The Running Thread --2025

Just back from Disney World; we planned a trip to see Alan Jackson in Orlando and then hit the world. Friday I ran from the Polynesian (stayed in Moorea as part of DVC) all the way around to the Contemporary (including going through security twice). Little over 4 miles in a mild upper 60s run that was very enjoyable. A chance to run by the resorts and the MK was way too juicy to pass up. Now that I have run the route from GF to MK, I cannot fathom running the half or full route on that narrow of a piece of pavement given the size of these races. It's a gorgeous route but never built for a road race of that size.

I literally ran Mike Rahlmam aka beourguestmike as I ran through the GF. He is a beast of a runner.
Sunscreen? :rolleyes1
Yeah, that's pretty much been me any time I'm running. I need it if I'm going to be walking outside for more than 30 minutes or so, otherwise I burn, but somehow when I'm running I'm faster than the burn-causing rays 😂

But a couple people in my family have had to have little melanomas removed this year (caught plenty early, thankfully) so I'm trying to find a better solution than nothing before summer comes. I've also got a derm visit scheduled for the end of the month, just to get checked out, and establish a baseline to catch any odd spots in the future.
If will be running between the hours of 10 and 5ish, I use sunscreen. My choice is my normal face moisturizer with sunscreen (Cetaphil) and then Banana Boat Sport (15-35 spf, whichever I have, I don’t think you gain much extra protection above 15).
I burn pretty easily too and this has worked fine for me.
ATTQOTD: I'm not great about using unless I go a longer run (>1 hr) Then, I will use SPF 30 on my arms and legs--nothing too smelly. We've generally checked out what Wirecutter recommends. The face is a different issue. Regular chemical sunscreen runs with the sweat and stings my eyes. I think last summer I was using Blue Lizard (physical sunscreen)--but not everyone likes a zinc oxide based sunscreen.

It's the face that is always the problem.

As I live in a country where default sky colour is Grey and weather is usually raining, cold or both I tend not to use it. On the sunny days we get I should use it but as its not a habit it always gets forgotten............ Maybe this summer ill do better.
Sunscreen? :rolleyes1
The irony here is that I'm pretty strict with the kids about sunscreen when they're younger.....longsleeve rashguards, hats, etc when we go to the beach. I figure I'm just banking as much Vitamin D as I possibly can in the summer months since we have almost no sun from mid-November to March. I also try to avoid peak UV index hours, except for beach days and then I'm obviously going to wear sunscreen. But for a run? I'm usually seeking shade on hot and sunny days so it's a wash imo.
I've had 3 basal cells removed from my face in the last 6 years so I'm religious in the summer about facial sunscreen, especially on runs. I use Neutrogena facial sunscreen 70 spf... It does get in my eyes a bit, and I look like a ghost when I'm done and it has mixed with my sweat, but it's a price I'm willing to pay.
ATTQOTD: Floridian here, who goes through a metric TON of sunscreen, so I’m unwilling to pay for fancy stuff… but I also have very sensitive skin prone to breakouts and can’t tolerate any scents. For my face, I use either Sun Bum’s or Neutrogena’s face-specific formulas - I like both equally, they use the same ingredients, so I just get whatever has the lower price at the time. For the rest of me, Banana Boat Sport, preferably a generic of it to save money. Both 50SPF, both unscented, both blend in really nicely without leaving any greasy feel or white residue. I don’t use sunscreen on my forehead because I wear a hat or visor, so no issue of sunscreen in my eyes.
, I don’t think you gain much extra protection above 15).
I think this maybe depends a lot on location and one’s sun sensitivity. Here in FL, I’ve not found ANY SPF to totally prevent my very fair skin from tanning, but using 50SPF results in a light amount of tan, whereas 30SPF results in a whole lot of tan and some burning, and 15SPF may as well be nothing because I’ll burn through it in 20 minutes or less. Up North, I was able to use the lower SPFs just fine, but not down here.
I think this maybe depends a lot on location and one’s sun sensitivity. Here in FL, I’ve not found ANY SPF to totally prevent my very fair skin from tanning, but using 50SPF results in a light amount of tan, whereas 30SPF results in a whole lot of tan and some burning, and 15SPF may as well be nothing because I’ll burn through it in 20 minutes or less. Up North, I was able to use the lower SPFs just fine, but not down here.
Agree, south GA here after growing up in NY. My skin would FRY if I tried using 15.
I think this maybe depends a lot on location and one’s sun sensitivity. Here in FL, I’ve not found ANY SPF to totally prevent my very fair skin from tanning, but using 50SPF results in a light amount of tan, whereas 30SPF results in a whole lot of tan and some burning, and 15SPF may as well be nothing because I’ll burn through it in 20 minutes or less. Up North, I was able to use the lower SPFs just fine, but not down here.
Agree, south GA here after growing up in NY. My skin would FRY if I tried using 15.
This is interesting and everyone is different. I will also burn in 15-30 minutes if I don’t wear sunscreen - and my skin pretty much doesn’t tan. I’m either white or burned red. 😬🤣

I don’t live that much farther north. I grew up in central Oklahoma (now in KS). I have lived at high elevation in the Rocky Mountains (7000+ ft) and worked at a summer camp (outside all the time) in the Austin/San Antonio area of Texas, and 15 has worked for me. I have to make sure I put it on 30 minutes before I go outside.

30 gets 4% more protection than 15 and 50 gets 1% more than 30 (based on a basic, quick google search - so who knows how accurate that is, but it sounds about right from previous research).

ETA: I hope this didn’t come across as rude. I believe each of you - our skin is different and responds differently.
This is interesting and everyone is different. I will also burn in 15-30 minutes if I don’t wear sunscreen - and my skin pretty much doesn’t tan. I’m either white or burned red. 😬🤣

I don’t live that much farther north. I grew up in central Oklahoma (now in KS). I have lived at high elevation in the Rocky Mountains (7000+ ft) and worked at a summer camp (outside all the time) in the Austin/San Antonio area of Texas, and 15 has worked for me. I have to make sure I put it on 30 minutes before I go outside.

30 gets 4% more protection than 15 and 50 gets 1% more than 30 (based on a basic, quick google search - so who knows how accurate that is, but it sounds about right from previous research).

ETA: I hope this didn’t come across as rude. I believe each of you - our skin is different and responds differently.
No, not rude at all! I’ve seen the data, too, and I believe it - but that small % extra protection seems to make a big difference for me. A hypothesis: maybe adding in the sweat factor makes a difference, too? Perhaps the higher SPF does a better job than a lower SPF with a whole lot of sweat in the mix? I suspect a 15 would be fine for me on a short winter run, when I’m not sweating as much and in the sun less time, vs. a 2-hour run in June, when I’m dripping sweat within 15 minutes and the sun is most intense. I’m unwilling to buy a bunch of different sunscreens to see, though, so 50 it is, year-round lol!
This is interesting and everyone is different. I will also burn in 15-30 minutes if I don’t wear sunscreen - and my skin pretty much doesn’t tan. I’m either white or burned red. 😬🤣

I don’t live that much farther north. I grew up in central Oklahoma (now in KS). I have lived at high elevation in the Rocky Mountains (7000+ ft) and worked at a summer camp (outside all the time) in the Austin/San Antonio area of Texas, and 15 has worked for me. I have to make sure I put it on 30 minutes before I go outside.

30 gets 4% more protection than 15 and 50 gets 1% more than 30 (based on a basic, quick google search - so who knows how accurate that is, but it sounds about right from previous research).

ETA: I hope this didn’t come across as rude. I believe each of you - our skin is different and responds differently.
Not rude sounding at all. I wish I could get away with 15! I'm also white or burned red, no tan. Or the freckles on my arms come out enough that from far away it MIGHT appear to be tan 🤣

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