The scariest ride you ever rode in disney world

Tower of terror. Total loss of control, I felt like I was plummeting to my death.

That is exactly how it makes me feel. Not fun.

Tower of Terror! Will never, ever, ever ride that ride again even if you offered me a million dollars to do it.

As much as I hate it, I'd probably do it for $100. Maybe even $50. ;)

Scariest ride ever for my son-in-law. Space Mountain without the bar locked in place.

He is 6' 8" and, as it was his first visit to Disney, didn't know to ask for the front seat. As a result, he could not put his legs down so had them bent at the knees. The bar would not push down far enough to lock in place. He faked the "push up on bar" drill.

I always assumed they had some kind of light board that turned when each seat had a locked bar. Either that doesn't exist, or it malfunctions enough that he got away with it.

Anyway, he thought it was a "kiddie ride" but ended up hanging on for his life during the whole ride. To this day, he won't go near it. He is not convinced the front seat has enough leg room for him.
I rode Everest last trip, and it really was awful! I screamed so much, I was hoarse for 3 days!:eek::upsidedow My daughter loved it, though. I don't ride TOT anymore...don't like the drop! Wont ride Rockin Roller Coaster...Hey! I just realized I am turning into a chicken! All I have left to say is BRUCK,BRUCK, BRUCK! (That's a chicken sound!)
I never had a problem with any ride, anywhere, until my bad moment on Everest. I was fine until we went backwards.....I literally felt as though I was going to pass out.:scared1: On the way down, I had visions of the coaster pulling in with my limp body slumped over in my seat, and my poor family having to deal with it all. To this day I don't know how I managed to remain conscious. No more Everest.....I don't think backwards G forces agree with me.
I don't even know the name of the ride that scared me. It was a 2 person tube ride at one of the water parks. We walked up a lot of steps and where way up on what seemed like a mountain to me,I am very afraid of heights. The tube track was on the right side on the edge of the mountain. When we started down the tube run it felt like our tube was going to fly off the track and over embankment down the hill. My husband says I kept saying make it stop over and over again. I just remember thinking it was never going to end. I love Crusher Gusher because they have a cover over them. My fear is the tube flying off the track not water slides them self.
I am sorry I opens this thread because now I am not sure if tot will stay in my. Bucket list

Back on topic astro orbit something it is Mk any way I was convinced I was going to fall out
tinkerbellandeeyor said:
Back on topic astro orbit something it is Mk any way I was convinced I was going to fall out

THIS! Astro was on my to-do list when I went in March because in 13 years of trips with my family, we'd never done it. As soon as it started I was convinced I was going to fall out and clung to the sides with a look of horror on my face until we got off. Never again!
Like alot of others I'd have to say TOT and Dinosaur. When I rode them years ago with my DH I tolerated them. But apparently the older I get the bigger wuss I became! I was covering my children for dear life in Dinosaur LOL. Logically I knew it was just a ride but dang, that's a very realistic dinosaur!!

On TOT when he and I rode it years ago it was before the seat belts so it was that lap bar. I was thinner then, before kids, and a larger gentleman sat in my row. I was on the end. I remember every drop half my body felt like it was flying out! Even still I tried it again, and nope, never going to do it again!
I was terrified of ToT the first time I rode it!! But I ended up absolutely loving it! Now I'm older, and it makes me a bit queasy, but I force myself to ride because my sister loves it so much :scared1:

I'm still too scared to ride Mission: Space. I don't see myself ever riding that one!!
I rode Everest last trip, and it really was awful! I screamed so much, I was hoarse for 3 days!:eek::upsidedow My daughter loved it, though. I don't ride TOT anymore...don't like the drop! Wont ride Rockin Roller Coaster...Hey! I just realized I am turning into a chicken! All I have left to say is BRUCK,BRUCK, BRUCK! (That's a chicken sound!)

My DD7 rode this last week and has not stopped raving about how she loved it! Couldn't pay me enough to ride it!
Mission Space: Team Orange

I rode it a couple a weeks ago because it had been awhile since I did the Orange side. And now I understand why I no longer do Team Orange.

This I have tried every ride. TOT, Rock and Roller Coaster, Dinosaur, none felt like Mission Space Orange. I felt like my chest was compressed and I lost my breath. I tried MS Green first and it wasn't bad, so decided to try Orange. :scared1: Never again!
Oh, this is embarrassing, but it was Honey I Shrunk The Audience. The bit where the mice get loose in the theater. I actually screamed and cried in terror, and I was 30 years old! For this reason, I won't even go near It's Tough To Be A Bug. :faint:
Normal scary.. Tower of Terror.
Claustrophobic scary.. when we got stuck on Splash Mountain and I had a panic attack because I was trapped. That was fun:crazy2:
Normal scary.. Tower of Terror.
Claustrophobic scary.. when we got stuck on Splash Mountain and I had a panic attack because I was trapped. That was fun:crazy2:

I had the same thing happen on Test Track, the ride stopped for about 5min and I was crammed in the back with two other adults. I wanted out of that car :crazy2: and I never had a problem with being claustrophobic before.:confused3


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