably have enough.

BTW this is not my photo, I had to borrow it from Raglan Road's website....because as you'll see in future posts I was seriously bad about taking food pictures on this trip! :rolleyes2

What!?!?!? What's with that!?!?

(Disregard the imminent lack of food porn photos on my TR. :rolleyes2)

We walked Disney Springs for a bit, which I think is really beautiful at night

Another thing I'd like to do.

I think I'm going to have to go to Disney for more than 3 days.

Amorette's Pastry had the cutest cakes in the window! Aren't they amazing?!? I'm going to have to make it a point to go back and try something next time!


Miles walked this day: 3.3

That always amazes me. Just how much walking you do.

Up next, goodbye French Quarter, hello Polynesia! :wave2:

Looking forward to it!
Sounds like a great night at DTD. Though I had to laugh your "late night" version of fish and chips looks pretty darn close to the dinner version I had (one fish and all). So I'm guessing you just got dinner for less :-)
and you can definitely pay through the nose for it.

That's for sure!

Ah! So you got the bus VIP package. Smart move.

It didn't last long...

I've heard good things about Raglan Road. I'd like to try it some day.

You should, it's really a lot of fun

I think I'm going to have to go to Disney for more than 3 days.

It's definitely a whole different ball game going for longer than 3 or 4 days. One that took me a while to get used to

Though I had to laugh your "late night" version of fish and chips looks pretty darn close to the dinner version I had (one fish and all). So I'm guessing you just got dinner for less :-)

Oh really?! See I thought mine was more of a snack size! But it ended up being fine, but you're probably right about the price...

Sorry I had trouble quoting your post. :scared: I love reading other people's reports as well! Keeps the excitement going! I absolutely love London, one of my all time favorite places. Nice hat you're close enough to enjoy the city but not right in the craziness of it all!
Day 2, part one

Happy Tears, a Grand lunch, and our room is awesome!
We woke up around 7:30 and got the stuff re-packed that we had gotten out overnight. Unfortunately we just kind of used POFQ as a camping place our first night, we weren't there very long, less than 12 hours :tilt: sorry FQ, we love ya but were movin' on up!

We dropped our bags off with bell services to have them transferred to the Poly, took a quick look in the gift shop so we could pick up our French Quarter pins and decided to take a stroll over to POR just to get our legs moving. The walk over there is so pretty!


I really love the mansions buildings. It's such a peaceful looking resort. We didn't spend much time over here, just enough to have a peek and then we hopped on a MK bus so that we could head over to the Poly and check in to activate our feed bag, Otherwise known as the Deluxe Dining plan. Now I really love the location of the Polynesian but this is our first realization that unless you're at MK you can't get there directly from anywhere. So this time is was bus to MK, then we hopped on the boat that stopped first at the GF.


Obligatory "we're on a boat!" Photo

We made a quick stop at the Grand to drop the posh folks off and were shortly on our way to our home for the next 7 nights. Check in was wonderful, we got a really nice CM who noticed I had made a room request for Tokelau, third floor and she called up someone, I think it was a housekeeping manager to see what they had available close to that request, and as luck would have it they did! It wasn't ready yet so we said no worries! She then went over some stuff with us about our DP and whatnot and then came around the counter with a clear box with real flower lies and handed one to Bob and had him place it around my neck and made him give me a kiss and say "I love you, Aloha" and that folks is when the tears started. What a sap I am. And of course Bob's all "there's no crying at the Polynesian!" But it was so sweet! Here I am crying in front of a stranger trying not to look like a complete goober and then she has me do the same "lei ceremony" for Bob. :sad: I was a hot mess.


It was awesome. You rock, nice lady at the Polynesian, sorry I don't remember your name. We then decided to try and find something to eat, it was getting close to 11:00, so we hopped on the monorail :goodvibes and got off at the first stop, the GF. We were easily able to get into the Grand Floridian Cafe for lunch without an ADR, it was really cute and very quiet. Since they were changing over from breakfast to lunch our server let us know that we could order off of either the breakfast or lunch menu, but since we had the DXDP we could order app/main and dessert. Alrighty then! I started with the shrimp cocktail and Bob had the French onion soup ( which shocked me since it was like 8,000 degrees outside) then I switched back over to breakfast and had the lobster Benedict (yum!) and Bob had the Grand Floridian Breakfast. The only time I took a picture was of this little beauty


From left to right - fresh berry tart, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate timbale, mocha pot de creme. Talk about heaven!! Our faves were the tart and the pot de creme with the cheesecake coming in a very close second. The chocolate timbale was really good as well, just very rich. Oh, this dessert is intended for 2 :lovestruc.

We waddled outta there very happy campers and on our way out we got a room ready text, yea! We headed back to the Poly to put our pretty flowers in the fridge before heading to MK and to finally check out our room!

We were assigned 3923 in the Tokelau bldg.
Behold the one of the three pictures I got of our room :sad2: past the massive TV you can see where the little area was with the mini fridge, coffee pot and a cabinet with glasses and whatnot. Then further down the hall were the 2 :banana: yes 2 bathrooms ( ok not quite, one was a tub shower, toilet sink & vanity and the other was a sink/ vanity and the most glorious walk in shower with a rainfall shower head :cloud9:
It was love at first drip. Can I just live in that shower please? I won't be any trouble at all...

ok enough coveting of the shower, we have fastpasses to attend to!

Up next, MK, dinner and a show!
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Ah the showers look awesome there. (Yes I judge the rooms partially based on how awesome the shower is). :rotfl:

Those desserts looked delicious! :p
How Cool that you got the fresh flower lei! :flower1: I would have been crying also. Your room was beautiful! I had read that they didn't have the lobster eggs benedict anymore at the Grand Floridian Cafe? Were they on the regular breakfast menu, or was it a special request? Hope they are still there in March:love:.
Great report! I'd definitely cry, too!

We are spending our first night at a value before moving to the Boardwalk with DxDDP. Do we have to check in in person to activate dining? I was hoping we could go straight to rope drop at MK, then lunch at Epcot and catch up with our luggage and room before dinner. Thanks for your help!
How sweet about the lei's! We had fake ones when we stayed there. The 2 bathrooms are awesome, more than enough room for 2 people and it would be great if we stayed there with the kids.
I've considered trying GFC but don't hear much about it; that dessert is pretty much enough to get me there ::yes:: the lei greeting the CM told you both to say! I would have been in tears too! The room looks so beautiful and exotic - the shower looks amazing. Will have to try lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe at the same time you went. I always love being able to choose between breakfast and lunch options.
Those desserts looked delicious! :p

They were! And they were the perfect size too

I had read that they didn't have the lobster eggs benedict anymore at the Grand Floridian Cafe? Were they on the regular breakfast menu, or was it a special request? Hope they are still there in March:love:.

OH that's weird :confused3 they were on the regular menu, no problem. Both for breakfast and lunch. And they were delicious!

Great report! I'd definitely cry, too!

Aw thanks!:wave2:

We are spending our first night at a value before moving to the Boardwalk with DxDDP.

That's so awesome! I love the vibe of the Boardwalk, we will be there in about 6 weeks :hyper:. Youre going to love it! Have you stayed there before?

Do we have to check in in person to activate dining?

I have read that as long as your online check in is complete you can have the front desk activate your DP as you check out of your first resort. We were going to try that originally but were kind of taking it easy that morning and just went over to the Poly to check in.

I was hoping we could go straight to rope drop at MK, then lunch at Epcot and catch up with our luggage and room before dinner. Thanks for your help!

I'm sure you plan would still work, but if you aren't comfortable having your first resort activate your DP you can always do rope drop at MK and when your ready to bounce outta there you can take a Boardwalk bus from MK, pop into the lobby and have them activate your DP and then mosey on over to Epcot for lunch, just leave the luggage for later :teeth:
Love that it's day 2 and you already got lei'd :P Seriously though, what a wonderful touch. And your room looks amazing. Was this a DVC room???? Your bathroom looks so much better than ours
The 2 bathrooms are awesome, more than enough room for 2 people and it would be great if we stayed there with the kids.

It was really nice having two bathrooms, even just for the two of us!

I've considered trying GFC but don't hear much about it; that dessert is pretty much enough to get me there

We really enjoyed it. It was pretty quiet and laid back, plus the service and food was really good. You should try it sometime. It wasn't really on my radar either, we just kinda showed up there on a whim but it really worked out great

The room looks so beautiful and exotic

It was very nice, and really big too!

Will have to try lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe at the same time you went. I always love being able to choose between breakfast and lunch options.

It was a great time to go, not crowded at all, they easily got us in without an ADR, which was nice

Love that it's day 2 and you already got lei'd

:rolleyes1 You know, it was a "honeymoonaversary" trip :rotfl:

Was this a DVC room???? Your bathroom looks so much better than ours

Yes it was a DVC studio villa. We rented points and it ended up saving us about $1500 for the week. The only small thing about renting points is that you don't get daily mousekeeping, but that was perfectly fine with us. They come in and give you fresh towels and stuff on day 4. Both of the bathrooms were huge. I'm hooked on renting points now, there's now way we could afford rack rates at these swanky places!
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Oh wow that is so cool!! You're going to love POFQ, it's awesome. That's so great that your son will be in the Disney College program!!! My DD 18 applied just recently, I'd love to hear how he likes it. I'd also love to hear any pointers on how he got accepted. Congrats to him!

Butting in, apologies if it isn't wanted -- I did the College Program twice, in 2006 and 2009. I barely had any work experience when I applied the first time, but I was apparently a suitable candidate anyhow. It's done by phone interview (or at least it was back then), so she should brush up on all the typical advice regarding phone interviews (smile even though they can't see your face, be prompt in answering the phone and arrange to do the call in a quiet space, etc.) The one thing I did in my interview that I really regret is that I let some of the focus end up on the things I was not willing to do, and I think it weakened my overall prospects for getting an onstage position (I ended up in Costuming for both programs, and both times I had really wanted to be in Attractions, or another onstage role). I'd marked that I was not willing to do a QS position, and the recruiter asked me why and I made the mistake of admitting that I'd had a QS job locally and had not liked it, which came off sounding like I didn't enjoy and/or wasn't good at customer service roles in general. I also declined to change my answer from "not willing" to "willing" regarding a Custodial role when the recruiter asked, and with the benefit of hindsight I actually think Custodial would be a perfectly fine role to work in, as Custodial cast members get to wander, talk to guests, and trade pins.

This isn't to say that Costuming is a bad place to be put. I got all the regular perks of being in the program, plus I got to work backstage at Spectromagic in 2006, and Fantasmic in 2009, both of which were really interesting experiences (those were my "alternate" assignments; my home locations were more mundane laundry-related assignments). I had just really wished I'd get to be out in the parks with the guests in at least one of my programs, and I think that the way I interviewed prevented me from getting my preferred role. That's sort of a flip side to this advice, too -- she should manage her expectations for the kind of work she might get assigned to do. For every CP who gets assigned as an operator at ToT, there are dozens assigned to work in resort gift shops, backstage, etc.; those jobs are not bad jobs, but it can be disappointing to not get the glamorous role you envisioned.
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Butting in, apologies if it isn't wanted -- I did the College Program twice, in 2006 and 2009. I barely had any work experience when I applied the first time, but I was apparently a suitable candidate anyhow. It's done by phone interview (or at least it was back then), so she should brush up on all the typical advice regarding phone interviews (smile even though they can't see your face, be prompt in answering the phone and arrange to do the call in a quiet space, etc.) The one thing I did in my interview that I really regret is that I let some of the focus end up on the things I was not willing to do, and I think it weakened my overall prospects for getting an onstage position (I ended up in Costuming for both programs, and both times I had really wanted to be in Attractions, or another onstage role). I'd marked that I was not willing to do a QS position, and the recruiter asked me why and I made the mistake of admitting that I'd had a QS job locally and had not liked it, which came off sounding like I didn't enjoy and/or wasn't good at customer service roles in general. I also declined to change my answer from "not willing" to "willing" regarding a Custodial role when the recruiter asked, and with the benefit of hindsight I actually think Custodial would be a perfectly fine role to work in, as Custodial cast members get to wander, talk to guests, and trade pins.

This isn't to say that Costuming is a bad place to be put. I got all the regular perks of being in the program, plus I got to work backstage at Spectromagic in 2006, and Fantasmic in 2009, both of which were really interesting experiences (those were my "alternate" assignments; my home locations were more mundane laundry-related assignments). I had just really wished I'd get to be out in the parks with the guests in at least one of my programs, and I think that the way I interviewed prevented me from getting my preferred role. That's sort of a flip side to this advice, too -- she should manage her expectations for the kind of work she might get assigned to do. For every CP who gets assigned as an operator at ToT, there are dozens assigned to work in resort gift shops, backstage, etc.; those jobs are not bad jobs, but it can be disappointing to not get the glamorous role you envisioned.

Hi! :wave2: Wow thank you soooo much for all that great information!! It's awesome to hear that kind of advice from first hand experience.

So far she has just done the in-line application, they said they were so busy with new applicants they wouldn't be contacting anyone until November, that should give her time to brush ip on her communication and smiling skills :)

Thanks again and you're welcome to butt in anytime!!
Well I'm so glad you're sharing your yumminess with us - and sans calories :) Looks great, and how sweet to get such royal treatment checking in. I'm sure you made her day at the desk as well!

Funny I never thought of it that way, I guess it would make me feel good to make someone cry happy tears too :flower: either that or she thought I was a total weirdo! :rotfl: When do you leave for your trip? My Mom is in Italy right now, heading to Paris tomorrow. Bet your getting excited!!!
Hi! :wave2: Wow thank you soooo much for all that great information!! It's awesome to hear that kind of advice from first hand experience.

So far she has just done the in-line application, they said they were so busy with new applicants they wouldn't be contacting anyone until November, that should give her time to brush ip on her communication and smiling skills :)

Thanks again and you're welcome to butt in anytime!!

Glad to help, and best of luck to her! It's definitely hard work; it's a real, full-time job and that in itself was a first for me at that age (though maybe your daughter is more industrious than I was at that age, I don't know). It's a fantastic experience, though; there's not much that can compete in terms of giving a young person access to WDW (I went to the parks on at least half my days off). There are even backstage tours that are only available to cast members, though it can be really competitive to secure a spot on the smaller capacity backstage tours of individual attractions.

Also, I don't know if it's still this way, but back in my day Vista Way was the party complex, and those of us who wanted to sleep at night (well, more like sleep in the morning, since they had me on night shifts most of the time) picked Chatham Square or Patterson Court.
sorry FQ, we love ya but were movin' on up!

To the East side.... wait. Poly is NW of POFQ.... nevermind.

and decided to take a stroll over to POR just to get our legs moving. The walk over there is so pretty!

::yes:: Remember it well.

I really love the mansions buildings. It's such a peaceful looking resort.

It is. We loved staying in Mansions. Specifically, Magnolia. Closest do the food court, pool and had a bus stop right behind it.

we could head over to the Poly and check in to activate our feed bag, Otherwise known as the Deluxe Dining plan.


Now I really love the location of the Polynesian but this is our first realization that unless you're at MK you can't get there directly from anywhere.

Oh? Had issues getting around?

Obligatory "we're on a boat!" Photo

And we thank you for that.
Cute couple!

She then went over some stuff with us about our DP and whatnot and then came around the counter with a clear box with real flower lies and handed one to Bob and had him place it around my neck and made him give me a kiss and say "I love you, Aloha" and that folks is when the tears started. What a sap I am.

Nah... pretty understandable.

And of course Bob's all "there's no crying at the Polynesian!"

:lmao: Very sensitive of him. ::yes::

Here I am crying in front of a stranger trying not to look like a complete goober and then she has me do the same "lei ceremony" for Bob. :sad: I was a hot mess.

Awww... You're too cute.
I've 'known' you for a while now, but I'm getting to know you better through your TR, and I'm really liking you more and more.

I started with the shrimp cocktail

Always a good choice.

Bob had the French onion soup ( which shocked me since it was like 8,000 degrees outside)

It's never to hot for French Onion soup.


then I switched back over to breakfast and had the lobster Benedict (yum!)

OMG. Want.

The only time I took a picture was of this little beauty


:faint: Looks soooooo good!

Oh, this dessert is intended for 2 :lovestruc.

"But every time Bob's hand strayed near, I'd stab it with my fork."

Bob, mesmerized by the TV, never spoke another word, ever again.

and the most glorious walk in shower with a rainfall shower head :cloud9:


It was love at first drip.

:laughing: Well said!

Can I just live in that shower please? I won't be any trouble at all...

Oh, sure. Go ahead!
The next few people who get that room might be a little shocked, but eventually word will get out and it'll be like a new Disney "magic" thing to strive for.

"Yay! We got the room with the lady in the shower!"

Up next, MK, dinner and a show!

Looking forward to hearing all about it!
To the East side.... wait. Poly is NW of POFQ.... nevermind.

You just can't say "movin' on up" without getting that song stuck in your head :laughing:

Oh? Had issues getting around?

I wouldn't say "issues" so much as often needing two modes of transport which kind of got to be a pain in the patoot

Cute couple!

Aww shucks! :bitelip:

I'm getting to know you better through your TR, and I'm really liking you more and more.

You got me right in the feels. :hug: Thanks for that

It's never to hot for French Onion soup.


That's exactly what he said!

OMG. Want.

It was wonderful! Bob is not a fan of lobster (he's a weird one) so I had nobody trying to steal it from me, yea!

Bob, mesmerized by the TV, never spoke another word, ever again.

:rotfl: I read that in my best golf commentator voice

Yay! We got the room with the lady in the shower!"

:rotfl2: I think it would be more like "oh man! We got the dang room with crazy shower lady"

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