The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

First Name: Dana

Location: Tulsa

Age: 37

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color:Hazel

Body Type: few extra pounds


Occupation: Production Asst

Do you have any kids:2 (girl 13 & boy 10)

Do you have any pets: a rabbit named Princess Buttercup

Favorite activities: Travelling to any Disney destination

Favorite movie:

Favorite color(s):Purple

Favorite Disney character(s):MICKEY

A little bit about yourself: I am a huge disney fan, big heart & very outgoing. Most men say I am cute & lots of fun. I have a good job, own my own home & car. I love to travel, I have been on 5 disney cruises & can't wait to find someone special to go on new boat with. If I ever remarry I want a DIsney wedding, either Disney World or Cruise. I would be willing to relocated possibly eventually for right guy.

A little bit about your ideal match: My idea guy would be someone that is financially stable, loves disney & kids (thinks he could love someone ele's kids), likes to travel. I'm looking for a partner not someone that I need to take care of financially or otherwise.

I can send pics through yahoo email.
First Name: Jennie

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Age: 25

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Red hair, green eyes

Body Type: average, 5'8"

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Librarian

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: 1 cat, 1 dog

Favorite activities: I love doing things associated with Disney, going to movies, shows, talking about it... I also like reading and playing the occasional video game. Most of all I love just getting out of the house to hang out with friends.

Favorite Disney movie: Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, Meet the Robinsons

Favorite non-Disney movie: Star Trek, Repo the Genetic Opera, Inception, The Twelve, Going the Distance

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel, Stitch

A little bit about yourself: I graduated last year with my a degree in Information and Library Science. Since then I have been hopping around to a few different jobs while I look for a place to settle down in. I enjoy getting out of the house to do things, but I am not particularly outdoorsy.

A little bit about your ideal match: A fun easy going person. As someone who is rather independent, I would like someone who can also make do for themselves. Some one who enjoys being social, but can help make me comfortable as I can be shy around new people.
First Name: Jonathan (John)

Location: Pittsburgh PA

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/Blue

Body Type: Average with some muscle

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Zoo Docent

Do you have any kids: 1 son who's 2

Do you have any pets: a cat

Favorite activities: Going to Disney, reading, and Netflix

Favorite movie: Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Labyrinth, Dark Knight, Sporited Away

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch and Nemo

A little bit about yourself: I'm a big Disney nerd, but I also love comics and Doctor Who. I live about 20 minutes outside Pittsburgh PA. I have a two year old son.

A little bit about your ideal match: Must love Disney. A plus if she likes comics or Doctor Who. Must be kind with a good sense of humor.

If you'd like to chat, my Skype is also TemplarProphet.
First Name: Rhonda

Location: Tylertown, Mississippi

Age: 44

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/Blue

Body Type: Average to a few extra pounds

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Gifted/ Talented teacher

Do you have any kids: 2 daughters. The youngest is 17 and a junior in high school. The oldest is 23, married has 1 year old son.

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Going to Disney, reading

Favorite movie: Men in Black series, Back to the Future series, Vacation movies ANYTHING with Mel Brooks in it!!

Favorite color(s): red

Favorite Disney character(s): Peter Pan and Mulan

A little bit about yourself: I'm a big Disney nerd who is constantly trying to plan my next trip. I'm very low or no drama type of purpose. I'm active in my church and since my youngest is in the 11th grade I figure it's now timet o start dating again.

A little bit about your ideal match: As my profile on a dating website says, "Must love Disney". I actually decided not to date guys who haven't been. I want someone who is also low drama, has a job (LOL not to support me but so I don't have to support THEM! LOL) and a great sense of humor.

If you'd like to chat, my yahoo messenger is Rhongepooh43
I guess I should do this, since I've already popped into the social thread.

First Name: Heather

Location: Northern California

Age: 36

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/blue

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Student/Soldier

Do you have any kids: 2 daughters, 14 and 16

Do you have any pets: 2 cats, Lucky and Dopey

Favorite activities: Planning trips to Disney, reading, movie watching, running, riding roller coasters, cooking, eating, driving, hiking...

Favorite movie: Say Anything and the Princess Bride

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): Goofy/Elliot from Pete's Dragon

A little bit about yourself: I just returned from a tour in Afghanistan with the National Guard and am taking some time off from working to go to school and hang out with my kids. I've been divorced for about 10 years and haven't really dated since, been busy with being a mom and working. Maybe now is the time? I'm an agnostic atheist, politically centrist independent, stubborn and according to all of my kids' friends, awesome.

A little bit about your ideal match: Male, breathing. ;) Seriously, no political extremists, either right or left wing. The President is a US citizen and 9/11 was not an inside job. Please. Must have a good sense of humor, must be able to make fun of himself. Athletic is good, but super scary muscular is not. Not religious is also good, militant atheism, not so much. No homophobes either, I have many LGBT friends and family members. Other than that, I'm not picky. :rolleyes:
First Name: Stacey

Location: Long Island, NY

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown / Brown

Body Type: Pooh Sized

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Occupation: Owner of my own princess party company

Do you have any kids: 2 y/o son

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Going to Disney, Talking on the phone, Hanging with friends, Watching movies

Favorite Disney movie:Tangled because I love the story

Favorite color(s): Pink

Favorite Disney character(s): Dopey and Jiminey Cricket

A little bit about yourself: Going through a divorce, I absolutely love Disney and everything about it. I have a little boy that is obsessed with Cars, we watch it every day - sometimes several times daily. He will be 2 in July and he is my whole world.

A little bit about your ideal match: I am looking for someone who shares my love for all things Disney. I want him to be willing to go on trips and he of course, must accept the fact that I have an amazing little boy <3
First Name: Stephanie

Location: Orlando, Fl

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Blondish Red/Brown

Body Type: Average. I like to workout and run so I'm starting to get toner now.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Tour Guide/Education

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Not at the moment, but hopefully will at some point sooner rather than later.

Favorite activities: Hanging out with friends at the parks, BBQs, or anywhere else. I also scuba dive and enjoy just being outside in general.

Favorite movie: Such a hard decision... I really like a variety of movies from horror to comedy to dramas, etc. I really enjoyed the Hunger Games and This Means War recently.

Favorite color(s):Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Dory or Stitch

A little bit about yourself: I love just hanging out and relaxing. I love animals, especially considering my job has me working to some degree with different animals. I am also a water baby... I swam for 14 years, surfed when I lived in Southern California, competed in triathlons and open water swims, and scuba dive.

A little bit about your ideal match: He really just needs to be nice, make me laugh, enjoys life and is just looking to have a good time. I like a guy who knows what he wants in life and is working towards it. On the flip side, while he knows what he wants, he also knows to have time for some fun (aka not a workaholic but not lazy). If he likes to workout or run, that's always a plus. I like to run (especially runDisney events) and wouldn't mind a running buddy :goodvibes
:welcome: everyone! Just want to remind everyone that there is a great group over at the Singles Social Club thread. It's a great place to actually chat and get to know everyone, and we even have a couple meets planned later this year in case anyone wants to meet up with some of your fellow Disney loving singles!

Don't be shy.... and don't let the size of the thread scare you away. We tend to be very ADD with our conversations so you can easily just jump in without needing to read the entire thread.
First Name: Jaimie

Location: Boston area

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown / Eyes Like the Sea After a Storm (in other words, I have no idea! honestly, my mother and my license say two completely different things!)

Body Type: Somewhere between Tigger and Pooh

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: College Math Professor

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: No, though my sister's beagle loves me best!

Favorite activities: Going to WDW (obviously), planning trips to WDW (seriously, I have a LOT of fun crunching numbers... it's unnatural), trivia nights, movies, live theater (especially Broadway), traveling, and collecting Vinylmations

Favorite movie: Tough question without a genre... I'd probably say The Nightmare Before Christmas, Little Shop of Horrors, and Love Actually are generally in the top 10 more than most other movies.

Favorite color(s): Red

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch (even after becoming a Magic Kingdom pariah I still find his antics to be funny)

A little bit about yourself: Other than what's up above this section? Hmm... I'm still in grad school going for my doctorate and trying to miraculously afford more trips to WDW at the same time, I am pretty geeky (hence the love of trivia), I've been playing the piano for my whole life but also am trying to learn the guitar (I need to be able to play Billy Joel's Only the Good Die Young entirely on my own), I love parenthetical asides (mostly because I'm terrible with grammar and this is how I hide it), and I actually enjoy creating ridiculous dating profiles (I am "NotTornado27" on okcupid, a profile I created entirely as a joke after my sister told me I had to make one, and yet it gets more hits and e-mails than any real dating profile I've ever created)... whew.

A little bit about my match: If you read through this entire profile and you're a non-smoking female, you're probably my match! I enjoy meeting people regardless of whether or not they're my soul mate, so say hi and I promise to be friendly!

Do you have a link for the club. I found it but last post was in 2011. So must be a different one.

:welcome: everyone! Just want to remind everyone that there is a great group over at the Singles Social Club thread. It's a great place to actually chat and get to know everyone, and we even have a couple meets planned later this year in case anyone wants to meet up with some of your fellow Disney loving singles!

Don't be shy.... and don't let the size of the thread scare you away. We tend to be very ADD with our conversations so you can easily just jump in without needing to read the entire thread.
Think it's time to update my profile:

First Name:Laura

Location: Metro south Boston

Age: 40

Sex: female

Hair/Eye Color: red/blue

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: food service

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: 2 cats

Favorite activities: Trips to Disney, pub trivia, singing, reading, traveling

Favorite movie: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Titanic

Favorite color(s): Blue/Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel of course

A little bit about yourself: Love travel planning, singing in a local chorus, oldest child, still single. Looking for someone who also has the"travel bug" especially loves all things Disney.


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