The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE


DIS Veteran
Jun 10, 2008
princess: "Thank You For Being Here Today." princess:

Welcome everyone to:
The Port Report: Frumpin' Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses

We are very excited that you have decided to drop in and come along for the adventure while we relive the trip of our lives!

However, there are a few things you should know before we get started.

Most importantly, the Cast List:



Hi, I'm Jess! This vacation was my Graduation present because I have always wanted to share the joy of Disney World with my friends. So, for this trip of a lifetime, I was able to bring two of my best friends to Disney along with me! I have been to Disney World pretty much every year of my life, so I know it backwards and forwards. It is my favorite place in the whole entire world, and I'm pretty much as obsessed with Disney as anyone can get.

Favorite Theme Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Counter-Service Restaurants: Pizzafari/Casey's Corner
Favorite Table-Service Restaurant: The Garden Grill
Favorite Ride: Expedition Everest
Favorite Disney Characters: Pluto and Aladdin and Jasmine
Favorite Disney Movies: Aladdin, Little Mermaid, and Peter Pan
Favorite Disney Songs: I Just Can't Wait to be King and A Whole New World



Next up is Kristen, also known as Disneyfreak616 here on Disboards. She is the only other person that I personally know that is as obsessed with Disney as I am. I think we were just destined to be friends. We oftentimes get mistaken for sisters, but that's totally fine because we basically are. Our combined love for Disney makes for a lot of fun on this trip, and for always!

Favorite Theme Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Counter-Service Restaurants: Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe, Casey's Corner, and Pizzafari
Favorite Table-Service Restaurants: Kona Cafe, Garden Grill and Crystal Palace
Favorite Rides: Splash Mountain, Soarin' and Toy Story Mania
Favorite Disney Characters: Mary Poppins, Ariel & Prince Eric, Peter Pan, Eeyore and Alice
Favorite Disney Movies: Toy Story, Aladdin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, Piglet's BIG Movie and Mary Poppins
Favorite Disney Songs: One Jump Ahead, You Can Fly, Under the Sea, I Just Can't Wait to be King, Just Around the Riverbend, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Jolly Holiday and Never Had A Friend Like Me.



The easiest way to describe Vickie is simply one word: Princess. She loves everything about the Princesses: acting like a Princess, meeting the Disney Princesses, and even dressing in princess attire. Thankfully we all love them almost as much as she does, so we really made them a great focus on our trip. Vickie has been to Disney a few times with her family, but she mostly stayed offsite. On this trip we really got to give her the opportunity to experience a legitimate, full-out Disney vacation.

Favorite Theme Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Table-Service Restaurant: Sci-Fi Dine In Theatre
Favorite Ride: Space Mountain
Favorite Disney Character: Snow White
Favorite Disney Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Favorite Disney Song: A Whole New World



My Mom accompanied us on this trip. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She thinks of Vickie and Kristen as her own daughters, so they were no trouble to bring along. Mother is a huge Disney fan, just like me, so we love going on these magical trips together!

Favorite Theme Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Counter-Service Restaurant: Casey's Corner and Electric Umbrella
Favorite Table-Service Restaurant: Cinderella's Royal Table and Tony's Town Square
Favorite Ride: It's a Small World
Favorite Disney Character: Dopey
Favorite Disney Movie: Lady and the Tramp
Favorite Disney Song: When You Wish Upon a Star

The four of us headed down to Walt Disney World on January 14th, 2011 and stayed until January 19th, 2011.

We were on the Disney Dining Plan.

We stayed on Club Level at the Yacht Club, pronounced ya-CH-t. :) (we will explain later.)

And I think that's the important stuff.

So, we would love to have you read along with us! And comments make our day, so let us know if you're following along!

We can't wait to share out magical journey with you all!

And off to Disney we go.....

Our Pre-Trip Report:
Off To The World With the Frumpy Princesses ♥

Thank You For Being Here Today.
Title Explanation... In Case You Were Confused
The Night Before DISNEY WORLD!

Real Life Updates:
Real Life Update #1 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
Real Life Update #2 - PROM!
Real Life Update #3 - Our Cooking Success!
Real Life Update #4 - Prom #2: The Frumps Go Glamorous!
Real Life Update #5 - Cooking Fail

Our Vacation:

Day 1 - January 14th, 2011
Chapter 2 - Our Magical Express Ride and Checking In!
Chapter 3 - "Club Level is Killing Me!"
Chapter 4 - A "Practically Perfect" Way To Begin
Chapter 5 - Our Worldwide Character Hunt
Chapter 6 - Garden Grill
Chapter 7 - "So It's Called the Dolphin... But It's Really The Fish!"

Day 2 - January 15th, 2011
Chapter 8 - Good Morning, Animal Kingdom
Chapter 9 - "Please Remain Seated While You Exit. BYE BYE!"
Chapter 10 - Rainforest Cafe
Chapter 11 - The Bathrobe Princesses

Day 3 - January 16th, 2011
Chapter 12 - We Made it to Rope Drop!
Chapter 13 - Our Magical Morning
Chapter 14 - "Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow." Oh Wait...
Chapter 15 - Crystal Palace
Chapter 16 - Post-Dinner Confusion
Chapter 17 - A Tribute to Toontown

Day 4 - January 17th, 2011
Chapter 19 - We're Singin' in the Rain
Chapter 20 - 50's Prime Time Cafe
Chapter 21 - The Frumpiness of Disney Animation
Chapter 22 - Thrills and Spills and Cute Boys! Oh My!
Chapter 23 - A Day in Review

Day 5 - January 18th, 2011
Chapter 24 - "You've Always Been a Princess to Me!"
Chapter 25 - Being Magically Productive!
Chapter 26 - "Por Favor Mantengase Alejado de las Puertas"
Chapter 27 - 1900 Park Fare

Day 6 - January 19th, 2011
Chapter 28 - Akershus
Chapter 29 - Soaking Up Our Last Bits of Magic
Chapter 30 - And You Thought We Were Leaving Already!
Chapter 31 - "Now It's Time To Say Goodbye..."

Final Thoughts
Chapter 32 - Graduation/Wrap Up

Video Documentary
Reliving Our Trip

Title Explanation... In Case You Were Confused

Now, you're probably wondering what the heck is up with our title. "The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses."

There is a lot that goes into the making of this title.

We'll break it down and start at the beginning: "The Port Report."

Well, at the beginning of this trip before things were in full swing, Kristen and I would occassionally mention our future trip report. While in Animal Kingdom on our first day, we were taking some pictures, and Vickie was like "are these for your port report?" And we were like.... do you mean trip report? :lmao:

So the name kind of stuck.

And not only that, but we stayed at the Yacht Club, so it just went along with the whole theme. Like a Boat Port...? You know. It just kind of goes.

The next part: "Frumpin," which is the verb of our most favorite word "Frump."

This exceprt below is taken from our PTR, explaining the meaning of the word "Frump." Very important knowledge you may want to have before joining us on this adventure.

Disneyfreak508 said:
You may be asking, how can a princess be a frump? (if you even know what a "frump" is.)

Well, "frump" happens to be our favorite word. And it has taken on very many definitions in our lives, for it is very commonly used in our vocabulary.

A frump is generally someone who is very lazy and sort of a mess. All of us go to/have gone to an all girls school, where you don't really have to care about how you look. So, to describe that lack of ambition to care about our appearences, we have the habit of calling ourselves "frumps."

Now, don't go thinking we're total slobs over here. :lmao: Frump is sort of exaggerated. But, it is a brilliant word.

For example, when you wear your hair up because you don't feel like doing it, it is not called a "bun," but it is called a "frump doo!"

See? Not that bad. But, very important stuff.

Alright, moving on.

"Around the World" refers to us being in DISNEY WORLD! If you couldn't figure that out for yourselves.. but I'm sure all of you dis'ers did. :thumbsup2

And the last part "...with the Bathrobe Princesses." Hmmm... Well... I think you're just going to have to read along to figure out what we're talking about there. Ohh, the suspense!!

So now you hopefully have a better understanding of our thought process.

Now on with the show! :yay:

Continued in Next Post
The Night Before DISNEY WORLD!

We could not WAIT to go to Disney. Kristen and I started counting down when there were 108 days to go, and the day was finally almost here!

When there was one day left, we had a lot of things to do to get ready! Everyone at school was so excited for us. Our freshman year Global teacher is just as big of a Disney fan as we are, and he was so glad to know we were heading down. I was talking to him about it on my way into school that morning, and the Vice Principal overheard me.

She asked "Where are you going?" I told her "Disney World." Then she asked, "How much school are you missing?" Hesitantly I replied "...3 Days." Her response? "Oh good for you! :) Have fun!" The trip was Vice Principal approved, that's a good sign from the beginning!

After saying goodbye to all of our friends, Kristen came over to my house to sleepover because we had an early flight the next morning! We stopped at Walgreens to get a few last minute things, one of which included nail polish.

We painted our nails, and they turned out like this.



Yes, those are Mickey heads you see! We really get in the spirit! ::MickeyMo

I had to get my last minute packing done, which took just about all night! But it was well worth it, because it was almost time to go!

Surprisingly I fell asleep at 11-11:30, which is better than I thought. I thought I would be too excited to sleep! Kristen, on the other hand, was up way later because she was just couldn't fall asleep! WE WERE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD IN THE MORNING!

Continued in Next Post
January 14th, 2011

I woke up at 5:50 am this morning, which is the earliest I've gotten up in a long time! Mother, Kristen, and I all got ready and we were all out the door at 6:20!

We said goodbye to my Dad and got in the cab that took us to airport. A really nice old man, named Guy, drove us to the airport. Him and mother became friends. She likes to talk to everyone, which is good, because it saves us from any awkward silences :rotfl:

We got to the airport and we found Vick waiting with her dad. We came in the other door behind her, so we called her many times. "Vick... Vick... Vick... Vickie... VICTORIA!!!" Haha we caught her off guard. :lmao:

She said goodbye to her Dad, we checked our bags outside, we went through security without a problem, and then we were off!

We got breakfast at the airport.. Nothing all that exciting. Plain old Breakfast Sandwiches and Bagels. Not as good as the Disney Food that has yet to come!


Then it was already time to leave! AHHHHHH! :yay::yay::yay:

We were at Gate 7; Flight #667; Taking Jet Blue; Departing at 8:48 am; Sitting in Seats 21 C D E and F.


Vick brought her cute little Teddy bear who we named after her boyfriend, Dan. The bear's name was "Danny Boy." I am warning you now, all three of us are such children :)


Goodbye Snow!

The flight went by so fast! We just listened to Disney music on our iPods, chatted a little bit, and then all of the sudden....

Helloooo Florida!



We got off the plane, and took the "mini-monorail" to go get our luggage.


It all got there no problem! A man was nice enough to put our luggage on a cart and bring it to the Magical Express Check-in! Eeep we're almost there!


We had the most colorful group of luggage I've ever seen. :laughing:

Continued in Next Post
Great start! SOunds like a great time. I took my daugher and her then boyfriend last January for their graduation present!! Can't wait to read more about your adventures!

I can't wait to read more and more! Too bad you have school tomorrow!! We'll all be here waiting for more!!!

I forgot to mention how much I love love love the nails! I don't even think my nail lady at the salon could do good mickeys like that..her flowers are to die for though haha. I've never flown Jet Blue but I LOVE those TVS!!!
Our Magical Express Ride and Checking In!
January 14th, 2011

I can not even explain to you how happy we were to be in Florida :)

We found our Magical Express line! The first one on the list is ours! WOOHOO!

The Magical Express bus ride is probably one of my favorite moments of the entire vacation. It's the first time you're finally immersed in Disney, and the whole vacation just lies ahead of you! All of the possibilities are right at your fingertips at that very moment! And of course the excitement level is overflowing! :banana:

We had a very nice bus ride, but unfortunately we were not able to sit at the front. However, it didn't matter because we were on our way!

The movie began to play... And the new "Let The Memories Begin" opening is now included. It is just beautiful. It really captures the Disney happiness and childhood cheer that everyone wants to experience. On an emotional day, it would definitely be a tear-jerker.

And then all of the sudden

3..... 2...... 1.....

:mickeyjum WELCOME TO DISNEY WORLD! :mickeyjum

We were here! And we were excited! And happy! And life could not be better :cloud9:

We made a few stops at other Disney Resorts first: Port Orleans Riverside, then the Boardwalk, then the Beach Club, and lastly... THE YACHT CLUB!


We got off and went to check in.

WHOA. Talk about CLASSY.

The Frumps Take Over the Classiest Resort in Walt Disney World.

We were in absolute heaven! :cloud9: We're finally HERE!!!

There were apparently 7 other families with the same last name as us staying at the Yacht Club, so it confused the computer and our room wasn't quite ready. (I never really thought of my last name as common... but maybe I was wrong :confused3)

We got our stuff situated to leave for our first park. I just remember how we all thought the lobby was so fancy and elegant. We really felt like true princesses!

Then all of the sudden we were told we could go up to Club Level to officially check-in! So off we were to the elevator!

Continued in Next Post

That's odd that you went to the main check-in. When we stayed CL there, we were met outside by a CM who took us up the elevator right away..that's odd that they didn't do that for you guys but oh well you got to go up soon enough!!
"Club Level Is Killing Me!"
January 14th, 2011

So, to get up to the Club Level floor, you need to stick your room key into the elevator slot! We felt so fancy! At the Yacht Club, the Club Level is Floor 5.

My Mom had to check in with a lady upstairs, which took about 15-20 minutes of her explaining the details of the resort and Disney in general.

Another cast member showed us our Exclusive Club Level Area. You have no idea how excited we were!! "Club Level is Killing Me" is one of the quotes that came out of our mouths because of how in shock we were. THIS IS GREAT! Talk about a once in a lifetime trip!

The view from the lounge:

The best part about club level is that there is FOOD. All the time. Whenever your little heart desires. And for someone like me, who LOVES food, this is the most ideal situation ever.

When we arrived, there was a jar of gummy fish, trail mix, and yogurt covered pretzels. (which were my favorite)

There was also a bowl of homemade chips and dip, and those were SO good.

There was a container of Sugar and Chocolate Chip cookies, too!

And lastly, a bowl of fruit. (HIDDEN MICKEY!)

Then all of the sudden we were told that our room was ready!

A little while down the hallway we got to room #5225, and there it was: Our Home for the Next Few Days.




We originally had down a garden view on our reservation, but I think that we ended up getting a much better view than that! We could see The Beach Club and Boardwalk from here! And if we wanted to, at night we could see IllumiNations!


And our cute little porch chairs:

So, while flipping out over our room, we put Stacy on the TV and waited for our luggage!

It finally came, and then we were headed off to our first park of the trip!

Continued in Next Post
ahh that room brings back memories!!!! I stayed in a King room in Aug. I loved all that CL food even though the DDP kept us full! We were only there for 3 nights but it seemed like forever! Our room was looking into the courtyard where you can walk in and out of the lobby (facing BWI too!) I don't remember our room number though!

Can't wait for more!
I am enjoying your trip report. I have a DD a year younger than you and she is a huge Disney fan too. I will direct her to your trip report because I know she will enjoy it.

:goodvibes Sounds like you guys had a fun trip! Can't wait to read more! :)

thank you for reading along :)

Great start! SOunds like a great time. I took my daugher and her then boyfriend last January for their graduation present!! Can't wait to read more about your adventures!

aww I bet you guys had an amazing time! and yay thanks for reading!


I can't wait to read more and more! Too bad you have school tomorrow!! We'll all be here waiting for more!!!

I forgot to mention how much I love love love the nails! I don't even think my nail lady at the salon could do good mickeys like that..her flowers are to die for though haha. I've never flown Jet Blue but I LOVE those TVS!!!

want to know the best thing ever? I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TODAY! :yay: it got cancelled because it's like -7 degrees out. YAY!

And haha thank you! we got nail pens so we could draw on the mickeys. they turned out so cute! when we got back to school everyone saw them and loved them!

and oh you should check out jet blue when booking your flights. It is such a great airline.. we have always had a fantastic experience with them.


That's odd that you went to the main check-in. When we stayed CL there, we were met outside by a CM who took us up the elevator right away..that's odd that they didn't do that for you guys but oh well you got to go up soon enough!!

Maybe since there were so many other people with the same name they got confused? Oh well they got us up there eventually!

ahh that room brings back memories!!!! I stayed in a King room in Aug. I loved all that CL food even though the DDP kept us full! We were only there for 3 nights but it seemed like forever! Our room was looking into the courtyard where you can walk in and out of the lobby (facing BWI too!) I don't remember our room number though!

Can't wait for more!

I think we found that little courtyard! it was so cute!

I am enjoying your trip report. I have a DD a year younger than you and she is a huge Disney fan too. I will direct her to your trip report because I know she will enjoy it.


Aww I hope she enjoys reading along! And I hope you do too! :) Thank you!
A "Practically Perfect" Way To Begin
January 14th, 2011

We were all ready to go! And what park were we off to? EPCOT!

We were SO excited to finally be on our way to the park! We took tons of pictures, because even though it was a little chilly out for the Florida Residents (around 60) it was sunny, beautiful, and perfect for us!



We took a ton of pictures on our way there because we couldn't get over how nice everything was!



I've never stayed at an Epcot resort before, so walking right into the park threw me off a little bit. However, I absolutely LOVE being that close!



We finally got to the ticket booths at the back entrance of Epcot. We all pre-bought our tickets so we just had to hand in our confirmation codes. Mother and I also got our first ever Disney Annual Passes :yay:

Our tickets were issued. I got Mickey, Mother got Goofy, Kristen got Minnie, and Vickie got Donald.

So, we got our bags checked, put the tickets through, did the fingerprint check, AND WE WERE IN!

We walked into Epcot and found ourselves in the United Kingdom. Of course, the first person we see is...


Kristen's absolute favorite. She freaked out. We got in line and met her. She was a very legitimate looking Mary Poppins. She told us "You're all smiley! You must have started the day with a Spoonful of Sugar!"

We took a picture with Vickie's camera as well and she said "Well perhaps this next picture will be Practically Perfect!"

That was a great way to start the trip! Then right next to her was Alice! She looked like the real Alice! These characters were fantastic. Alice was all excited to meet us. She jumped up and down and was so happy! She told us where all of the characters were in the World Showcase so we could meet them later!

During this time, mother went to go see if there were any Soarin' fastpasses left for the day. Unfortunately, we got there sort of late, so they were all out for the day. But she did get Test Track Fastpasses so we at least had that to look forward to!

So, we continued walking around the world.

We took a picture in the telephone booth in the UK.

And we took a picture in this fun little thing in Canada.

While walking the birds kept swooping really low, basically attacking us. It was a little frightening.

And in Mexico we got a Sombrero picture!

We met up with Mother in Norway to use our first Snack Credits of the trip!

We went to Kringla Og Cafe and got two of their best foods:


:mickeybar Kristen's Food of the Day :mickeybar

and the Sweet-Bread Almond Pretzel

They were DELICIOUS. And they held us off perfectly until dinnertime!

We got situated and then it was time to go back and travel the rest of the world!

Continued in Next Post
Just to let you know I am love love LOVING this!!! :banana: It's like going on our trip all over again! I'm like so excited :goodvibes Thank you for putting in my food of the day :) Remember, there was always more than one, so if ya can't remember what they all were, just text mee :) That Mickey "Mousse" was pretty much everyone's haha. And there was that strawberry shortcake...and that's just Day 1!! Mmmm I miss Disney food. :cloud9:
This report is LITERALLY the most PRECIOUS thing i have EVER my whole joke whatsoever. At this moment, i am listeing to So This is Love (Club33) (on the Disney cd Jess made me) while reading your trip report and im like cryin over here. this is AMAZING. <3 i love you alll!!!!
This report is LITERALLY the most PRECIOUS thing i have EVER my whole joke whatsoever. At this moment, i am listeing to So This is Love (Club33) (on the Disney cd Jess made me) while reading your trip report and im like cryin over here. this is AMAZING. <3 i love you alll!!!!

Aww Nat!!! :) Your so cutee. :goodvibes I'm glad you're enjoying ittt!! And I know gotta love the Disney music :)
another great update!!

I just noticed that you're going back in 3 weeks for your fam vacation..where are you guys staying at in 3 weeks?? I'm like tossing and turning. I have POFQ booked with my AP but my friend who's a CM said she could book WL for us but it's $225 more and we just stayed there in Dec. AKL is cheaper but I really didn't like the distance so I guess I'll keep number crunching and figure it out haha.

Your 3rd pic of you girls standing with YC behind you...our room was on the top floor to the right. It was a great location since we had booked a standard and were upgraded to CL Garden (I'm assuming??)
I know I'm late, but I'm here now :goodvibes Now I have to go back and read ;)

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