The Running Thread--2024

Probably dropping back to Start wave K instead of D. Approx 8:00 start time. You guys will probably be long gone, but I'll be on the lookout. Now I'm trying to catch @Disney at Heart, rather than the other way around!
We are in place at the top of Embassy Suites right now! I'll start around +\- 7:30, but with the heat (and age) I’ll be walking a lot. I’m thinking I’ll make Piedmont park around 8:45-8:50 + a few extra minutes visiting with @garneska, Mr. G, and Whiskey around Peachtree and 10th! You might catch me or at least won’t be far behind! When I get there I’ll get in the line to pick up a medal, because, you know, I have a runDisney medal rack, and then I’ll head toward the Tavern and the long walk to MARTA. I’ll be trying to spot you, @princesspirateandrunner, and also Puppet Runner who has been in my corral at WDW and P’tree before. He’s in H this year.
Quick question:

Looking at getting DS2 some sort of towel seat cover for his car (because super-sweaty summer running and then normal-sweaty XC and track season running.) Anyone have a recommendation for these? Sprints? Turtle towels? Costco "bath sheet" towel (or a beach towel) with some added elastic?
I have one of these and it works great. I like that it covers the headrest, because my head sweats like mad
We are in place at the top of Embassy Suites right now! I'll start around +\- 7:30, but with the heat (and age) I’ll be walking a lot. I’m thinking I’ll make Piedmont park around 8:45-8:50 + a few extra minutes visiting with @garneska, Mr. G, and Whiskey around Peachtree and 10th! You might catch me or at least won’t be far behind! When I get there I’ll get in the line to pick up a medal, because, you know, I have a runDisney medal rack, and then I’ll head toward the Tavern and the long walk to MARTA. I’ll be trying to spot you, @princesspirateandrunner, and also Puppet Runner who has been in my corral at WDW and P’tree before. He’s in H this year.
Sorry that I will not get to see any of you guys tomorrow morning. I’m still not sure if the tides will cooperate and let us run on the sand, and if not then we will be on the beach road in the morning for our virtual PTRR. The son wants to be up early and get it done with, which is fine other than the fact that he usually does not get up early…
Well there was hiccups this morning. Dad put the bungee cord on the front wheel and we forgot it was there until the start. And then my chain got loose so I couldn’t pull at all for a few minutes.

All of this before I managed to trip the timing mat mind you. Because they had us funnel into that from the downhill part they had us in.

I was expecting a 30-40 minute 5k after driving the course yesterday. And seeing how many hills there were. Still needed help because even with the gears and me pulling as much as possible. I couldn’t quite get myself up some of the steepest parts on my own power.

But that didn’t stop me from running away with it figuratively. Clocking a time so fast that I not only managed to catch up to the duo that had the head start and got off with no problem. But shaved off 13 minutes off my old 5k time.

24:46. I’ve never clocked a sub 8 in racing let alone in 90 degree heat. Hell I’ve never clocked it in training either. And this was extremely unexpected with the uphills. The downhills just managed to exceed them.

Will be feeling this tomorrow I can already tell. But man what away to bounce out of Grandmas.

I am going to have so much fun goofing off at the Halloween weekend with my cycle. Because I could tell it not being my personal (still being made) wasn’t helping. Sure wasn’t stopping me. But it wasn’t helping.IMG_9446.jpeg
This morning’s PTRR was, IMHO, a debacle. The T+D was already 161 at 7:30-8:30. I have done training runs in this sort of heat and humidity, not to mention 15+ actual Peachtree road races. But the Peachtree at least has shade for more than half the race. This morning we were running directly into the rising sun, and there was not a bit of shade anywhere. I made it to the halfway point and self preservation kicked in and I walked the remaining 3 miles back. As a result, my time was something on the order of an hour and 20 minutes. Meanwhile, the Pensacola Beach 5K was going on literally across the street from us, but it had not occurred to me to see if there was a race being run this morning or else we might have entered it for a two-fer. Just dang.
But, as my son noted, at least it was a flat course…
As I trudged back to the condo, cue the thoughts of how not-fun it was and why was I out here and why am I signed up to do 6x this distance in January?
And then countdown to about a week from now looking for a Thanksgiving half to run…

@Mr_Incr3dible Atlanta Track Club has their Thanksgiving Half near you! Join us!

I was just south of Daytona in June. Always got up at 5:30 and was on the beach by 6:00 so the first couple of miles were before sunrise. At about 3 miles, if the sun was out, I left the beach and came back on a road that was mostly shady while the sun was still low. The T+D was always 173-175.

Today’s live Peachtree started off with a yellow flag, but by the end, it was red and then black flagged. My time was 1:16:33, so this year’s shirt was hard earned by all!
@Mr_Incr3dible Atlanta Track Club has their Thanksgiving Half near you! Join us!

I was just south of Daytona in June. Always got up at 5:30 and was on the beach by 6:00 so the first couple of miles were before sunrise. At about 3 miles, if the sun was out, I left the beach and came back on a road that was mostly shady while the sun was still low. The T+D was always 173-175.

Today’s live Peachtree started off with a yellow flag, but by the end, it was red and then black flagged. My time was 1:16:33, so this year’s shirt was hard earned by all!
Black flagged! Wow. If that has happened before, I don’t remember it.
I would’ve been done well before the red flag came out, but that is still some brutal heat and humidity.
Golf clap and kudos for 1:16!
There is a very local half that I may do for Thanksgiving, but I’ll keep the other one in mind.
@Disney at Heart, Sorry we didn’t get to see you yesterday. That was not a race that should be done untrained, but I did. I finished, but it took a lot out of me. When we saw the line for the member party stretching back so far, it just wasn’t worth it. I’ve never seen the line so long! We skipped the party, and headed to Metrofresh instead.

@Mr_Incr3dible, I can recall at least one other time that Peachtree was black flagged. Several years ago, a storm came up during the race. I think I was around mile two when a massive bolt of lightning went across the sky. They let us finish, but held the waves that hadn’t started yet. As I recall, it was maybe waves M and back, so there were a bunch of people scrambling for any shelter they could find. When I finished, the park was just a mudhole, and they weren’t letting anyone stay. I’m not sure what year that was, but maybe six or seven years ago? I remember that my iPod was fried from the rain, so it was back when I was still running with an iPod. I’m not sure if I remember it ever being black flagged for heat before.
@Disney at Heart, Sorry we didn’t get to see you yesterday. That was not a race that should be done untrained, but I did. I finished, but it took a lot out of me. When we saw the line for the member party stretching back so far, it just wasn’t worth it. I’ve never seen the line so long! We skipped the party, and headed to Metrofresh instead.

@Mr_Incr3dible, I can recall at least one other time that Peachtree was black flagged. Several years ago, a storm came up during the race. I think I was around mile two when a massive bolt of lightning went across the sky. They let us finish, but held the waves that hadn’t started yet. As I recall, it was maybe waves M and back, so there were a bunch of people scrambling for any shelter they could find. When I finished, the park was just a mudhole, and they weren’t letting anyone stay. I’m not sure what year that was, but maybe six or seven years ago? I remember that my iPod was fried from the rain, so it was back when I was still running with an iPod. I’m not sure if I remember it ever being black flagged for heat before.
We also skipped the member party. With a line that long, I can’t imagine how crowded it would be inside. I wish I’d seen y’all and @OldSlowGoofyGuy, but was glad to see @garneska.
I also remember the stormy PTRR. DH was already in the Tavern at Piedmont Park, DS and DIL were evacuated into Phipps Plaza, and I was running just past Cardiac Hill. I asked a volunteer, “What do I do?” And he yelled back, “Run faster!” so I kept running. When things calmed down, they released the waves still at the start and DS and DIL also finished.
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Another Peachtree finisher here! It was brutally hot, but I managed to post a PR of 58:19.

I also decided to skip the Atlanta Track Club members party after seeing the line. Insane!

I'm signed-up for the Decatur 4 miler in August, the 10 miler in Oct, and the half on Thanksgiving Day. Would love to meet up with any other ATL-area runners if interested. I'm still relatively new to running, and about to start training for the full (my first) during MW '25.
@Cliff Secord welcome. I am an ATL runner. There are a few of us.

My PTRR report. I did not sign up and it was a good thing. I did however do my scheduled prescribed run. It now consists of 1:15 run intervals. Next week I move to 1:30. After seeing @Disney at Heart, i said i was glad i did not sign up. Not because of the weather, but because i would have done too much on my knee. It was good to just go out and do my run. I did see my PT as she was running up 10th ST. We took Whisky to see the parade and she was terrified. Too many loud sounds. July 4th is trauma day for her, she had the race, a car ride to see my mom, then a thunderstorm, and finally fireworks. She was glued to us.

Now I am getting ready to head to Disney tomorrow.

Another Peachtree finisher here! It was brutally hot, but I managed to post a PR of 58:19.

I also decided to skip the Atlanta Track Club members party after seeing the line. Insane!

I'm signed-up for the Decatur 4 miler in August, the 10 miler in Oct, and the half on Thanksgiving Day. Would love to meet up with any other ATL-area runners if interested. I'm still relatively new to running, and about to start training for the full (my first) during MW '25.
Congrats on both the PR and being signed up for MW ‘25. Looking forward to seeing you there at our meet ups.
Another Peachtree finisher here! It was brutally hot, but I managed to post a PR of 58:19.

I also decided to skip the Atlanta Track Club members party after seeing the line. Insane!

I'm signed-up for the Decatur 4 miler in August, the 10 miler in Oct, and the half on Thanksgiving Day. Would love to meet up with any other ATL-area runners if interested. I'm still relatively new to running, and about to start training for the full (my first) during MW '25.
DH and I are 1.5-2 hours up I-85 from ATL but we are doing Triple Peach as well as all W&D in November and Goofy in Jan. We are not nearly as fast as you (my PTRR time was 1:16:33 from Wave F) and probably much older, too, but love to meet up with other Dis’ers. (See garneska’s picture!) We’ll be in Atlantic Station the afternoon before the 10 miler. That may be a time to meet. (Or you could wait around at the finish line for us to finally finish… NOT!)
DH and I are 1.5-2 hours up I-85 from ATL but we are doing Triple Peach as well as all W&D in November and Goofy in Jan. We are not nearly as fast as you (my PTRR time was 1:16:33 from Wave F) and probably much older, too, but love to meet up with other Dis’ers. (See garneska’s picture!) We’ll be in Atlantic Station the afternoon before the 10 miler. That may be a time to meet. (Or you could wait around at the finish line for us to finally finish… NOT!)
My wife and I enjoyed meeting you at this past MW! You were very welcoming and fun to talk with.
QotD for gulf coast people:

What is the strongest tropical weather you have been or would go running in?


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