The Scooter Strikes Back-A F&W 2017 TR- Bonus Features, Link to new TR 3/22

[It was nice enough and we enjoyed the show, but don't need to see it again. It was kind if like a combination of Illuminations and World of Color, combining the least interesting facets of each show.

Perfect comment - I was thinking something similar. It's nice enough show, but it's like they left off the finale - it just kind wanders around for 20 minutes and then it ends. I could see skipping it most of the time as well. If DD wants to see it in February, we'll do it, but knowing her she won't, and I don't think we'll fight it.
Perfect comment - I was thinking something similar. It's nice enough show, but it's like they left off the finale - it just kind wanders around for 20 minutes and then it ends. I could see skipping it most of the time as well. If DD wants to see it in February, we'll do it, but knowing her she won't, and I don't think we'll fight it.

I totally agree. It was beautiful but blah. A real let down from what it could be.

Jill in CO
Well our next trip to Florida is starting to shape up!

Hooray! When is that again?

Still trying to rent apartment #3. Even though it's a nice and spacious place, it has no balcony or patio space and that seems to be a big drawback.

Also, there was that ax murder, but we're not publicizing that.

Because this jerk moved out two weeks early, he felt that we needed to provide this two weeks before our planned timing for completing the work. We ended up in Small Claims court a couple weeks ago and the judge said that he would return his decision by mail as he needed to think about the case. We got a letter five days later that we won. Stupid jerk.

What a pain! Glad it turned out in your favor.

I didn’t want to go take pictures of everything on the buffet, but there was nice mix of African style foods and things for unadventurous Americans.

:wave2: My ears are burning!

Fran had taken a spin around the buffet area to see what they had on offer, she asked me to get her a plate with Mini Corn Dogs, mashed potatoes and gravy.

Adventurous! :rotfl2:

We went back to Pandora hoping that the bioluminescent stuff would come on, but no luck.

Dang. I've heard that's pretty cool. Did you ever get to see it?

There was a really pleasant surprise in the seating here. Normally handicapped accessible seats are all at the top of the theater, but they had built a walkway with no steps that led to the base of the stadium, and we were able to have a front row seat!

Sweet! Looks like a good spot!

There were lots of projections (which didn’t come out well in my pictures) and lots of music like a masseuse might play for you to help you drift off into a calming sleep.

Uh oh. After walking several miles through a theme park and dealing with kids on a hot day, this sounds like a bad idea.

It was nice enough and we enjoyed the show, but don't need to see it again. It was kind if like a combination of Illuminations and World of Color, combining the least interesting facets of each show.

Well, there's a ringing endorsement! :rotfl:

We retrieved her rental scooter and it didn't seem like it charged at all

Oh, for the love of...

We chose to wait. We ended up waiting over an hour for a bus and finally made it back to the room.

An hour! :faint: I'm sorry.
There was a really pleasant surprise in the seating here. Normally handicapped accessible seats are all at the top of the theater, but they had built a walkway with no steps that led to the base of the stadium, and we were able to have a front row seat!
That's really good that Disney thought ahead like that! I always feel bad when the people with accessibility issues are relegated to the top or farther away.
The kittens are so big! They all look very happy! I adore ginger kitties, they have such fun personalities.

Even though I am a local, I still have not been to Animal Kingdom to check out Pandora. Not sure why it just holds no interest for me. Also I haven't wanted to brave the crowds to go just yet.
Back :) hoping to keep more in the loop from now on!

Oh the kittens - Love! they are so big and look so happy! I so miss having cats, but my DH is allergic so we can't have :(

I am very much looking forward to getting back to WDW when the baby is bigger (big ask to fly that far right now) and looking forward to seeing Pandora (Your pictures are fantastic! I must admit I didn't look at them too closely, as I want to be surprised to some degree when I do get there) but I, like you, still think to some degree "Why Pandora?" DD13 is a huge fan though, so I know she will enjoy it, whenever we get there. Yummy food pics though! it was interesting to see Pad Thai and Poutine in the same set of pictures!
Me too.
Well... except for the outside lights. But I won't try that until the snow's gone. Too dangerous.

This snow phenomenon just boggles my mind. When do you put up your decorations August? I only decorate the exterior since my kitties woukd chew on any interior decorations they could they their mouths on.

It's dipped a bit today. We were having unseasonably warm weather. It's -6 right now.

I wouldn't leave the house. I'd have my groceries delivered by Amazon and watch TV all day.

Pretty sure most people with a smattering of knowledge would be able to change a battery.

The hardest part is finding the right screwdriver to open the battery pack.

I won't do that ever again!
That was a once and done for the TR kinda deal.

I can understand that. I want to meet Groot, but never want to spend the time waiting.

Yes! You can set your account to private and just join our group. We aren't very scary! ;)

Jill in CO


Glad the judge ruled in your favor! People suck.

I know! We wont let ourselves get caught in that one again.

Are you planning on keeping all the kittens or looking at adopting them out once they are spayed/neutered? We're going to get a puppy in a couple months (litter was just born yesterday!) but the contract won't allow neutering until growth is completed (so about a year) This is ok though.

We're keeping them. We're too attached to them to let them go.

Looks like you had a nice evening at Animal Kingdom. Your review of River of Lights sounds like most people's reviews. We haven't seen it yet and I think I'm ok with that. You got some nice photos of it though!

I always like to see things for myself, but i also had not heard any reviews of this show before i saw it.

I can't believe even the rental scooter gave you issues. You did not have luck with scooters this trip.

I know. Thats why I hate renting them. She always goes with companies who are less expensive and you get what you pay for.
This snow phenomenon just boggles my mind. When do you put up your decorations August?

I usually try to put them up in October, actually. But this year I couldn't, since I hurt my back I had to wait until November. But... it starts getting dicey. I don't relish falling off the roof. Getting trapped up there this year was bad enough.

I only decorate the exterior since my kitties woukd chew on any interior decorations they could they their mouths on.


I wouldn't leave the house. I'd have my groceries delivered by Amazon and watch TV all day.

:laughing: If I didn't leave when it was cold.... I'd be stuck inside for 4-5 months!

The hardest part is finding the right screwdriver to open the battery pack.

Ah. Is it that star shaped one that no one has? Or just a Phillips?

I can understand that. I want to meet Groot, but never want to spend the time waiting.

I don't know if I'll ever wait again. I've done Ariel fun photos enough now, I think. What else is there to do? :confused3
I briefly considered Jack Skellington at Christmas, but... nah.

Unless I can think of something mildly amusing and there's not much of a wait... my character photos might be done.
I remember it being cold when i moved down for college 25 years ago. And there were still orange groves in the valley then as well, but they're long gone now.

Yes, sadly almost all of them are. :(

I hope so. I think i have her convinced. Maybe on our March 2019 trip with my parents.

I'll be interested to hear about that trip!

The other fun thing two weeks ago was the result of a predatory tenant who moved out last summer. He gave his 30 day notice, and then two weeks later moved out and turned in the keys. We had our contractor all set up to start work the day after he originally planned to move out and there was nothing we could do to change the schedule. Now I don’t know about other states, but in California a landlord must refund the security deposit or provide a detailed accounting of any deductions over $125 within 21 days of vacating the apartment.

Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid regulations.

Because this jerk moved out two weeks early, he felt that we needed to provide this two weeks before our planned timing for completing the work. We ended up in Small Claims court a couple weeks ago and the judge said that he would return his decision by mail as he needed to think about the case. We got a letter five days later that we won. Stupid jerk.

A choice word for butt pit comes to mind. Good for the judge. He ruled fairly.

I went back up to the buffet and this time I got a veggie samosa, some mealie pap, and Israeli cous cous. I didn't want to run out of room before dessert, hence the tiny portions.

A good strategy!


That bread pudding looks yummy! Is it as good as the stuff at Raglan Road?

Love this one!

As the ships returned to their docks the show ended. It was nice enough and we enjoyed the show, but don't need to see it again. It was kind if like a combination of Illuminations and World of Color, combining the least interesting facets of each show.


I don't think you meant this as funny, but I think it kinda was.

We retrieved her rental scooter and it didn't seem like it charged at all, so she stayed on my scooter and I rode the rental. By the time we got to the bus stop every station was mobbed.

So just like it is whenever I arrive at one on any given WDW evening.

We ended up waiting over an hour for a bus


Holy crap.
I very much enjoyed reading your trip report Allison and Fran. It was great to see all of the pictures. I always intend to take a lot of pictures, but then in the moment I forget. Thanks for posting this.
Well our next trip to Florida is starting to shape up! We have two nights before the cruise at Bay Lake Tower, and with the two bathrooms we can share the room with friends who will be joining us on the cruise. After the cruise we have a Grand Villa reserved at SSR and on the 1st of February I hope to change that to OKW. Now all we’re waiting for is Southwest to release their airfare on February 15th!

That looks very promising. I am glad that things are falling into place.

Still trying to rent apartment #3. Even though it's a nice and spacious place, it has no balcony or patio space and that seems to be a big drawback. But eventually someone will take it.

I continue to keep my fingers crossed for you.

Because this jerk moved out two weeks early, he felt that we needed to provide this two weeks before our planned timing for completing the work. We ended up in Small Claims court a couple weeks ago and the judge said that he would return his decision by mail as he needed to think about the case. We got a letter five days later that we won. Stupid jerk.

I am glad that this is over a done with and that the court found in your favour. Some people...

The kittens have completed the “kitten plan" at the vet and are ready to be spayed/neutered, but O’Malley caught a cold, and Amelia came down with pneumonia. She stayed at the vet last night (Fran took her in at around 11PM) and she’s spending tonight there too. O’Malley is taking antibiotics and hopefully his cough will go away. We brought in Tesla to the vet, cause he has been sneezing, but the vet said other than the sneezing he is healthy so she wants to let the virus run it’s course. We have a couple other kids who need to go in because they are sneezing too, but we have appointments for the kittens to be spayed/neutered and hopefully we can keep those appointments as they will be healthy when their dates roll around.

I hope that they are all better now. I enjoyed all the photos. They are so cute.

But before we went into the restaurant, we needed to find a parking space where Fran could plug in the rental scooter to charge. The battery was dipping really low, which was sad because we didn't leave the room until almost noon and it was only 4 o’clock.

That does not bode well.

We went back to Pandora hoping that the bioluminescent stuff would come on, but no luck.

Oh, what a shame.

There was a really pleasant surprise in the seating here. Normally handicapped accessible seats are all at the top of the theater, but they had built a walkway with no steps that led to the base of the stadium, and we were able to have a front row seat!

That is a really nice touch.

It was nice enough and we enjoyed the show, but don't need to see it again. It was kind if like a combination of Illuminations and World of Color, combining the least interesting facets of each show.

I loved all the photos. What a shame that it was nothing to write home about.

They had folks working each station to make sure enough buses were coming for each resort and they kept track of all the folks in scooters to make sure that they got on the buses in a fair and orderly manner.

That is good that they had this organized.

We ended up waiting over an hour for a bus and finally made it back to the room.

That seriously stinks.

Sounds like it's all coming together.

At least something is!

Still not rented. Hope it goes soon. :)

Me too! We could use the income!

So that's what you were going to court about.
Yeah... that's a dick move. I guess he figured you wouldn't go to court and just not bother. Good for you!

He was always stupid and a wuss as a tenant. He pissed me off when he gave notice by saying, "on such and such date i paid X amount of deposit. Since the place is in good order, i expect to receive my deposit in full."

Then when I saw the hole in the wall in the bathroom, like someone had punched it, i thought, "this mother...." board.

:) Love that shot.

They are cute!

Apartments and condos!

And duplexes too.

Hope all the kitties will be okay.

Me too. Amelia is in quarantine.

Stop ticking off the must do items! What did they ever do to you?

They wanted their full security deposit back. :laughing:

That's not very long. Time to replace that sucker.

'cept its a rental, I'm not paying for it.

Oh! I didn't even know Tusker was a buffet.
Not sure why not.

As far as I've known, its been one.

Interesting first course.

Sometimes she even starts with dessert.

Really! Would not have guessed. :)

It is actually one of my favorite dishes, in fact it was the first thing i made in my Instant Pot.

This is the kind of in depth reporting that keeps us coming back for more.


Why? I thought it was very tasty!

Looks really good!

Just about everything i had was.

Come on? Isn't it just glow in the dark, mostly?

I don't know since we didn't see it.

Huh! I don't remember those.

I don't remember where we found them.

Nice backlit shot!

Thats i took like 20 from there, different zooms and I was there for almost 15 minutes watching the sun lower in the sky.

Whoa! Can't get much closer than that!

Yeah, it was pretty cool!

Beautiful capture.


I started to say that this was a nice shot, but.... geez! They all are!
I could quote every one, but... all your shots are really nice, Alison.

:blush: Aw, so sweet.

Hmmm... Not exactly the highest praise.

Well i try to be honest....

:laughing: That strikes me as really funny.

I was trying to give the type of description that people could relate to.

Aw, man.... that's way too long. Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, i think thats the worst wait ive had to suffer.
Love the kitties!:love:

Tenants can be quite the headache at times! We have had the most awesome tenant the past two years and are worried what will happen when she is no longer able to live on her own.

Fingers crossed for your empty rental!

Beautiful pics of ROL. I still have not made it there!
Perfect comment - I was thinking something similar. It's nice enough show, but it's like they left off the finale - it just kind wanders around for 20 minutes and then it ends. I could see skipping it most of the time as well. If DD wants to see it in February, we'll do it, but knowing her she won't, and I don't think we'll fight it.

Yeah, that sums it up perfect. There really isn't a message to it. Like with WoC, it's exciting bright and new, then the evil part kicks in and there's fire, death and sadness, and out of that springs hope and joy and comes to a rousing conclusion. Similar thing for F! but like you said, it sort of meanders around and then ends.

I totally agree. It was beautiful but blah. A real let down from what it could be.

I was expecting a tad bit more....but not quite sure of what.

Hooray! When is that again?

Last week in August through Labor Day weekend. Not my ideal time to travel to Florida, but friend's schedule sort of dictates the time. Kind of like you with Julie and the kids.

Also, there was that ax murder, but we're not publicizing that.

::yes:: I know that when selling a house you have to disclose that there was a death there if it occurred within three years of the sale. I googled and it was vague about rentals, said the law varied by state.

What a pain! Glad it turned out in your favor.

I know, it wasn't the money for me, it was the principle. He was a jerk.

My ears are burning!

Actually I wasn't completely tjinking abput you there....

Adventurous! :rotfl2:

See what i mean?

Dang. I've heard that's pretty cool. Did you ever get to see it?

No not this trip. We realized on our last day, trying to do F&W AND see the new stuff at AK was too much for one trip.

Sweet! Looks like a good spot!

It was :goodvibes

Uh oh. After walking several miles through a theme park and dealing with kids on a hot day, this sounds like a bad idea.

I think Andy was smart to go back to the resort in the afternoon before his family saw the show. I could see the potential for meltdowns of tired children.

Well, there's a ringing endorsement! :rotfl:

Gotta be hpnest!

, for the love of...

Me too! We could use the income!

Hope it goes soon!
And considering what you've been telling me.... yes you could!!

He was always stupid and a wuss as a tenant. He pissed me off when he gave notice by saying, "on such and such date i paid X amount of deposit. Since the place is in good order, i expect to receive my deposit in full."

Then when I saw the hole in the wall in the bathroom, like someone had punched it, i thought, "this mother...." board.


But, yeah. What a jerk.

And duplexes too.

Oh, my!

Me too. Amelia is in quarantine.

How's she doing today?

They wanted their full security deposit back. :laughing:


'cept its a rental, I'm not paying for it.

Ah. Of course.

As far as I've known, its been one.

Uh, huh.
"pkondz hears about a restaurant at Disney with chara....." <slams door on way out>

Never been a fan of the character meals. When I brought the kids?
But... when I'm solo? I just want to enjoy my meal without the interruptions.

Sometimes she even starts with dessert.

I've told you how much I like her, right?

It is actually one of my favorite dishes, in fact it was the first thing i made in my Instant Pot.

How spicy was it?
Just wondering if my fam would like it.... they're real spice wusses.

Why? I thought it was very tasty!

Okay... I'll try it then.
It just sounds and looks unappealing.

Stems from reading a novel with "tasteless pap" I presume.

I don't know since we didn't see it.

Oh, too bad. That place is so much nicer at night.

Thats i took like 20 from there, different zooms and I was there for almost 15 minutes watching the sun lower in the sky.

That's good! A really good photographer will take the time to get the shot they want.

Well i try to be honest....

::yes:: I do too.

I was trying to give the type of description that people could relate to.

It worked! :laughing:

Yeah, i think thats the worst wait ive had to suffer.

That's really good that Disney thought ahead like that! I always feel bad when the people with accessibility issues are relegated to the top or farther away.

It was really nice for them to make several areas for accessible seating, I was pleasantly surprised.

Might actually bring in some clients.
But you probably don’t want those kinds.

Yeah, I don't think someone who would be intrigued would be our ideal tenant.

Hi, Allison! Just wanted to let you know I adore your trip reports!

Thank you! :goodvibes

Back :) hoping to keep more in the loop from now on!

Glad to have you back! I only have a few more updates left here. :sad2:

Oh the kittens - Love! they are so big and look so happy! I so miss having cats, but my DH is allergic so we can't have :(

Amelia just had a big scare at the vet, but everyone else is doing fine. Two of them go in for their spay appointments tomorrow morning.

I am very much looking forward to getting back to WDW when the baby is bigger (big ask to fly that far right now) and looking forward to seeing Pandora (Your pictures are fantastic! I must admit I didn't look at them too closely, as I want to be surprised to some degree when I do get there) but I, like you, still think to some degree "Why Pandora?" DD13 is a huge fan though, so I know she will enjoy it, whenever we get there.

There is plenty of stuff to be surprised by. Even looking at my pictures, you will still be amazed when you see it in person.

Yummy food pics though! it was interesting to see Pad Thai and Poutine in the same set of pictures!

I thought it was a rather eclectic menu with quite a few things that were appealing.
I usually try to put them up in October, actually. But this year I couldn't, since I hurt my back I had to wait until November. But... it starts getting dicey. I don't relish falling off the roof. Getting trapped up there this year was bad enough.

OK so there must be a story behind that....spill the beans....

:laughing: If I didn't leave when it was cold.... I'd be stuck inside for 4-5 months!

I think I might be OK with that.

Ah. Is it that star shaped one that no one has? Or just a Phillips?

No it's a Phillips, but it's the length of the screwdriver is problematic, it needs to be long enough to access all of the screws. Some of them have a really long shaft to get to them.

I don't know if I'll ever wait again. I've done Ariel fun photos enough now, I think. What else is there to do? :confused3
I briefly considered Jack Skellington at Christmas, but... nah.

Unless I can think of something mildly amusing and there's not much of a wait... my character photos might be done.

I'm sure you will come up with something eventually.

Yes, sadly almost all of them are. :(

I think CSUN has a few token orange groves left, but real estate has such a high price and oranges just don't stand up to that.

I'll be interested to hear about that trip!

I'm sure there will be a TR. We have taken several trips with my parents, Vegas, Cape Cod, WDW in 2010. It's for March 2019, my Mom likes plants so we're going during F&G.

Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid regulations.

I can see where they need it for slum lords, but it kinda sucks with honest folks like us.

A choice word for butt pit comes to mind. Good for the judge. He ruled fairly.

I would crack up if he (the tenant) used us as a reference for a future apartment. He seems that stupid.

That bread pudding looks yummy! Is it as good as the stuff at Raglan Road?

I haven't had the stuff from Raglan Road, so I can't say.

Love this one!

Thanks! :goodvibes


I don't think you meant this as funny, but I think it kinda was.

I was trying to be funny while putting it in perspective that DIS folks could appreciate.

So just like it is whenever I arrive at one on any given WDW evening.

Well maybe worse.


Holy crap.

Yeah. Having a scooter sucks. Only two can ride on any given bus.

I very much enjoyed reading your trip report Allison and Fran. It was great to see all of the pictures. I always intend to take a lot of pictures, but then in the moment I forget. Thanks for posting this.

Thanks! I still have a day and a half left, and then some bonus features from DL!

That looks very promising. I am glad that things are falling into place.

Yes they are. We got OKW for the days after the cruise, now its just airfare.

I continue to keep my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks, it's a crappy time of year for people to move.

I am glad that this is over a done with and that the court found in your favour. Some people...

I know. It had me stressing over it for the past couple months. And it will change the way that I handle tenants vacating foreer.

I hope that they are all better now. I enjoyed all the photos. They are so cute.

Well Amelia is on the mend, but there is a cold going through the house...

That does not bode well.


Oh, what a shame.

We decided we need to go back and stay at AKV not during F&W so that we can see it in detail.

That is a really nice touch.

Yes, I was very surprised.

I loved all the photos. What a shame that it was nothing to write home about.

I was disappointed that I didn't like it better.

That is good that they had this organized.

They sort of have to. There were so many people with scooters that we saw at least 4 buses leave before we finally got on one.

That seriously stinks.

Yeah, but we did stop to go potty and look in the shops before we left. Plus we let other people go up the path before we tried to exit the show. If we had been aggressive about getting to the bus stop we may have had better luck.

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