The Poly2 Pricing Thread

Will Poly2 Be a Part of the Original Polynesian Condo Association?

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I'm so bad. I just bid on a 300 point Poly resale contract. It was accepted. So much for my plan to buy VGF2. I like both resorts, but I prefer the point charts at Poly. With the new additions, I am confident it will have space as my family needs more room. For now, studios are fine. I guess I'll have to rent points, which I did not want to do. We do not need any until 2024.

I wish you luck but you are making a two huge assumptions with resale which is why I am not buying Poly resale myself.

1. That it is the same association and you will get 11 month booking privileges
2. That they are even building larger accommodations there and enough of them to not make it impossible to book
I won't mind staying at the original villas as long as I can stay at the other non-new properties, too. I don't want to get locked into only staying at Polynesian. If they do that, they would do that from a certain date going forward or only on resale from the new building contracts (assuming they're different), right?

If you were happy with O14, this doesn't change anything. Maybe this adds to O14, maybe it doesn't. Maybe it never gets built, like many Disney plans. You have to decide whether the current O14 lineup is good enough for you.

Like any resort, you could get locked into that resort if it withdrew from the entire system and only served its own owners. That's unlikely, but it's in your paperwork.
I totally agree. This will be the tell. And, how confusing to be selling both a restricted and non-restricted wing of the same property...

Disney has to decide whether resale restrictions and a sluggishly selling property are worth more to it than a 8 year less contract length. I guess 9 years since it opens "late" 2024. I think Disney would rather take the shorter contract. So, I say existing association.

I also think they would have called it something new if they were splitting it off, like they did with CCV. Throwing some name on it would have been easy to do.

The only problem with RIV sales is that you won’t ever be able to measure the damage from the pandemic.

It was selling well prior to it and has picked up steam the last few months.

The fact that they pretty much left out referring to thas part of the villas and simply saying it’s new options coming to the resort..unlike the VGF announcement…means they either will be making it new or want to leave options on the table so they can make the decision later on.

They went out of their way to make sure it was known to be a new phase for VGF and did not with this.

So, it won’t surprise me to see it new and with them not worrying about the 6 year difference. When those end, they revert back to hotel rooms for the cash side for those extra years.
The only problem with RIV sales is that you won’t ever be able to measure the damage from the pandemic.

DVC knows exactly how much VGF/RIV/Aulani is selling right now. If VGF2 sells out before RIV, which it might, I think that says a lot. We will know soon.

I agree the press release can go either way. Confusing press releases aren't a great thing for timeshares, which is why I think they plan existing. I think it would have been more careful if this were planned CCV style.
DVC knows exactly how much VGF/RIV/Aulani is selling right now. If VGF2 sells out before RIV, which it might, I think that says a lot. We will know soon.

I agree the press release can go either way. Confusing press releases aren't a great thing for timeshares, which is why I think they plan existing. I think it would have been more careful if this were planned CCV style.

The next few months of sales will be what helps to tweeze out the whole RIV issues which could be why the announcement leads more IMO to new resort over existing. To me, the more you read it, the more glaring it is that it isn’t clear it’s going to be part of the existing.

Right now, new buyers can’t get VGF but they know it’s going to be available come April. So, when we see March numbers, any reduction of RIV sales would be telling.

So, by announcing but not committing gives them time to adjust. If sales at RIV tank against VGF for new buyers, then they can reevaluate things.

Lots of pieces in play right now and the only thing clear is that DVD has done this on purpose to keep us all guessing.
I'm so bad. I just bid on a 300 point Poly resale contract. It was accepted. So much for my plan to buy VGF2. I like both resorts, but I prefer the point charts at Poly. With the new additions, I am confident it will have space as my family needs more room. For now, studios are fine. I guess I'll have to rent points, which I did not want to do. We do not need any until 2024.
You’re assuming you’ll be able to book the new tower at 11 months, which could very well be incorrect if it’s part of a new association, like BRV and CCV. You might still be able to enjoy the facilities there while having zero booking advantage. Personally, for me, it would be a bit frustrating owning at Poly 1, watching a beautiful new tower rise on the grounds, yet being basically locked out of it. Resale value for Poly1 could plummet, and in my opinion you’ll see that downward trend right away because of DVC’s vague wording on the announcement, which many interpret to imply a new association.
DVC knows exactly how much VGF/RIV/Aulani is selling right now. If VGF2 sells out before RIV, which it might, I think that says a lot. We will know soon.

I agree the press release can go either way. Confusing press releases aren't a great thing for timeshares, which is why I think they plan existing. I think it would have been more careful if this were planned CCV style.
But why then wouldn’t they have just clarified right away that it was existing, instead of the deliberately vague wording that specifically implies otherwise?
But why then wouldn’t they have just clarified right away that it was existing, instead of the deliberately vague wording that specifically implies otherwise?

In the current documentation it specifically says that you should not expect to be able to stay at DL Tower or Reflections, RIP. It singles those out because they were advertised as part of DVC, but may or may not ever happen or be part of DVC. Just logistically, it seems like Poly2 it needs a name to match that pattern. VGF wasn't in that boilerplate. Maybe because it was advertised as part of the O14 from the jump. It will be interesting to see the new boilerplate. It will already have to match this announcement?
You’re assuming you’ll be able to book the new tower at 11 months, which could very well be incorrect if it’s part of a new association, like BRV and CCV. You might still be able to enjoy the facilities there while having zero booking advantage. Personally, for me, it would be a bit frustrating owning at Poly 1, watching a beautiful new tower rise on the grounds, yet being basically locked out of it. Resale value for Poly1 could plummet, and in my opinion you’ll see that downward trend right away because of DVC’s vague wording on the announcement, which many interpret to imply a new association.
Yeah, we already talked about this last night. I have not sent my contract in yet, because I've been wavering back and forth. Now, I just need to decide will I be okay if I can only stay at the original Polynesian. Studios are okay with my current family situation. If that changes, I can always change my lineup. Grrr. They are waiting on my contracts. I need to decide today.
I'm super excited about the new Poly tower. But resale restrictions would make me stick with my current resale Poly contract and decline to purchase at the new tower. As much as that would disappoint me, I just don't trust Disney not to do something so awful in the next 40+ years that I would want to get out of owning DVC entirely. And to me, the picture of resale value and resale restrictions is not clear enough to spend $30K-$50K on a direct contract at a resort with restrictions. I only ever bought DVC to begin with because it has a long history of holding its value on the resale market. And again, just my opinion. But there is not enough data yet on how well RIV will hold its value long term with resale restrictions for me to feel comfortable making that kind of purchase.
The expiry date doesn’t have to be 50 years. DVC can always choose to make Poly2 a new association with the same expiry date as Poly 1. There’s a reason so many properties expire in 2042 - they didn’t all go on the market the same year, DVC just decided to end them at the same time. DVC can do whatever they want.
Great, I just put in an offer today. Should I rescind?

If you want to have access to the new tower I would. If you don't really care either way then move forward.

There is not enough information to know if it will be apart of the existing resort which could also mean it could have resale restrictions meaning you couldn't even stay there in the future.

If you don't need points until 2024 I would wait and see what information comes out or lock in VGF if you are happy there.
If you want to have access to the new tower I would. If you don't really care either way then move forward.

There is not enough information to know if it will be apart of the existing resort which could also mean it could have resale restrictions meaning you couldn't even stay there in the future.

If you don't need points until 2024 I would wait and see what information comes out or lock in VGF if you are happy there.
I do love VGF, but I can't buy there yet. My first contract is still in ROFR. By the time I can buy, the incentives won't be as great, so I was going to wait until 2023-2024 when I needed the points. I also love Poly and prefer the points chart there. I would not mind staying at the old villas, because studios are fine for us (for now).
In the current documentation it specifically says that you should not expect to be able to stay at DL Tower or Reflections, RIP. It singles those out because they were advertised as part of DVC, but may or may not ever happen or be part of DVC. Just logistically, it seems like Poly2 it needs a name to match that pattern. VGF wasn't in that boilerplate. Maybe because it was advertised as part of the O14 from the jump. It will be interesting to see the new boilerplate. It will already have to match this announcement?
Yeah, the new boilerplate will help shed light on all this. This cloud of uncertainty could last for months or even longer, and just doesn’t seem fair to Poly resale owners, sellers or buyers, or even those who are considering VGF2 but might want to wait for Poly2.

For those forced to make a comparison now to inform whether or not to buy VGF2, I think it’s probably a fair assumption that the Poly2 one bedrooms will be smaller, no?
Back at whatever year member meeting it was when Ken Potrock announced details about CCV, he said that CCV would have all sizes of villas because they had heard clearly from members that we didn't like Poly being studios only. This is their chance to right that wrong! LOL.
Well, if they do listen, then I hope they hear those if us asking for better theming and harmony with the existing Poly resort!
I also think they would have called it something new if they were splitting it off, like they did with CCV. Throwing some name on it would have been easy to do.
Does anyone have the old CCV initial announcement? Did they name the resort from the start and were clear about the new association? I'm just curious, but I wouldn't read too much into it since it was before they went with the restrictions direction.
Disney is smart not to commit either way for now. I am sure they would like it to be a new association with restrictions, but wise enough to study how VGF2 does vs RIV over the next year or so. I am sure that they wanted to hold off announcing, but with applications for permits, licenses, etc. coming soon, they had no choice. So for now it will be... announce it, keep it noncommittal, give members hope.
As for me, I am happy with my VGF2 purchase with no restrictions, and will most likely add a Poly2 contract in 2024, as long as there are no restrictions on it. If it does come with restrictions, I will look at BLT or CCV resale. Time will tell.
Disney is smart not to commit either way for now. I am sure they would like it to be a new association with restrictions, but wise enough to study how VGF2 does vs RIV over the next year or so. I am sure that they wanted to hold off announcing, but with applications for permits, licenses, etc. coming soon, they had no choice. So for now it will be... announce it, keep it noncommittal, give members hope.

I'm not sure I agree. They are actively selling VGF2, and an obvious question is can resale stay in Poly tower. They need to be able to answer that question honestly. They have to announce one way or the other.

Playing this both ways is gross when you are trying to sell with the most important Blue Card perk, FOMO.


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