The Widow & the Spinster Take a Bougie WBTA Cruise That Didn't Suck! - Yet Another Day at Sea, and a Little Too Much Mixology! 3/6

Day 11

We set the alarm for 6:30, but I had been waiting for it on and off drifting in and out of sleep for at least an hour and a half.

We were in Ponta Del Gada, Azores. This is the capital city and largest city of the Azores. There are 250,000 people in the Azores and most of them live in Ponta Del Gada. Today we had a breakfast tour, so I didn't bother to eat anything, and just got my coffee from the Vista cafe.

Today was a game changer when it came to photos on my cell phone. My biggest beef with the cell phone is that it allows for the maximum amount of light in any picture because the settings think they know more than the operator. However this morning I discovered a feature on the camera app called “pro”. It allows you to use your cel phone like a DSLR. You can select the ISO, the shutter speed, I haven't found where you can set the aperture, but I bet that's there too.

I took this picture of what we could see of the sunrise using that feature on my phone.


We got off the ship close to 8:30.



There were crazy people swimming in the ocean.


It didn't take us long to walk to the square where we had the meeting point with our guide. We wandered all over the square looking, but in the end, he found us. Turns out Jill and I were the only ones who booked, so we got a private tour.






He started off by telling us a little history of the plaza. Turns out that this arch had been very famous In the history of the city. At one point the harbor was right underneath the point where we stood, but they filled it in and now the harbor was much further out. The arch was once right at the sea, but now it is at the edge of the main square. There is a myth that if you walk through the center of the three arches you will return to the Azores, but if you walk through the other two you will not.

This photo was taken before we met our guide and we were on the other side of the arches when he told us the story. Of course we walked through the center arch.


As we entered the city we walked through the middle of the city center. Already it seemed like a place we would like to come back to.

We walked around the city, he told us about the intricate pavement you’ll see in all my pictures. The volcanic rock and all the black rock in the sidewalks came from the Azores, all the white rocks were imported from mainland Portugal.

Then we ended up at a pastry shop that served espresso and tea. They have their own version of the Pastele de Nata, this one is topped with powdered sugar and the filling is much more dense. I think I like the other one better. And for those of you who are interested in trying them, Costco has (or had) them in the frozen section. They’re not quite as good, but still pretty tasty.



Then we walked a short ways up the street to a small cheese shop, which also offered all sorts of other things like wine, bread, jam, teas and fruits.




They had prepared a cheese board for us. We stood there with our cheeseboard on top of that sign (in the picture of the outside of the shop) as we ate. The one with the red pepper had a back end kick that was pretty powerful. I ate that one first in case it was spicy. That was a smart decision. As I ate the other cheeses they soothed the fire in my mouth from that first cheese.


All of the rest of them were super tasty. We each ate one of each piece, and I had a second piece of one of the long tapered ones at the end of the board.

Then we moved on a little farther. There were lots of hills in this town as well! We were headed to a farmers market.


The market had to be moved into a parking garage because the normal spot where it was located was under construction and had been since before covid.


The Azores were not hit very hard by Covid at all. Because of their isolated location, not a lot of cases popped up on the island. I believe he said there were 1,000 total cases that they had. Out of a population of 250,000 that's pretty good.

He said that many people came to the Azores, but with quarantining and testing every 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th days, they were able to keep the spread under control. He said that for them life was pretty much as usual while the rest of the world was falling apart.


Here is the fruit part of the Farmers market. He purchased a variety of fruits for us to try.


I think this is a very typical and native fruit to the Azores. Both Jill and I took pictures of it.


This is where they should normally be located, but as you can see it's nowhere near done.


Then we went to the Fish market. Being on an island they ave access to many kinds of fresh fish.


This Tuna looked especially good to me. Slice off a chunk and serve it with a little wasabi and soy sauce! Yum!


We passed through the meat section, but he went so fast, I couldn't take any pictures.

Then we stopped on the edge of the market. It was a good spot because there was a water fountain. He could clean the fruits before slicing them up for us to eat.


I don't remember what any of them were called other than the banana. The one at the top was super sour. The one with the big black seeds had a weird texture that put me off. The other three fruits, you just sucked out the pulp and seeds. They weren't bad, but not as good as the banana.


He saved the pineapple for last because it was easily the best. It was grown on the island, and very small, but packed full of flavor. We ate two of these quarters between the two of us. He had Tupperware containers for all the leftovers. Between our leftover cheese and the fruit, I'm sure he would have a nice snack later in the day.


[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

After filling ourselves up with the fruit, we were able to wash our hands of the sticky fruit at the fountain and then we moved on. Normally on this tour we would have stopped for a beer at a local brewery, but since neither of us like beer, and the brewery wasn't working on a Saturday he decided to find another option where we might have some wine.

We walked through the city and past the theater where they would have plays and musicals.


I just loved the cobblestone/tile paving here.


You can kind of see in this picture that we have walked a good ways inland.


We stopped at a little cafe that served quite a bit of seafood. Had we taken the tour that included lunch this is where we would have eaten. He ordered a bottle of local wine and we enjoyed a couple glasses.


I took this shot to show just how close to the cafe the cars would drive.


He told us all about the different types of seafood they served here. Jill was glad we booked the breakfast tour and not the lunch tour.

We were about ready to call it a day, but he told us the Botanical garden was only a three minute walk. It turned out to be a 10 minute walk, all uphill. The end of this street was not even a three minute walk. I was getting super tired. My legs hurt and I was kind of regretting that we decided to go to the Botanical garden at all.


We did see this cute tourist ride.


And there was some neat architecture.


We arrived at the botanical garden and our guide had a wealth of knowledge. He had majored in landscaping in France. The man who founded the park, Antonio Borges, brought species of plants from all over the world to grow in this garden. He lived from 1812 to 1879.



There were chickens and roosters running everywhere in the park.


This massive tree lost one of its limbs a few weeks ago so the area was cordoned off in case the tree itself was having a problem. He said that they were doing studies to determine if the tree had some sort of disease or the limb falling was just a one off.


Leave it to me to find a cat! I wonder how many chickens this cat has caught? He said that they have a program to keep the cat population down. Their ear is clipped if they have been sterilized.


There are also no stray dogs in the Azores. Every dog is required to have a microchip so if they are found on the street they can be returned to their owner.

Because the island has five volcanoes on the main island alone, there are many volcanic caves around the island. Antonio Borges tried to recreate that in the park. While it was possible to climb around in the caves, we chose not to.




This flower is called the “school maiden”. It blooms when the school is starting and it is pink like a girls dress.


We sat for a while at the top of the park. Mostly for me to catch my breath and rest my legs. I tried to take a video so that you could hear all the sounds of the birds in the park, but every time I started a video, the birds shut up.

We watched a group from the Disney ship walk by following a leader carrying a paddle with the tour number on it. There were at least 25-30 of them and there was a Disney CM bringing up the rear to make sure no stragglers got lost. We were glad that it was just the three of us. After sufficient rest, we walked back down the other side of the Botanical garden.


There were these treacherous steps, don't worry, I put my phone away to descend them. But not before taking this picture, plus our guide held my hand down so I wouldn't fall.


Once out of the park we saw a supermercado. I was dying since I didn't bring my ESWB along and hadn't had anything but Espresso and wine to drink. We got to experience a Portuguese market where the barrier won't open to let you out of the supermarket until you scan your receipt. What if you end up not finding what you want and don't buy anything? We had purchased two waters and our receipt got us out of the store.

Then we walked back down to the sea.



He took us to another square where there was a Monastery, full of nuns. There was a building that used to be a hospital, but he told us that it was converted into a hotel. He bade us goodbye at this point, and it wasn't until about two days later that we realized we never got his name.


We sat on a bench in the square assessing the rest of the afternoon. It was already 12:50PM. We hadn't anticipated that the tour would go that long. Not that we were complaining, but we certainly would not make the 1PM showing of Elemental on the ship that we had considered watching.

After regathering our gumption, we walked back to the ship via the cheese shop where we stopped earlier. Jill really liked the tea she had that morning, and our guide had pointed out the brand in that store. We passed back through the square with the three arches.


It was a pretty easy walk back to the ship.

There are 250,000 people in the Azores
Really! I didn't think there'd be that many.
I discovered a feature on the camera app called “pro”.
You don't have an iPhone, right? I wish I had something like that.
I took this picture of what we could see of the sunrise using that feature on my phone.
Can tell you changed the settings. ::yes::
There were crazy people swimming in the ocean.
And here they're probably thinking "Crazy people not swimming in the ocean!"
Turns out Jill and I were the only ones who booked, so we got a private tour.
Wow! Look at those tiles!!
There is a myth that if you walk through the center of the three arches you will return to the Azores, but if you walk through the other two you will not.
Heh. If the tour was bad, you could pointedly stare at your guide and walk through the other ones.
Of course we walked through the center arch.
Tour was good, then. ;)
We walked around the city, he told us about the intricate pavement you’ll see in all my pictures. The volcanic rock and all the black rock in the sidewalks came from the Azores, all the white rocks were imported from mainland Portugal.
I'm really in awe of those sidewalks. Stunning!
Costco has (or had) them in the frozen section. They’re not quite as good, but still pretty tasty.
I'll look... but our Costcos aren't the same as yours.
Then we walked a short ways up the street to a small cheese shop, which also offered all sorts of other things like wine, bread, jam, teas and fruits.
mmmm... cheese.
Now I'm really curious to see what the price for pineapple is here. It should be more here, since we have to import it, but... :confused3
We stood there with our cheeseboard on top of that sign (in the picture of the outside of the shop) as we ate.
Precarious perch.
The one with the red pepper had a back end kick that was pretty powerful. I ate that one first in case it was spicy. That was a smart decision. As I ate the other cheeses they soothed the fire in my mouth from that first cheese.
Huh! Don't think I've ever had a really spicy cheese. But they all sure looked good.
The market had to be moved into a parking garage because the normal spot where it was located was under construction and had been since before covid.
Not overly inviting, but... you do what ya gotta do.
He said that many people came to the Azores, but with quarantining and testing every 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th days, they were able to keep the spread under control. He said that for them life was pretty much as usual while the rest of the world was falling apart.
Interesting. I think New Zealand was like that too.
I think this is a very typical and native fruit to the Azores.
I tried to Google and find out. I think it's grown on Madeira. Native to South America.
This is where they should normally be located, but as you can see it's nowhere near done.
Will be much more inviting when done.
This Tuna looked especially good to me. Slice off a chunk and serve it with a little wasabi and soy sauce! Yum!
We passed through the meat section, but he went so fast, I couldn't take any pictures.
I don't remember what any of them were called other than the banana.
The bottom one is passion fruit. No idea of the others.
He saved the pineapple for last because it was easily the best. It was grown on the island, and very small, but packed full of flavor.
mmmm... fresh pineapple...
He had Tupperware containers for all the leftovers. Between our leftover cheese and the fruit, I'm sure he would have a nice snack later in the day.
Here I thought "Nice. You get leftovers and a tupperware container to keep!"
Normally on this tour we would have stopped for a beer at a local brewery, but since neither of us like beer, and the brewery wasn't working on a Saturday
That settles that, then.
I just loved the cobblestone/tile paving here.
He ordered a bottle of local wine and we enjoyed a couple glasses.
Local... how was it?
I took this shot to show just how close to the cafe the cars would drive.
Carbon monoxide helps the wine breath.

We were about ready to call it a day, but he told us the Botanical garden was only a three minute walk. It turned out to be a 10 minute walk, all uphill.
We did see this cute tourist ride.

Mr. Borges and his fan club.
Leave it to me to find a cat!
Their ear is clipped if they have been sterilized.
Because the island has five volcanoes on the main island alone
While it was possible to climb around in the caves, we chose not to.
Not surprised considering you were tired and had sore legs.
This flower is called the “school maiden”. It blooms when the school is starting and it is pink like a girls dress.
Cute and appropriate name.
I tried to take a video so that you could hear all the sounds of the birds in the park, but every time I started a video, the birds shut up.
They're very well behaved.
"Okay everyone! Quiet down please. Someone's trying to take a video."
We watched a group from the Disney ship walk by following a leader carrying a paddle with the tour number on it. There were at least 25-30 of them and there was a Disney CM bringing up the rear to make sure no stragglers got lost. We were glad that it was just the three of us.
Your tour sounds way better.
We got to experience a Portuguese market where the barrier won't open to let you out of the supermarket until you scan your receipt.
What if you end up not finding what you want and don't buy anything?
... yeah. That. I'd be tempted to go back in and not buy something just to find out!
two days later that we realized we never got his name.
we walked back to the ship via the cheese shop where we stopped earlier. Jill really liked the tea she had that morning, and our guide had pointed out the brand in that store.
Did she buy some?
here were crazy people swimming in the ocean.

It was some sort of swimming club. Much braver than I!
We walked around the city, he told us about the intricate pavement you’ll see in all my pictures. The volcanic rock and all the black rock in the sidewalks came from the Azores, all the white rocks were imported from mainland Portugal.
The pavement was so gorgeous around the city!
Then we ended up at a pastry shop that served espresso and tea. They have their own version of the Pastele de Nata, this one is topped with powdered sugar and the filling is much more dense. I think I like the other one better. And for those of you who are interested in trying them, Costco has (or had) them in the frozen section. They’re not quite as good, but still pretty tasty.

These were good but the ones in Lisbon were incredible. The Costco ones are somewhere in between but will work until I get back to Portugal!
Then we walked a short ways up the street to a small cheese shop, which also offered all sorts of other things like wine, bread, jam, teas and fruits.

It was a busy shop! Man folks were getting cheese and the shop shrink wrapped it for them.
hey had prepared a cheese board for us. We stood there with our cheeseboard on top of that sign (in the picture of the outside of the shop) as we ate. The one with the red pepper had a back end kick that was pretty powerful. I ate that one first in case it was spicy. That was a smart decision. As I ate the other cheeses they soothed the fire in my mouth from that first cheese.

The cheese was amazing! Lots of agriculture in the Azores due to the climate and you could taste it in the cheese.
don't remember what any of them were called other than the banana. The one at the top was super sour. The one with the big black seeds had a weird texture that put me off. The other three fruits, you just sucked out the pulp and seeds. They weren't bad, but not as good as the banana.

The bottom fruit is passion fruit and it was very sour! The banana was super sweet and delicious!
He saved the pineapple for last because it was easily the best. It was grown on the island, and very small, but packed full of flavor. We ate two of these quarters between the two of us. He had Tupperware containers for all the leftovers. Between our leftover cheese and the fruit, I'm sure he would have a nice snack later in the day.

They grow the pineapples in green houses on the island. Very good and now I can't wait to compare them to the pineapples in Hawaii soon. ;)
We stopped at a little cafe that served quite a bit of seafood. Had we taken the tour that included lunch this is where we would have eaten. He ordered a bottle of local wine and we enjoyed a couple glasses.

The wine was quite nice!
We were about ready to call it a day, but he told us the Botanical garden was only a three minute walk. It turned out to be a 10 minute walk, all uphill. The end of this street was not even a three minute walk. I was getting super tired. My legs hurt and I was kind of regretting that we decided to go to the Botanical garden at all.

OMG, I wish we had skipped the botanical garden. It was pretty but not worth the hike.
After regathering our gumption, we walked back to the ship via the cheese shop where we stopped earlier. Jill really liked the tea she had that morning, and our guide had pointed out the brand in that store. We passed back through the square with the three arches.

I found some small jars of jam to bring home along with some tea! One of the excursions we could have booked went to a tea farm so maybe we can visit on the next trip!

I really enjoyed the Azores and can totally see going back.

Jill in CO
We were in Ponta Del Gada, Azores.
This was the most lush and beautiful stop for us when we sailed the Eastbound Transatlantic last May. Portugal is definitely on the return to explore some more list.
We arrived at the botanical garden
Our excursion took us out of the city into the mountains but we did stop at the Botanical Gardens on our way back. Of course, we just had to hop off the bus--no hills to climb. I always lag at the back of the group so able to enjoy the scenery and get in my photo ops without the crowds. It was a beautiful day and as you say, so many lovely birds, chickens included.
They grow the pineapples in green houses on the island.
The big pineapple plantation was on of the stops on our tour...rows of greenhouses all with pineapples in different stages of growth.
Turns out Jill and I were the only ones who booked, so we got a private tour.

All of the paving stones in the pics are just great!

This photo was taken before we met our guide and we were on the other side of the arches when he told us the story. Of course we walked through the center arch.

Wow super pretty!
Well this just looks spot on, a great way to start the day
Yum these look good, especially the one with herbs in it (which I know now isn't really your thing)
I think this is a very typical and native fruit to the Azores. Both Jill and I took pictures of it.

Interesting, did you try it!
The one with the big black seeds had a weird texture that put me off.
was this the one in the pic above?

The one at the bottom looks like passion fruit, I tried it like that once
He had Tupperware containers for all the leftovers. Between our leftover cheese and the fruit, I'm sure he would have a nice snack later in the day.
smart guy!
He ordered a bottle of local wine and we enjoyed a couple glasses.

was it decent?
We did see this cute tourist ride.

Although I'm not a big fan of these, these horses look well looked after
There were chickens and roosters running everywhere in the park.
Get ready for this in Hawaii!
He said that they have a program to keep the cat population down. Their ear is clipped if they have been sterilized.
well that's smart! that kitty looks decently looked after also
e bade us goodbye at this point, and it wasn't until about two days later that we realized we never got his name.
Oops! Sounds like he was pretty good though?
Jill really liked the tea she had that morning, and our guide had pointed out the brand in that store.
@jedijill did you pick some up then?
You don't have an iPhone, right? I wish I had something like that.
Nope. I have a Samsung Galaxy S23+. I'm pretty happy with it even it is getting on 2 years old.
Can tell you changed the settings. ::yes::
:thumbsup2 This is going to be great for sunrises and sunsets in Hawaii!
Wow! Look at those tiles!!
I know! Aren't they stunning?
Heh. If the tour was bad, you could pointedly stare at your guide and walk through the other ones.
Except this was just the beginning.....
I'll look... but our Costcos aren't the same as yours.
Yeah, probably not. Hey! Next time I come to visit that would be a fun thing to do! Fran and I used to love going to Costcos in other locations. The only problem with her was that she would buy stuff, like pies, and such. When we bought wine that was easy to take home, but the pie, not so much, we were eating it three times a day. :laughing:
Now I'm really curious to see what the price for pineapple is here. It should be more here, since we have to import it, but... :confused3

Well actually most of the pineapple in the Azores is imported. The ones that they grow there are grown in greenhouses, and take twice as long to grow as say the ones in Hawaii. They are also less than half the size of the pineapples grown elsewhere. Because they take so much effort and time, they are much more expensive than the imported pineapples. But they are also much more flavorful!

Huh! Don't think I've ever had a really spicy cheese. But they all sure looked good.
We have a lot of spicy cheese here, Jalapeno Jack is very popular. I don't eat it.
I tried to Google and find out. I think it's grown on Madeira. Native to South America.
Huh. I don't remember what he told us about it, just that both of us took a picture of it. Usually when we both take a picture of something it means our guide said something important about it. Then when I ask Jill months later, "Why did we both take this picture? I don't remember." She doesn't either! :lmao:
Here I thought "Nice. You get leftovers and a tupperware container to keep!"

Yeah. No. They don't allow you bring food back on the ship unless it is completely sealed.

Local... how was it?

It wasn't bad at all. I had a second glass, so it must have been pretty good.

Not surprised considering you were tired and had sore legs.

Yeah, that was probably it. And a fear of creepy crawly things! :laughing:

They're very well behaved.
"Okay everyone! Quiet down please. Someone's trying to take a video."

That must have been what was going on because EVERY time I turned on the video, they all went immediately silent.

Your tour sounds way better.

It was ! :snooty:

... yeah. That. I'd be tempted to go back in and not buy something just to find out!
Did she buy some?

She even gave you her answer!
This is going to be great for sunrises and sunsets in Hawaii!
I know! Aren't they stunning?
Very much so!
I need to go there.
Except this was just the beginning.....
Uh oh…
Yeah, probably not. Hey! Next time I come to visit that would be a fun thing to do! Fran and I used to love going to Costcos in other locations. The only problem with her was that she would buy stuff, like pies, and such. When we bought wine that was easy to take home, but the pie, not so much, we were eating it three times a day. :laughing:
I’ll cancel all the other tours. ;)
Well actually most of the pineapple in the Azores is imported. The ones that they grow there are grown in greenhouses, and take twice as long to grow as say the ones in Hawaii. They are also less than half the size of the pineapples grown elsewhere. Because they take so much effort and time, they are much more expensive than the imported pineapples. But they are also much more flavorful!
But not from Hawaii. They only grow them at the Dole tourist attraction now.
Usually when we both take a picture of something it means our guide said something important about it. Then when I ask Jill months later, "Why did we both take this picture? I don't remember." She doesn't either! :lmao:
Yeah. No. They don't allow you bring food back on the ship unless it is completely sealed.
D’oh. Of course. :sad2:
Yeah, that was probably it. And a fear of creepy crawly things! :laughing:
It was some sort of swimming club. Much braver than I!
Me too! I don't think I can swim in the ocean anymore.
The pavement was so gorgeous around the city!
So Beautiful!
These were good but the ones in Lisbon were incredible. The Costco ones are somewhere in between but will work until I get back to Portugal!
Yes, the ones in Lisbon were definitely better.
It was a busy shop! Many folks were getting cheese and the shop shrink wrapped it for them.
Yes, it was taking quite a bit of time to pack up each person's orders. We were lucky our cheese was all set to go when we arrived.
The cheese was amazing! Lots of agriculture in the Azores due to the climate and you could taste it in the cheese.
It was very tasty.
The bottom fruit is passion fruit and it was very sour! The banana was super sweet and delicious!
Yeah, the banana and pineapple were pretty good, the rest were interesting to try.
They grow the pineapples in green houses on the island. Very good and now I can't wait to compare them to the pineapples in Hawaii soon. ;)
Yes! At the Dole Whip Plantation! 🤣
The wine was quite nice!
OMG, I wish we had skipped the botanical garden. It was pretty but not worth the hike.
Yeah, we shouldn't have been so wishy washy on the whole thing when he asked us what we wanted to do next!
I found some small jars of jam to bring home along with some tea! One of the excursions we could have booked went to a tea farm so maybe we can visit on the next trip!
And do the drive around the island thing and see the volcanoes!
I really enjoyed the Azores and can totally see going back.
Yes, it was a very quaint spot!
This was the most lush and beautiful stop for us when we sailed the Eastbound Transatlantic last May. Portugal is definitely on the return to explore some more list.
We didn't get out of the city so missed that part. We didn't want too long of an excursion due to our plans for the evening. We also don't like the packed DCL excursions.
Our excursion took us out of the city into the mountains but we did stop at the Botanical Gardens on our way back. Of course, we just had to hop off the bus--no hills to climb. I always lag at the back of the group so able to enjoy the scenery and get in my photo ops without the crowds. It was a beautiful day and as you say, so many lovely birds, chickens included.
I do the same thing. I hate having a ton of people in my pictures!
The big pineapple plantation was on of the stops on our tour...rows of greenhouses all with pineapples in different stages of growth.
That sounds neat! Maybe something to see on a return trip!
All of the paving stones in the pics are just great!
Aren't they beautiful?
Wow super pretty!
Well this just looks spot on, a great way to start the day
It sure was a nice sweet treat and a kick!
Yum these look good, especially the one with herbs in it (which I know now isn't really your thing)
Yes, but I did try them, the one was spicy, but the other one was pretty good.
Interesting, did you try it!
was this the one in the pic above?
Yes and Yes. It was the weird one.
The one at the bottom looks like passion fruit, I tried it like that once
Yeah, that one was sour.
smart guy!
He's done this a time or two!
was it decent?
It was quite nice!
Although I'm not a big fan of these, these horses look well looked after
That's good.
Get ready for this in Hawaii!
At Aulani? Or just other places?
well that's smart! that kitty looks decently looked after also
I think all the animals there are pretty well taken care of. Not like Egypt.
Oops! Sounds like he was pretty good though?
We enjoyed his company and his knowledge!
@jedijill did you pick some up then?
She said above that she got some Jams and tea.
When we got back to the room, it STILL had not been made up. We were gone for 5 ½ hours and she couldn't even get in while we were gone to make it up? She's definitely not getting anything more than the basic tip.

We had Palo dinner tonight, but we had also walked a fair amount. I didn't want to be hangry when I got there, so I went up to the pool deck for a couple slices of pizza. When I got back Jill was sitting out on the Verandah and our cabin steward had enlisted help to finish our cabin.



It got chilly out on the Verandah so we came back inside and decided to finish watching Solo. I had to do some more laundry so that I would have enough Underwear to last the rest of the trip.

The movie ended just after about 4PM which was also all aboard. We figured that we would be sailing away by 4:30, but we were still docked. It wasn't until just before 5PM that we actually began moving. I got dressed for Palo and went down just after 5PM to take some more pictures with backgrounds.




I had done all the scenic backgrounds in about 15 minutes or less. No one was in line, so I hopped in line for Donald. I sent Jill a message at 5:23PM letting her know where I was and she joined me for the photo op with Donald.





I’m not exactly sure how we worked out this photo. It wasn’t planned at all, and I don’t remember if I just outright said to Jill, let’s give Donald a kiss, but it’s one of my favorite photos with the characters.


Then we headed up to Palo for dinner. We got the same table as we had for Brunch.


They started us off with a creamy mushroom soup with a fried gnocchi dumpling. It reminded us of the portobello mushroom soup from Artist Point, may it Rest in Peace.


We got the bread service. Both Jill and I prefer the breadsticks and the flatbreads.


To start we ordered the Calamari and Shrimp. I liked this better when it was just Calamari and they served real Calamari including the tentacles. I'm not sure where this Calamari comes from but I've never seen it like this in the stores.



Then we got an order of Gnocchi in Pesto sauce. This was the same thing that they served us at Prima Notte, but we only got one gnocchi and a half tomato slice. This was much nicer to have more! It was delicious, and Jill let me have all the tomatoes.


For our main course We each ordered something different but they served us the same wine. It was absolutely delicious! And it went perfectly with our main courses.


We could have ordered side dishes, but both of us knew it would be a challenge just to finish our meats. I had the lamb from Nieman Ranch and it was fantastic! I ate almost everything, but I didn't gnaw on the bones.


Jill had the Tenderloin and ate about 80% of it. It was really good, just too much food.


She had a choice of sauces, I don’t remember what they were, I think she tried one or two of them with her meat.


She had a Cappuccino after the meal, which I never understand because she doesn’t like coffee.


We both ordered Soufflés. I got the Amaretto with an Amaretto neat. Next time we are there I'm going to need two of those. They have definitely gotten smaller.


Jill got a Chocolate Soufflé.


We can't forget the digestiv. It's so tasty!


My stats for the day.

hen I got back Jill was sitting out on the Verandah and our cabin steward had enlisted help to finish our cabin.

Not sure if our room steward was slow or had too many cabins to clean but it was frustrating at how late she got to our cabin. She would always want to come in when we had come back and were chilling before dinner. It was quite nice just to sit outside and enjoy the veranda with a nice crisp Orange Fanta!
It wasn’t planned at all, and I don’t remember if I just outright said to Jill, let’s give Donald a kiss, but it’s one of my favorite photos with the characters.

I thought the photographer suggested it but who knows but it turned out really cute!
Then we headed up to Palo for dinner. We got the same table as we had for Brunch.

It was a great view!
They started us off with a creamy mushroom soup with a fried gnocchi dumpling. It reminded us of the portobello mushroom soup from Artist Point, may it Rest in Peace.

So good and RIP Artist Point! I know character meals are money makers but it was one of my favorite signature restaurants!
To start we ordered the Calamari and Shrimp. I liked this better when it was just Calamari and they served real Calamari including the tentacles. I'm not sure where this Calamari comes from but I've never seen it like this in the stores.

I'm picky on what seafood I will eat but fried calimari is great (only the rings...the tentacles make me 🤢 ) The old version was better but this was delicious.
Then we got an order of Gnocchi in Pesto sauce. This was the same thing that they served us at Prima Notte, but we only got one gnocchi and a half tomato slice. This was much nicer to have more! It was delicious, and Jill let me have all the tomatoes.

I'm so generous!
For our main course We each ordered something different but they served us the same wine. It was absolutely delicious! And it went perfectly with our main courses.

Ooh I need to see if I can find this wine locally because it was really tasty.
ill had the Tenderloin and ate about 80% of it. It was really good, just too much food.

Cooked perfectly and no curry in sight!
She had a choice of sauces, I don’t remember what they were, I think she tried one or two of them with her meat.

There is a Borolo Jus, Béarnaise, and Salsa Verde.
She had a Cappuccino after the meal, which I never understand because she doesn’t like coffee.

I cover up the coffee taste with milk and sugar...I think it helps me digest but who knows?!?! I'm weird!
Jill got a Chocolate Soufflé.

I love a classic but the amaretto is good too.
We can't forget the digestiv. It's so tasty!

Limoncello slushy! I could drink a whole boatload of this!

Much better meal than Remy!

Jill in CO
This is a great shot!!! I love the sun peeking through like that.

He had Tupperware containers for all the leftovers. Between our leftover cheese and the fruit, I'm sure he would have a nice snack later in the day.
First I thought you were going to say he brought containers so YOU could take the leftovers!! THAT would've been a nice touch :)

We got to experience a Portuguese market where the barrier won't open to let you out of the supermarket until you scan your receipt. What if you end up not finding what you want and don't buy anything? We had purchased two waters and our receipt got us out of the store.
They've started putting those in at Am Fam Field in Milwaukee and in the airports here in Chicago!! I have wondered the same thing--what if you don't buy anything??

What a great picture!! This one's a keeper for sure.

Glad the meal at Palo was so much more enjoyable than the Remy one. Everything looked so delicious! We've only ever done Palo brunch, but dinner is definitely on my list!
At Aulani? Or just other places?
Not at Aulani, but all over everywhere else! We actually saw a kitty at Aulani, I feel like I prob sent you a pic

Love this one too! :lovestruc
We got the same table as we had for Brunch.

Well that's interesting you got the same table! Nice view though!
Gnocchi in Pesto sauce.

I LOVE pesto cream, so this one is right up my alley
Jill had the Tenderloin and ate about 80% of it. It was really good, just too much food.

This looks spot on to me, yum!!
We both ordered Soufflés. I got the Amaretto with an Amaretto neat.
Nice combo for sure! I know you look forward to this!
Jill got a Chocolate Soufflé.

I think I'd be getting both, or else D would get one, and myself the other :)

We walked through the center, we can go back.
It’s a must now.
Cool! Costco all day every day! :banana:
You mean the Dole Whip Plantation where they grow Dole Whips on trees!
That’s the one.
When we got back to the room, it STILL had not been made up. We were gone for 5 ½ hours and she couldn't even get in while we were gone to make it up?
so I went up to the pool deck for a couple slices of pizza.
How is the pizza on DCL?
When I got back Jill was sitting out on the Verandah and our cabin steward had enlisted help to finish our cabin.
Geez. Wait til your gone for dinner. :sad2:
I had to do some more laundry so that I would have enough Underwear to last the rest of the trip.
No commando for Alison!
Lovely dress :)
Looks like they’re deep in conversation.
I’m not exactly sure how we worked out this photo. It wasn’t planned at all, and I don’t remember if I just outright said to Jill, let’s give Donald a kiss, but it’s one of my favorite photos with the characters.
Love Donald’s expression. :laughing:
They started us off with a creamy mushroom soup with a fried gnocchi dumpling.
Yes please!
Both Jill and I prefer the breadsticks and the flatbreads.
Let the fighting begin.
Jill let me have all the tomatoes.
Because she doesn’t care for them?
I ate almost everything, but I didn't gnaw on the bones.
But that’s the best part.

She had a choice of sauces, I don’t remember what they were, I think she tried one or two of them with her meat.
Cool! Never seen that before.
She had a Cappuccino after the meal, which I never understand because she doesn’t like coffee.
I’ll go with Jill’s comment… that’s weird! :laughing:


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