The packing, The packing!


Earning My Ears
Nov 13, 2008
Okay! We leave in 16 days and I have done NOTHING to prepare and pack for our southwest splendors adventure! I need to get on the ball but somehow feel that packing shouldn't be a big deal. We only need a few sets of t-shirts and shorts and dress casual outfits, right? Hah! I am a notorious overpacker so this won't be easy.
First question...Does everyone bring their ABD backpacks as a carry on? Or do you prefer to bring your own more "useful" carry on? We are a family of six and I don't want to look like a bunch of tourists, although, maybe I should just go with the flow....what do you all do??????
Okay! We leave in 16 days and I have done NOTHING to prepare and pack for our southwest splendors adventure! I need to get on the ball but somehow feel that packing shouldn't be a big deal. We only need a few sets of t-shirts and shorts and dress casual outfits, right? Hah! I am a notorious overpacker so this won't be easy.
First question...Does everyone bring their ABD backpacks as a carry on? Or do you prefer to bring your own more "useful" carry on? We are a family of six and I don't want to look like a bunch of tourists, although, maybe I should just go with the flow....what do you all do??????

I liked my backpack, the size was perfect and with the multiple sections it was easy to separte things. As for looking like a bunch of tourists well I didn't use it on the plane but I did during the trip and everyone will know you are tourists especially following the guide who is carrying the Abd Placard!
when we did this adventure last summer, most of the group used their ABD backpacks as carry-ons. There is really no avoiding looking like a tourist and we just decided to "go with the flow". The adult backpacks are very useful (we had messenger bags last year--which many people complained about. The backpack is better). The kids backpacks are a great size for them to carry--but they hold significantly less.

Have fun and try not to overpack! (I did!) Everything on the trip is casual and I did not use any of my "semi-fancy" clothes at all. I would stick to t-shirts, shorts, khakis, etc. . . . and you will be covered.

Have fun!
whitesides, I'm a little (well, more than a little :rotfl:) type A about packing. Here is what I did: I made a list of each day's activities and what I'd want to wear for it, and used that to pack.

So day 1 is meet at airport, walk around Mont. Castle, dinner at hotel. One outfit would do for all of that, and no special shoes are needed.

Day 2 is jeep tour and lunch in a barn, then rest of the afternoon on your own. You do get a little dusty on the jeep tour, so some people changed after that. I was fine with one outfit b/c we went on a serious hike after lunch, so I wore my hiking clothes all day.

Day 3 is a nature walk (HOT) followed by shopping and lunch, then the drive to the GC. No opportunity to change, so plan accordingly. Most people did change for dinner that night. Not to dress up per se, just to get out of what they'd been wearing all day and to feel fresh.

Day 4 is bus to sights at GC, then on your own. Again, one outfit is fine, and you might want a change for a nice dinner or if you are going to do a serious hike.

Day 5, another long bus day. Also, a dusty ride at Mon. Valley, so maybe a change of clothes for dinner. I changed into the same outfit I changed into for dinner at GC, but would have been fine not doing so.

Day 6 is Arches Hike, then afternoon on your own. You will want a hiking outfit and then whatever you need for the afternoon activity. If you ride horses, then jeans. If you do ATV, you could probably keep your hiking clothes on. If you hang out, then swimsuits. That night is adult dinner at the RCL restaurant. I put on a skirt for this just to make DH happy.

Day 7 you need clothes for your morning activity, and your rafting clothes for the afternoon. They suggest a rash guard or tshirt that can get wet for under your life vest, so it won't rub. That night is the dinner and campfire. Don't wear the clothes you plan to wear on the way home, b/c they will smell like a campfire.

And Day 8 you fly home.

I had real hiking boots b/c of our pretrip, so I wore those on the hike, but you definitely do not need them on this trip. A good pair of walking shoes and then a pair of sandals/river shoes is all you need.

Also, I always like to remember that we will be taking tons of pictures and showing them to our friends and family, and trying to find a Christmas card picture in there. So we don't dress like slobs on vacation. The type-A-ness comes in when I try to have all 3 of us be not only neat, but somewhat coordinated with our clothing. DD and I end up wearing the same colors on the same day, and DH pretty much wears his man-i-form of a dark top and tan bottom every single day of his life, so he always goes. :laughing:

We took a lot of Under Armor tees and ACG tops and shorts (Nike's new line of casual active wear). These look more polished than big tees and baggy shorts, but are super heat-beaters. They don't wrinkle and they pack small, all important in my book!

I did not pack a raincoat. It did end up raining on the day we were supposed to ride horses. I bought a jacket at RCL, which of course made the rain stop before we actually rode. ;) Doing it again, I think I would have thrown in a tiny disposable poncho, just in case.

HTH! You're going to have a great time!
Our family does not use the backpacks on the tours. In China a vendors became aware of the group and the bargining became harder. Only one of our family carries the needed supplies.
Kristilew - Do you wear a bathing suit under your clothes on the rafting day, or just clothes you don't mind getting wet?

Also - did you bring a hat?
Wow! Kristilew definitely got the packing issue answered!!!

I don't plan on using the backpack as a carryon. I prefer something a tad more substantial that I can fit essentials in, in case my suitcase goes missing. And last year, we got messenger bags, not backpacks, and only one person brought theirs -- and used it on the bus.

That said, I *do* plan on using the backpack as a backpack... to carry water & snacks and a rainjacket, etc on the hikes. It looks perfect for that.

The only times I wore anything besides a T-shirt on top would be the welcome dinner and the dinner at the Red Cliffs Lodge (and I should have for the farewell dinner). But all that meant was wearing a nicer casual top rather than a T-shirt. Nothing was actually "fancy".

You will ABSOLUTELY want to bring a hat! For the hiking days, for the river rafting, etc. The sun out West is pretty serious, and a hat will save you from burning/heat exhaustion/etc. I actually brought 2, one slouchy canvas hat, and a packable straw hat. I also ended up buying a knit hat that had ear flaps, as the wind was pretty fierce, and I have some ear issues in the wind.

Most everyone did wear bathing suits for the rafting, under shorts & some sort of light shirt/sports top (they recommended not to wear T-shirts, as they get too heavy when wet).

I'm an olive-skinned beach girl, so I never wear a hat, but DH couldn't live without his. Definitely need at least a good pair of polarized sunglasses, and a hat is a great idea as well.

Lands End makes some swim suits that the bottoms are of a more sporty material instead of stretchy swimsuit fabric. I have one that is like a skort, and that is what I always use for boating/rafting kind of activities. It's just long enough to actually wear around where one would wear casual shorts, but has a swimsuit liner and dries quickly. Oh, and when I went for the link, I see they are on sale:

You could also do just a swimsuit, or a suit under some kind of drifit sports short. You don't go anywhere other than from the hotel to the raft and back again, so you don't need to be acutally "dressed."
Some people did wear crocs. The only requirement was that it have a back strap to stay on your feet. If your crocs are floppy, you could lose them if you go in the river. (Our rafting trip was very calm - the only people who went in the river did it on purpose to swim)
Thanks Kristilew and Sayhello and others for all the packing advice!

I'm still a bit confused about the backpacks though. If people are not carrying them on, but bringing them, are they checking them? They are too bulky to pack in the suitcase. Sorry to be such a obsessive dork, but there are six of us and we have to be somewhat streamlined :rotfl:

we leave in 12 days!! Yippee!!!!
I'm still a bit confused about the backpacks though. If people are not carrying them on, but bringing them, are they checking them? They are too bulky to pack in the suitcase. Sorry to be such a obsessive dork, but there are six of us and we have to be somewhat streamlined :rotfl:

we leave in 12 days!! Yippee!!!!
Mine's going in my suitcase, smooshed as flat as it will go...

Whitesides - if your family uses a backpack as a carryon on the plane anyway, bring them as such. If you prefer a rolling carryon, or have a special bag for your laptop, or something like that, then use it and don't worry about the backpacks.

You will not *need* the backpacks for your ABD. There is no point at which all six of you will need to be carrying a backpack's worth of stuff.

The only day you might want a pack for one of your party would be the Arches hike, when you need to carry two bottles of water per person. But even then, most people just put one water in their pocket and carried the other. The guides take the empties into their packs. If you had one of those lanyards for a water bottle that would be perfect, and pack a lot easier than the backpack. (or some people brought their camelbacks or runner's belts)

You will be given a duffel when you get there - actually you'll get two since you'll have two rooms. If you want a bunch of stuff on the bus, you can put it in there and leave it on the bus when you tour. I just used my regular carry-on to hold my book, ipod, and a sweater on the days we were on the bus for several hours.

I used the duffel for dirty clothes and added it to the bags that Disney moved for us. DD used her backpack for a carryon on the plane, then added it to the Disney "check" pile for the rest of the trip and just carried her DS and ipod and book in a small shoulder bag which she left on the bus.

For actual touring, I often carried nothing at all, just put a little cash in my pockets. Otherwise, I carried a small purse that slings across my body and holds a camera, lip balm, and my wallet.

The reason you're not getting a clear answer on the backpack is that everyone does something different with it. The bottom line is, if you would normally travel and tour with a backpack, then you may find it useful. Otherwise, you should bring whatever you are most comfortable with.
Kristilew is correct, of course! :thumbsup2


ETA: I should add, however, that if you plan on hiking down into the Grand Canyon at all, you will also need at least one backpack type thingy for that, also, as you should carry AT LEAST one bottle of water per person, plus snacks and a light jacket. You'll be on your own (no guides) and it got kind of nippy as we got further down into the canyon.
Kristilew is correct, of course! :thumbsup2


ETA: I should add, however, that if you plan on hiking down into the Grand Canyon at all, you will also need at least one backpack type thingy for that, also, as you should carry AT LEAST one bottle of water per person, plus snacks and a light jacket. You'll be on your own (no guides) and it got kind of nippy as we got further down into the canyon.

Yes, I forgot about hiking at GC. But in the summer, it apparently rises about 5 degrees every so many feet down you go. They said when it was in the 80's up top, it was over 100° at the bottom! Either way, layers are essential.
We leave in five days!! :yay: I'm sorry I was such a dork about the backpack carryon issue. I just picked them up from my AAA agent's office last week and see now that they will easily fit in our suitcases. I had somehow envisioned them as larger and bulkier.
Thanks for all the helpful advice leading up to our trip! I even booked our dinner reservation for the El Tovar. The only time available was 8pm, which is normally when we like to dine, however, that is our long day so I hope we don't fall asleep in our salads! :laughing:
Can't believe it is finally here! When I booked in January it seemed such a loooong way off!


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