The Trip That Finally Made My Wife Haul Off And Slug Me In The Face (COMPLETED 10/2)

Wait, these are funny? Now I'm really interested. I had been thinking they were all dark.

Oh no! Not at all, they're hilarious! That's why I thought of you and that you would like them. What I didn't remember about the books was the amount of cussing, the "dark" parts really aren't dark in comparison to books like perhaps Stephen King (though I've never read one of his books) too scary! Because the main character in the book is a Game Warden, there is a lot of stuff based around deer hunting and manly men. These "manly men" in Texas tend to get caught up somewhat unsavory situations whether it be with women, guns, trucks or any number of other vices. There are two redneck characters that recur in each book and they are the funniest. The novel with the "Chupacabra" was especially good.

That sounds fun! I have mostly avoided audio books. I like reading the stories myself. I think it's because as I read along, I'm casting the movie in my head, so hearing someone else's voice for the character would mess me up!

I don't really visualize well when I read. I think I have a slight case of ADD. My mind wanders when I'm reading so the audio books really help me "live" the story,
Boy. I completely missed the last update until just now.

Starting with a sidenote: I was thinking of you guys while watching the Super Bowl. I have about .05% interest in professional football, and of that most of it is dedicated to the Atlanta Falcons because they've got an alumni from my college playing for them, and I have a friend on their photography crew. So I really didn't care much who won, but I was excited when I remembered how much you and your family liked the Eagles. Would have commented on Facebook, except I don't think we're friends.

Actually, I only have 2 Dis friends on Facebook, and one is @pkondz, so really it's like 1 1/2.

DH and I (back when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend) did a long weekend in Atlanta and did World of Coke because I have a small obsession with all things Coca-Cola. And, to be honest..... I found it not really worth the money. Don't get me wrong, it had some cool parts, but you literally sit in a theater and they make you watch an extended feel-good commercial. Like, I'm already here, you don't have to sell me on your product. They do have a tasting room much like Club Cool in Epcot, and I was able to trick Joe in trying Beverly again because he never remembers anything. That was fun :teeth: Other than that, I couldn't tell you much of what was there, so, clearly, didn't make much of an impression.

I am slowly getting on the chicken and waffles train. There's a brewpub downtown here that makes AMAZING chicken and waffles, and you get both honey and syrup. But I generally have to split an order with Joe because a) I'm not the biggest waffle fan to begin with and b) it's just a lot of food. At least for me.
Oh no! Not at all, they're hilarious! That's why I thought of you and that you would like them. What I didn't remember about the books was the amount of cussing, the "dark" parts really aren't dark in comparison to books like perhaps Stephen King (though I've never read one of his books) too scary! Because the main character in the book is a Game Warden, there is a lot of stuff based around deer hunting and manly men. These "manly men" in Texas tend to get caught up somewhat unsavory situations whether it be with women, guns, trucks or any number of other vices. There are two redneck characters that recur in each book and they are the funniest. The novel with the "Chupacabra" was especially good.

Cool. Sounds like it would be up my alley. I will have to give him a shot!

I don't really visualize well when I read. I think I have a slight case of ADD. My mind wanders when I'm reading so the audio books really help me "live" the story,

Gotcha. I have a lot of friends who swear by audio books.

Boy. I completely missed the last update until just now.

Yeah, where have you been?!

Starting with a sidenote: I was thinking of you guys while watching the Super Bowl. I have about .05% interest in professional football, and of that most of it is dedicated to the Atlanta Falcons because they've got an alumni from my college playing for them, and I have a friend on their photography crew. So I really didn't care much who won, but I was excited when I remembered how much you and your family liked the Eagles. Would have commented on Facebook, except I don't think we're friends.

Actually, I only have 2 Dis friends on Facebook, and one is @pkondz, so really it's like 1 1/2.


Oh man, we are completely nuts over the Eagles winning the Super Bowl right now. Finally, after all these years! I thought I might never see the day.

Funny you mention Facebook, I had a whole live comment thread going during the game. Several of the DIS Dads were commenting throughout. That was fun.

DH and I (back when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend) did a long weekend in Atlanta and did World of Coke because I have a small obsession with all things Coca-Cola. And, to be honest..... I found it not really worth the money. Don't get me wrong, it had some cool parts, but you literally sit in a theater and they make you watch an extended feel-good commercial. Like, I'm already here, you don't have to sell me on your product. They do have a tasting room much like Club Cool in Epcot, and I was able to trick Joe in trying Beverly again because he never remembers anything. That was fun :teeth: Other than that, I couldn't tell you much of what was there, so, clearly, didn't make much of an impression.

Thanks. That's kind of what I suspected--that it basically is a big Coke commercial. I could see if it only cost me a little bit to take my family, but I felt like over $100 was way too steep.

I am slowly getting on the chicken and waffles train. There's a brewpub downtown here that makes AMAZING chicken and waffles, and you get both honey and syrup. But I generally have to split an order with Joe because a) I'm not the biggest waffle fan to begin with and b) it's just a lot of food. At least for me.

Then you can take some home for lunch! But splitting works too. It's not a combo people would think of right off the bat but man, it really works. At least for me.

Well... okay... I'll give you that one.

Nothing but love Ponzi. Nothing but love.

Yeah, where have you been?!

In my defense, your title still says your last update was 1/18 so I didn't know I had missed anything until I decided to browse the chatter.

Funny you mention Facebook, I had a whole live comment thread going during the game. Several of the DIS Dads were commenting throughout. That was fun.

Bummed I missed it. My mom and I texted some but then she went to bed. We generally have a running text conversation through the major Duke basketball games and Indycar races.

I could see if it only cost me a little bit to take my family, but I felt like over $100 was way too steep.

It really is. Especially since there's now a watered down version at Disney Springs you can go to for free! Because you'll never spend over $100 at Disney :rolleyes1

Then you can take some home for lunch!

But then the waffle gets soggy. Much better to eat it that day.

Gotcha. I have a lot of friends who swear by audio books.

Kinda coming late on this, but we've recently started listening to audiobooks. Mainly because I grew up an avid reader, but Joe never read anything he didn't have to. This is a good way for us to be able to share the experience. And it's a nice way to kill time on long drives, because it's something we're both interested in. (with the exception of The Outsiders. I don't think he's forgiven me for that one yet)

Well... okay... I'll give you that one.


Nothing but love Ponzi. Nothing but love.

And insults. But mostly love.

In my defense, your title still says your last update was 1/18 so I didn't know I had missed anything until I decided to browse the chatter.

Ah. Yes, I did forget to do the housekeeping after the last update. My bad.

Bummed I missed it. My mom and I texted some but then she went to bed. We generally have a running text conversation through the major Duke basketball games and Indycar races.

I'm sorry to say there's a couple of sports that I really don't watch at all. :duck:

It really is. Especially since there's now a watered down version at Disney Springs you can go to for free! Because you'll never spend over $100 at Disney :rolleyes1

I think it's $100 just to wake up and roll out of bed at Disney.

But then the waffle gets soggy. Much better to eat it that day.

Good point. Fresh is best.

Kinda coming late on this, but we've recently started listening to audiobooks. Mainly because I grew up an avid reader, but Joe never read anything he didn't have to. This is a good way for us to be able to share the experience. And it's a nice way to kill time on long drives, because it's something we're both interested in. (with the exception of The Outsiders. I don't think he's forgiven me for that one yet)

That's a cool idea. I don't think the kids would like the books I read, though.

They should invest in better speakers or headphones. That should keep the swearing down.

:rotfl: Buncha pottymouths.
Chapter 5: The One With Whale Sharks

Once the delectable chicken and waffles were gone, we still had some time to kill before our 2:30 entry to the Georgia Aquarium. We took a walk around Centennial Olympic Park, which was just on the next block.


This park was dedicated as part of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta and served as a public space/community center both during and after the Games. It was also the site of a bombing during the Olympics that resulted in 2 deaths (one via heart attack).

The park has some beautiful features. There are statues dedicated to both the founders of the Olympics and the locals who brought the Games to the city. And there are fountains and water features everywhere. I can report that I felt 10% faster while in this park.


The central feature is the Fountain of Rings, which basically serves as a mini-water park for kids. And the parent who loses the short straw and has to chase the kids out of there.


Some of the fountains even look like they might have come from a Disney park.


I liked this feature—a pergola decorated with the flags of every nation. I bet it looks really cool on sunny days with the light shining through.


When we’d killed enough time and successfully managed to keep Drew out of the water fountains, we made our way back to the Aquarium.


Just across the garden was The Place That Shall Not Be Named.


Somehow the Aquarium let our family through security, and we were in. Most of the exhibits are walk-throughs, but there are two shows offered at various times throughout the day—a dolphin show and a sea lion show. We decided to make a beeline for the dolphin show to make sure we got a seat and then we could enjoy the rest of the aquarium at our leisure.

The Georgia Aquarium was once the largest in the world, until it was surpassed by an aquarium in Singapore in 2012. It consists of seven major exhibits. The big draws are the aforementioned dolphin show and the massive 6.3 million-gallon salt water tank featuring the ginormous creatures of the ocean.

We followed a crowd into the theater for the dolphin show and were seated fairly quickly. Once seated, we were told over and over again that the first ten rows of the theater were the designated “splash zone”. Anyone seated in those rows was running the risk of getting slightly wet. Or maybe soaked. So Julie and I started counting rows…

7. Should we move up?



No photos during the show, so that’s the only one we could get. If you’ve ever seen a dolphin show before, this was about what you’d expect. Lots of jumps, flips, and other stunts, bringing kid volunteers up to pet the dolphins and make them wave their flippers, and the requisite splashing of the audience. I can safely report that row 7 survived relatively unscathed, save for one stray splash that caught my leg. The show itself was a lot of fun.

We took our time exploring the various exhibits. There were a lot of fun interactive features to keep the kids engaged, such as these little crawl-through tunnels in the penguin exhibit.


Nearby was a beluga whale. Didn’t seem to be making any attempt to find Dory’s parents via sonar. That movie was full of crap.


Here are some other creatures we encountered, including a couple of albino crocodiles.





This was a neat coral reef exhibit, featuring tropical reef fish. The pool extended up to the roof over our heads and was set up with a wave simulator, so every so often a small wave would come crashing over us and into the reef. It was a neat effect designed to make you feel like you were underwater, swimming around the reef.


As you can see our boys were very impressed.


After touring the smaller areas, we wandered back to the main saltwater tank. The entry leads you to a moving walkway (or you can walk under your own power) in a plexiglass tunnel that travels underneath the tank. It’s awe-inspiring to see these giant sea creatures effortlessly gliding all around you.


Ever notice that rays are always in a good mood? I’d love to know what their secret is.


One of the whale sharks (they have four that I counted) swam over my head, and I was able to get this shot of it with my phone. They’re just incredibly massive.


We're gonna need a bigger boat.

Once we got to the end of the tunnel, the hall led us through some more exhibits. We got to see shark eggs under a microscope, and one display even showed the beating heart of a shark fetus, which was incredibly cool. Finally, we emerged into a room about 3 or 4 stories high, dominated by the saltwater tank.


Sitting in there, just watching the whale sharks, sea turtles, rays…it was mesmerizing.



After a while, we moved on to the sea lion show. This was on a much smaller scale than the dolphin show, but it was still cute. Once that was over, we’d basically seen everything the aquarium had to offer. It was about 6:00 p.m., so we would have been justified in leaving for dinner. We all looked at each other and decided…

…we’d go back through the saltwater tank exhibit again.

Hey, look! Another happy guy.




We finally tore ourselves away from the display and left for the day. Everyone had a great time here—the Georgia Aquarium is highly recommended!

We had a short drive about a mile north to our dinner destination: The Varsity.

The Varsity is a classic drive-in fast food joint, and an Atlanta institution. It was first opened in 1928, and by 1950 laid claim to the title of the world’s largest drive-in restaurant. They specialize in burgers and chili dogs and fried pie, and now have several locations throughout Georgia. The servers take your order after spouting their famous catchphrase: “What’ll Ya Have, What’ll Ya Have?” They also have their own lingo for various orders, but I found that it wasn’t necessary to learn it—I could just order the number of various combos and did just fine.

I had heard competing stories on this place—some people swore that a visit to Atlanta was not complete without visiting The Varsity and “having the experience” at least once. Others swore that the consequences to my digestive tract would be worse than a visit to Taco Bell. In the end, we decided that we didn’t want to miss out on an experience, so we went for it.



We drove over but didn’t want to eat in the van (3-year-olds and chili dogs are not a good mix), so we went inside to eat. We went up to the counter and told the lady what we’ll have, and then Scotty and I waited for the order while the others went to get seats. Somehow, the kids ended up with the camera again.


Since you guys liked the other ones so much, here’s another artistic shot for you:



Our order came up, and we sat down to scarf down some greasy drive-in food. We tried a little of everything.



The verdict: meh. The burgers were not great, Bob.


The chili cheese dogs were decent—passable. If I went again, I’d get that. With the onion rings, not the fries. The fried pies were the best part of the meal. Overall, I’d say I’m glad I did it once, just to say I have been to the Atlanta institution. But I wouldn’t rush back.


Our accommodations for the evening were in a Country Inn, and I have to say my vacation planning skills were on full display here. While searching for a relatively inexpensive place to stay, I wanted to stay close to the city, because I had one more attraction to visit the following morning and didn’t want to mess with Atlanta rush hour traffic. After various searches turned up far too many instances of price gouging, I finally stumbled upon the Country Inn. And then I saw the clincher—it was right next to the Atlanta Braves baseball stadium. Perfect! My boys love baseball—maybe we could see a game, or at least check the place out. Combine that with an affordable price and short drive the next morning, and it was a no-brainer.

Except I’d forgotten that the Braves had just opened a brand-new stadium that summer, which was located far north of the city. We were situated next to the old stadium, on the south side of town, which could charitably be described as…well…


There were no signs of life at the baseball stadium except for the homeless guy asking me for money so he could ride the bus. And I finally shattered my long-held Hotel Swimming Pool Theory, which stated that if the hotel has a pool, the kids will want to use it, regardless of the maintenance, upkeep, or even physical presence of water. This pool was outdoors, and filled with a scummy green water with thousands of old leaves floating in it. Shockingly, the kids said they wanted no party of it.

We took most of our belongings with us into the room that night. Thankfully, the night passed without incident. Unless you count the various snide remarks about my vacation-planning skills.

Coming Up Next: A stop to pay respects to an iconic American hero, and then the real driving begins.
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It was also the site of a bombing during the Olympics that resulted in 2 deaths (one via heart attack).

I remember that.

There are statues dedicated to both the founders of the Olympics

So... guys in togas? Was one of them Jim Belushi?

I can report that I felt 10% faster while in this park.

What's 10% faster than dead slow?

The central feature is the Fountain of Rings, which basically serves as a mini-water park for kids. And the parent who loses the short straw and has to chase the kids out of there.


Yelling works on occasion.


I liked this feature—a pergola decorated with the flags of every nation. I bet it looks really cool on sunny days with the light shining through.

That's really nice. I like the inclusivity of it.
Took me a while to find my flag, though.

Just across the garden was The Place That Shall Not Be Named.


Somehow the Aquarium let our family through security, and we were in.

Hmm.... Now I'm beginning to rethink going. I mean if they'll let you guys in...

The Georgia Aquarium was once the largest in the world, until it was surpassed by an aquarium in Singapore in 2012.

Always happened. You're number one until you're number two.

The big draws are the aforementioned dolphin show and the massive 6.3 million-gallon salt water tank featuring the ginormous creatures of the ocean.


7. Should we move up?



No photos during the show, so that’s the only one we could get.

Good. Means you actually sat and watched and enjoyed it.

If you’ve ever seen a dolphin show before

... you've seen 'em all.

You put your kids on display?!?!?!?

I guess it pays the bills.

Nearby was a beluga whale. Didn’t seem to be making any attempt to find Dory’s parents via sonar. That movie was full of crap.

Ever heard one? They are extremely vocal. Where I used to live we'd see thousands.

Here are some other creatures we encountered, including a couple of albino crocodiles.


This was a neat coral reef exhibit, featuring tropical reef fish. The pool extended up to the roof over our heads and was set up with a wave simulator, so every so often a small wave would come crashing over us and into the reef. It was a neat effect designed to make you feel like you were underwater, swimming around the reef.

That's really a neat effect. ::yes::

As you can see our boys were very impressed.

And so they should be.... uh...


Ever notice that rays are always in a good mood?

Well, sure.
No job and.. more importantly, no wife.



One of the whale sharks (they have four that I counted) swam over my head, and I was able to get this shot of it with my phone. They’re just incredibly massive.


Soooooooooooo cool!
Excellent shot. I love that it's just this... massive shadow.


Sitting in there, just watching the whale sharks, sea turtles, rays…it was mesmerizing.

I have no doubt. Man I want to see this.

Absolutely brilliant shot!

We all looked at each other and decided…

…we’d go back through the saltwater tank exhibit again.

::yes:: Good call!

Love that shot too. Like the ones with the silhouetted people.

We finally tore ourselves away from the display and left for the day. Everyone had a great time here—the Georgia Aquarium is highly recommended!

Bucket list!!

The Varsity is a classic drive-in fast food joint

Cool! I'm in!

It was first opened in 1928

Whoa. That's been around for a while.

and by 1950 laid claim to the title of the world’s largest drive-in restaurant

Huh! Really. I wonder how accurate that is.
(Thinking Elf and the world's best cup of coffee.)

They also have their own lingo for various orders, but I found that it wasn’t necessary to learn it

I'd be all over using that.

We drove over but didn’t want to eat in the van (3-year-olds and chili dogs are not a good mix), so we went inside to eat.

Well... with kids, I can see that.

"Mom's tired. You can take that camera out of my face or suffer a fate worse than death. You're call."


I can't tell. Is the chili a beef chili or was there beans in it?
If the former, then... yum. If the latter... pass.

The verdict: meh. The burgers were not great, Bob.

Well... that sucks.

The chili cheese dogs were decent—passable. If I went again, I’d get that. With the onion rings, not the fries. The fried pies were the best part of the meal. Overall, I’d say I’m glad I did it once, just to say I have been to the Atlanta institution. But I wouldn’t rush back.

Not exactly a glowing recommendation, but I'd probably still give it a shot.... but I need to know about the chili.

:goodvibes Nice shot!

Except I’d forgotten that the Braves had just opened a brand-new stadium that summer, which was located far north of the city. We were situated next to the old stadium, on the south side of town


And I finally shattered my long-held Hotel Swimming Pool Theory, which stated that if the hotel has a pool, the kids will want to use it, regardless of the maintenance, upkeep, or even physical presence of water. This pool was outdoors, and filled with a scummy green water with thousands of old leaves floating in it. Shockingly, the kids said they wanted no party of it.

Yeah... there are limits. Sounds like they found theirs.

We took most of our belongings with us into the room that night. Thankfully, the night passed without incident. Unless you count the various snide remarks about my vacation-planning skills.

I had a whole live comment thread going during the game. Several of the DIS Dads were commenting throughout. That was fun.
Apparently that's what the kids do these days. I used to make fun of my 17 yo sitting on the couch "watching TV" while clicking away on her phone. Until I did it during Superbowl. Yeah, that didn't get thrown back in my face :rolleyes1
This park was dedicated as part of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta and served as a public space/community center both during and after the Games.
I remember these games. I kind of always felt like the 100th anniversary games should have been in Athens. But at least Atlanta put up this commemorative park to remember the centennial.

I can report that I felt 10% faster while in this park.
I feel a bit like that watching the Winter Olympics. Right after seeing Luge I say "Wow, that looked amazing, I could do that". Gravity and the breaking strength of bone would say otherwise.

Ever notice that rays are always in a good mood? I’d love to know what their secret is.
I don't know the secret, but I'll have what he's having.

Is this a perspective thing, or is that turtle absolutely massive?

The verdict: meh. The burgers were not great, Bob.
Just based on the picture, it seems meh. I find the fries often make or break a fast food meal. Those fries look a bit soggy and bland.
I will never forget the hotel my step-dad took us to once on vacation. The pool was unusable and gross and the rooms were not much better. You kids will never forget that hotel.
The show itself was a lot of fun.

I think the dolphin show is different when we went years ago. At that time, you had to pay extra for the show and we found it kind of Meh. I need to go back again for that and also the new stuff that's been added. But my husband hates aquariums and doesn't want to go back. Maybe the next time my Mom visits.

There were a lot of fun interactive features to keep the kids engaged, such as these little crawl-through tunnels in the penguin exhibit.

And a few adults too.... :rolleyes1

It’s awe-inspiring to see these giant sea creatures effortlessly gliding all around you.

Yes! that tunnel is so cool, I could go through it over and over again.

Sitting in there, just watching the whale sharks, sea turtles, rays…it was mesmerizing.

Yep, that about sums it up.

we moved on to the sea lion show.

Another new thing I need to get back and see.

Others swore that the consequences to my digestive tract would be worse than a visit to Taco Bell.

That was me!!

The verdict: meh. The burgers were not great, Bob.

OK, I've got to do it.... Told you so! :rotfl: Had to get that one out of my system.

Overall, I’d say I’m glad I did it once, just to say I have been to the Atlanta institution. But I wouldn’t rush back.

That was our feeling. We have one up near our house and have only gone once.

We were situated next to the old stadium, on the south side of town, which could charitably be described as…well…

Yikes! :scared1: Definitely not the best area in town. We got lost (pre-GPS days) a few times coming home from Braves games and it was pretty scary. The new stadium is in a much better area and much closer to us but we still haven't made it to a game yet. :confused3
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I'm sorry to say there's a couple of sports that I really don't watch at all. :duck:

I don't hold it against you. I am very much aware college basketball is a regional thing, and I grew up in one of the craziest regions. Indycar....I just know I'm in the minority.

I think it's $100 just to wake up and roll out of bed at Disney.

Pretty much. Except we bought DVC on our honeymoon so we lie to ourselves now and say it's "free." We just ignore that little monthly payment that auto-drafts.

I don't think the kids would like the books I read, though.

That is one of the benefits of it being just the two of us for now.

The park has some beautiful features. There are statues dedicated to both the founders of the Olympics and the locals who brought the Games to the city.

That was one of my favorite parts of Atlanta. And then we got extra lucky and the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge (that I don't think they've had since) was going on so we got to watch the agility competition. I was in doggie heaven.

Here are some other creatures we encountered, including a couple of albino crocodiles.

We have albino.....alligators? crocodiles? somethings at one of the NC aquariums. One of the cooler exhibits.

Sitting in there, just watching the whale sharks, sea turtles, rays…it was mesmerizing.

I could have spent days in that room. It's truly majestic.

After a while, we moved on to the sea lion show. This was on a much smaller scale than the dolphin show, but it was still cute.

Somehow we missed both shows :confused3 I think we just decided we didn't have enough interest to try and catch one. Our main reason for visiting was I had booked a behind-the-scenes sea otter encounter.

The verdict: meh. The burgers were not great, Bob.

Also something else we missed, but glad to hear we weren't missing much.

This pool was outdoors, and filled with a scummy green water with thousands of old leaves floating in it. Shockingly, the kids said they wanted no party of it.

So, I've never stayed at a Country Inn. But in my head I think they're fabulous, for the main reason that when I was a travel agent, they came by our office and in the tradition of giving out chintzy branded items...gave us a pocket knife/corkscrew/bottle opener. That thing is amazing and lives in my purse, and has saved the day more than once. So I have fond feelings towards the chain, despite never having stayed in one.

Might have to rethink that now.

I remember that.

See, I don't remember it at all. I remember watching the torch come through Raleigh. Actually had to google the bombing. But, I was also 5, so probably wasn't watching a lot of the coverage.
One of the whale sharks (they have four that I counted) swam over my head, and I was able to get this shot of it with my phone. They’re just incredibly massive.

Amazing animals. They allow you to dive with them. Three friends flew up and planned to do it the 1 full day they were there. Something was wrong with one of the Whale Sharks so no diving that day. Glad I passed on that trip.

"Mom's tired. You can take that camera out of my face or suffer a fate worse than death. You're call."

Funny. True but funny.
Some of the fountains even look like they might have come from a Disney park.

I used to work across the street from Centennial park and have been there many times for lunch or just to walk around. I don't recall seeing this one though. Nice!

Somehow the Aquarium let our family through security, and we were in. Most of the exhibits are walk-throughs, but there are two shows offered at various times throughout the day—a dolphin show and a sea lion show. We decided to make a beeline for the dolphin show to make sure we got a seat and then we could enjoy the rest of the aquarium at our leisure.
Not surprising. They let mine through on at least 3 different occasions...obviously security is not a top priority for the fish.

We followed a crowd into the theater for the dolphin show and were seated fairly quickly. Once seated, we were told over and over again that the first ten rows of the theater were the designated “splash zone”. Anyone seated in those rows was running the risk of getting slightly wet. Or maybe soaked. So Julie and I started counting rows…
I don't think the dolphin show was there when we went.

Nearby was a beluga whale. Didn’t seem to be making any attempt to find Dory’s parents via sonar. That movie was full of crap.
It's because Dory's parents were already found. Duh!

Here are some other creatures we encountered, including a couple of albino crocodiles.
I think those might be new...I don't recall those.

This was a neat coral reef exhibit, featuring tropical reef fish. The pool extended up to the roof over our heads and was set up with a wave simulator, so every so often a small wave would come crashing over us and into the reef. It was a neat effect designed to make you feel like you were underwater, swimming around the reef.

Again, I think this might be new...we haven't been in a long time, I don't see you listing the "petting" tank, so maybe they replaced some stuff. The petting tank was an open tank kids could pet rays (with their tails clipped) and something else -- starfish(?). Seemed like there was always people their telling the kids not to try to catch the rays or pick up whatever the other thing was in the tank, so maybe they replaced it with this or something nicer and lower maintenance.

As you can see our boys were very impressed.
So THAT'S the impressed look. Good to know. Guess my kids have never been impressed. :lmao:

Ever notice that rays are always in a good mood? I’d love to know what their secret is.

They add stuff to the salt water (kinda like crack for rays, but evidently the other fish don't really care)

One of the whale sharks (they have four that I counted) swam over my head, and I was able to get this shot of it with my phone. They’re just incredibly massive.


We're gonna need a bigger boat.
It's hard when you take a photo to show perspective of just how big they are, but those larger fish swimming near them are about 4-5 feet long.

This gives good perspective since you have the people there. The tunnel does magnify the fish/turtles/whales a little bit, but that's close to scale.

Great shot and one that shows how big those whale sharks are.

We had a short drive about a mile north to our dinner destination: The Varsity.

The Varsity is a classic drive-in fast food joint, and an Atlanta institution. It was first opened in 1928, and by 1950 laid claim to the title of the world’s largest drive-in restaurant. They specialize in burgers and chili dogs and fried pie, and now have several locations throughout Georgia. The servers take your order after spouting their famous catchphrase: “What’ll Ya Have, What’ll Ya Have?” They also have their own lingo for various orders, but I found that it wasn’t necessary to learn it—I could just order the number of various combos and did just fine.

I had heard competing stories on this place—some people swore that a visit to Atlanta was not complete without visiting The Varsity and “having the experience” at least once. Others swore that the consequences to my digestive tract would be worse than a visit to Taco Bell. In the end, we decided that we didn’t want to miss out on an experience, so we went for it.
We've lived here for 21 years and we've been only 3 times. The last 2 times, I recall saying...oh yeah, that's why we haven't been back in so long. Yes, it's an Atlanta icon, but the food...not so much.

We drove over but didn’t want to eat in the van (3-year-olds and chili dogs are not a good mix), so we went inside to eat. We went up to the counter and told the lady what we’ll have, and then Scotty and I waited for the order while the others went to get seats. Somehow, the kids ended up with the camera again.
Actually, it's better to go inside. Some of the employees can be quite entertaining. I think he's retired now, but there was a guy that had worked there 30 or 40 years if I recall. I'll have to see if I can find the article. Although it's not at all like a character lunch at Disney, some of the folks are characters and the ambiance is better inside

EDIT: Found the was 51 years!! I recalled it was a long time, but even longer.

Since you guys liked the other ones so much, here’s another artistic shot for you:

She looks so thrilled and happy to be eating at the varsity. Oh wait, this must have been taken after she ate. :lmao:

The chili cheese dogs were decent—passable. If I went again, I’d get that. With the onion rings, not the fries. The fried pies were the best part of the meal. Overall, I’d say I’m glad I did it once, just to say I have been to the Atlanta institution. But I wouldn’t rush back.
Thanks for not detailing the after effects of the chili(well all of it really). Yes, the fried pies, while not fantastic, compared to the rest of the fare, are indeed the best part. If you come back through our way again (well, if I haven't found my job in Central FL and we're still here), I'll take you somewhere to show you what fried pies should be like (amazing).

Our accommodations for the evening were in a Country Inn, and I have to say my vacation planning skills were on full display here. While searching for a relatively inexpensive place to stay, I wanted to stay close to the city, because I had one more attraction to visit the following morning and didn’t want to mess with Atlanta rush hour traffic. After various searches turned up far too many instances of price gouging, I finally stumbled upon the Country Inn. And then I saw the clincher—it was right next to the Atlanta Braves baseball stadium. Perfect! My boys love baseball—maybe we could see a game, or at least check the place out. Combine that with an affordable price and short drive the next morning, and it was a no-brainer.
Woo hoo, baseball!

Except I’d forgotten that the Braves had just opened a brand-new stadium that summer, which was located far north of the city. We were situated next to the old stadium, on the south side of town, which could charitably be described as…well…
I'm still not happy they moved the stadium. They moved it closer to us, which one would think is a good thing, but in reality, the area they built it already had horrible traffic and now when games are on, it's atrocious. Also the fact they passed much of the expense of building it on to us taxpayers was, well less than thrilling to say the least.

There were no signs of life at the baseball stadium except for the homeless guy asking me for money so he could ride the bus. And I finally shattered my long-held Hotel Swimming Pool Theory, which stated that if the hotel has a pool, the kids will want to use it, regardless of the maintenance, upkeep, or even physical presence of water. This pool was outdoors, and filled with a scummy green water with thousands of old leaves floating in it. Shockingly, the kids said they wanted no party of it.
The stadium should still be's owned by Georgia State University now, but I don't know they've actually done much in/with it yet.

Unfortunately that area is rather poor and the stadium was one of the few things in the area that helped out economically. That's one of the other reasons I didn't like them moving it to our county.
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I am enjoying reading along in your adventures! The Aquarium looks AMAZING. We have always wanted to stop there but just haven't fit it into our plans just yet! Your photos may make it a must do!

Hey Captain_Oblivious, I am starting to plan a potential Grand Canyon trip for my crazy brood. I am pretty sure one of your previous trip reports had a lot of great information about that? Can you point me in the right direction?
So... guys in togas? Was one of them Jim Belushi?

:rotfl2: That certainly would have kept things entertaining. "I'm a zit. Get it?"

What's 10% faster than dead slow?

Not quite dead yet!

Yelling works on occasion.

Once in a while. Until they just tune you out.

That's really nice. I like the inclusivity of it.
Took me a while to find my flag, though.

I think it would have been easier if I'd been standing on the other side of the structure.

Hmm.... Now I'm beginning to rethink going. I mean if they'll let you guys in...

I know, right? No standards whatsoever.

Always happened. You're number one until you're number two.

I have a lot of experience in being treated like number two.

Wait, that doesn't sound right...

Good. Means you actually sat and watched and enjoyed it.


... you've seen 'em all.

Pretty much. But I don't see them that often, so it's still enjoyable.

You put your kids on display?!?!?!?

I guess it pays the bills.

Step right up! The family that subsists only on PB&J!

Ever heard one? They are extremely vocal. Where I used to live we'd see thousands.

No, I can't say that I've ever heard one. Man, between belugas and polar bears you have had quite the exotic animals around you. I guess it doesn't feel exotic to you.

That's really a neat effect. ::yes::


Well, sure.
No job and.. more importantly, no wife.




Soooooooooooo cool!
Excellent shot. I love that it's just this... massive shadow.

Thanks! I liked that one too. Had to go back and edit the chapter, though. I forgot to add the line: "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

I have no doubt. Man I want to see this.

You'll love it!

Absolutely brilliant shot!

Love that shot too. Like the ones with the silhouetted people.

:thanks: I think Julie took these. I really liked the way the people help show the scale of the aquatic creatures. And the silhouette effect is cool, too.

Bucket list!!

Get thee to Atlanta!

Whoa. That's been around for a while.

Yep. It really is an institution there.

Huh! Really. I wonder how accurate that is.
(Thinking Elf and the world's best cup of coffee.)

:rotfl2: I think that was my favorite line in the whole movie. "You guys did it! Great job!"

I'm guessing it was the largest in 1950. No idea if it still holds true today.

I'd be all over using that.

I didn't want to take the time to memorize it.

"Mom's tired. You can take that camera out of my face or suffer a fate worse than death. You're call."

Like I said, it's a good thing he's cute.

I can't tell. Is the chili a beef chili or was there beans in it?
If the former, then... yum. If the latter... pass.

That's a beef chili. No beans. I'm with you--not a fan of beans, no matter how good they are for your heart. The chili definitely helped the dog.

Well... that sucks. some, lose some.

Not exactly a glowing recommendation, but I'd probably still give it a shot.... but I need to know about the chili.

The chili won't be the problem. Go with the chili dog and onion rings and fried pie, and it's a passable meal.

Yeah... there are limits. Sounds like they found theirs.

I wish I'd taken a photo. It was bad enough that I would have refused to let them go in even if they'd somehow wanted to. The hotel itself was fine, though.

Apparently that's what the kids do these days. I used to make fun of my 17 yo sitting on the couch "watching TV" while clicking away on her phone. Until I did it during Superbowl. Yeah, that didn't get thrown back in my face :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: Do as I say, not as I do!

We've been fairly strict with our kids about not being on electronics when we're together as a family. Occasionally, they'll call me on checking my phone at the dinner table. I'm glad they do--they should!
I remember these games. I kind of always felt like the 100th anniversary games should have been in Athens. But at least Atlanta put up this commemorative park to remember the centennial.

Yeah, I agree. That does seem like a missed opportunity. But seeing what goes on behind the scenes with the IOC and awarding the games to different cities, it seems like money talks.

I feel a bit like that watching the Winter Olympics. Right after seeing Luge I say "Wow, that looked amazing, I could do that". Gravity and the breaking strength of bone would say otherwise.

Luge and bobsled look really cool! I think I'd love to try it sometime. Then I see someone crash...:scared1:

I don't know the secret, but I'll have what he's having.


Is this a perspective thing, or is that turtle absolutely massive?

Well, the turtle is right up next to the glass, so I think that's a good comparison. It's a big one! The water may distort the view a bit.

Just based on the picture, it seems meh. I find the fries often make or break a fast food meal. Those fries look a bit soggy and bland.

Onion rings beat the fries here.

I will never forget the hotel my step-dad took us to once on vacation. The pool was unusable and gross and the rooms were not much better. You kids will never forget that hotel.

Our previous low point was the Chinook Motel in the state of Washington, near Olympic National Park. I remember you couldn't close the bathroom door if you were sitting on the toilet, and my dad had a hard time shaving because the mirror wasn't over the sink. :rotfl:

I think the dolphin show is different when we went years ago. At that time, you had to pay extra for the show and we found it kind of Meh. I need to go back again for that and also the new stuff that's been added. But my husband hates aquariums and doesn't want to go back. Maybe the next time my Mom visits.

The aquarium definitely isn't a cheap place to visit. I enjoyed it, though, and I'm glad the dolphin show was included in the admission.

And a few adults too.... :rolleyes1

Gotta chase the kids out!:rotfl:

Yes! that tunnel is so cool, I could go through it over and over again.

Agreed. It's such a neat exhibit.

Yep, that about sums it up.


Another new thing I need to get back and see.

Sounds like it's time to call Mom!

That was me!!

Yep, you definitely tried to warn me.

OK, I've got to do it.... Told you so! :rotfl: Had to get that one out of my system.

You most certainly did. It really has a reputation as being a part of Atlanta, though, so I felt like we needed to at least try it and have the experience. An experience can be memorable, good or bad, but it's a shared memory, and that's what we're going for here.

That was our feeling. We have one up near our house and have only gone once.

One place that was recommended that we didn't get to try was Mary Mac's Tea Room. Next time.
Yikes! :scared1: Definitely not the best area in town. We got lost (pre-GPS days) a few times coming home from Braves games and it was pretty scary. The new stadium is in a much better area and much closer to us but we still haven't made it to a game yet. :confused3

Full disclosure: I'm a Phillies fan, so you probably wouldn't want me at a Braves game anyway. But yeah, that was a swing and a miss on hotel location. (See what I did there?)


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