The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

What a wonderful thing!

First Name: Avvie

Location: Peterborough, UK

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Red hair, green eyes

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Bar Manager

Do you have any kids: No but would love my own someday!

Do you have any pets: Yes, cats

Favorite activities: Travelling, photography, history, gaming, reading, singing

Favorite movie: Beauty & The Beast, Saw, Mama

Favorite color(s): Red & Gold

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle, Mickey Mouse, Olaf

A little bit about yourself: Disney Mad, also love Harry Potter! Love to travel with my camera! Interested in history, mainly Victorian London! I am a gamer, xbox & PS4 (ask me what i play!) I love to read, also my favorite band is Green Day but my favourite music genre is Country!! I'm not looking for casual fun, and distance isn't an issue with me!

A little bit about your ideal match: Somebody who loves Disney is a great start! Who loves to travel to places like Orlando, it's one thing loving Disney, but another thing if you love the parks too! Preferably someone over 25, who has a great sense of humor! Someone who's romantic and not afraid to show emotions. Who's happy to spend the night in curled up on a sofa watching Disney movies with snacks or heading to a theme park on a date!


Hi Avviexxx, Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. How many times have you been to wdw? I love the parks too not just Orlando. Favorite park is epcot, I love the food and wine festival. Favorite ride is Everest. What about you? Do you have a fav character?
First Name: Brendan

Location: Buffalo

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/Blue

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Product Manager

Do you have any kids: No, plan on having them at some point

Do you have any pets: No, but I am a big fan of dogs

Favorite activities: hockey, football, traveling, going to movies, video games, hanging with friends, golf, fires, etc

Favorite movie: I am a big fan of the Star Wars & Marvel universes, office space, Star Trek, Harry Potter

Favorite color(s): Green, Blue (I am somewhat colorblind so colors can be a real pain)

Favorite Disney character(s): Buzz Lightyear, Timone & Pumba, Mike & Sully

A little bit about yourself: I am busy working on my career as a product manager at a regional bank but find plenty of time to do the things I love like hanging with friends and playing sports. I would describe myself as a bit of an extrovert who usually likes to stay busy but can also binge watch hours of netflix at a time. Ideally I am looking for someone in their 20s with similar interests who has a plan for their life. I am also very excited to head to WDW for the first time since I was a child in June on a solo trip after a work conference :)

I would like to add a picture but cannot find the setting to change it?
First Name: Ben

Location: Northern NJ

Age: 28

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Brown hair, Brown Eyes

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Doctor (just finished medical school, will be applying for my residency in pediatrics!)

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: Yep, a bichon frise named Ellie

Favorite Activities: Comics (mostly Marvel), video games, making movies/filmmaking, television, writing, helping people, learning guitar

Favorite Movie: Captain America: Civil War, A Goofy Movie, Monsters Inc, The Avengers, Lion King, Aladdin

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Disney Characters: Goofy, Max, Mickey, Chip and Dale, literally all the Monsters Inc characters, Timone and Pumba, and the list goes on

A little bit about yourself: I love helping kids and helping their parents, which makes me want to be a pediatrician. I love dogs, reading comics, playing video games, and any and all things Marvel. Love going to New York Comic-Con. Super excited for my Disney trip coming up in March!

A little bit about your ideal match: Gotta love dogs. Also, my ideal match would be nice and sweet and would love having fun. Not required to laugh at my dumb jokes.

I was scrolling through this thread and happened to see your post. Hope the match went well for you! I'll be taking Step 1 soon so it's nice to see that people actually make it through alive...

First Name: Paul

Location: Orlando, FL (for now)

Age: 27 turning 28 soon


Hair/Eye Color: Dark Blonde, Blue

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Merchandise for the DCP

Do you have any kids: No but I would like to have children someday.

Do you have any pets: I personally do not, but my parents have two dogs.

Favorite activities: Planning trips to Disney World, anything outdoors like hiking, fishing, etc. Watching and playing sports.

Favorite movie(s): Disney: Lion King (first movie I saw in the theater) Non-Disney movie: The Blind Side

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Baloo, Donald Duck, Wreck - it -Ralph

A little bit about yourself: I am a very relaxed person and like to have fun. I like to laugh and be a little goofy once in a while. ( I have done two Disney College Programs in Disney World and I was a Disney World College Program Campus Representative at my College during my college years. I love to travel and looking for new places to travel. I just started Graduate school this month.

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who has a sense of humor and likes to have a good laugh once in a while. A person who is a Disney person who likes to go to Disney World (I try to go every year). Likes to travel and is a family person.
First Name: Michelle

Location: Westport, CT

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/Blue

Body Type: Slim

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Student

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Tennis, Swimming, Running, Watching Disney Movies, Trying New Restaurants, Going Out

Favorite movie: The Little Mermaid

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel, Belle, Mary Poppins

A little bit about yourself: High school senior who can't wait to graduate and go to college. I want to work for Disney some day, but I'll settle for owning an annual pass.

A little bit about your ideal match: I just want to meet and chat with people about how great Disney is so I can stop boring the other people in my life haha.
First Name: James

Location: Philly, PA

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Blueish Green

Body Type: Small, athletic

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Restaurant Manager / Student (need to finish that!)

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Basketball, Tennis, Old Disney Movies

Favorite movie: Toy Story

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Woody

A little bit about yourself: Restaurant Manager currently - need to figure out what to do with my life. Traveled to Disney a decent amount as a kid and would like to go back soon on my own now!

A little bit about your ideal match: My friends kinda judge my love of I figured I could find a friend to chat with who won't judge that! I've been told I'm a wild child so be prepared, lol!
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First Name: Ben (but my friends nicknamed me Benito a long time ago - I'm not latino, just a nickname!)

Location: Cleveland OH! Born and Raised!!

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Hair is dark brown, sometimes short and sometimes long...and Eyes...yeah I have two of them!

Body Type: Short, not too thin but not large...I dunno this is hard! about that!

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Student

Do you have any kids: No least I hope not...none that I know are you out there?? J/K - NO!

Do you have any pets: Had a dog growing up but she died a few years back :worried: We haven't brought ourselves to be able to replace her...

Favorite activities: Basketball, Playing Music (trumpet), Tennis

Favorite movie: It used to be Cars (I was obsessed as a boy) and I still love that an adult choice I'd say Jurassic World

Favorite color(s): Red & Blue

Favorite Disney character(s):

A little bit about yourself: 1st year music student (trumpet and music education). Didn't go to Disney a lot when we were younger but my high school years we went ALOT! My mom and sister love Disney world too! I think my dad tolerates it...

A little bit about your ideal match: Yikes...I dunno, lol! Maybe just a girl who likes to talk about Disney and doesn't take life too seriously??
First Name: Kyle

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Age: 27

Sex: male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Body Type: Average/Athletic

Occupation: Sales Consultant

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: 1 dog/1 cat

Favorite activities: Sports (watching and participating), cooking, movies, and streaming

Favorite movie: A ton

Favorite color(s): Gray

A little bit about yourself: Love to travel, trying to start my own clothing line of athletic casual clothing, while also getting into podcasting.

A little bit about your ideal match: Looking for a laid back girl who lives one day at a time and loves to travel.
First Name: Nathan

Location: Deltona, Florida

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Sales

Do you have any kids: Yes

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Theme Parks, Beaches, cooking, movies, video games, cruising, traveling,

Favorite movie: None Disney Back to the Future,

Disney: Tron or Mary Poppins

Favorite color(s): Blue / Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch

A little bit about yourself: Just ask!

A little bit about your ideal match: someone who's into the same things I am I'm not too picky lol.
What a wonderful thing!

First Name: Avvie

Location: Peterborough, UK

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Red hair, green eyes

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Bar Manager

Do you have any kids: No but would love my own someday!

Do you have any pets: Yes, cats

Favorite activities: Travelling, photography, history, gaming, reading, singing

Favorite movie: Beauty & The Beast, Saw, Mama

Favorite color(s): Red & Gold

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle, Mickey Mouse, Olaf

A little bit about yourself: Disney Mad, also love Harry Potter! Love to travel with my camera! Interested in history, mainly Victorian London! I am a gamer, xbox & PS4 (ask me what i play!) I love to read, also my favorite band is Green Day but my favourite music genre is Country!! I'm not looking for casual fun, and distance isn't an issue with me!

A little bit about your ideal match: Somebody who loves Disney is a great start! Who loves to travel to places like Orlando, it's one thing loving Disney, but another thing if you love the parks too! Preferably someone over 25, who has a great sense of humor! Someone who's romantic and not afraid to show emotions. Who's happy to spend the night in curled up on a sofa watching Disney movies with snacks or heading to a theme park on a date!


Hello Avvie, I wanted to PM you but couldn't figure out how lol
First Name: Heather

Location: SW Washington State at the Beach

Age: 38

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/green

Body Type: Curvy but fit.

Ethnicity: white

Occupation: Owner of a retail shop

Do you have any kids: No - but I have a 17 yo nephew who I have helped raise and who lives in my houshold.

Do you have any pets: YES - Dogs, cats, rabbit, chickens, ducks. I have a hobby farm.

Favorite activities: Walking, hiking, planning Disney trips, Travelling anywhere whether a day trip or a long vacation, spinning yarn, knitting, and showing my rabbits (really!) I am not a sedentary person. I do watch TV I LOVE baseball, but I don't hang out playing video games, I have too much going on.

Favorite movie: The Princess Bride, Moana, ALL Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sleepless in Seattle. Oh, there was just supposed to be one??

Favorite color(s): ALL THE COLORS! Seriously. I work with color every day. I love all colors.

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle, Merida, Moana. I am bad at choosing favorites.

A little bit about yourself: I'm a true Gemini. There are two sides to me, one is the homestead/homebody side. I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the country where I am busy taking my nephew to band events, at my business, and at my home where I have a little acre farm. I show Angora rabbits, and I travel all over doing that. I live with my nephew and my handicapped elderly mother. I have never been married, though I was involved with someone last for 10+ years. The other side of me is the travelling crazy Disney side. I've been to WDW and DL numerous times and planning trips there is a hobby. I also would love to travel more to Europe and beyond. Once the kid graduates it's a major goal. I'm wickedly sarcastic, get bored easily and I can be intense for a lot of people. I am constantly juggling my schedule, but there is room for another person here, and time to be made for the right one. It's a great big world and we can sleep when we're dead!

A little bit about your ideal match: Must love animals, love Disney, and the beach. Someone who appreciates nature and can see the beauty in things. Most of all though someone who is caring. I don't need to be cared for, or watched over. But being cared about is lovely.
First Name: Samantha

Location: Long Island, NY

Age: 25 (26 in July)

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Green/Hazel

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Currently a nanny, in the process of becoming a Child Life Specialist. Start my master's in the fall!

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: One Dog and Two Cats

Favorite activities: Traveling! I'd go every month if I could. I like biking on nice days, taking my dog to the park, reading, cooking.

Favorite movie: I fell in love with the latest Beauty and the Beast! I also loved the newest Cinderella. Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Titanic has been a favorite since I was a kid. Chick-Flicks are always on my list too!

Favorite color(s): Pink

Favorite Disney character(s): Minnie & Mickey, Belle

A little bit about yourself: I got into Disney more as an adult. I actually went down to run the half marathon for charity and it just became an obsession after that. I always loved princesses and minnie but I didn't get the chance to go more than once as a child. Something about the magic of it and forgetting your worries while you're there attracts me to it now. I also work with children so it's helpful to be up on all my Disney stuff!

A little bit about your ideal match: While I am single, straight and looking, I'm also interested in finding a travel buddy - preferably female. I so badly want to buy an annual pass and go but haven't taken the plunge to go alone. I would like to find prince charming too. Looking for ages 25-32 and lives on Long Island (might be hard on here). Not looking for long distance. Someone who is on a career track and has a college degree is important to me. I'd hope they could make me laugh, support me and be willing to travel!

PS I don't know how to add a picture..gotta figure that out. I'm new!
First Name: Patrick

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Hazel

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Operations Manager

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes a dog

Favorite activities: Pretending to look busy at work, Hockey..... because I'm Canadian and it's what we do

Favorite movie: None Disney Jurassic park, Disney Robin Hood

Favorite color(s): Red

Favorite Disney character(s): The Genie

A little bit about yourself: Out going and talkative, I enjoy playing hockey, guitar, and can waste weekends playing video games.

A little bit about your ideal match: Some one who we can both be our 100% self around. Can share this obsession of Disney with and can be a kick *** partner in crime

Hi Patrick,

I think I saw you in another forum. Aren't you going to WDW soon? Safe travels!
First Name: Maureen

Location: Chicago

Age: 36

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown

Body Type: Big and Beautiful

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Education

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes: Cats

Favorite activities: Golfing, running, Disney, reading

Favorite movie: Mary Poppins & Up

Favorite color(s): Anything bright

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey & Minnie; Mary Poppins & Burt; Alice in Wonderland + gang

A little bit about yourself: Oftentimes I'm all-too-nice to people, but that is mostly because I believe in the best in life. I am a teacher and care for my students. I'm a hard worker and spend a lot of time at work. I'm a friendly person and am up for finding friends, both male and female.

A little bit about your ideal match: I am well educated and goal-oriented, and I look for the same in a partner. I look for someone with strong morals and values and loves Disney.
16426169_10202882118649770_4307272958499362625_n.jpg First Name: Kathleen

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Age: 47

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Brown

Body Type: I'm 5' 3" and an average build I guess

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: IT Manager

Do you have any kids: 2 sons who are out on their own

Do you have any pets: 2 Labs.:dog2:

Favorite activities: Travel, Walking, Exercise, Movies.

Favorite movie(s): James Bond, Jason Bourne, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, anything by Mel Brooks, The Princess Bride, The Muppet Movie, Harry Potter. Favorite Disney / Pixar Movies: Up, Wall-E, Inside Out, Beauty and The Beast, Mulan, Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid, The Aristocats, The Rescuers, Mary Poppins.

Favorite color(s): Blue and Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Carl and Ellie, Dug, Belle, Beaker

A little bit about yourself: I'm naturally an introvert but I definitely open up once I know someone. I'm close to my sons and my mom. In addition to Disney, I like to travel to other places as well. I'm taking my mom to Rome and London in December 2017. After my divorce, I decided to return to school to finish my degree in business. I have about 30 credits left to finish. As a person, I try to be open with my friends and family and I would ask the same of someone I date.

A little bit about your ideal match: I really am looking for the Carl to my Ellie. Someone with honesty, integrity and a sense of humor who likes Disney.
First Name: Lauren

Location: York, SC

Age: 26

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Hazel with blue and green

Body Type: Plus size but trying to lose weight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Teacher

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes a dog

Favorite activities: Reading, traveling, going to concerts

Favorite movie: Beauty and the Beast, Lord of the rings, Marvel movies, Harry Potter. I have a lot

Favorite color(s): Mint, teal, blue, green

Favorite Disney character(s): Belle, Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Gaston, Alice, Mary Poppins, Jack Sparrow

A little bit about yourself: I am a preschool teacher who is obsessed with Disney. I am a small town from the south who wants to see the world. I am very laid back. I have been to Disney 3 times, but planning my 4th trip. I love music and go to concerts. I am also a huge nerd that reads comic books and goes to comic cons.

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who loves Disney. Who can be laid back but be serious when needed. I like someone who likes to have fun and loves to travel. I also want someone with a sense of humor.
First Name: Heather

Location: Southern Georgia

Age: 29 (30 in August)

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde / Blue

Body Type: Average to chunky

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Legal secretary

Do you have any kids: No, and I don't want any. Don't mind if you have some already though.

Do you have any pets: No, but I love my parents' dog as if she were my own.

Favorite activities: Binge-watching shows on Netflix; nail art; making Minnie ears and doing other crafty things; reading; visiting historic sites

Favorite movie: There are a lot, but here are a few: V for Vendetta, Inception, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Air Force One

Favorite color(s): Green and silver

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel, Rapunzel, Moana, and Hei Hei

A little bit about yourself: I'm pretty Type-A...I really love lists and having a plan. But I'm also pretty flexible in changing those plans once I get where I'm going. I'll try anything (really, literally almost anything) once, but I'm pretty inflexible about the things I don't like. The older I get, the more my feminism shows. I'm equally happy in large groups as I am alone. I've been told I'm "hard to read" but I genuinely try to see the best in people and I try really hard not to make snap judgments, so I'm usually a pretty nice person.

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who loves Disney, or at least doesn't mind hearing about it a lot (because I really talk about it a lot). Someone who can make me laugh, but doesn't make me feel like I'm being laughed AT. Like-minded in terms of morality and political views would be nice, because honestly, I don't get a lot of that where I live. I have a lot of emotional baggage, so I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship right away, so someone that would be cool with that and not push it. And please, for the love of god, do not give me any cheesy pick-up lines because I have absolutely no patience for it and I don't think it's cute, even if you're being ironic about it.


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