The Running Thread - 2019

Interesting. I live in Seattle (cold and wet) and find Disneyland Paris much cheaper than WDW races. Of course that is not considering hotel since I am DVC at WDW and have to pay for a room in Paris. Both are great choices!
The prices I quoted didn't include the cost of the race (I forgot about that expense). I think the price defintely depends on what offer is on at the time. We visited DL Paris in March this year, and they had an offer on 'book 2 nights, get 2 nights free' and it was a bargain. September in DL Paris would be perfect timing as February 2021 seems so far away. I will weigh up both options as I may be able to persuade a friend to join me in DL Paris, which would half the room costs.

As with all Disney trips, the planning is so exciting. I just need to hit the pavement and put the miles in too.
My Zwift Runpod came today! Excited to try it out later. Any tips?

Follow the calibration steps very carefully. It needs to be calibrated well in order to give you the best results. Using the pod outside and then synching it using the Milestone app helps keep it calibrated too.
I will weigh up both options as I may be able to persuade a friend to join me in DL Paris, which would half the room costs.
As with all Disney trips, the planning is so exciting. I just need to hit the pavement and put the miles in too.

Hi! Just wanted to pop in and add that I'm living in the U.K. right now, too, and will be doing the DLP Half next September. (And the Wine and Dine in November.) So if you do decide to go next fall, I love having DISmeets and would be more than happy to meet up and say hello. :goodvibes I will say, this year's race is a little more expensive and filling up faster than previous years, no doubt because it's the 5th Anniversary.
Hello everyone, I am new to this thread. I've recently taken up running again after a few years break. I am not one of those runners who 'needs' to run, but I do it to keep fit and try to manage my weight (I recently turned 50 😟). I haven't gone beyond 5k very often yet as I have been working on my speed, but I am looking to step up to 10k after winter. I need a goal/reward to encourage me, so as a regular Disney visitor I have been researching run Disney events. However, it would be a solo trip. (from UK) I am happy to run solo so I can do it all at my own pace, but I would like to meet up with people for a meal or two during my trip. Is this possible? I would love to hear from anyone who's done this, who can offer some advice.

I just did Wine and Dine last month. This was a mostly solo trip - I say this because I pretty much travelled solo (long haul international flights, hotels, etc), but I met up a few times with a friend who lives near WDW, and we also did the 5K race together. I was on my own for the 10K and half marathon races.

I think the first question is - would you be happy doing a solo trip to Disney by yourself? Personally I am extremely happy and comfortable with solo trips (and I didn't know I was until I did my first Disney solo trip a few years back), but it can be hard to predict if you've not done one before. One way to see if you might be OK is to go out for a meal on your own, or go to a movie on your own, or a local amusement park on your own - if you find you are comfortable with doing these then solo Disney trips shouldn't be a huge issue!

When I did Wine and Dine, there was a thread here and there was a meetup organised at Hurricane Hanna's (pool bar at the Beach/Yacht club), so I went along to that and met a few other people from here! I was also on a couple of runDisney facebook groups and they were also organising meetups (didn't go for those though as I don't interact much in those groups).

There is also an Adults and Solo travellers board here, and I seem to recall there used to be a meetup thread in there. I'm not sure how active or how good it is though (and usual internet precautions apply with meeting strangers off the internet!) as I've not used it myself.

Oh, and I also did the DLP races in 2017 solo. This was completely solo and I was on my own for the entire trip, including my long haul flights, hotels, and the races. I stayed off-site (at the Val d'Europe area) to save on hotel costs, and at DLP it helps that the off-site hotels are very accessible. I was actually able to walk from the hotel I was at to DLP - this was like a 20-30 minute walk, but it was nice not to need to depend on transport especially when heading to the races.

Will add that I did enjoy the DLP races and loved the race routes the year I did it (5k and 10k almost all inside the parks; half marathon was 1/3 inside the parks, 1/3 in the surrounding area, and 1/3 around the hotels). I also liked being able to walk everywhere, without needing to depend on runDisney transport.

However now having done a WDW race weekend, I find the WDW race weekend organisation to be much better than DLP. Also, the Expo at WDW was amazing, with lots of official merchandise, and lots of vendors selling running stuff I actually wanted and would use; the DLP Expo was tiny with very little official merchandise and very little stuff I was interested in. I think I definitely enjoyed the Wine and Dine race weekend I just did a lot more than the DLP race weekend I did two years ago...
I think the first question is - would you be happy doing a solo trip to Disney by yourself?

Thanks for your reply and all the information about both destinations. Yes I am very happy to visit WDW solo, I intend to stay for at least a week, maybe 10 days so I can enjoy all the parks after the run, and look forward to pleasing myself with park plans, fastpasses, dining etc. I have flown back from WDW alone for 8 years (I had to return before the others for work) so the flight is not an issue either.

But as this will my first Disney run I thought it would be nice to meet up with fellow runners for a meal before/after the runs. I will watch out for threads nearer the time about meet ups with fellow runners. I have never met up with anyone via the internet before, which is why I was asking about group meet ups rather than making arrangements with just an individual person.

I already have quite a few holidays (vacations) booked for 2020 so it's likely to be February 2021 for WDW, but I may try to persuade my friend to come to DLP for 4 or 5 days in September so we can split the room costs.

An ex-colleague of mine died of cancer yesterday at the age of 54, and this has spurred me on, as life is short and you never know what's around the corner. I am 50 so need to seize the day, and where better to do this than Disney :)
Hello everyone, I am new to this thread. I've recently taken up running again after a few years break. I am not one of those runners who 'needs' to run, but I do it to keep fit and try to manage my weight (I recently turned 50 😟). I haven't gone beyond 5k very often yet as I have been working on my speed, but I am looking to step up to 10k after winter. I need a goal/reward to encourage me, so as a regular Disney visitor I have been researching run Disney events. However, it would be a solo trip. (from UK) I am happy to run solo so I can do it all at my own pace, but I would like to meet up with people for a meal or two during my trip. Is this possible? I would love to hear from anyone who's done this, who can offer some advice.
I have done solo trips and solo races at WDW. Some of the best weekends of my life. I highly recommend them. There will always be meet ups with people if you want.
Question for everyone. I have been having knee pain on the inside of both knees. It is burning right next to my knee caps. I have been trying to figure out what it could be. I had to take yesterday off as I am afraid to make things worse. I have no swelling or any other symptoms. I don’t think it’s IT band issues as that pain is supposed to be on the outside of the knee.

It could be from pushing things too hard. Last month I only did around 45 miles and this month I was on pace for roughly 90, with a previous high of 65 in October.

I have no problem running through pain. I am just afraid to do damage. Any ideas?
Question for everyone. I have been having knee pain on the inside of both knees. It is burning right next to my knee caps. I have been trying to figure out what it could be. I had to take yesterday off as I am afraid to make things worse. I have no swelling or any other symptoms. I don’t think it’s IT band issues as that pain is supposed to be on the outside of the knee.

It could be from pushing things too hard. Last month I only did around 45 miles and this month I was on pace for roughly 90, with a previous high of 65 in October.

I have no problem running through pain. I am just afraid to do damage. Any ideas?
If you are nervous about it I would see a doctor. But I’ve been know to to ignore injuries.
If you are nervous about it I would see a doctor. But I’ve been know to to ignore injuries.
Believe me, I will be doing that if needed. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. I am just fearful because I **** down my running for 9-10 months because of my ankle and the doctor had no idea what it was and I finally did my own research and it was stretching that solved the problem. I am so tight in my legs I wonder if it might be something similar given no other symptoms. I just don’t want to lose another 10 months of running for no reason.
Believe me, I will be doing that if needed. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. I am just fearful because I **** down my running for 9-10 months because of my ankle and the doctor had no idea what it was and I finally did my own research and it was stretching that solved the problem. I am so tight in my legs I wonder if it might be something similar given no other symptoms. I just don’t want to lose another 10 months of running for no reason.

I am no expert on diagnosis of issues but do you foam roll at all? While I am not as diligent with foam rolling as I should be, it has definitely been a big plus for me over the last few years. I also do hot yoga a couple of times a week and find it to be beneficial.

I am also guilty of ignoring injuries but have gotten a little better. I agree with going to see a doc if there is any uncertainty or doubt.
Question for everyone. I have been having knee pain on the inside of both knees. It is burning right next to my knee caps. I have been trying to figure out what it could be. I had to take yesterday off as I am afraid to make things worse. I have no swelling or any other symptoms. I don’t think it’s IT band issues as that pain is supposed to be on the outside of the knee.

It could be from pushing things too hard. Last month I only did around 45 miles and this month I was on pace for roughly 90, with a previous high of 65 in October.

I have no problem running through pain. I am just afraid to do damage. Any ideas?

I get not wanting to see a dr. I don't always think drs are helpful, but if you can afford it i would go find a physical therapist that works with runners. i go to my PT once a month, i pay for it out of pocket as i don't have a dr referral, but she keeps me going with any random things. Right now i am dealing with a knee issue. In order to get a correct diagnosis i would need an MRI. However i am not doing that right now. I can still run and walk but i know something is going on. PT gave me exercises for my knee and that has already helped. I figure with her i can get through and try to keep myself from getting that MRI.
I get not wanting to see a dr. I don't always think drs are helpful, but if you can afford it i would go find a physical therapist that works with runners. i go to my PT once a month, i pay for it out of pocket as i don't have a dr referral, but she keeps me going with any random things. Right now i am dealing with a knee issue. In order to get a correct diagnosis i would need an MRI. However i am not doing that right now. I can still run and walk but i know something is going on. PT gave me exercises for my knee and that has already helped. I figure with her i can get through and try to keep myself from getting that MRI.

I’ll second this wholeheartedly. If you can find a pt that specializes in running/runners, especially. I’ve got one that I go to now regularly to help with the little issues that crop up. I lost 2 months of running and a lot of $$$ trying to resolve a shin issue with an orthopedist a couple of years ago. After a lot of frustration and an expensive MRI, the dr basically told me “I can’t figure out what’s wrong, but it must be soft tissue. Good luck.” I went to this pt out of desperation and she correctly diagnosed my problem by watching me run on a treadmill and looking at my stance. She then fixed it with dry needling and shoe inserts she customized herself for ~$15! The problem hasn’t not recurred. I’m actually going to see her again this morning for some hamstring needling.
Question for everyone. I have been having knee pain on the inside of both knees. It is burning right next to my knee caps. I have been trying to figure out what it could be. I had to take yesterday off as I am afraid to make things worse. I have no swelling or any other symptoms. I don’t think it’s IT band issues as that pain is supposed to be on the outside of the knee.

It could be from pushing things too hard. Last month I only did around 45 miles and this month I was on pace for roughly 90, with a previous high of 65 in October.

I have no problem running through pain. I am just afraid to do damage. Any ideas?

I've had issues in the area you are describing before, but from softball instead of running. It turned out being plica syndrome which I had never heard of before, but they went in and removed part of it. I believe it can be treated non-surgically, but PT and the other options did not work for me. Hopefully it is nothing serious, but I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor if it continues just to be safe.
Question for everyone. I have been having knee pain on the inside of both knees. It is burning right next to my knee caps. I have been trying to figure out what it could be. I had to take yesterday off as I am afraid to make things worse. I have no swelling or any other symptoms. I don’t think it’s IT band issues as that pain is supposed to be on the outside of the knee.

It could be from pushing things too hard. Last month I only did around 45 miles and this month I was on pace for roughly 90, with a previous high of 65 in October.

I have no problem running through pain. I am just afraid to do damage. Any ideas?

I had some knee issues last Spring as well. I did go to the doctor who recommended seeing PT. However, the PT office was booked up for a month near me. I ended up booking the appt, but took the month off running and by the time the appt rolled around the problem had resolved itself so I didn't go. I think the issue I had was ramping up the mileage too quickly. The issue has not recurred since.
I am no expert on diagnosis of issues but do you foam roll at all? While I am not as diligent with foam rolling as I should be, it has definitely been a big plus for me over the last few years. I also do hot yoga a couple of times a week and find it to be beneficial.

I am also guilty of ignoring injuries but have gotten a little better. I agree with going to see a doc if there is any uncertainty or doubt.
I get not wanting to see a dr. I don't always think drs are helpful, but if you can afford it i would go find a physical therapist that works with runners. i go to my PT once a month, i pay for it out of pocket as i don't have a dr referral, but she keeps me going with any random things. Right now i am dealing with a knee issue. In order to get a correct diagnosis i would need an MRI. However i am not doing that right now. I can still run and walk but i know something is going on. PT gave me exercises for my knee and that has already helped. I figure with her i can get through and try to keep myself from getting that MRI.
I’ll second this wholeheartedly. If you can find a pt that specializes in running/runners, especially. I’ve got one that I go to now regularly to help with the little issues that crop up. I lost 2 months of running and a lot of $$$ trying to resolve a shin issue with an orthopedist a couple of years ago. After a lot of frustration and an expensive MRI, the dr basically told me “I can’t figure out what’s wrong, but it must be soft tissue. Good luck.” I went to this pt out of desperation and she correctly diagnosed my problem by watching me run on a treadmill and looking at my stance. She then fixed it with dry needling and shoe inserts she customized herself for ~$15! The problem hasn’t not recurred. I’m actually going to see her again this morning for some hamstring needling.

I do foam roll, I have an R8 recovery roller that I think works even better than foam rolling. I also stretch my calves daily as that solved my ankle issue that the doctors couldn’t figure out. I have thought about skipping the doctor and finding a PT since the doctor would just tell me to go there anyway.

I had some knee issues last Spring as well. I did go to the doctor who recommended seeing PT. However, the PT office was booked up for a month near me. I ended up booking the appt, but took the month off running and by the time the appt rolled around the problem had resolved itself so I didn't go. I think the issue I had was ramping up the mileage too quickly. The issue has not recurred since.

I am leaning that was as well. I was running fine from August to November with no issues. My mileage was building slowly and then November took a step back because I was sick and stuff. So I started off this month and everything was feeling great so I just went from 4-5 mile runs to 5-7 mile runs. As my knees hurt so were my hips and ankles. I can feel the tendons in my ankles burn when I push too hard and my hips hurt like they do after I do a 15 mile long run.

I have taken it easy the last few days. I may do some stationary bike to keep things moving and start looking for a PT. Now, how do you find one that works with runners is the question. 😁
@Waiting2goback yeah not so easy. I have a great one i can recommend in Atlanta :). I might suggest looking up sports therapists verses physical therapy. I think you might get some better options. Not that there is anything wrong with the chain physical therapy places, but they tend to work on more general people and those coming off surgery. i have used them before but after finding this person, i like the more running centric. She is actually a licensed therapist and a licensed triathlon coach. She does a lot of things and will even run mindfulness clinics. I found her through the local triathlon club.


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